What does a pentagram mean in a dream? “Why do you see a pentagram in a dream? If you see a Pentagram in a dream, what does it mean? I dreamed about a plaster figure

Why do you dream of a pentagram?

English dream book

Pentagram - This five pointed star. Turned with one ray up and two down, it symbolizes perfect humanity; if two rays are directed upward and one downward, in this form it began to be considered a symbol of the worship of Satan - a cult that branched out from Christianity in Wicca there is no “devil”, since all actions and impulses, good and bad, come from the person himself, and only he is responsible for them). What is the dream about: The Pentagram can symbolize the desire to understand oneself or interest in the occult.

Why do you dream of a pentagram?

Dream Interpretation of E. Avadyaeva

If you dreamed of a pentagram, then this is a sign reliable protection from the problems and misfortunes that threaten you, into which your sworn enemies may drag you.

If in a dream you drew a pentagram, then you will have good conditions to realize their capabilities and abilities.

Pentagram - To see in a dream how someone else draws a pentagram - then you will experience a friendly attitude towards you from people on whom your success and happiness depend.

If in a dream you erased a pentagram, then you will repent of your own mistakes.

If you dreamed that you were summoning spirits using a pentagram, then misfortune awaits you, but it will not break your spirit.

Pentagram - If a patient saw a pentagram in the form of a tattoo in a dream, then he will soon get better.

See also: why a sorcerer dreams, why a witch dreams, why a spell is dreamed.

Why do you dream of a pentagram?

Dream book of symbols

The pentagram or five-pointed star, the "flaming star" of the Freemasons, is one of the most complete pentacles. Its meanings are varied.

Apparently, the pentagram originally appeared four thousand years ago in Mesopotamia, probably as an astronomical diagram of the movement of the planet Venus. It became the Sumerian and Egyptian sign of the stars - this figure signifies primarily a person. Top point- the head, the other four are limbs.

Sometimes it is viewed as an image of the five senses. Light magicians, in order to act on spirits, used the Pentagram with the head up, and black magicians drew the Pentagram with the head down. Faust drew a pentagram so that Mephistopheles could not cross the threshold of his house.

The pentagram with its head up - depicts a man with a strong will, his head conquering his passions and his limbs.

Pentagram head down - represents the figure of a person whose will submits to passions, or a passive person who allows evil spirits subjugate his will.

A pentagram can represent good and bad, good and evil, everything will depend on where you direct its top.

For the Pythagoreans, a pentagram inscribed in a circle meant the silence of the initiate. The five ends of the pentagram symbolized the five years of silence and study that preceded initiation.

The reality and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Sunday to Monday

The dream is associated with the dreamer’s state of mind, his fears and concerns. A pleasant dream promises resolution of problems, a frightening one promises the development of depression. Such dreams rarely come true. However, for people born on Monday, they are prophetic.

This star, which in our country is associated with military valor, also has ancient roots.

She was considered the star of magicians, that is, those people who were given special knowledge - the fifth element.

And this knowledge guides them through life.

There are similar signs that personify the awakening of intuition in a person - these are flowers with five petals.

Remember the lyrical entertainment: looking for five-petal flowers in lilac branches.

They have long been believed to bring happiness.

And the number five, which we looked at in the first part of the lesson.

It brings freedom of action and change in your life.

Likewise, a star that appears in a dream promises you something new in life.

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

Dream Interpretation - Choice

Apparently you are interested in the question: “how influential and omnipotent am I?” and you get the answer - “as much as you want it.” The hardest thing to believe is this. (this is a matter of faith) many people live in poverty because they believe in it (the shop is gray, old). But it seems that more and more people are beginning to realize their power. (queue at the new store). If the dream is only about you, then a very huge turn is your moods and thoughts. Feelings awakening to something new. Second voice. In my opinion, it calls you to turn inward. It is possible to find answers to all questions within yourself, if only you have desire, patience, and faith. We are all special and unique. You will feel your uniqueness - a similar feeling will arise for other people..... What an interesting dream!..... A pure, trusting heart (a girl) can work miracles. It does not desire influence and omnipotence in relation to people and events, but it exists and what is desired becomes possible thanks to love. (a pentagram is a sign of protection, which can be better protection, than love?) Last voice/I feel this way/ says not to ask them, the gods, but to become like them. Why not? I had a dream on Sunday, with the Moon in Aries - an opportunity to transform character, destiny, using will, imagination, not hesitating to express yourself the way you feel, moving forward, not looking back at opinions. You are a creator!

Dream Interpretation - Demon in the form of a cat

Sorry, what should I do? Have a meal???? What a damn... Well, if you have a meal, then this is what... If this dream is not fiction and not schizophrenic delirium, then the following calculations come out: - For some reason, the witch friend is connected with other world- with the unconscious (nonsense)... - The demon cat can symbolize some kind of repression associated with the unconscious (nonsense)... I don’t see a psychological conflict due to which such twists can appear... The story does not develop in any way, catharsis does not occur... If the purpose of the dream is to isolate oneself from one’s unconscious (the demon is sealed in the decoration), then the matter is rubbish and the mental status of the dreamer is uncertain (after all, in the struggle between consciousness and the unconscious, rational and obsessive thinking, the normal psyche usually perishes and is destroyed) Conclusion: I want this dream to be a fiction, otherwise I wouldn’t want to live in such an inverted world that gives rise to such confusion... P.S.: I’m getting ready to catch rotten tomatoes :)))

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the House of the Sun

The full moon dreams of success in love and good luck in business.

A huge moon portends an unfavorable love affair, domestic troubles and disappointment in business.

A lunar eclipse promises some kind of infectious disease.

The blood-red moon prophesies war and strife.

The young moon dreams of increasing well-being and meeting your “half.”

If in a dream a young woman tries to determine her destiny by the Moon, she will marry a worthy chosen one.

If she sees two moons, she will lose love because of her commercialism.

The foggy moon warns: in order not to miss your happiness, you need to be tactful.

According to Nostradamus, the Moon is a symbol of secret power, silence, and surprises. This is how he interpreted dreams about the Moon.

If you see the full moon in a dream, know that the time will come when black forces will reign on Earth. For you personally, such a dream prophesies a meeting with a sorcerer who will provide significant influence to your fate.

They rushed to the Moon in a dream - that means real life you are striving for something new, hitherto unknown.

A dream in which you see the Moon colored bright red or purple is a warning.

Dark spots on the Moon are a warning and can also mean a change in power.

If you see moonlight in a dream, then in reality you will encounter an unexpected obstacle, which will be quite difficult to eliminate.

If you saw the reflection of the Moon in water or in a mirror in a dream, there is an unexpected turn of events ahead.

The split Moon dreams of mental fatigue and difficulties in choosing a path in life.

If in a dream you perform a ritual of worshiping the Moon goddess, then in reality you will become a victim of your passion.

And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the Moon as follows.

Seeing the full moon in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream foretells that bad times await you soon.

If you dreamed of a bright red or crimson moon, then in the near future you will find yourself in some kind of disaster.

Seeing dark spots on the Moon in a dream is a prophecy of great danger.

Watching the reflection of the moon in water in a dream is a sign that your expectations will be disappointed. In your business, you rely on a person who will let you down at the first opportunity.

If in a dream you saw moonlight, then such a dream foreshadows an amusing trip to distant countries. The trip will be unexpected and very pleasant.

Seeing a split Moon in a dream is a bad omen.

If you dreamed that you were flying to the moon, then such a dream is a harbinger of a long journey.

Interpretation of dreams from

Find out from online dream book, why do you dream about the Pentagram, after reading the answer below in the interpretation of the interpretive authors.

Why do you see a pentagram in a dream?

English dream book

Why see the Pentagram:

The pentagram is a five-pointed star. Turned with one ray up and two down, it symbolizes perfect humanity; if two rays are directed upward and one downward, in this form it began to be considered a symbol of the worship of Satan - a cult that branched out from Christianity in Wicca there is no “devil”, since all actions and impulses, good and bad, come from the person himself, and only he is responsible for them). The pentagram can symbolize the desire to understand oneself or an interest in the occult.

See also: sorcerer, witch, spell.

Modern dream book / Elena Avadyaeva

If you dream about the Pentagram

The pentagram is a sign of reliable protection from the problems and misfortunes that threaten you, into which your sworn enemies can drag you.

If you drew a pentagram in a dream, then you will have good conditions for realizing your capabilities and abilities.

If you see in a dream how someone else draws a pentagram, then you will experience a friendly attitude towards you from people on whom your success and happiness depend.

If in a dream you erased a pentagram, then you will repent of your own mistakes.

If you dreamed that you were summoning spirits using a pentagram, then misfortune awaits you, but it will not break your spirit.

If a patient saw a pentagram in the form of a tattoo in a dream, then he will soon get better.

Devil - interesting image in dreams. Regardless of how you perceive it - as a psychological image or an ominous reflection of reality - the very appearance of this creepy character in a dream is already a significant event. The subtext it brings to dreams is interpreted through the prism of its influence on the other participants in your dreams.

The devil evokes feelings of temptation and fear of violence in a person, forcing him to violate socio-cultural and ethical TABOOs. It can be a symbol of retribution or complicity in some matter, and then we see how SUPERNATURAL FORCES hinder or help us in our moral or personal quests and conquests.

If the devil helps you complete something, then this reflects the perception of the event by your Superego. The devil who prevents you from achieving something is the personification of the evil that stands in your way in real life. If the devil threatens people dear to you, then this is a reflection of your struggle aimed at protecting and protecting loved ones in this hostile world.

If, with the help of the devil, you manage to obtain or achieve something that you consider forbidden, try to reveal the motives that prompted you to do this: are they tempting or, rather, disgusting?

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Devil

Seeing the devil in a dream means in reality playing a risky game with the forces of evil. Talking to him means committing rash actions that can lead to terrifying consequences, completely destroying your well-being overnight.

If the devil appeared to you in a dream in a terrible unearthly guise, then in reality a metamorphosis that is inexplicable to you may happen to you; people who know you well will not recognize you as the former person who would never have acted as you will act in life after such a dream.

If the devil appears in your dream in the guise of a completely respectable gentleman, elegantly dressed and fragrant with the aroma of expensive cigars and perfumes, then in reality you should beware of meeting people who look at you with the gaze of unblinking eyes, for they are messengers of darkness.

Interpretation of dreams from