Photo exhibition “Our View”. Photo center on Gogolevsky Boulevard. Association Photo Center History of the Photo Center building

© Plotnikov

Press release The Photo Center Association presents the exhibition “Our View”
This is the result of collective creativity, dedicated to the 180th anniversary of the invention of photography. More than 60 photographers responded to the Photo Center’s call. These are professionals and amateurs, beginners and recognized conquerors of the “photographic Olympus”. Among them are sonorous names: Yuri Trankvillitsky, Nikolai Rakhmanov, Vladimir Musaelyan, Lev Sherstennikov, Leonid Bergoltsev, Valery Plotnikov, Vladimir Vyatkin, Igor Gavrilov, Sergey Kivrin, Anatoly Khrupov, Pavel Markin, Roman Denisov, Alexander Tyagny-Ryadno, Alexander Zemlyanichenko, Victor Zagumennov, Yuri Feklistov, Farit Gubaev, Anatoly Zhdanov, Alexey Kondratiev, Nikolai Karachev...

Some of them are now deservedly resting on their laurels, while others still surprise admirers of photography with their works.

© Kirpichenkova

The main condition of this photo project is no conditions. Everyone who considered it possible to participate in it provided several “down-hole” photographs, which, as he believes, are the hallmark of his work. The result was a kind of enchanting photo kaleidoscope. The exhibition includes shots of different genres and styles: from erotica (by Alexander Prishchepov) to hard reportage photos, from genre to portrait, from landscape to sports; different times and different spaces - real and virtual from the middle of the last century to the present day. This gave a certain liberation and extravagance to the entire exhibition.

A kind of photo almanac has emerged, in which events and people of each author’s choice are reflected. Very different, very individual, with their own political, civil, aesthetic, ethical beliefs and opinions.

© Gavrilov

A few notable details:

In the photograph by Anatoly Zhdanov, US President George W. Bush, during a visit to Moscow, carefully examines Vladimir Putin’s first car, the Zaporozhets, with the question frozen on his lips: “How can it drive?”

In the photo of Alexey Kondratyev, V.V. Putin, as Prime Minister, flew to Makhachkala in 1999 to understand on the spot the alarming situation after the invasion of the territory of Dagestan by Basayev’s gangs. He was met at the airport by the then President of Dagestan Magomedov. There are military and civilians around. To the right of Putin is a close-up of a tall guy with a machine gun at the ready from the presidential guard. Today this guy works as a governor.

A respectable shot by Nikolai Rakhmanov, where the crown, scepter and orb of the kings of the Russian Empire are picturesquely captured. Today, these priceless historical relics are perceived as successive symbols of unshakable Russian statehood.

“Test of strength” is the name of Leonid Bergoltsev’s photo. Its plot is amazing. The reinforced concrete frame was surrounded by hundreds, if not thousands, of smiling young people who, apparently at the call of Komsomol organizations, placed themselves on the building structures to check them for possible collapse.

However, many of the photographs have their own interesting stories and meanings. What gives the exhibition collection a special educational significance?

In total, about 150 works by more than 60 authors are exhibited.
Opening on September 27 at 17.00.
Address: Gogolevsky Boulevard, 8 (direction to Kropotkinskaya metro station)
The exhibition will be open until October 20 every day from 11.00 to 19.00, except Mondays.

The “Photo Center” on Gogolevsky Boulevard is known to every photography fan. It seems that it has always existed here in the historical center of Moscow, not far from the Kremlin, next to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. It started its activities in 1984.

“Photo Center” consistently carries out useful and necessary work for the benefit of the development of domestic photographic art, especially Russian photojournalism... The main direction of its activity is the organization and holding of exhibitions. It has the following exhibition areas: exhibition hall - 200 sq. m. meters, gallery on the second floor - 90 sq. meters. Over the past years, the Photo Center has hosted more than 700 different photo exhibitions, in which hundreds of Russian and foreign authors took part. And this is the main task of the “Photo Center” - to popularize the best examples of photographic creativity, especially reportage photography.

Most photojournalists from well-known agencies, major newspapers and magazines, publishing houses and various kinds of photo communities presented their work in one form or another at the Photo Center.

Many young photographers started at Gogolevsky. “Photocenter” regularly organizes traveling photo exhibitions in the country and abroad. So in recent years they have been held in Ulyanovsk and Belgium, Kolomna, Germany and Vietnam, Kemerovo and Tanzania, St. Petersburg, Austria and Sri Lanka, Veliky Novgorod, Luxembourg and Denmark.

One of the priority tasks of the “Photo Center” is educational and methodological work to assist photographers in improving their professional skills, in mastering the latest technologies...

All these years, the “Photo Center” has been holding various kinds of workshops, master classes, and presentations of photographic equipment. In terms of service, “Photocenter” operates a salon store selling photographic products with a department for consignment photographic equipment.

The photo laboratory "Photo-Profi" provides digital and analogue photo printing from any media, design of photographs of various formats... There is a studio for photography on all types of documents. Carries out “Photocentre” and publishing projects. In particular, the exhibition and publishing project “President” was successfully implemented, dedicated to the anniversary of the current President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (2012) and Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev when he was President of the Russian Federation (2011).

The Photo Center has an archive containing photographic materials on Russian and Soviet photography; the photo collection on the Great Patriotic War is of particular value. “Photo Center” can rightfully be called the Photographer’s House by analogy with other creative Houses that hospitably welcome professionals in their specialized fields. A home where you can meet colleagues and friends at the next opening day, get advice, advice and support, discuss, just chat over a glass of wine... A house that is intended to be a real center for a strong corporate association of photographic reporters. A home where you are always welcome! A home whose doors are always open for mutually interesting and mutually beneficial cooperation.

The Photo Center association of the Union of Journalists of Russia is one of the most famous places in Moscow among people who are passionate about photography. The mission of this center, since its opening in 1984, has been the active promotion of photographic art through exhibition activities. Particular attention is paid here to journalistic photography and the genre of reportage photography.

Located in the central metropolitan district of Khamovniki , The Photo Center premises have a total exhibition area of ​​350 sq. m. m. It is visited annually by about 10 thousand visitors. Personalized, thematic and genre photo exhibitions of the center are located in three exhibition halls, the largest of which occupies 100 square meters. m. The “Photo Center” has an extensive archive of unique photographs and negatives, including about 200 negatives and photographs of old masters of the 19th-20th centuries, 300 original photographs and negatives about the Great Patriotic War, and much more.

History of the Photo Center building

The house in which the exhibition complex is located deserves special attention. This constructivist-style building is a cultural heritage site of federal significance and was built in 1929-1931 by a team of young ambitious architects. The building project became an example of “demonstration construction”, as a transitional option from an ordinary bourgeois apartment building to a huge “Commune House” with common support services. The architectural ensemble is made in the form of two large residential buildings with an attached two-story public block for a laundry, dining room, kindergarten, gym and club.

The cell apartments in the “House-Commune” were compact and quite functional with an area of ​​only 33-37 square meters. m. They had tiny built-in kitchens, bathrooms and closets. Citizens of a socialist society did not have to concentrate on family worries. The new, economical materials used in construction also turned out to be unusual: reed concrete with the addition of reeds, sawdust xylolite, cardboard panels and finishing paper.

Despite the riskiness of the experiment and unsuccessful examples of such construction, house No. 8 turned out to be quite comfortable. The building has large wide windows and high ceilings. Apartments there are now considered exclusive, are not cheap and are often converted into studios. They are comfortable and warm, thanks to the unusual finish with natural additives. The residents of the house zealously keep it in impeccable order.

Activities of the Photo Center

Over the many years of its existence, the Photo Center's exhibitions have featured the majority of photojournalists from well-known Russian publications and news agencies. The halls of the center regularly host exhibitions of contemporary photojournalists, thematic exhibitions of retro and historical photographs, author and biographical demonstrations. These can also be complex events with speeches by the authors of the photographs, participants in the events reflected in them, or actors. The public visiting the Photo Center exhibitions can not only see photographs, but also get acquainted with a thematic selection of accompanying illustrations: books, household items or crafts.

On the basis of photo exhibitions, festivals, visiting and exchange exhibitions with other similar Russian and foreign organizations are organized. Every spring “Photocenter” takes part in the international Moscow Photobiennale, providing its exhibition space for it. For professionals and private photography enthusiasts, seminars and workshops, master classes, educational events on mastering new technologies and exchanging experiences are held here. The Photo Center operates a photography studio and a store of photographic equipment and related products with a consignment department.


We continue the flash mob in support of the Photo Center.
We are waiting for your work by mail

Moscow “Photocenter” invites you to take part in the project

The most famous place for all photographers, the Moscow “Photo Center” on Gogolevsky Boulevard, invites you to take part in the charity photo project “Our View!”
Charity in favor of the “Photocenter”. There was such a need. "Photo Center" is a non-profit cultural organization, the oldest photo gallery with a 35-year history. The exhibitions he holds are mainly cultural, educational, socially oriented, military and patriotic in nature.
Professionals and amateurs!
Until August 30 – acceptance of files for printing. Themes, genres, styles at your discretion. The main thing is that each photo must be meaningful, original, smart, beautiful... The application for participation must indicate the name, surname and contact information of the author, the title of the photograph or a brief description of the series. File requirements: TIF or JPEG format, sRGB color model, size 20-30 cm - 30x40 cm, resolution 200-300 ppi. Prints are returned to the authors at the end of the exhibition.
Photos will be selected (we reserve this right), printed, framed under glass, and exhibited. You can provide framed photographs up to 40x50 cm format.

The cost of participating in one work is 2000 rubles (payment to the Photo Center cash desk or to a bank account). As part of the photo exhibition, creative meetings will take place with famous photo masters of the older generation, currently active photographers. This is included in the stated price.

The opening ceremony of the photo exhibition on September 13th of this year.
The exhibition period for works is until September 29. With the possibility of extension, depending on your interest in the project.

Everyone (persons, organizations, institutions and structures of all types and affiliations) can support the photo project with their feasible charitable contribution and thereby the “Photo Center”.
For which we will be grateful and grateful to everyone who responds to our cry in one way or another.

Files and photographs for participation in the exhibition are accepted by email:
or address: Moscow, Gogolevsky Boulevard, 8, (metro station “Kropotkinskaya”).
Project curator: Yulia Travnikova
Photo Center details:
Address: 119019, Moscow, Gogolevsky Blvd., 8
TIN 7704015888, checkpoint 770401001, Association "Photocenter"
r/s: 40703 810138180120024, k/s. 30101810400000000225, PJSC Sberbank, Moscow, BIC 044525225
Purpose of payment: charitable contribution from (full name, tel.). NDS is not appearing.

“Photo Center” consistently carries out useful and necessary work for the benefit of the development of domestic photographic art, especially Russian photojournalism... The main direction of its activity is the organization and holding of exhibitions. It has the following exhibition areas: exhibition hall - 200 sq. m. meters, gallery on the second floor - 90 sq. meters. Over the past years, the Photo Center has hosted more than 700 different photo exhibitions, in which hundreds of Russian and foreign authors took part. And this is the main task of the “Photo Center” - to popularize the best examples of photographic creativity, especially reportage photography.

Most photojournalists from well-known agencies, major newspapers and magazines, publishing houses and various kinds of photo communities presented their work in one form or another at the Photo Center. Many young photographers started at Gogolevsky. “Photocenter” regularly organizes traveling photo exhibitions in the country and abroad. So in recent years they have been held in Ulyanovsk and Belgium, Kolomna, Germany and Vietnam, Kemerovo and Tanzania, St. Petersburg, Austria and Sri Lanka, Veliky Novgorod, Luxembourg and Denmark.

One of the priority tasks of the “Photo Center” is educational and methodological work to assist photographers in improving their professional skills, in mastering the latest technologies... All these years, the “Photo Center” has been holding various kinds of workshops, master classes, presentations of photographic equipment and equipment. In terms of service, the Photo Center operates a salon - a store selling photographic products with a department for consignment photographic equipment.

The photo laboratory "Photo - Profi" provides digital and analogue photo printing from any media, design of photographs of various formats... There is a studio for photography on all types of documents. Carries out “Photocentre” and publishing projects. In particular, the exhibition and publishing project “President” was successfully implemented, dedicated to the anniversary of the current President of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin (2012) and Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev when he was President of the Russian Federation (2011).

The Photo Center has an archive containing photographic materials on Russian and Soviet photography; the photo collection on the Great Patriotic War is of particular value. “Photo Center” can rightfully be called the Photographer’s House by analogy with other creative Houses that hospitably welcome professionals in their specialized fields. A home where you can meet colleagues and friends at the next opening day, get advice, advice and support, discuss, just chat over a glass of wine... A house that is intended to be a real center for a strong corporate association of photographic reporters. A home where you are always welcome! A house whose doors are always open for mutually interesting and mutually beneficial cooperation.