A. the use of Taoist healing techniques for self-improvement. Practice bone breathing. Neigong - the art of rejuvenation Enlightenment and the Birth of the Immortal Embryo

From ancient times to the present day, Taoist teachers look amazingly young and healthy. Judging by their appearance, activity and mobility, they can be thought to be twenty years younger than they actually are.

One way to maintain such vitality is through rejuvenation through Taoist Self-Massage. Using this technique, the Taoists used internal energy, or qi, to strengthen and rejuvenate the senses (eyes, ears, nose, tongue, teeth, skin) and internal organs.

Tao is the awakening of light. Book 1

Cosmic fusion. Fusion of the Eight Forces

Having studied with many famous Taoist masters, Mantak Chia was able to collect the acquired knowledge bit by bit and combine it into a holistic, logically completed method - Cosmic Fusion.

The theory and meditation practices contained in this book are explained in simple language and are accompanied by many pictures and diagrams. The book itself is designed so that you can use it both for your home practice and for practice anywhere else.

Basic course. A Complete System of Taoist Disciplines for Body, Mind and Spirit

The basic course of the Healing Tao is primarily intended for the development of the body, qi and mind.

By developing our inner strength and inner structure, we heal and strengthen the body and emotional or “heart” mind (xin), nourish and “ground” the body and spirit. At the same time, it is very important to learn how to make your body healthy, open and relaxed; concentrate, preserve, multiply and transform your qi(life force), open the energy channels of the body and restore balance, harmony and inner peace; connect with the forces that operate around us and throughout the Universe.

Initial practices of Kan and Li

Enlightenment and the Birth of the Immortal Embryo.

The practice presented in the book helps the birth of the spiritual body, the awakening of that part of oneself that is free from surrounding circumstances and karmic conditioning.

The birth of the spirit is not a metaphor. This is the real process of transforming energy into the subtle body. The newborn spirit matures in accordance with your energetic abilities. If you were to die, the energy collected in the spiritual body would not simply dissipate.

Initial practices lead to the first steps in overcoming reincarnation.

Highest Practices of Kan and Li

Collecting Cosmic Light.

This book contains instructions for the meditations of the ultimate Kan and Li, the Greatest Kan and Li.

The essence of the highest practices of Kan and Li is the installation of a cauldron in the heart center and the subsequent purification of the Soul and Spirit. It is in the heart center that the highest practices of Kan and Li are carried out. The central formula is a combination of energies in the heart center, including macro- and microcosmic energy.

Cosmic healing 2

In our time, when most of humanity spends almost all of its vitality solely on biosocial survival, mastering new sources of energy, including cosmic ones, becomes an urgent problem.

The training system proposed in the new book of the famous Taoist master Mantak Chia will help you, by connecting to the healing energies of the Universe, find the path to your own inner Source. These ancient Chinese practices of qigong and meditation are closely related to Taoist cosmology and astrology - teachings about the structure of the Universe and its influence on human life and destiny.

World Connection Meditation

In the process of directly joining the Source, the Cosmos, the Primordial creative force, a person gains independence. Through this process we can achieve inner peace and happiness. Anyone can develop the ability to heal not only themselves, but also others.

Naturally, the first step towards achieving this goal is achieving inner peace and happiness. Therefore, I have developed this meditation, which becomes especially profound when its effect is strengthened by thousands of other meditators united in the Circle of consciousness and awareness. This is the World Connection of the Universal Healing Tao.

Secrets of the Daode Jing

Has there ever been anything on earth more cherished and desired for people than the acquisition of physical and spiritual immortality? But the ancient scriptures definitely testify to long-lived sages who knew how to calm their minds, heal their bodies and control their own egos.

Today, internationally recognized masters and healers Mantak Chia and Tao Huan present to the Western reader a living and contemporary Taoist philosophy of physical and spiritual immortality - a holistic set of ideas and practical exercises that are worth working through, even if you do not yet “plan” to achieve its ultimate goal...

Inner Smile

The Inner Smile is a sincere smile to all parts of the body, including all organs, glands and muscles, as well as the nervous system. It produces high quality energy that can heal, and over time it is converted into even higher quality energy.

A sincere smile sends loving energy that has the power to warm and heal. Just remember a time when you were upset or physically ill and someone, perhaps even a stranger, smiled sincerely at you - and suddenly you felt better.

Tan Tian Qigong - empty force, perineal energy and second brain

Tan Tien Qigong is one of the Taoist qigong practices that is used to develop the Tan Tien and perineal strength. We need Chi energy and its pressure in the Tan Tien as the basis for most Healing Tao practices, especially such as Iron Shirt Qigong, Tai Chi Qigong and meditation.

Tao is the awakening of light. Book 2

The book "Tao - Awakening of Light" represents the basics of psychoenergetic training and a complete consistent presentation of Taoist light meditation techniques, as well as some traditional methods of their application in the practice of integral self-regulation and healing.

Chinese Master Mantak Chia and his wife Mrs. Maniwan Chia became the first representatives of this tradition, whom the Teachers prepared specifically so that the world of people would receive a full and competent first-hand presentation of its esoteric practice and theory.

Taoist Secrets of Love - Sexual Secrets Every Man Should Know

This book outlines a simple system of physical and psychological training that allows a man of any age to satisfy a woman's fantasy: to decisively increase the quality - and quantity - of love games.

This is a simple, accessible and surprisingly effective technique that you can start practicing today.

For women who read and understand the essence of this technique, secrets of male sexuality known only to a few men will be revealed.

It is even better to read this book together, together they will experience the luxury of sexual ecstasy, satisfaction and intimacy that most people do not even suspect, in addition, people who master the Taoist technique of Sexual Kung Fu maintain increased vitality and increase their life expectancy.

Taoist secrets for improving female sexual energy

Iron shirt

“I intend to write a series of books that would reflect the worldview of the Taoist masters as a whole. Thus, each of my works reveals certain aspects of Taoist teaching and corresponding aspects of practice.

Each book is dedicated to one of the Taoist systems of self-improvement of a human being. And if you wish. You can limit yourself to practicing only what is described in this particular book. However, it seems to me that we should not forget: all Taoist systems of self-improvement are facets of the same precious crystal of a single tradition of Taoist Yoga, all of them have been practiced together since ancient times.

Therefore, it is most advisable to integrate the material presented in each of my books into the general flow of practice. This will make your training harmonious and comprehensive, allowing you to most fully combine the physical, energetic, psychotechnical and spiritual aspects of it, which, of course, will immediately affect its effectiveness and results."

Neigong - the art of rejuvenating the body

“Neigong - the art of rejuvenating the body” is another work by Mantak Chia, whose books were received with such warmth and enthusiasm in America, Europe, and finally, after their appearance in Russian, here.

The Chinese master Mantak Chia and his wife Mrs. Maniwan Chia became the first representatives of the new tradition, whom the Teachers prepared specifically so that the world of people would receive a full and competent presentation of its hitherto secret theories and practices at first hand.

This book presents some practical aspects of psychoenergetic training, allowing you to take a fresh look at the incredible capabilities of the body and mind.

Awakening the healing energy of the Tao

This book is a practical guide to mastering the lowest levels of the unified “System of Healing Tao”, developed by the Teacher of “practical Taoism” based on a synthesis of many teachings from East and Southeast Asia.

At higher levels of this system, students improve their healing abilities, which can be directed both within themselves and towards others, master the skills of managing internal energies, and achieve various “levels of enlightenment.”

Superpowers of a man available to everyone

The book “Male Superpowers Available to Everyone” stands somewhat apart from the other books in the “Taoist Secrets” series.

The authors, inspired by the success (including in our country) of the two main books in this series, “Improving Male Sexual Energy” and “Improving Female Sexual Energy,” and who have accumulated extensive theoretical and practical experience over the years of work in the network of educational and training centers of the Healing Tao System , created by one of the authors, came to the conclusion that many of the ideas and methods they presented could be much better perceived by most people if they were not complicated by some philosophical and esoteric ideas of Taoism.

In this regard, the book compares favorably with its aforementioned predecessors: firstly, it is simpler and more accessible to most readers; secondly, it covers a wider range of practical problems; and third, the practices it describes can lead to higher, specifically sexual, levels of perfection, pleasure and satisfaction.

Sexual reflexology. Tao of love and sex

The methods presented in this book are based on the information presented in Master Chia's first four books on the healing energy of love: Taoist Secrets of Love, Healing Love, Cultivating Male Sexual Energy, and Taoist Secrets of Love for Two.

In this book, Master Chia and W. Yu Wei explain the essence of sexual reflexology using their knowledge of acupuncture points and the art of foot massage. They transferred this knowledge to the sphere of internal energy channels and to the field of empathy sexuality in order to make their methodology as understandable and accessible as possible.

Improving female sexual energy

The basis of all Taoist yoga is working with sexual energy. The Taoists learned to masterfully subjugate this “winged dragon”. After all, sexual energy is the most powerful and most accessible force of the body. If a person changes even a little in this area, then he feels a sharp improvement in health, well-being, perception of the world, creative possibilities, and relationships with other people.

Before you is a deeply personal journey into the world of female passion and intimacy that every woman dreams of.

Not only will it help you understand your own unique feminine nature and reach your full potential, but it will also teach you to enjoy your own body more while improving your health.

Tai Chi Qigong I

Thirteen Movement Form.

The book will tell you about the system of martial and spiritual training of the Thirteen Movements form, an ancient Taoist practice.

Contains preparatory, main and final movements, which are clearly explained with numerous illustrations. Contains illustrations.

The Taoists have been performing the exercises described in this book for many centuries. However, they did this under the individual guidance of experienced mentors. Therefore, those readers who do not have the experience and skills of practicing Chinese health systems, but still intend to begin the Nei Kung Method of Bone Marrow Rejuvenation, should know: doing some exercises incorrectly will do more harm than good. Therefore, I recommend that all practitioners follow this guide exercise common sense, follow instructions strictly and pay particular attention to the notes accompanying the exercise descriptions.

It may turn out that you, the reader, have never tried to move the energy flows inside your body through meditation before; in this case, try to understand that energy manipulation is not only a real thing, but also absolutely necessary for your own safety. If, after exercise, excess energy remains in a person’s head or internal organs, this often leads to undesirable effects. That is why it is necessary to conduct an energy charge along the Microcosmic Orbit, directing it to the storage location - the Dan Tien point. All this is explained in the recommendations for performing the exercises.

The fifth chapter of the book is devoted to the technique of using Qi to perform exercises with weights; I would recommend practicing this only to those who have individually studied Taoist health systems with a teacher. The fact is that the exercises given in this chapter are designed for existing preliminary experience, including in training in Taoist health systems, so doing the exercises in the fifth chapter, based only on this book, means doing it at your own peril and risk.

I urge you, the reader, to read all recommendations carefully before starting any activity. During training, maintain the sequence of performing both individual phases of the exercise and the complex as a whole. Pay special attention to exercise notes and warnings.

Remember: incorrect or arbitrary performance of the described exercises, or their unprofessional interpretation are fraught with serious problems with health and general well-being. But in this case there will be no guilt of the author.


First of all, the author would like to express his gratitude to the great Taoist Masters who generously and selflessly shared their knowledge, without even knowing how much enthusiasm this ancient knowledge would generate in the Western world.

I am very grateful to the artist Juan Li for his illustrations and excellent design of the book. A tremendous amount of work was done by the editors of the publication: Charles Soupios and Valerie Mesharos, who devoted a lot of time to improving the book.

Invaluable technical assistance and support were provided by editorial board members Michael Wynn, Dennis O'Connor, Eric Edelytain, Juan Li, and especially Diana Ron.

The compilers, Ph.D. Gunther Weil, Raylene Malone, and John-Robert Zielinski, kindly agreed to help with advice and action. Special thanks to art editor David Miller, proofreaders John Sillari and Marlin San Miguel Groener.

With gratitude and love I mention the names of my relatives: my mother, wife Manivan and son Max, without whom this publication would not have been so complete.

Finally, the Center for Taoist Health Systems will never forget the dedicated work of the director of the Hi-Ling Tao Books publishing house, Felix Morrow, who left us forever in May of this year without ever seeing the publication of this book, the Bone Marrow Nei Gong Rejuvenation Technique.


When a person notices that his health has deteriorated, he, as a rule, blames the circumstance that actually opened his eyes to the true state of affairs.
When choosing a new approach to your own health, it is certainly wise to consult a doctor to consult whether it will yield a positive result. But it is no less advisable to find the true cause of the problems that have arisen before you start doing anything that will only confirm: yes, your health is rather weak.

If in the process of practicing the Bone Marrow Nei Gong Rejuvenation Method you discover that the physical condition of the body is impaired, remember that this is unlikely to be the result of the lessons. Generally speaking, we should thank nature for the opportunity to sense in advance that our health is in danger.

The main goal of Chinese traditional medicine is to strengthen the body and balance its forces so that the body can heal itself. The foundations for this are laid through meditation, exercises for internal organs and martial arts, which are part of the System of Taoist Health Methods.

During the training, carefully follow the recommendations for performing the exercises and do not neglect additional exercises, especially those related to meditation on the Microcosmic Orbit. Be aware of the notes and warnings in each chapter. Those who suffer from high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, or have a general weakened condition should be especially careful. If you have a sexually transmitted disease, you must avoid any exercises to transform and enhance sexual energy until complete recovery.

I would like to emphasize that the meditation techniques described here are not alternative to clinical methods of treating diseases.

The purpose of writing this book was in no way to diagnose diseases or provide recommendations for curing them. You should get rid of health problems (especially mental ones) even before starting classes.


Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Technique is the Taoist art of internal human improvement. Through the use of physical and mental exercises, not only does bone marrow rejuvenate, but also blood circulation improves and internal vitality strengthens.

The Center for Healthy Taoist Techniques offers this as a modern way to ensure health and longevity; but the knowledge underlying the methodology originates in the mists of time, in ancient China. Until the relatively recent introduction of acupuncture into Western medicine, Taoist health practices remained virtually unknown in America and Europe because Taoism was a closed knowledge system and cultural barriers did not facilitate information exchange in this area. However, today Taoist human cultivation techniques are becoming increasingly popular. The reason for this is that they address not only the physical body of a person, but also his mind and spirit.

The system of Taoist Health Techniques is an independently existing “living philosophy.” Practically using this system means understanding both life itself and the philosophy of life better.

Let us recall other philosophical movements, each of which claims to be the only true “recipe” for a way of life: none of them is truly alive, since none of them can be used daily. At the same time, Taoist teaching is precisely the source of knowledge that indicates the true path. If you consider your physical, mental and spiritual aspirations from this point of view, you may also understand the essence of the philosophy of Tao.


One of the goals of the Taoist Health Methodology system is to create an atmosphere conducive to self-improvement. Taoism has nothing to do with ideas about overthrowing the government, the dominant religion or social order - it does not need it. Much more can be achieved by stimulating the spiritual, physical and energetic improvement of the individual.

Those who seek true knowledge, in turn, inspire others to do the same. This may seem strange to those who profess philosophies that require service to God, or "self-denial."

And yet, the opposite approach to the common one does not in any way detract from the importance of Taoist Health Techniques. Indeed, in essence, both self-improvement and self-denial are only two aspects of one idea, which consists in stimulating individual spiritual growth.

Taoist health exercises promote the development of inner strength and promote peace and tranquility of the mind. It's pointless to worry about the world's problems if you can't deal with your own. Without establishing peace within yourself, it is impossible to achieve peace in your family and with friends. Our ability to help others directly depends on the excess of internal energy that we are able to devote to this good goal. But it is possible to bestow others with a particle of this internal energy only if it is grown within us.

You can only share what you have in abundance - otherwise your need for energy will increase and you will, willy-nilly, begin to pump it out of those around you, emptying them. The best example of this is love.

Taoism teaches that in order to survive, a person needs the love of the inner Self. This same love nourishes the energy that a person shares with others, helping them. But the energy of love can only be shared when it overwhelms the whole person and becomes excessive. In other words, before you love another, first learn to love yourself.

Under the influence of an altruistic impulse, many people usually demonstrate their desire to help others, going beyond any reasonable limit in such help. Such altruism is completely contrary to what was said above. Remember: among the followers of Taoism, thoughts of one’s own superiority and the resulting condescending desire to help those “below” are not held in high esteem. This approach limits the right of others to choose their own path in life.

We are not able to radically change the universe. We must perceive the world as it is. However, we have a responsibility to change ourselves personally for the better. If you find that others are trying to emulate your lifestyle, then you have found the best way to force yourself to change.


We all know that someday we will inevitably grow old and leave this world. At the same time, we often turn a blind eye to unnatural aspects of life’s path, and therefore predetermine them. In truth, modern society simply does not have enough education to understand that we ourselves choose aging and death according to the life path we have built. This is not about people not knowing about the possibility of immortality. We are much more capable of managing these life stages than we realize today. Death can be called a choice, given that we can choose to live longer. Aging is also a choice, since we can live in such a way that our bodies do not change for the worse, do not age as long as possible. A person can resist aging if he decides that he intends to do so. Of course, we are all mortal; but we have the choice of when and how this will happen to us!

Taoists choose a long life in order to create the best conditions for this by the time they say goodbye to life. People know practically nothing about the realities of existence outside the physical world. People are afraid of this knowledge, preferring to leave it in the hands of God.

Thus, according to the strict canons of faith in God, humanity learned to survive. But the fear of new knowledge also hides internal knowledge, the essence of which is that God is not responsible for man’s spiritual quest. The person himself is responsible for this. According to Taoism, fate is entirely in the hands of man - a participant in the life process, but not of God: so that a person is able to independently choose his life path.

Taoist practices that allow the spirit to leave its corporeal shell and go to explore higher realities are as old as civilization on Earth. There is nothing offensive or incompatible with religion about this ability. This is only part of a life philosophy that uses means of physical and spiritual improvement to fill a person with spiritual energy.

This philosophy of Taoist healing techniques is not considered a religion, since it lacks rituals, worship of deities and other ritual paraphernalia characteristic of religion.

It is also necessary to take into account that religion is not always synonymous with spirituality - after all, our spiritual essence lies much deeper than the beliefs in which we later convince ourselves. Taoist philosophy simply offers insight into ways of spiritual growth without the need to raise questions of religiosity. When searching for the truth, it makes sense to temporarily leave questions and wait until the answers appear over the course of the study.

It is unusual for many to even think about planning a trip “there”, where nothing can be physically felt. From the point of view of spiritual growth, such an attitude is quite understandable: after all, in our familiar world there is still so much unknown that we want and need to know. There is no point in a person suffering in this life if, with the help of the intoxicating techniques, he is able to ensure good health. By practicing Taoist healing methods, you can begin a new, spiritual “life after life” even before the physical death of the body. At the same time, those who engage in Taoist healing methods only for the purpose of physical improvement will also achieve a positive effect. Now that this system of exercises is available to everyone, making a choice in any case is quite simple.

And one more thing to remember: in Taoism there is no place for glorifying teachers. Great teachers are not gods, saints or demons. It is quite enough for them if a diligent student sometimes honors them with sincere respect - but only respect! Anything beyond this is considered a waste of energy by teachers.
Taoist philosophy says do not use the services of a “mediator” if you are able to find the answer to your questions on your own. The enlightenment we strive for requires us to unite and direct all our efforts along the spiritual path we have chosen. You need to understand that a teacher is only a kind mentor, an assistant, but not a savior.

There are many techniques on how to achieve enlightenment - many more than are necessary. Therefore, it is necessary to concentrate all spiritual impulses on one wisely chosen method, so as not to get bogged down in endless searches. A follower of Taoism cannot rely on the hierarchy of his own spiritual structure to mercifully tell him the correct answer. He alone is responsible for determining his own spiritual needs and how to satisfy them. The physical life we ​​have chosen offers man a great variety of tools. Taoism is only a pointer to the right path.


Michael Wynn
Seven years ago, when I started practicing Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Method, I had absolutely no idea what it meant to feel my bones. Despite practicing Tai Chi Chuan and meditation, I felt that my bones were hard, inflexible and dense. Then I did not yet know that bones are living tissue, that they grow every minute, that my life depends on the quality of the blood they produce, and that by learning to interact with bone tissue, I can radically change my health.

I experienced an unspeakable surprise when, after the simplest exercises such as Bone Breathing, I immediately had the feeling that my bones had literally returned to life. It was wonderful. I felt some kind of tingling in them; They seemed to purr like a cat. Practicing Tai Chi Quan after that, I felt like my muscles and organs were disappearing and only my skeleton was dancing weightlessly in the air.

Even over the years, regularly doing simple exercises of bone breathing or spiral rotation of Qi within bone tissue, I regularly feel the positive effects of the exercises. After completing them, an unusual but pleasant feeling arises that penetrates me “literally to the marrow of my bones.” It's like a deep massage, the aftereffect of which is felt throughout the day.

The classes freed me from the fear of the coming old age, which would turn my bones into wrinkled nutshells. Now I had problems of a completely different nature: my wife sometimes woke me up at night, complaining that in my sleep I put my hand on her, which seemed incredibly heavy to her.

The last bit of skepticism evaporated when I discovered that tapping my jaw with a wire device every day for three minutes relieved my jaw muscle tightness. In general, the jaw muscles are the strongest muscles in our body. This is why paired temporomandibular joint syndrome (the main symptom is rigidity of the masticatory muscle) is usually difficult to treat. It is likely that the effect of vibration on the lower jaw relieves excessive tension in the masticatory muscles. Thus, this method will bring relief to many people suffering from this syndrome due to daily stress.

Now that I have learned to “play” with my bones, to meditate on them, we have become best friends. The Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation technique taught me to practically connect the strongest and strongest parts of my physical body with the most subtle movements of the spirit. Realizing how important it is to move bone tissue, I re-interpreted the meaning of the classic Yang family meditative quatrain used in Tai Chi Quan:

The mind controls Qi so that it is able to plunge into the depths of the body and penetrate into the bones. When Qi flows freely, the body easily follows the thought.

Learning to “cleanse” the bone marrow was not at all easy: at first, the process of cleansing the body was not always easy and pleasant for me, so sometimes I even had to go to bed for a couple of days.

At the same time, a process of psychological adaptation took place. At first, exercises like Chi Lifting and Striking techniques seemed too difficult to me. As I tried to carry them out, I often could not help but chuckle nervously at the thought of religious fanatics engaged in self-flagellation. Somewhere deep down there lived a fear that I had become the victim of some crazy doctrine. However, now, having almost seven years of experience in practicing the Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Method, I can confidently declare: this system of exercises is excellent for achieving physical and spiritual health. In developing methods for controlling bone strength, the ancient Chinese were amazingly precise, even scientific. Mantak Chia, in turn, took one step further by combining the ancient teachings of Qi with the most modern scientific data on the biochemistry of bone tissue.

The name Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Method sounds very mysterious and even esoteric. It was originally taught by Master Chia under the name of advanced level Iron Shirt Qigong.

Let's consider the cultural aspect of this Chinese terminology. There are many different variations of Qigong in China. They are taught by martial arts teachers and masters of meditation techniques.

Literally, “Qigong” can be translated as “Performing exercises using energy breathing.”

This can mean any exercise that uses breathing to increase the energy of the body. Physiological breathing leads to the activation of Qi (this method of breathing is also called subtle or superficial) and increases a person’s physical and mental strength.

The Qigong system has retained its enormous popularity today. During my recent trip to China, I repeatedly observed how passing people gathered along the roads to watch the “demonstration performances” of Qigong masters.

Without menacing muscles, these masters demonstrated amazing feats: they bent thick steel rods against their necks, broke bricks with their heads, allowed trucks to run over them, and deflected sharp daggers with unprotected skin without any apparent effort.

Of course, all this indicates the achievement of a high level of physical perfection. And yet, such performances indicate that the performers have not achieved the main goal of Qigong - to prepare their body for interaction with spiritual energies of a higher order. “Thanks” to the many films about kung fu and the already described artists from Qigong, training in this system is now, as a rule, extolled as a path to superhuman physical strength. This scares off most ordinary people who do not even know that the actual exercises of the Qigong system are quite simple and very beneficial for health.

Nei Gong and Qigong are close relatives in terms of "training inner strength" and developing the inner strength of the body-mind without the use of physiological breathing exercises. The characteristic features of the Nei Gong system are mental concentration, the ability to internal vision and the development of a deep internal understanding of psychophysical processes occurring in the body.

Most of the methods of internal alchemy taught today in the branches of the Center for Health Taoist Methods - Inner Smile, Microcosmic Orbit, Fusion of the Five Elements, Kan and Li - are part of the Neigong system. Methods of self-improvement according to the Nei Gong system are not as numerous as Qigong complexes. This may be due to the fact that Nei Gong exercises have a more subtle organization and have traditionally been kept secret for a long time.

When Master Chia visited Taiwan in 1987, he discovered that the starting price for a Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Nei Kung course was about four thousand US dollars for ten hours of training. In addition to everything, the practitioner had to take an oath that he would always keep the knowledge gained secret and would not pass it on to others. Teacher Chia had already mastered this practice ten years earlier, in Hong Kong, where Teacher Zheng Yao-Lun taught him.

After completing his training, Chia was dissatisfied with the slowness of the process; this inspired him to publish his closely guarded secrets so that thousands of people in other countries could benefit from practicing the Chinese arts of internal cultivation.

Once secret, the Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Technique is now associated with stories of great masters who are able to create an “Iron Shirt” around themselves or make their own body “steel.” But, unlike these cinematic fairy tales, the Nei Kung system is not aimed at creating a superman - a kind of indestructible mountain of muscles; rather, it is aimed at improving the internal strength of the body, packing Qi into the internal organs and bones in order to prevent possible diseases and premature aging.

The ability to withstand physical impact in the form of strong blows or unexpected falls is born as a result of the packaging of Qi into the ligamentous apparatus: then the body simply “repels” the external impact.

The Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation technique promotes the production of enormous amounts of energy; however, it is precisely this circumstance that should be taken into account by those who practice, without sufficient internal self-discipline, who tend to forget about the need to purify the newly formed Qi through meditation. After all, excess energy causes stagnation and overheating of internal organs; and the only remedy for this is Microcosmic Orbital Meditation, by which the new, "raw" energy is transformed into the primal spirit, or "Zhen". Otherwise, why produce and improve inner strength if you are not able to purify the received energy and use it for your benefit?

At one time, I knew one very capable young man who selflessly devoted all his time to Lifting Weights with the Genital Organs with the Help of Qi (this complex is an integral part of the Nei Kung Method of Bone Marrow Rejuvenation). As a result of the exercises, his body produced a significant amount of sexual energy, which he subsequently, using a device for performing percussion exercises (see below), forced to vibrate inside the bones. This allowed him to lift significant weights with his genitals (much more than the 4.5 kg recommended in the corresponding exercise). His hobby reached such an extent that he even began to constantly carry weights in his bag for classes.

Even eminent masters cannot always avoid the danger of excessive practice. Thus, one Taiwanese teacher, who for a long time taught the technique of Lifting Weights with the Genitals with the Help of Chi for a lot of money, once declared that he was able to lift no less than 137 kg on his own genitals! Apparently the task was too much for him, as I recently learned that he died at a fairly young age. The probable cause of death was a blood clot that formed in the testicle and subsequently traveled to the brain. If this master had approached his studies more practically, balancing the weight he lifted with meditative techniques, he could still live and work.

Followers of Taoism in ancient China, cultivating internal Qi, believed that the development of a deep “bone consciousness” was an important step towards understanding human immortality. Classical Taoist treatises say that the circulation of postnatal Qi - this is the energy that arose after the birth of a person and consists of the energy components of food, emotions, sex life and mental activity - in the Microcosmic Orbit leads to the release of prenatal (laid before birth) Qi, which is stored in the human bone and brain.

It is this prenatal Qi, which is also called pre-heaven, or primary Qi, which, through purification, turns into spiritual consciousness and gives life to the embryo of immortality, located in the lower abdomen. Gradually this embryo develops into a spiritual child, and then as the person matures in the spiritual sense, this child develops into a “light body” or “immortal body.”

For followers of Taoism, the bone structure has always remained the secret key with the help of which the human spirit is stabilized (or “grounded”), connecting with the physical body. However, the bone tissue must first be cleaned. The level of bone vibration or, in other words, bone consciousness, must be increased. The movement of Qi within bone tissue is used to more effectively cleanse the bones, as well as to cleanse the Qi itself, which is then sent to the meridian system, bloodstream, nervous system, internal organs and glands of the body.

The human skeleton forms a kind of vertical structure, thanks to which special energy channels function in our body: for example, the Zhong-mo - the main channel passing through the entire central part of the body, or the “encircling channels”, spiraling around the torso. All these channels turn a person into a kind of antenna that perceives the energy and electromagnetic fields of the Earth, Moon, Sun and stars.

Considering what has already been said, the book Method of Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Nei Kung can no longer be considered completely esoteric and inaccessible to most people. Of course, just a few years ago such topics could only be of interest to a relatively small circle of martial arts experts. But the Nei Kung Bone Marrow Healing System is also completely accessible to ordinary people who simply want to feel stronger, physically healthier, and firmly standing on this earth. Once upon a time, all this was part of the deeply secret knowledge of Chinese sages; now the secrets of Tao are revealed to the world, like a wondrous flower, and everyone who bends towards it will feel its fragrance.

Modern popular science literature on bone health is usually limited to recommendations about diet and mineral supplements to prevent the development of osteoporosis. This disease is age-related: over time, calcium is washed out of the bones, making them more fragile.

The disease is especially severe in older people and women who have gone through menopause. At the same time, modern studies claim that calcium supplements to the diet have a very ambiguous effect on the course of the disease.

Today, scientists have concluded that it is possible to prevent the onset or development of osteoporosis by performing exercises that place slight pressure on bone tissue (provided that hormonal balance is maintained in the body). Such exercises maintain the normal condition of the skeletal bones. Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Nei Gong exercises the bones, increasing their density, and Energetic Genital Massage helps stimulate the production of hormones. The combination of these complexes will allow millions of women to avoid osteoporosis.

The only exception to the current literature on bone diseases is the absolutely outstanding book by Gabriel Couzen, Spiritual Nutrition and the Radiant Diet (Cassandra Press, 1986). The author of the book points out that bones are the only formation of a crystalline structure in the human body and that scientists have recently been able to detect and measure electromagnetic waves that bones perceive and then re-radiate into internal organs, the nervous system, energy meridians and blood cells. At the same time, a “piezoelectric effect” was discovered in bone tissue, that is, the ability to generate electrical impulses. In confirmation of what has been said, Cozen writes:

"Our brain, heart and nervous system also emit electromagnetic fields that cause resonance in the bones and similar crystalline structures. Receiving these electromagnetic fields, the crystalline bone tissue then re-radiates them, along with the information component, into the crystalline structures of the body at the cellular and subcellular levels."

From this we can conclude that bones are a kind of tuning fork that tunes all organs and tissues of the body as a whole. Thanks to their hard, durable structure, bones are able to act as a reliable transmitter, emitting deeply penetrating, rhythmic impulses that, at the biological level, connect the energetic vibrations of the atoms of our body with the cosmic microwave background radiation of stars. It is the Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation System that gives us a wonderful opportunity to constantly purify and strengthen the sound of our natural tuning fork until it hums with the crystal clear sounds of the Universe.

The effect of bone consciousness manifests itself in a thousand different ways, and SIN is not associated with martial arts. Having considered the most general aspects of Chinese cultural heritage, we will discover the greatest respect the Chinese have for the funeral ceremony and the memory of their ancestors. If the bodies of your relatives or friends were buried near a troubled place (with busy traffic, noise, etc.), or in an area with a disturbed natural balance of water, air masses, etc., then you will certainly notice that there are much more troubles and unrest.

Chinese theory says that there is a "magic of bone harmony." This means that the frequency of vibration in your bones is almost the same as that of your parents. If their bone structure experiences various disturbances, then you will feel it too - after all, we are all in a barely noticeable but strong connection with the people closest to us. The bones of the human skeleton never die. They continue to be transmitters, emitting the vibration of the spirit that left them.

Our bones are invisible conductor's batons hidden under the mass of flesh. All our lives we wave it, like a conductor who tries to evoke the magic of the highest harmony. When we grow old, our bones become empty and brittle; in old age we often lack fire and passion to perform the symphony of life. This is not surprising: after all, we use them all our lives, wave, beat time, etc., without even thinking about making them stronger. On top of everything, gravity puts pressure on them with a constant and merciless pressure.

The Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation technique provides us with a good opportunity to explore the core of our body, to find a way to reliably connect our spiritual essence with the skeletal system, this reliable, strong anchor. The benefits of this are enormous: we learn to use the unconscious power in our bones both in everyday life and for the purposes of spiritual perfection.

The next step will be entirely ours. It is necessary to experiment with the Nei Gong technique for healing the bone marrow until it feels as if the ancient wisdom of Qi has settled in our bones forever. As Mantak Chia says, “You get what you make.”

New York, July 4, 1988
Michael Winn is a senior instructor at the Center for Taoist Health Techniques, co-author of Mantak Chia in the creation of the book “Taoist Secrets of Love. Development of Sexual Energy in Men.” He is engaged in writing, photography and entrepreneurship. Lives in New York with his wife and work colleague Ann-Joy Gayheart.


In Western countries, it is widely believed that daily exercise helps slow down the aging process. In modern society, a person’s physical health is directly linked to his appearance, which depends on persistent daily training.

An example of this is the tendency to create a muscular body through lifting weights. Many of us have been heavily influenced by competitive athletics to shape our perceptions of health and wellness. But any person who considers bodybuilding fans to be the most physically developed will reconsider his attitude to this if he learns that all these athletes live no longer than “ordinary” people.

Professional athletes today have become universal idols. In order to climb to the highest step of the podium, and then maintain the palm, they are forced to expend an unimaginable amount of energy. But as the body “squeezes” the required amount of energy out of itself for a long time, the athlete’s internal organs increasingly lose the ability to keep the body at the level of the requirements. The signs of aging inexorably roll over the athlete, ultimately forcing him to give up further struggle. Many people try to slow down the decline in energy production with the help of vitamins and special diets, but with age, the body's ability to absorb food and vitamins decreases, reaching a completely unsatisfactory minimum. Thus, it should be recognized that physical exercise and experimentation with nutrition, even when combined, do not lead to good health.

In the process of athletic exercises, the practitioner indirectly influences the internal organs and glands; and yet, if you do not put emphasis on improving them, regardless of working with the muscles, such exercises are more likely to do harm than good. Internal organs and glands ensure the functioning of all body systems: for example, the bone marrow is responsible for the production of blood components. But despite this, we continue to mindlessly overload our internal organs beyond measure in the hope that the development of muscle strength will compensate for everything. But an insufficient flow of energy to the internal organs and glands simply will not allow you to achieve the desired results in working with muscles. In short, a person's build and muscular strength cannot be considered an indicator of his overall physical health.

The approach to health in Taoism is fundamentally different from the Western concept. Taoist techniques are always aimed at internal improvement of the body, at the development and strengthening of internal organs, ligaments, bones and glands. The same goals are pursued by the Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Technique, which improves blood quality and blood supply, strengthens all internal systems of the body and improves overall health.

Energetic stimulation of the bone marrow is the main condition for the development of a person’s internal strength - a factor completely unknown to supporters of “external” human health. Sometimes you hear the phrase that a person’s inner beauty continues to bloom when the outer beauty has already faded. Due to its focus on developing inner strength, Taoist techniques ensure long-lasting inner beauty of a person, which certainly affects his outer appearance.


1. Internal vital energy - Qi
Taoism views the universe as the interaction of positively and negatively charged electromagnetic fields. Qi is an umbrella term for both types of these energy fields; Qi is the energy of food, air, moon, sun and stars that nourishes all living things.

The internal organs and glands of our body also produce Qi, which envelops a person in the form of a cocoon. Since Qi is an integral part of this energy shell, it is absolutely necessary to maintain our internal organs and glands in a healthy state, develop and rejuvenate them.

In order for current to arise in the electrical circuit, it is necessary to connect the positive and negative poles of the battery to it; similarly, the normal functioning of our body depends on the interaction of the positive (Yang) and negative (Yin) components of Qi. Yin, analogous to the negative pole of a battery, is the embodiment of calm, cool, “gentle” energy; associated with the feminine principle. Yang corresponds to a positive charge, embodies the hot, mobile, volatile energy characteristic of the masculine principle. Both of these components coexist in every person, although they are not always in harmonious accordance with each other. In today's conditions, it is extremely necessary for a person to understand the essence of Yin and Yang, because disharmony between these energetic substances often leads to undesirable consequences.

Qi (also known as "Ki") is a constant factor that accompanies a person throughout his life. Unfortunately, many of us often lose it faster than we produce it. Our internal sources of energy cannot be considered inexhaustible. An ignorant person can easily empty them to the point where restoration is no longer possible; and this is a real prerequisite for the process of painful aging and rapid death. The bleak prospect can be postponed provided that internal organs and glands are regenerated. Fortunately for us, we have the ability to restore the body's resources through the absorption and processing of Qi. In other words, this vital energy can not only restore our internal organs, but also maintain them in a healthy, efficient state.

Taoist healing techniques as the main goal involve training a person’s ability to produce Qi. Any of the methods assumes this ability as the pinnacle of perfection. If a person wants to become a healer, then he will achieve success only by learning to direct energy into his hands. The athlete should learn how Yam can be converted into strength and endurance.

Anyone who wants to get rid of negative influences must learn to transform negative energy into positive energy. Anyone who seeks enlightenment must seek the highest source of all energies that feed this world.

2. Bone Marrow Neigong Rejuvenation Technique in theory
The goal of Bone Marrow Nei Gong Rejuvenation is to restore red bone marrow, which produces red blood cells (erythrocytes). This, in turn, helps improve blood circulation and Qi circulation in the body. The actual bone marrow healing technique consists of five complexes, each of which correlates with a specific body function:

a. Inhaling energy coming from external sources.

b. Drawing in sexual energy and circulating it within the body.

c. Vibrating the bones (this causes the pores of the outer surface of the bone tissue to open, thereby increasing the absorption of energy).

d Squeezing fatty tissue from bones using the “fusion” of differently charged energy impulses.

e. Improving the activity of the nervous system and lymph circulation system with simultaneous detoxification of the skin. In the process of practicing the Bone Marrow Neigong Rejuvenation Method, processes that are related to aging occur in the human body. This is achieved through the use of sexual energy to restore the structure of the bone marrow; In addition, fatty tissue, which usually slows down the production of red blood cells, is removed from the internal cavities of the bones. Exercise also helps remove waste and toxins from the body, improves the functioning of the nervous system and lymph circulation system. In addition, there is a sixth set of exercises that can be recommended to those who already have significant experience in exercise. This complex further strengthens the internal organs and glands by training the fascial tissues surrounding these organs. During the training process, sexual energy, which is also called Qing Qi, is intensively released into the internal organs of the body.

Men who practice the Nei Kung Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Method experience an increase in strength, endurance and sexual potency. Women who perform Punching along with other exercises in the complex have no risk of developing cellulite. The Bone Marrow Rejuvenation Nei Kung technique is a good way to control your own weight, since intense heating of the whole body during exercise leads to the burning of fatty tissue. Generally speaking, regular exercise improves a person's abilities in almost any area: martial arts, weightlifting, athletics, football, aerobics, dancing, etc.

Exercises to improve the health and rejuvenation of the bone marrow should not be considered as a mandatory exercise schedule. The strictest discipline may be needed only when training in martial arts, but the goals are completely different. Even those who cannot devote much time to such esoteric subjects should, if possible, study regularly. As you develop skills in performing the exercises, try to continue practicing to maintain what you have achieved. In principle, the entire complex, including preparatory exercises, should take up to one hour. Copyright © site - free e-books

Bone Marrow Nei Gong includes 5 practices: bone breathing, bone compaction, sexual energy massage, packing technique to pack energy into the bones, and packing to stimulate the nervous system. In addition, a sixth additional technique is given for advanced practitioners - lifting weights with the genitals.

The practice of Bone Marrow Nei Gong allows you to cleanse and restore your bone marrow, strengthen your bones, and maintain good health for many years. The bone marrow is responsible for producing red and white blood cells. Therefore, any work that helps in the production of new cells, improving blood circulation and improving blood health also helps to increase Qi in the human body. Red blood cells are the true source of vital energy because they serve as the means by which the body uses oxygen and removes carbon dioxide.

Bone Breathing, which combines the power of the mind with deep, free breaths, allows us to create a flow of external energy from our fingers and toes into our body. This energy is combined with our sexual energy, released through sexual energy massage, and then pressed into the bones using the Bone Compression technique: Qi is first packed between the muscles and bones, and then pressed into the bones using muscle force.

The technique of packing with rattan and steel hitters has two purposes: when the muscle is exerted, the packing allows the Chi energy to better pass through the pores of the bones, and when the muscle is relaxed, the packing allows the body to rid itself of toxins and better absorb the Chi. Rattan stick stuffing is used primarily to stimulate the nervous and lymphatic systems, but also helps improve the condition of muscles, skin, tendons and bones.

Practice bone breathing

The practice of bone breathing is actually the only means of preventing the disease of the century - osteoporosis, which has always been considered a companion to old age, and recently it is increasingly affecting the young active population of the planet. It consists of two stages: inhaling and exhaling through the fingers, and then inhaling and exhaling through the toes. First, it is enough to use the power of imagination and the eye to imagine the process of breathing through your fingers.

So, the first stage:

Strongly feel the breath moving up your hands, up your arms into your skull, and then down into your spine and legs.

Feel the bones from the inside and, relaxing the muscles and tendons, allow the breath to penetrate into the bones.

Second phase:

Inhale gradually through your legs into your hip bones.

After inhaling, hold your breath, but not so much that you feel discomfort.

Then exhale down through your toes.

Next time, keep inhaling up to your hips and then exhaling through your toes.

Raise your next breath to the sacrum. At this point the energy can rise up the back and reach the head, filling the entire nervous system.

Finally, lift your breath up your legs and back, combining this with breathing through your fingers, up your arms and shoulders, through the seventh cervical vertebra into your head.

Think of the best ways for energy to be inhaled and exhaled through your toes, elbows, knees, sacrum, lower back, seventh cervical vertebra, shoulders, and tip of the nose.

download Mantak Chia's book. "Neigong - the art of rejuvenating the body"

“Neigong - the art of rejuvenating the body” is another work by Mantak Chia, whose books were received with such warmth and enthusiasm in America, Europe, and finally, after their appearance in Russian, here.

The Chinese master Mantak Chia and his wife Mrs. Maniwan Chia became the first representatives of the new tradition, whom the Teachers prepared specifically so that the world of people would receive a full and competent presentation of its hitherto secret theories and practices at first hand.

This book presents some practical aspects of psychoenergetic training, allowing you to take a fresh look at the incredible capabilities of the body and mind.

Reader comments

Michael/ 04/24/2017 everyone who realized that the body is a tool “makes” the shape of the body for their type of activity

Edward/ 03/31/2016 Oleg you are wrong...
The master is going to write only about 35 books from his words and in each he reveals certain aspects of Taoist yoga... there is stuffing in this book... but it is not only external because internal work is still used... and so on Is this important...if you need to convey a complex that will give results...

Oleg/ 02/10/2012 It’s strange that it’s called neigong, it’s more like weigong, the art of external training. Any padding is external. So far, only the book “Iron Shirt” reveals some of the secrets of breathing practices and neigong, but unfortunately again not completely, yet the master is either afraid to finish what he started, or simply does not know how to finish...