A person constantly judges others. Condemnation is the main obstacle on the path of spiritual development. Religion and mysterious practices

November 6

One of the most harmful and addictive foods of the reality body is condemnation. Condemnation can be compared to beer alcoholism*: it doesn’t seem to be too harmful, and everyone seems to drink it “and nothing, they didn’t die.” But both addictions ultimately lead to the destruction of health, the death of brain cells and the “heart of a bull.”

Condemnation of the surrounding world is nothing more than condemnation of one’s own event body; it is the energy of resentment, anger and arrogance, and it leads to self-destruction. Judgment can be very aggressive, visible and conscious; but it can also be subtle, when you don't even notice it. Let's look at the different levels of judgment and ways to recognize and reduce it.

Firstly, we condemn unfamiliar and strangers who are different from us, think differently, and behave in a manner inconsistent with our cultural and mental upbringing. At the same time, we can be deeply tolerant of the same people living in other countries and cultures, but if they are nearby, this causes a storm of indignation.

Secondly, condemnation awaits acquaintances, friends and relatives if they suddenly do not fit into the framework of our worldview. Moreover, the closer a person is, and the more sudden his departure from this framework is for us, the more violent our reaction will be.

And finally, we direct the most searing condemnation towards those closest to us: children, parents, spouses. They are not allowed to be different at all, to think differently, much less change and change their views differently from us.

What do we judge most often for?

Adults who allow themselves to do everything that we cannot allow ourselves under any circumstances, although once upon a time, most often in childhood, we really wanted and loved to do. But we were forbidden. Run barefoot through puddles, stay awake at night, walk naked all year round, draw on the walls. And vice versa: we condemn those who allow themselves not to do what is necessary and obligatory for us; although, again, if we look very deeply into ourselves, we will find that we ourselves would not mind giving a damn about all these conventions. They don’t work, don’t wear ties and tights, don’t eat meat, don’t follow the news, don’t wash their hair, what else?

It is interesting and paradoxical that the most ardent condemners are often those who have recently changed, discovered something incredibly important and useful for themselves, and now condemn everyone who does not support their new beliefs and way of life. For example, fresh-baked vegans are the most aggressive detractors of meat eaters; Slingomams snort at mothers with strollers and pacifiers, wizards with positive thinking complain and besiege skeptics and pessimists.

Discussion, the desire to “drag into one’s camp,” ridicule and other forms of rejection are essentially just a disguise for the same condemnation.

So, for some reason we don’t want (or are not used to) allowing people to be different, to think differently, to act differently than us or our authorities. There are many reasons for this; you may ask yourself why you judge in this or that case. Just don’t give in to the temptation to think too well of yourself, exalt yourself over others, and explain everything with good intentions, pity, etc. Like, I feel sorry for watching how a person ruins himself, how he doesn’t understand anything, poor thing, and it’s my sacred duty to give him common sense, now I’ll explain everything to him! By thinking this way, you are only satisfying your pride and limiting your world to the set of beliefs that you currently have.

Imagine 6 billion people. Everyone has their own set of opinions and beliefs, and if everyone declares jihad on everyone else, we will simply die in this general discord. Yes, this model is popular today and supported by most media, but it is not useful for creators of ideal realities for several reasons.

1. The more attention you pay to something, the more of it you bring into your life. For example, daily scolding and vilifying your alcoholic father, blaming him for all your troubles, you can achieve only one thing: worsening the problem. If you understand that this is part of your world, your body, and it needs love, care and care more than others, because... for a long time she was hated and persecuted; if you realize how much negativity has already been invested in this situation, then you can turn it around and direct it in a short time into the most productive direction.

2. Judgment interferes with knowledge and understanding. We simply close our eyes to what exactly is happening. In the example with the father, we blame him without trying to get to the root of the problem, without trying to compensate him for what he is looking for in alcohol; but this is precisely what would be a manifestation of love and care. Another example is the sweeping condemnation of esotericists or religious people by atheists and vice versa. Instead of expanding our horizons, instead of learning something new, we throw stones at each other. This justifies laziness and one-sidedness of mind, brought up in us, maybe by school, maybe by television, maybe by something else (in childhood, everyone has an inquisitive and greedy mind for knowledge).

3. On the emotional plane, condemnation is associated with pride, anger, resentment and other negative manifestations through which, like a hole in a pipe, energy leaks. After such feelings, thoughts and conversations, fatigue, frustration, disappointment sets in; there is no elation and creative impulse. Compare with admiration and love for the beauty and diversity of this world, with harmony and peace - the state in which the world is created.

4. Not only is energy wasted, but time is also wasted. Time that could be devoted to creation: fun games, reading, visualization, dreams, learning, planning, hobbies, warming the image of your ideal reality. Time that we do not appreciate, do not enjoy, do not live in every moment, feeling “here and now.”

5. Condemnation, as I said above, destroys the condemner. From the subtle plane, this energy, gradually accumulating and condensing, hits the physical body**. Skin problems (redness, dryness, acne, eczema and others) are often caused by opposing oneself to others, rejection and pushing away, including through judgment. Backbiting and malicious ridicule cause toothache, caries, blackening or thinning of enamel. Condemnation of the entire system in which a person lives accelerates aging, can lead to an accident (tantamount to a death wish) - I ask everyone transferers especially think about it).

So, I want to hope that I have convinced you of the dangers of condemnation. But reasoning and realizing is one thing, but introducing it into life, making it a habit and your property is another. Here is what the creator of the Ho'oponopono method, Ihaliakala Hew Len, writes about this:

“Can you imagine what would happen if everyone realized their full responsibility? Ten years ago, I promised myself that I would allow myself to eat ice cream so big it made me sick if I could get through the whole day without judging anyone or anything. I have never managed to do this yet! I began to notice that I had more control over myself, but I could never make it through the whole day.”***.

We can!

  • We can take as our motto “the world is beautiful in its diversity”, we can look for and find in any person what unites us, and study what is different, or simply accept everyone’s right to their own characteristics.
  • We can observe and try to understand a person’s motives, the reasons for his differences, the circumstances of their appearance.
  • We can remind ourselves of the dangers of condemnation, memorize and repeat hour after hour: “do not judge, and you will not be judged,” we can practice wishing happiness to everyone

And all this will help, and we will be more and more open and friendly, and our desires will come true faster and easier.

But this will happen gradually. Along the way, sometimes we inevitably slip back, and at such times it is worth remembering: judging yourself is also unreasonable! Love yourself, forgive yourself, and continue your path; those who walk will master the road.

One of the most harmful and addictive foods of the reality body is condemnation. Condemnation can be compared to beer alcoholism*: it doesn’t seem to be too harmful, and everyone seems to drink it “and nothing, they didn’t die.” But both addictions ultimately lead to the destruction of health, the death of brain cells and the “heart of a bull.”

Condemnation of the surrounding world is nothing more than condemnation of one’s own eventful body; it is the energy of resentment, anger and arrogance, and it leads to self-destruction. Judgment can be very aggressive, visible and conscious; but it can also be subtle, when you don't even notice it. Let's look at the different levels of judgment and ways to recognize and reduce it.

Firstly, we condemn unfamiliar and strangers who are different from us, think differently, and behave in a manner inconsistent with our cultural and mental upbringing. At the same time, we can be deeply tolerant of the same people living in other countries and cultures, but if they are nearby, this causes a storm of indignation.

Secondly, condemnation awaits acquaintances, friends and relatives if they suddenly do not fit into the framework of our worldview. Moreover, the closer a person is, and the more sudden his departure from this framework is for us, the more violent our reaction will be.

And finally, we direct the most searing condemnation towards those closest to us: children, parents, spouses. They are not allowed to be different at all, to think differently, much less change and change their views differently from us.

What do we judge most often for?

Adults who allow themselves to do everything that we cannot allow ourselves under any circumstances, although once upon a time, most often in childhood, we really wanted and loved to do. But we were forbidden. Run barefoot through puddles, stay awake at night, walk naked all year round, draw on the walls. And vice versa: we condemn those who allow themselves not to do what is necessary and obligatory for us; although, again, if we look very deeply into ourselves, we will find that we ourselves would not mind giving a damn about all these conventions. They don’t work, don’t wear ties and tights, don’t eat meat, don’t follow the news, don’t wash their hair, what else?

It is interesting and paradoxical that the most ardent condemners are often those who have recently changed, discovered something incredibly important and useful for themselves, and now condemn everyone who does not support their new beliefs and way of life. For example, fresh-baked vegans are the most aggressive detractors of meat eaters; Slingomamies snort at mothers with strollers and pacifiers, wizards with positive thinking complain and besiege skeptics and pessimists.

Discussion, the desire to “drag into one’s camp,” ridicule and other forms of rejection are essentially just a disguise for the same condemnation.

So, for some reason we don’t want (or are not used to) allowing people to be different, to think differently, to act differently than us or our authorities. There are many reasons for this; you may ask yourself why you judge in this or that case. Just don’t give in to the temptation to think too well of yourself, exalt yourself over others, and explain everything with good intentions, pity, etc. Like, I feel sorry for watching how a person ruins himself, how he doesn’t understand anything, poor thing, and it’s my sacred duty to give him common sense, now I’ll explain everything to him! By thinking this way, you are only satisfying your pride and limiting your world to the set of beliefs that you currently have.

Imagine 6 billion people. Everyone has their own set of opinions and beliefs, and if everyone declares jihad on everyone else, we will simply die in this general discord. Yes, this model is popular today and supported by most media, but it is not useful for creators of ideal realities for several reasons.

1. The more attention you pay to something, the more of it you bring into your life. For example, daily scolding and vilifying your alcoholic father, blaming him for all your troubles, you can achieve only one thing: worsening the problem. If you understand that this is part of your world, your body, and it needs love, care and care more than others, because... for a long time she was hated and persecuted; if you realize how much negativity has already been invested in this situation, then you can turn it around and direct it in a short time into the most productive direction.

2. Judgment interferes with knowledge and understanding. We simply close our eyes to what exactly is happening. In the example with the father, we blame him without trying to get to the root of the problem, without trying to compensate him for what he is looking for in alcohol; but this is precisely what would be a manifestation of love and care. Another example is the sweeping condemnation of esotericists or religious people by atheists and vice versa. Instead of expanding our horizons, instead of learning something new, we throw stones at each other. This justifies laziness and one-sidedness of mind, brought up in us, maybe by school, maybe by television, maybe by something else (in childhood, everyone has an inquisitive and greedy mind for knowledge).

3. On the emotional plane, condemnation is associated with pride, anger, resentment and other negative manifestations through which, like a hole in a pipe, energy leaks. After such feelings, thoughts and conversations, fatigue, frustration, disappointment sets in; there is no elation and creative impulse. Compare with admiration and falling in love with the beauty and diversity of this world, with harmony and peace - the state in which the world is created.

4. Not only is energy wasted, but time is also wasted. Time that could be devoted to creation: fun games, reading, visualization, dreams, learning, planning, hobbies, warming the image of your ideal reality. Time that we do not appreciate, do not enjoy, do not live in every moment, feeling “here and now.”

5. Condemnation, as I said above, destroys the condemner. From the subtle plane, this energy, gradually accumulating and condensing, hits the physical body**. Skin problems (redness, dryness, acne, eczema and others) are often caused by opposing oneself to others, rejection and pushing away, including through judgment. Backbiting and malicious ridicule cause toothache, caries, blackening or thinning of enamel. Condemnation of the entire system in which a person lives accelerates aging, can lead to an accident (tantamount to a death wish) - I ask everyone transferers especially think about it).

So, I want to hope that I have convinced you of the dangers of condemnation. But to reason and realize is one thing, but to introduce it into life, to make it a habit and your property is another. Here is what the creator of the Ho'oponopono method, Ihaliakala Hew Len, writes about this:

“Can you imagine what would happen if everyone realized their full responsibility? Ten years ago, I promised myself that I would allow myself to eat ice cream so big it made me sick if I could get through the day without judging anyone or anything. I have never managed to do this yet! I began to notice that I had more control over myself, but I could never make it through the whole day.”***.

We can!

  • We can take as our motto “the world is beautiful in its diversity”, we can look for and find in any person what unites us, and study what is different, or simply accept everyone’s right to their own characteristics.
  • We can observe and try to understand a person’s motives, the reasons for his differences, the circumstances of their appearance.
  • We can remind ourselves of the dangers of condemnation, memorize and repeat hour after hour: “do not judge, and you will not be judged,” we can practice wishing happiness to everyone (see meditation in lesson 10)…

And all this will help, and we will be more and more open and friendly, and our desires will come true faster and easier.

But this will happen gradually. Along the way, sometimes we inevitably slip back, and at such times it is worth remembering: judging yourself is also unreasonable! Love yourself, forgive yourself, and continue your path; those who walk will master the road.


1. Choose a person who annoys you and about whom you want to think and talk judgmentally. Search, remember or come up with 10 moments that unite you. Write down 10 reasons why you might love this person. Please share your lists in the comments, let's help each other!

2. Do this mentally with everyone you want to condemn.

* Beer alcoholism
** The sources of this knowledge are books on the metaphysics of diseases by the authors: Liz Burbo, Rudiger Dahlke, John Beins, and others; lectures on

Of course, situations often arise when a person deserves condemnation. Yours? This is not an idle question. If a person has harmed you, then first of all he has upset the balance, and you are not a source of unhealthy potential, but an instrument of forces seeking to restore balance. Then the troublemaker will get what he deserves if you say everything you think about him, or even take certain actions within reasonable limits. But if the subject of your condemnation did not specifically do anything bad to you, then it is not for you to blame him. Let's approach this issue purely mercantilely. Agree, it is completely pointless to feel hatred for a wolf who killed a sheep when you watch it on TV. A sense of justice constantly pushes us to condemn different people. However, this quickly becomes a habit, and many people turn into professional accusers over the years. It is a very bad habit to judge others for thoughts and actions that are not directed against you personally. In most cases, you have no idea what motivated the person to do what they did. Maybe in his place you would have done even worse? So, as a result of your condemnation, you create excess potential around yourself. But of course, it turns out that no matter how bad your defendant is, you yourself must be just as good. Since he has horns and hooves, then you must be an angel. Well, since your wings do not grow, forces come into play trying to restore balance. The methods of these forces will be different in each specific situation. But the result will be essentially the same: you will get a click on the nose. Depending on the strength and form of your judgment, this click may either be unnoticeable to you, or so strong that you will find yourself on one of the worst lines of life. You can come up with a long list of types of condemnation and their consequences, but I will give a few examples for clarity. Never despise people, no matter what. This is the most dangerous type of condemnation, because as a result of the action of balancing forces, you may find yourself in the place of the one you despise. For the forces, this is the most direct and simple way to restore balance. Do you despise beggars and homeless people? You yourself can lose your money and your house, and now the balance has been restored. Do you despise people with physical disabilities? No problem, and there will be an accident for you. Do you despise alcoholics and drug addicts? You could easily find yourself in their place. After all, people are not born like this, but become like this due to various life circumstances. So why should these circumstances pass you by? Never judge your work colleagues for anything. At best, you will make the same mistakes. At worst, a conflict may arise that will not bring you anything good. You can get fired from work, even if you are absolutely right. If you judge another person just because you don’t like the way he’s dressed, you yourself become one step lower on the good-bad ladder because you emit negative energy. If a person is proud of his successes, or is in love with himself (and this too), there is nothing wrong with that. Irrelevant self-love is self-sufficient, so it does not bother anyone. The balance is disturbed only if inflated self-esteem is contrasted with a contemptuous attitude towards other people's weaknesses, shortcomings, or simply modest achievements. Then self-love turns into pride, and pride into vanity. The result of the action of equilibrium forces, again, will be a click on the nose. Contempt and vanity are human vices. Animals don't know what it is. They are guided only by expedient intentions, and thereby fulfill the will of perfect nature. It is only in fairy tales that animals are depicted as endowed with human qualities. Let's take a proud, lonely and free wolf. From a human point of view, he inspires respect. But the fat-cheeked rodent loves to fill its belly, squeal merrily and multiply. If a wolf had arrogant contempt for a rodent, it would be unnatural and absurd. Let's turn the picture to the other side. Such a wolf could be considered insignificant compared to this plump rodent, which fussily scurries around and rejoices at every moment of its life, although at any such moment it can be eaten. Everything is relative, but man creates this relativity in his imagination. The lion actually has no greatness or dignity. These qualities are attributed to him by people. The gopher has no less dignity than the lion. Wild nature is more perfect than a reasonable person. The wolf, like any predator, feels neither hatred nor contempt for its prey. (Try to experience hatred and contempt for the cutlet yourself.) But people build their relationships with each other on sheer excess potential. The greatness of animals and plants lies in the fact that they are not aware of it. Consciousness has brought to man both beneficial advantages and harmful rubbish such as vanity, contempt, guilt complex and inferiority.

From the point of view of nature, there are no good or bad people. There are only those who obey the laws of nature, and those who bring disturbance to the existing “status quo”. The latter always end up being affected by forces that tend to restore the disturbed balance.

Of course, situations often arise when a person deserves condemnation. Yours? This is not an idle question. If a person has harmed you, then first of all he has upset the balance, and you are not a source of unhealthy potential, but an instrument of forces seeking to restore balance. Then the troublemaker will get what he deserves if you say everything you think about him, or even take certain actions within reasonable limits. But if the subject of your condemnation did not specifically do anything bad to you, then it is not for you to blame him.

Let's approach this issue purely mercantilely. Agree, it is completely pointless to feel hatred for a wolf who killed a sheep when you watch it on TV. A sense of justice constantly pushes us to condemn different people. However, this quickly becomes a habit, and many people turn into professional accusers over the years. It is a very bad habit to judge others for thoughts and actions that are not directed against you personally. In most cases, you have no idea what motivated the person to do what they did. Maybe in his place you would have done even worse?

So, as a result of your condemnation, you create excess potential around yourself. But of course, it turns out that no matter how bad your defendant is, you yourself must be just as good. Since he has horns and hooves, then you must be an angel. Well, since your wings do not grow, forces come into play trying to restore balance. The methods of these forces will be different in each specific situation. But the result will be essentially the same: you will get a click on the nose. Depending on the strength and form of your judgment, this click may either be unnoticeable to you, or so strong that you will find yourself on one of the worst lines of life.

“We need double glass look at all that is good and reduce the phenomenon of imperfection tenfold,

otherwise you will remain the same.”

(Call, June 15, 1921)

"...Don't judge, but know, because judgment and knowledge are not condemnation.”

(G.A.Y. 1965 387)


“The harm of condemnation is great both for yourself and for others”. (G.A.Y. 1962 543)

“There are no positive elements in condemnation - it is destructive”. (G.A.Y. 1965 230)

The condemner punishes himself!(G.A.Y. 1965 230)

- “The condemner harms himself, because he allows in his microcosm the presence of such feelings and emotions that make him incapable of perceiving subtle energies». (G.A.Y. 1965 230)

- “Condemnation binds the consciousness of the condemner to the condemned with an invisible chain that will not let him go until the harm he causes is repaid.

The condemner suffers more than the condemned, for he clearly acts in darkness against the victim, often an innocent one. And then the chains of condemnation are especially heavy

The bonds of the spirit can be called condemnation, or weights on the legs, or thorns in the aura, or a knife that inflicts an invisible wound.” (G.A.Y. 1962 543)

« The yoke of condemnation, like the stock of a criminal, hangs on the neck of the condemner.” (G.A.Y. 1965 230)

- “Condemnationopens the condemner's aura for influence. The harm a person causes to himself is great, and as a result the subtle body suffers. Injury to the subtle body is always reflected in the eyes. The light and joy in them go out instantly.” (G.A.Y. 1954 140)

- Condemnation - burns the psychic energy of the condemner.

- “Condemnationpushes awayfrom a person to those whom he condemns, even if this condemnation is carried out secretly in the thoughts and heart of a person» . (G.A.Y. 1954 223) Thus, by condemnation we can lose those whom we love, who are near and dear to us.

“Secret condemnation is no less harmful than spoken out loud. Conviction behind your eyes is just as harmful.” (G.A.Y. 1965 230)

- “Condemnation always causes ardent resistance And opposition the condemned person, even if the condemnation was carried out silently, is not externally known to the subject of the condemnation.” (G.A.Y. 1965 230)

“Each immersion in condemnation deprives you of Light, deprives you of seeing a brother in another person.” (G.A.Y. 1962 543)

- Condemnation is harmful to the person being condemned.

Because it« extinguishes the light in a person, making him even worse than he is». (G.A.Y. 1958 254. (185)


“Condemnation is closely connected with the self, which believes that it is itself that is suffering or has suffered damage from the lack of the condemned.” (G.A.Y. 1965 230)

“The absence of judgment is a sign of an expanded consciousness that has emerged from the circle of selfhood.

The self judges, the self is unfriendly, the self envies. Why to him, and not to me, darkness whispers to the self.” (G.A.Y. 1962 543)


To get rid of judgment

1. We must know and understand that: CAN NOT BE PERFECT PEOPLE!

Every person contains elements of good and evil, good and bad. It does not happen that a person is completely and unconditionally bad or absolutely perfect.

2. You must always remember thatWHAT WE SEE IN OTHERS IS IN US!

«… Those shortcomings that are easily visible in others most often nest in one’s own mind. Otherwise it would not be easy to see them right away.

Here is someone, like a peacock, spreading his tail to admire its beauty. Or maybe in ourselves, in some form, this desire to please and attract also nests, that is, to establish a slavish dependence of consciousness on other people’s opinions.

Maybe we suffer from talkativeness?

Maybe we haven’t gotten over the pathetic dependence on other people’s opinions and we act based on them?” (G.A.Y. 1965 256)

Thus,“... Every condemnation of anyone, for whatever it is, and especially of friends, must begin with oneself, and, having seen in oneself the shortcoming or offense in question, one can find the strength to refrain from convictions And replace discussion or analysis of a given phenomenon. This is the easiest way to free yourselffrom the desire to condemn."(G.A.Y. 1968 291)


Knowledge, Understanding, Compassion, Love, Benevolence, Friendliness.


“To know and to condemn are different phenomena.

The more a person knows, the less he condemns, for knowledge excludes condemnation. Condemns ignorance." (G.A.Y. 1953 238)

« Criticism is born from little knowledge. The new needs to be accommodated, and without judgment.». (G.A.Y. 1958 116)

« Condemnation is replaced by knowledge of human nature." (G.A.Y. 1965187)

“Knowing does not mean condemning. To know without judging will be the achievement of a very high level.” (G.A.Y. 1961 274)

“Thus, one who picks up a stone of condemnation and throws it at another person turns out to be a fellow servant of darkness.” (G.A.Y. 1961 274)


Every person who follows the path of personal improvement constantly experiences a struggle with his shortcomings (irritation, anger, doubt, fear, jealousy, envy, rudeness, laziness, despondency, mistrust, greed and many others). Everyone has these shortcomings, but to varying degrees and differ in their properties and nature.

Understanding this circumstance helps to remove condemnation when analyzing the character of those around us, who are also following the path of improvement, and even those who are not.


- all these qualities also exclude condemnation, since they are incompatible.

« Only love and compassion can crowd out the desire to judge from the heart.”. (G.A.Y. 1966 477)

"On the example of a loving mother you see how you can love. To love sacrificially and selflessly, knowing perfectly well both the advantages and disadvantages of your child, loving as much as possible , still be strict and severe in his upbringing.

Severity and strictness towards a child is not condemnation, but it is a judgment of the truth and knowledge of his shortcomings that must be eradicated.

Love covers severity and severity with justice and successfully promotes the development of a little person.

Likewise, in relation to people close in spirit, love for them gives the right to judge the truth, and to knowledge, and to understand their shortcomings, and to the strength of unity in spite of them.” (G.A.Y. 1969 682)

“Wise love knows the shortcomings of its loved ones, tries to correct them and help its loved ones, and, knowing it, still does not judge. Hate does the opposite. Where there is condemnation, there is no love.

Where there is condemnation, there is no attractiveness.

Beware of judgment if you don’t want to lose your best friends.” (G.A.Y. 1965 323)

“I love to heal the wrongdoers in life with love.” Love knows no condemnation. Love from the bipolar inner world of a person calls for affirmation the elements of Light, the good beginning, the best that is in a person.” (G.A.Y. 1970 811)

"Condemnation replaced knowledge and love to ignorant and unenlightened people." (G.A.Y. 1966 477)

“Have at least a little love for those with whom life encounters you, and replace condemnation knowledge, understanding And compassion to them, who do not know anything, and even if they know, they have not come so close to the Hierarchy of Light.” (G.A.Y. 1966 479)

Yes, we must learn Not condemn under no circumstances, even if we meet along the way of our lives very imperfect people, we know their essence, we see all their shortcomings - WE SHOULD NOT JUDGE!

4. In order to get rid of condemnation m You must know and understand that:


By judging, that is, directing our attention to what we don’t like in another, we we strengthen he has these qualities. “By thinking badly about a person, we make him even worse, but by elevating him, we give him the opportunity to rise.” (G.A.Y. 1971 446)

“So by condemnation, and especially by unfair condemnation, even a good person can be made bad.”(G.A.Y. 1970 811)

“Therefore, condemnation is an unconditional evil, for it creates darkness in a person and strengthens all the bad things that already exist in him » . (G.A.Y. 1961 274)

“By thinking well of people, we awaken and affirm the good in them, but also vice versa. Therefore, it is indicated that it is better to exaggerate the manifestations of good in a person than to multiply evil.”(G.A.Y. 1954 223)

“It’s good to have a kind eye. He creates, but for good. He elevates people, he makes them better in their own eyes.

It is better to improve a bad person with your eyes than to make a good person worse.

Therefore condemnation is condemned. Thinking badly about a person makes him even worse». (G.A.Y. 1955 018)

“And when they do evil to you, and you, seeing this, begin to think about the bad properties and malice of the doer of evil, you worsen his dark properties, strengthen them and incur even greater attacks on yourself. " Have no malice towards your enemies" This is a very important condition for overcoming them.

It is better to mentally affirm everything, even the small good, that is in them. For in every person there is both Light and darkness, and it is so important what is brought to manifestation.

And not one, not two, but perhaps many attempts will be required to turn an unconscious enemy into a friend or at least improve him a little.” (G.A.Y. 1970 811)

5. To get rid of judgment, you need to remember that: CONDEMNATION IS MEANINGLESS!

« Two consciousnesses cannot be compared and judged, because the cups of experience accumulated can be completely different.

Therefore, envy is absurd, because there is a lot of work, experience and suffering in every achievement or ability. And further condemnation is more absurd, for who knows what lies behind the veil of an external phenomenon or action.” (G.A.Y. 1953 238)

“Only ignorance can judge. How many millennia did it take for this person for his psychic energy to take one form or another of its expression? How can you condemn someone because over the course of hundreds of centuries he has reached his own ceiling, and not the ceiling of the condemner.

Each property and quality of the spirit required a long period of time for its development. Therefore it is unreasonable to condemn.”(G.A.Y. 1961 175)

“It was never said anywhere that a person would become or could become perfect immediately. This is impossible. Instant insight is possible, but it requires past accumulations. …Improvement takes time.” (G.A.Y. 1954 156)

“When you see extremes in a person’s behavior, or in his habits, or in his thinking, know that their appearance, growth and development took a long time, perhaps more than one lifetime.

From life to life, both good and bad qualities grow and develop in a person. Some grow for centuries. In each incarnation they either strengthen or, conversely, weaken and go out - it all depends on the direction of the will.

You can trace within yourself which character traits have emerged from the past, which have strengthened and developed, and which have weakened. Every attention to them and encouragement strengthens them, but destroys oblivion.

Everything that grows can only grow with nutrition. Deprived of nutrition - quality dies in time». (G.A.Y. 1964 568)


We have to learn Not condemn person, But to Not be touched by masks, necessary, know his whole essence.

This is one of the greatest difficulties. When we get to know a person better, learn his inner essence, as a rule, disappointment sets in. A person we recently loved and respected suddenly becomes a monster in our eyes, wearing the mask of an angel. It is at such a moment that it is very difficult not to fall into judgment!


« Znat man and his true essence does not mean to condemn at all. There is often a lot of ill will in condemnation». (G.A.Y. 1968 291)

« Analysis of a particular consciousness and its merits Not there is condemnation». (G.A.Y. 1953 238)

“Taking off the mask, seeing the naked essence underneath and yet refraining from condemnation is a sign of a high spirit.” (G.A.Y. 1961 274)

“Condemnation with knowledge of human nature will give rise to so much poison that it is better not to know than to be a distributor of poison and an infector of the environment.” (G.A.Y. 1965 323)

“Seeing, knowing and understanding a person and human motivations is necessary.

Recognitionand condemnation are phenomena of a different order and differ from each other, like truth and lies.

Knowing and not judging are qualities of a high spirit.” (G.A.Y. 1961 175)

“A good knowledge of human nature does not give the right to Not good attitude towards people". (G.A.Y. 1965 543)

« You will have to see a lot of bitterness from cruelty, heartlessness and all other properties of human nature in life and experience their impact on yourself, and yet condemnation must not be allowed.

Knowing, understanding and even discussing does not mean condemning». (G.A.Y. 1966 477)

“And from friends and enemies we will learn to know a person, for this knowledge is long. And let us rejoice if life itself gives us the opportunity to recognize the hidden appearance of the human essence.” (G.A.Y. 1965187)


Discussion is not condemnation.

What is the difference between discussion and condemnation??

Condemnation- malice and the release of poison, it is poisonous and evil. “It is accompanied by darkened emissions of the aura and, of course, a stench. The stench of condemnation is very unpleasant.” (G.A.Y. 1966 514)

The basis of the conviction lies anger, ill will and other unkind feelings, therefore, condemnation is not difficult to bring out.

Discussion- goodwill. It “has no needles or thorns and does not injure the aura of those it touches.” (G.A.Y. 1965 323)

"Discussion, or analysis a person's character and actions, is necessary for its knowledge, but condemnation is harmful.” (G.A.Y. 1966 514)

«… Discussion is not condemnation, and healthy criticism is not destructive criticism.. This difference must be understood.

Seeing reality does not mean condemning, but you need to learn to see both its poles in their mutual correspondence ». (G.A.Y. 1953 412)

“Knowledge of a person gives the right to discussion, But Not gives the right to judge.

There is a thin line between constructive discussion and condemnation.. Care must be taken to ensure that the discussion does not turn into judgment.». (G.A.Y. 1970 618)

« Condemnation begins from the moment the astral plane participated in the hitherto dispassionate process of discussion. The intervention of the astral in any research process is like a drop of dirty water into the crystal stream of a source. Therefore condemnation is condemned.” (G.A.Y. 1953 238)

Condemnation is the most repellent, even from a distance. We must learn to see, know, feel a person’s shortcomings and yet not judge!

« Knowledge and discussion very far from criticism and condemnation. Knowing does not mean condemning.

Benevolent analysis with the aim of helping is acceptable. Malicious ill will is condemned. Not easy, knowing, keep your good heart, that is, the luminous state of the heart.

It is not easy to help or share knowledge without expecting appreciation, gratitude, or even kindness in return. Many who receive it often pay for it with the darkest ingratitude and malice.». (G.A.Y. 1965 543)

But, commanded - DON'T JUDGE !!!


Condemnation permissible condemnation justified, but only if it is JUDGMENT OF YOURSELF.

« Everyone has a judge inside. And only a judge who is within himself can judge, rightfully judge». (G.A.Y. 1955 181)

“You need to reconsider your entire life and condemn everything in yourself that deserves condemnation, condemn it so that repeating past mistakes becomes impossible.

Awareness of one's shortcomings and misdeedsand their own judgment over them gives great strength of spirit». (G.A.Y. 1955 181)

That is why, criticism and even condemnation can be rejoiced!

Fair criticism will help quickly rid us of poor quality.

If criticism is unfair and undeserved, then it will serve as a lesson in understanding human essence.

"That's why criticism, and condemnation certainly useful for the accused.

The wise will rejoice in them and learn a valuable lesson from them ». (G.A.Y. 1969 233)

« Let's discard unfair criticism, but we will be especially grateful for a fair one, because it will help to free ourselves from this or that shortcoming. And who, if not a friend, is most likely to notice our shortcomings?.

A lot of goodwill needs to be shown, to carefully and without judgment inspect his brother’s armor.

Usually every remark causes strong opposition.

Even comments Head you need to learn to listen skillfully, that is without being offended, without being upset And without protesting, but wanting to correct the deficiency and understanding that the instruction is fair.

Evencondemnationenemy useful, when he actually noticed something that was subject to fair criticism.

This way you can develop the quality of correctly listening to criticism addressed to you. If it is unfair, you can calmly discard it; if it is correct, it will help you get rid of unnecessary burden ». (G.A.Y. 1969 199)

It often happens that we strive to teach, instruct and show others what they should be, forgetting that we ourselves, with our lives and our example, must show people how to do this, how to behave and improve, changing our nature and your character .

It’s easy to teach, but showing yourself how to do what we teach ourselves is much more difficult.

That is why, It’s useful to look at yourself from the outside,“standing up” from oneself and considering oneself as if it were an outsider. With this consideration, you can discover a lot of interesting and new things in yourself, especially in your relationships with people.

We usually look at our own shortcomings completely differently from the same shortcomings in others.

Towards oneself - condescension and tolerance, towards others - intolerance andcondemnation.

Sometimes we allow indifference to other people’s experiences, but we perceive people’s indifference and heartlessness towards our own painfully and with condemnation.

More, interesting is the fact that one and the same act committed by us and another person receives different evaluations in our eyes.

So, we must learn to measure with the same yardstick ourselves and everything that we condemn.

Seeing imperfections friends, you should first of all think about your own shortcomings, and then condemnation will turn into a judgment of truth, and if our own shortcomings do not prevent us from moving forward, then the same must be applied to the shortcomings of a friend who is also striving for the Light.

So, by analyzing your strengths and weaknesses from the outside, you can get a more or less correct assessment of your personality.


There are two types of criticism/self-criticism: destructive And creative.

Destructive characterized by criticism for the sake of criticism, self-judgment Not for the sake of the ascent of the spirit. Such criticism is full of selfishness, it destructive, harmful and Not acceptable.

Creative criticism creative, purified from selfhood. She useful and constructive. Correct, healthy self-criticism gives strength to move on.

Nose digging, self-criticism, repentance, self-flagellation weaken.

« Correct, healthy criticism can breathe new strength into a person, but dark criticism can kill .

Criticism - nocondemnation,but discussion, analysis of shortcomings and instructions on how to avoid them(G.A.Y. 1958 544. (447)


The most difficult art is the ability to deal with people.

On the one side, I would like to help, explain, point out shortcomings or errors, but you can't do this because you can be Not heard, Not witnesses, or else, get unnecessary and vehement opposition.

In this case, you must avoiddirect instructions and especiallycritics . Even friendly criticism often evokes unwanted feelings. The most important, avoid condemnation.



Firstly , only by your example!

Giving advice and guidance to others is easy. But, if we ourselves do not follow our recommendations, then this Not will benefit another, since such teaching is devoid of strength and internal convincing.

Moreover, for this reason, we may become an object of condemnation. Only by our own example can we influence another person.

Secondly , kind statementor "by drawing a longer line", you can achieve excellent results.

« The affirmation will cover what is subject to condemnation and what is denied as worthless, and will raise consciousness to the next level of understanding,when the shortcomings of this or that phenomenon themselves condemn themselves with convincing self-evidence". (G.A.Y. 1960 March 10)

For example, if a person is verbose, thereby annoying other people and stealing other people’s time, without pointing out this shortcoming to him, we can speak of short, clear, beautiful speech that conveys the idea being expressed in clear and precise words.

In this case, no one will argue that verbosity and idle talk are useful. So, you can painlessly advise a person suffering from this disease.

This should always be done in everything.

“Every negative statement expressed should be covered with a positive statement, without, if possible, affecting what is denied.” (G.A.Y. 1962 224)

“It is better if the speaker expresses his thoughts without any teaching, but in such a way that the logical conclusion from what he hears prompts the person to take the right actions.” (G.A.Y. 1970 762)

Third , necessary free yourself from a personal attitude towards people and replace it with a super-personal one, that is, already more Not dependent on personal feelings, fragile and transitory.Everything built on such feelings is fragile.

The criterion for relationships is not the personal attitude towards a person, but his usefulness to evolution, the Common Good, or the common cause.

“When personal attitudes are dropped, mistakes become fewer.” (G.A.Y. 1965 387)

Fourth , By directing your attention to the best that is in a person, you can be of great benefit to him.

“If you simply imagine an irritated or excited person, without saying anything to him, as clearly and clearly calm - good done.

All sorts of things negative manifestation of human nature mentally replaced positive, opposite to it, and thereby neutralized by force of law. If the neutralizing energy is stronger, then the benefit of the influence is undoubted and great.

It would be a clear mistake to multiply bad properties by affirming them in a person with thoughts, judgments and feelings.

It is better to think good about a bad person, causing the good that is in him to manifest itself, than to think bad, and thereby strengthen it, and make it even worse.

So every darkness in a person can be covered with Light, and made better, and thereby helped.” (G.A.Y. 1958 254. (185)

« An eye open to goodness brings to life light and building forces in every phenomenon. Hence the good and evil eye.

Let's protect ourselves from becoming destroyers. For by becoming such, we serve darkness and evil.

It is better to make the mistake of exaggerating goodness than to intensify darkness by bringing to Life the energies of decay. This applies to all phenomena of life. It is commanded to have a good eye.

Even by exaggerating their good and positive qualities, we make their bearer better. The more destructive is condemnation, hence Covenant “Do not judge». (G.A.Y. 1953 412)


“We, the departed, always feel thoughts directed towards us from the incarnate, and react to them, being happy or sad. Therefore, one should always think or speak favorably about those who have departed to the Subtle World. Condemnation is especially painful. It’s better not to remember them at all than to condemn the dead. It is not for nothing that wisdom commands: “About the dead, it’s either good or nothing.”

The one who said this knew that people who crossed the Great Borders are acutely sensitive to thoughts about them from the incarnate. Good remembrance of them makes them happy and pleased.

With kind thinking you can make a friend or strengthen a former earthly friendship, or, conversely, with condemnation you can make an enemy. Follow unswervingly the advice of a friendly attitude towards those who have departed, and then you will meet more friends in the Supermundane World.” (G.A.Y. 1972 227. (M.A.Y.)

“If you speak badly about the dead, you can bring upon yourself a strong enemy from the Subtle World. But if you speak well, you can attract a friend.

If praise or condemnation of the deceased can so strongly influence the relationships of people, then good remembrance of the deceased will be a blessing for them .

They rejoice at every good memory of them. Radanitsa, a day dedicated to the dead, is also not without significance. Essentially speaking, there are those who have departed to that World, but there are no dead.

Spirit Not dies, and looking at those who have passed away as continuing to live in the spirit will be an indicator of knowledge of the Fundamentals.” (G.A.Y. 1971 792)