What trees grow in the Chelyabinsk region. Plants of the Urals. Flora of the Chelyabinsk region

Often people act cruelly, and those around them suffer from their actions. In the story “Warm Bread,” the writer teaches a lesson when the actions of one boy, Filka, almost led to disaster. This story is similar to a fairy tale, because there are elements of mysticism. But the desire to correct your mistakes can help you correct everything. And kindness will correct even the worst deed.

The main character of this work, with the help of which Paustovsky shows us his thoughts, is the boy Filka.

Characteristics of the hero

Filka appears at the beginning of the story as unsociable and angry. If the neighborhood kids asked him for help, he refused to help them and answered rudely and harshly. His phrase, uttered at the same time, became the boy’s nickname: “Fuck you!”

The image of Filka at the beginning of the story is well shown in his behavior with the horse.

Once a horse, wounded at the front, hobbled into the village and was sheltered in his yard by the miller Pankrat. Thanks to the miller's care, the horse recovered and began to diligently help his good savior. But due to poverty, he could not feed his four-legged assistant well. Therefore, the horse walked around the village every day, begging or looking for food.

One day he wandered into Filka’s yard, hoping that the boy would give him something to eat. Filka treated the horse cruelly. First, luring the animal with bread, the boy hit the animal on the lips. And the bread that he held in his hands was trampled into the snow. The horse neighed offendedly. At this moment, even nature itself was probably offended by Filka’s prank along with the horse. A cold one came here, strong wind, bringing with it the bitter cold. Due to severe cold, the river froze and the village mill stopped working. The villagers were in danger of starvation without bread. Not only did they not have flour now, they also did not have water, because the wells were frozen. This was the price to pay for one man’s heartlessness.

The grandmother told how, once upon a time, such a cold also happened due to the cruelty and rudeness of a soldier. And then many people died. The person responsible for the incident was scared. With the help of other village boys, the boy tried with all his might to change the situation. First he came to the miller with the question of how to save people. He advised Filka to look for ways to correct his behavior himself. Then the child ran to the village and began to call everyone to cut through the ice in the pond near the mill so that the mill could be started and the grain could be ground for bread. When people cut through the ice and the mill started working, the cold also receded.

Filka realized his mistake and corrected it. He still ran home, waited until the bread was baked and brought warm bread to the horse, apologizing to him. The horse forgave the boy because he took the treat from his hands.

Character image

The boy at the beginning of the story appears cruel, angry, harsh. And then, after his grandmother talked to him and told him that such a disaster had already happened in the village because of the cruelty of one person, the boy realized his mistake. This ability of his helped the boy to change. This speaks of the boy’s ability to think and analyze his behavior and understand that only kindness helps save the world.

The scene when the boy asked the horse for forgiveness speaks of the presence in Filka’s character of willpower, the ability to overcome himself and admit his mistakes. And his work at the mill shows the boy’s hard work and organizational skills.

This story teaches people kindness and the ability to love people, animals, and nature.

There are many stories that talk about how to live correctly, what actions to avoid, what to truly value. Usually the author talks about these difficult truths in the form of an instructive story. Paustovsky - recognized master small novella. In his writings there is always a motive of high civic thoughts and loyalty to his duty. In addition, his works combine a lively story with a heartfelt description of nature. “Warm Bread” is a wonderful example of the writer’s artistic skill. We will talk about this work in this article.

A cautionary tale

During his life, Konstantin Paustovsky composed many outstanding works. “Warm Bread” is a story for children in which the author teaches little readers not to do bad things and never offend defenseless people and animals. This work is more like a fairy tale, even a parable, where the Christian commandments about warmth of soul and love for one's neighbor.

Title of the work

Konstantin Paustovsky gave a meaningful title to his story. "Warm bread" is a symbol vitality and spiritual generosity. In Rus', peasants obtained bread through hard work, and therefore their attitude towards it was careful and reverent. And there have been fresh baked goods for many years the best treat on the table in every home. The aroma of bread in Paustovsky’s story has miraculous powers; it makes people kinder and cleaner.

Beginning of the work

Paustovsky begins his story with a short introduction. “Warm Bread” tells the story of how once, during the war, a combat cavalry detachment walked through the village of Berezhki. At this time, a shell exploded on the outskirts and wounded the black horse in the leg. The animal could not go further, and the old miller Pankrat took him in. He was an eternally gloomy man, but very quick to get to work, whom the local children secretly considered a sorcerer. The old man cured the horse and began to carry on it everything that was necessary for equipping the mill.

Further, Paustovsky’s story “Warm Bread” tells that the time described in the work was very difficult for ordinary people. Many did not have enough food, so Pankrat could not feed the horse alone. Then the animal began to walk around the yards and ask for food. They brought him stale bread, beet tops, even carrots, because they believed that the horse was “social” and suffered for a just cause.

Boy Filka

In his work, Konstantin Paustovsky described the changes that, under the influence of circumstances, occurred in the soul of a child. "Warm Bread" is a story about a boy named Filka. He lived with his grandmother in the village of Berezhki and was rude and distrustful. The hero responded to all reproaches with the same phrase: “Fuck you!” One day Filka was sitting at home alone and eating delicious bread sprinkled with salt. At this time, a horse came into the yard and asked for food. The boy hit the animal on the lips and threw the bread into the loose snow with the words: “You, Christ-loving people, won’t get enough!”

These evil words became a signal for the beginning of extraordinary events. A tear rolled down from the horse's eyes, he neighed offendedly, waved his tail, and at that moment a severe frost fell on the village. The snow that flew up immediately covered Filka's throat. He rushed into the house and locked the door behind him with his favorite saying: “Fuck you!” However, I listened to the noise outside the window and realized that the blizzard was whistling exactly like the tail of an angry horse beating its sides.

Bitter cold

Paustovsky describes amazing things in his story. “Warm Bread” talks about the bitter cold that fell to the ground after Filka’s rude words. The winter that year was warm, the water near the mill did not freeze, but then such frost struck that all the wells in Berezhki froze to the very bottom, and the river was covered with a thick crust of ice. Now all the people in the village faced inevitable death by starvation, because Pankrat could not grind flour at his mill.

Old legend

Next, Konstantin Paustovsky talks about the old legend. “Warm Bread,” through the mouth of Filka’s old grandmother, describes the events that happened in the village a hundred years ago. Then the crippled soldier knocked on the door of a wealthy peasant and asked for food. The sleepy and angry owner responded by throwing a piece of stale bread on the floor and ordering the veteran to pick up the thrown “treat” himself. The soldier picked up the bread and saw that it was completely covered with green mold and could not be eaten. Then offended person He went out into the yard, whistled, and an icy cold fell on the ground, and the greedy man died “from a cold heart.”

Awareness of the act

Paustovsky came up with an instructive parable. “Warm Bread” describes the terrible turmoil that occurred in the soul of the frightened boy. He realized his mistake and asked his grandmother if he and the rest of the people had any hope of salvation. The old woman replied that everything would work out if the person who committed the evil repented. The boy realized that he needed to make peace with the offended horse, and at night, when his grandmother fell asleep, he ran to the miller.

The Path to Repentance

“Filka’s path was not easy,” writes Paustovsky. The writer talks about how the boy had to overcome severe cold, such that even the air seemed frozen and he had no strength to breathe. At the miller's house, Filka could no longer run and could only heavily roll over the snowdrifts. Sensing the boy, a wounded horse neighed in the barn. Filka got scared and sat down, but then Pankrat opened the door, saw the child, dragged him by the collar into the hut and sat him down by the stove. With tears, Filka told the miller everything. He called the boy a “senseless citizen” and ordered him to come up with a way out of this situation in an hour and a quarter.

Invented way

Next, Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky plunges his hero into deep thoughts. In the end, the boy decided in the morning to gather all the village children on the river and start cutting ice with them near the mill. Then water will flow, the ring can be turned, the device will warm up and begin to grind flour. So the village will again have both flour and water. The miller doubted that the guys would want to pay for Filka’s stupidity with their humps, but promised that he would talk to the local old people so that they too would go out on the ice.

Getting rid of the cold

Wonderful picture joint work K. G. Paustovsky draws in his work (the stories of this author are particularly expressive). It tells how all the children and old people went out to the river and began to cut ice. Fires blazed around, axes clattered, and with everyone’s efforts, people defeated the cold. True, the warm summer wind that suddenly blew from the south also helped. The chatty magpie, who heard the conversation between Filka and the miller and then flew away in an unknown direction, bowed to everyone and said that it was she who managed to save the village. She allegedly flew to the mountains, found a warm wind there, woke it up and brought it with her. However, no one except the crows understood the magpie, so its merits remained unknown to people.

Reconciliation with the horse

Paustovsky's story "Warm Bread" is a wonderful example of prose for children. In it, the writer talked about how the little rude man learned to do good deeds and watch his words. After water appeared on the river again, the mill ring turned and freshly ground flour flowed into the bags. From it the women kneaded a sweet, tight dough and baked fragrant bread from it. The smell from the rosy baked goods with cabbage leaves burnt to the bottom was such that even foxes crawled out of their holes in the hope of feasting on it. And the guilty Filka, together with the guys, came to Pankrat to make peace with the wounded horse. He was holding a loaf of bread in his hands fresh bread, and the tiny boy Nikolka carried after him a large wooden container with salt. The horse at first backed away and did not want to accept the gift, but Filka cried so desperately that the animal had mercy and took the fragrant bread from the boy’s hands. When the wounded horse had eaten, he laid his head on Filka’s shoulder and closed his eyes from pleasure and satiety. Peace was restored and spring came to the village again.

Bread symbol

Paustovsky called “Warm Bread” one of his favorite compositions. The genre of the work can be defined as a parable about basic Christian values. The symbol of bread plays a key role in it. If black human ingratitude can be compared to the stale crust of moldy bread, then kindness and spiritual generosity can be compared to a sweet and fresh loaf. The boy who carelessly threw a cut piece of wood into the snow committed a very bad act. He not only offended the wounded horse, but also neglected the product created by hard work. For this Filka was punished. Only the threat of starvation helped him understand that even a stale piece of bread must be treated with respect.

Collective responsibility

Schoolchildren study the story “Warm Bread” (Paustovsky) in fifth grade. Analyzing this work, children often wonder why the whole village had to answer for the bad deed of one boy. The answer is contained in the story itself. The fact is that Filka suffered from extreme egocentrism and did not notice anyone around him. He was unkind to his grandmother and dismissive with his friends. And only the threat hanging over all the village residents helped the boy feel responsible for the fate of other people. When the guys came to the aid of the gloomy and distrustful Filka, they melted not only the river, but also his icy heart. Therefore, the summer wind blew over Berezhki even before the boy made peace with the horse.

The role of nature in the work

In the story “Warm Bread” (Paustovsky), the analysis of which is presented in this article, a large role is played by mighty forces nature. At the very beginning of the work it is said that the winter in the village was warm, the snow melted before reaching the ground, and the river near the mill did not freeze. The weather was warm in Berezhki until they fed and took pity on the wounded horse. However, Filka’s cruel words and his bad behavior aroused great anger in nature. A fierce cold immediately set in, shackling the river and depriving people of hope for food. The boy had to overcome first the cold in his soul, then the cold on the street, in order to atone for his guilt. And only when people all went out onto the ice together to save the village, a fresh summer breeze blew as a symbol of Filka’s spiritual rebirth.

The power of a word

K. G. Paustovsky was a real Christian. The writer's stories are permeated with kindness and love for people. In the work "Warm Bread" he showed how important it is to monitor not only your actions, but also your words. Filka’s cruel phrase, ringing in the air, made everything around freeze, because the boy, without realizing it, had committed a terrible evil. After all, it is precisely from human callousness and indifference that the most serious crimes arise, which could have been prevented with a different attitude. To apologize to the offended horse, Filka did not need words; he actually proved that he repented of own actions. And the boy’s sincere tears finally atoned for his guilt - now he will never dare to be cruel and indifferent.

Real and fabulous

Paustovsky Konstantin Georgievich skillfully combined fairy-tale and real motifs in his creations. For example, in “Warm Bread” there are ordinary heroes: Pankrat, Filka, his grandmother, and the rest of the villagers. And invented ones: magpie, forces of nature. The events that occur in the work can also be divided into real and fabulous. For example, there is nothing unusual in the fact that Filka offended the horse, asked Pankrat about how to correct what he had done, broke ice on the river with the guys and made peace with the animal. But the magpie, which brings with it the summer wind, and the cold that befell the village at the call of an angry horse, are clearly out of bounds ordinary life. All events in the work are organically intertwined, creating a single picture. Thanks to this, “Warm Bread” can be called both a fairy tale and an instructive story at the same time.

Old words

Paustovsky actively uses folklore motifs in his work. “Warm Bread,” the content of which is replete with ancient words and expressions, confirms this. The meaning of many archaisms is not familiar to modern children. For example, people who beg for alms were called Christians in Rus'. This word was never considered offensive; everyone gave to those in need as much as they could. However, in the story it takes on a negative connotation, because Filka offended the wounded horse, actually calling him a beggar.

Other archaisms are often used in the story: “kartuz”, “battleya”, “pozhukhli”, “nashkodil”, “treukh”, “yar”, “osokori” and others. They give the work a special flavor, bringing it closer to folk fairy tale motifs.

Sin and repentance

You need to be held accountable for bad deeds. Paustovsky talks about this in his story. “Warm Bread,” whose heroes managed to overcome the cold, testifies that they also coped with the cold that reigned in the soul of the little boy. At first, Filka was simply scared, but did not realize the depth of his guilt. The boy’s grandmother probably guessed what had happened, but did not scold him, but told him an instructive tale, because the child himself had to realize his mistake. Pankrat taught Filka another lesson - he forced him to independently come up with a way out of the current situation. Only through sincere repentance and hard work did the boy manage to win forgiveness. higher powers. Good again defeated evil, and the thawed soul of the child warmed a crust of fresh bread with its warmth.


World literature knows many stories with a fascinating plot and an instructive ending. One of them was invented by Paustovsky (“Warm Bread”). Reviews of this work indicate that Konstantin Georgievich managed to touch the hearts of his little readers and convey to them important concepts about mercy, love for one's neighbor and responsibility. In an accessible form, the writer described the consequences that rash actions and offensive words can lead to. After all, the main character of the story did not want to harm anyone, but he made a serious mistake. At the very end of the story it is said that Filka is not an evil boy, and sincerely repents of his actions. And the ability to admit your mistakes and take responsibility for them is one of the most important human qualities.

What does the fairy tale “Warm Bread” teach?

    A very beautiful fairy tale by Konstantin Paustovsky, Warm Bread, teaches us several things at once. First of all, like any other fairy tale, it teaches kindness, kind attitude towards people and good relations to animals. After all, all the troubles, namely the frost that shackled the mill, came after the evil act of the boy Filka, who did not treat the sick horse with warm bread, but annoyedly threw a piece of bread into the snow. The same incident already happened in the village, when bread flew to the floor and did not go to a wounded soldier. The second lesson of the fairy tale is that you need to correct your mistakes yourself and no one else will do it for you. The conclusion that bread is the main wealth is typical for any work describing the years of famine. And finally, an interesting character, Magpie, who shows us that there will always be someone who will take credit for the merits of others.

    The fairy tale by K. G. Paustovsky Warm Bread was written in the difficult post-war times. The main character of the story is the boy Filka. Throughout the tale, the process of transformation of the boy’s soul is traced. From embittered and rude, he turns into kind and sympathetic. His grandmother helped him in this, who, with her instructive story about a peasant and a soldier, revived the boy’s heart. Filka realizes all the evil of her act with the horse and at the end of the fairy tale reconciles with him, giving him a whole loaf of bread. The fairy tale teaches us responsiveness, justice, love for people and animals, friendship and forgiveness. The author wanted to show us how each of us needs to learn to fight bitterness in ourselves, how to ask for forgiveness, how to fight our pride. The fairy tale will be useful to read not only for children, but also for their parents.

    Paustovsky’s work, which is called Warm Bread, contains a deep meaning, and it calls us to kindness, as well as to empathy and compassion for other people, for animals, for nature and for all living things.

    And what’s important is that there is a red thread there that hints at the fact that any person can be changed or re-educated, but for this you don’t need to read moral teachings, you just need to show or tell with a common example how things can be different.

    Pride is a huge sin that can often overwhelm a person, and if you eradicate it in yourself and think that it is bad, then you can reach another level and understand that it is kindness that makes a person better.

    The tale tells about difficult war times. Winter. In the village of Berezhki, a black horse appears, wounded in the leg by a German shell. The villagers accept him and help him whenever possible. After all, the horse suffered from the enemy. The horse took root in the mill of the miller Pankrat. But there is not enough food and the horse begs at the gates of the residents. They willingly bring him food. But in the village there is a quarrelsome and gloomy boy, Filka, nicknamed Fuck you. The horse comes to the gate of Filka’s house and asks for food. Filka leaves the house, holding a crust of black bread and salt in his hands. The horse asks for bread, but Filka roughly hits the horse on the lips and throws the edge into the snow. The horse was very offended. Severe frosts come to the village. The water in the mill freezes and the mill does not work. You can't grind grain, there's no flour. Villagers talk about great injustice and human malice that caused such frosts. And Filka’s grandmother tells him a story about a wounded soldier and a man. The soldier asked for bread, but the man refused and only brought out a moldy crust. Because of this, frosts came to the village and evil person froze and died. Filka gets scared. He wants to correct his actions. He tells the miller what he did. The miller gives him advice. Filka helps free the mill wheel from the ice along with the village boys and other residents. The mill is working and there is flour again. Filka brings fresh and warm bread to the wounded horse - he wants to apologize and make peace. But the horse is afraid of Filka and does not take bread from him. Filka is upset, the miller Pankrat comes to his aid. He reconciles the horse and the boy. The horse takes the bread and eats the entire loaf from Filka’s hands.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Author of the presentation: teacher of Russian language and literature MBOU "Lyceum No. 1" r.p. Chamzinka of the Republic of Mordovia Pechkazova Svetlana Petrovna What does the fairy tale by K. G. Paustovsky teach " Warm bread» Didactic material for a literature lesson in 5th grade

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LESSON OBJECTIVE: to help students analyze A.P. Platonov’s fairy tale “Warm Bread”, understand the theme, idea, moral lessons, features of visual and expressive means

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The author of the fairy tale “Warm Bread,” Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky, is known as a humanist writer who, with the help of subtle humor and precise words, knows how to awaken the best in a person: kindness, empathy, compassion. V.P. Astafiev It seems to me that real writers always have a particle of something fabulous in their feeling of joy from a completed work. It was as if the writer took his friend’s hand tightly and led him into life, into a country full of events and light. "Look!" “he says, and the doors of houses open in front of his friend, and he sees touching and sad, funny and heroic stories.” K. Paustovsky (“The Joy of Creativity”)

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” What is it like? story line fairy tales “Warm Bread”? When the cavalrymen passed through the village of Berezhki, an enemy shell exploded on the outskirts and wounded a black horse, and it remained in Berezhki. And then the war ended with our complete victory. The old miller Pankrat took out his wounded horse and, with his help, restored the mill. People were able to grind grain and bake bread from flour. Life in the village began to improve, but the boy Filka, nicknamed “Well, You,” offended the horse - he did not share the bread, and even threw a piece of bread on the ground. Suddenly it came severe frost, everything was covered with ice, even the mill wheel was frozen. And it would have been bad for everyone if Filka had not thought of asking the horse for forgiveness and bringing warm bread for reconciliation. The sun shone and the ice began to melt.

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” Boy Filka, nicknamed “Well, you” Who is the main character of the fairy tale “Warm Bread”? What can his nickname tell about Filka? Main character fairy tales appears before us as “silent, distrustful,” and the nickname “Well You” speaks of his laziness, selfishness, “unkindness” and even rudeness. These features of Filka showed up especially clearly in the scene with the horse: “Fuck you! Devil!" - Filka shouted and hit the horse in the mouth with a backhand.”

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” Boy Filka, nicknamed “Well, you” at the beginning of the fairy tale, rude, angry, proud, indifferent

Slide 9

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” Why did Filka hit the horse? The miller Pankrat took pity on the wounded horse and gave him shelter. But it was not easy for the elderly man to feed his horse in winter. The animal was fed by all the residents of the village of Berezhki: they brought it out stale bread, carrots, beet tops - whoever could. Only the indifferent boy Filka did not feed the animal. Filka hit the hungry horse on the lips, which reached for the edge of the bread, and threw the slice into the snow.

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” What is the retribution for a cruel act? Nature seemed to rebel because of this ill-treatment with horse. From this moment on, fantastic events begin to happen in the fairy tale. The horse “swished its tail and immediately... a piercing wind whistled, the snow blew up...”. A snowstorm immediately began and the water at the mill froze. And now the whole village risked remaining hungry, since there was no way to grind grain into flour and bake delicious buns from it.

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” What story does grandma tell? The story told to Filka by her grandmother is also similar to a fairy tale. The grandmother remembered a similar act towards a legless, hungry soldier. The culprit of that incident soon died, and the nature of the village of Berezhki did not please with either a flower or a leaf for another 10 years. After all, then there was also a snowstorm and it became sharply cold.

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” Who did Filka turn to for help? Filka realized his bad deed and decided to improve. In the bitter cold, he went to the miller Pankrat for help. Pankrat advised the boy to invent an escape from the cold and gave Filka an hour and a quarter to do this.

Slide 13

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” What did Filka come up with? Frightened by such consequences of his action, Filimon gathered the guys to break the ice around the mill with axes and crowbars. Old people also came to help. Grown men were at the front then. People worked all day, and nature appreciated their efforts.

Slide 14

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” How did the boy atone for his guilt? In the village of Berezhki, a warm wind suddenly blew, and water poured onto the blades of the mill. Filka's grandmother baked bread from the ground flour, the boy took one loaf and took it to the horse. He did not immediately, but took the treat and made peace with the child, placing his head on his shoulder.

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” Boy Filka, nicknamed “Well, you” at the end of the fairy tale is soft, kind, soulful, merciful

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” What good advice from Paustovsky sounds in the fairy tale? Know how to make a mistake - know how to get better. (Proverb) To correct, to stop evil, you must commit good deed. When people get down to business together, they can do a lot. Man and nature are inseparable, and man should not forget about this. You cannot be indifferent to the world around you. You need to treat people kindly, and then life will become easier and more interesting. You must be able to forgive mistakes, because everyone can make mistakes...

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Fairy tale “Warm Bread” Name the compositional parts of the fairy tale BEGINNING FAIRY TALE (development of action) Ending fairy tales and real events fabulous and realistic A wonderful combination of persistent efforts of people and fabulous intervention of magic and fantasy transform interesting story about a wounded horse and the boy Filka into a wonderful fairy tale that helps us think about our actions and become kinder and more friendly... realistic (what, where and when)