Winnie the Pooh and Piglet jokes. Jokes about Winnie the Pooh. Funny Winnie the Pooh cartoons

Winnie the Pooh comes to the socket and says:
- Piglet, have you been walled up?

Winnie the Pooh says to Piglet:
- Piglet, lend me ten rubles.
- Vinny, I only have five.
- Give me five, and you'll owe five!

Winnie the Pooh chews a bun. Piglet comes up.
- Vinnie, let me bite the bun?
- This is not a bun, this is a pie!
- Well, let me take a bite of the pie?
- This is not a pie, this is a donut!
- Well, let me take a bite of the donut?
- Listen, Piglet, leave me alone, you don’t know what you want!

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet are swimming along the river. Heat. Vinnie is rowing with oars - Piglet is sleeping in the stern. Vinnie is tired, but rowing - Piglet is sleeping. Winnie is already very tired of rowing, and Piglet sleeps and sleeps. Then Vinnie took and spanked Piglet on the tail with an oar... Piglet opened his eyes, he wouldn’t understand anything when he was asleep, he was twisting his head...
And Winnie the Pooh says:
- Can not sleep? Well, then bury... And I’ll sleep...

Where Piglet and I are going is a big, big secret.
- Oh, Vinny! I forgot the paper.

Winnie the Pooh comes covered in honey to the Owl:
- Owl, you are so wise, tell me why your right paw is itching?
- You'll be running away from someone.
- Owl, why is your left paw itching?
- Someone will catch up with you.
- Why is your ear itching?
- Someone will beat you.
- Owl, why does your nose itch?
- Vinnie, you should wash your face!..

Vinnie goes for honey. Piglet runs downstairs and laments plaintively:
- Vinnie, come on, get down, the tree is old, rotten...
Then the tree, of course, falls. Piglet, crying, clears away the rubble.
- Vinny, you’re alive, Vinny, say something!
He stood up and grunted between Piglet’s ears:
- HAA!!! Nakarkal!

Vinny walks through the forest and drags a rope behind him.
Piglet comes up to him and says:
- Why are you dragging this rope behind you?
- Why should I push her in front of me?

Winnie the Pooh bet with Piglet that he would drink the puddle.
He took it and drank it. Then he bet that he would drink the river.
And he drank too. He bet that the lake would drink up. And he drank.
He bet that he would drink the sea. Piglet thinks: “This is where I’ll win!” But Winnie the Pooh also drank the sea.
An hour later, Piglet runs in horror through the forest and shouts:
- Animals, save yourself! Vinnie wanted to write!

Once he meets Piglet Winnie the Pooh and asks:
- Tell me, Vinnie, when you get sunburnt on the beach, what do you apply?
- I - sour cream.
- What advice do you have for me?
- Well, Piglet, you better spread yourself with mayonnaise!
- Is this more reliable?
- No, Piglet, it tastes better!..

Rabbit asks:
- Vinny, who ate the honey?
- Don't know.
- Do you want more?
- Want!

Vinnie, look! Here the artist painted my portrait.
- Why are you divided into parts here and everything is numbered?
- This is a butcher, he sees it that way...

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet found a balloon. Winnie the Pooh took a deep breath and began to inflate the balloon. Piglet stands and looks. When the ball reached a huge size, Piglet blurted out:
- Vinnie, he will burst!
- Calm down, Piglet! - said Winnie the Pooh and continued to inflate.
- Vinnie, he’s going to burst! - repeated Piglet.
“It won’t burst,” Winnie the Pooh muttered and exhaled air into the balloon.
At that moment there was an explosion. Piglet stood and cried, and Winnie the Pooh smiled.
- Vinnie, why are you smiling, he burst?! - Piglet whined.
“I’m not smiling,” Vinnie answered, “my mouth is torn.”

Winnie the Pooh caught a goldfish. The goldfish asks him:
- Let me go, Vinny, I will fulfill any three wishes, you just have to think about it. Vinny released the fish. He walks and thinks:
- At least I should eat some honey, or something.
And, he immediately found himself in a hollow. The bees sting him, bite him, and don’t let him eat the honey. Then he thought:
- May you all die!
All the bees died here. Vinny sits happy and eats honey. Piglet walks by. I saw Vinny in the hollow and shouted:
- Vinnie, Vinnie! I want honey too! Oh-oh, where did I go?

Piglet gave Winnie the Pooh a cell phone. The next day, Winnie calls Piglet:
- Come here Pig, now you’ll get it in the face. What did you give me yesterday?
- Cellular telephone...
- What cell phone is it? Yesterday I picked it for two hours: there are no honeycombs or honey there.

Piglet comes to Winnie the Pooh and invites him to go for a walk. And Winnie the Pooh says:
- You see, Piglet, I’m not friends with you anymore.
- Why?
- Yes, I visited the doctor yesterday, and he categorically forbade me to even look at fat.

Piglet enters the store and asks:
- Excuse me, what are your pillows made of?
- Made from fluff.
- Oh, Vinnie, Vinnie...

All episodes of the cartoon Winnie the Pooh are equally interesting to both children and their parents, who can show the younger generation what cartoons they themselves grew up with. In addition, this kind and instructive project deserves the attention of kids. It's about about the true friendship of Piglet and Winnie the Pooh, who constantly travel through the forest together and find interesting entertainment. From time to time they encounter difficulties, including angry bees, which they manage to overcome easily thanks to the support and teamwork. The most interesting fun begins after the sweet tooth decides to steal honey from the bees. As you know, you can’t steal, so the bear cub finds himself in trouble...

Assistant Vinnie

It’s good that everything worked out, because there is Piglet, who decided that he could fly away from the bees with the help of balloons. But while he was running to Winnie the Pooh, one of them burst. What should our friends do to prevent Pooh from getting bitten? You don’t need to watch all the episodes of the Winnie the Pooh cartoon to understand that your favorite characters are constantly pursued by luck. Even one ball was enough for Vinny to fly away to the beautiful clouds. Of course, Vinny will not always be lucky if he constantly runs into bees who work to get honey. Therefore, the new mission to steal honey turns out to be a failure...

Fluff on the branches thump-thump!

All episodes of the children's cartoon about Winnie the Pooh were created based on children's drawings. There are a lot of songs and fun here. And it all starts after Winnie’s balloon bursts and he falls onto the branches. While he was flying to the ground, he managed to tell a lot about the evil bees that do not give him honey. Of course, everything is good, because under the USSR they knew how to make positive projects for children. After this, the heroes decide to take the honey again, which ends in failure, because the bees finally flew out of the hive...

Which character from Soviet cartoons is always kind, cheerful and resourceful? Was he also voiced by Evgeniy Leonov? Of course it's Winnie the Pooh. A funny chubby bear cub who loves honey and adventures so much. This kind character cannot be imagined by others. Until you view funny cartoons about Winnie the Pooh. In funny cartoons about Winnie the Pooh, the bear does not appear to be evil. He's just different. No one has ever seen him like this before.

Funny cartoons about Winnie the Pooh

So, what do we see when we open it on a humorous site? funny cartoons about Winnie the Pooh? We watch the adventures of characters familiar to us, whom we may have already encountered in funny jokes about Piglet. However, the situations in which the heroes of funny cartoons about Winnie the Pooh find themselves are somewhat different from the usual adventures of old friends. Where Pooh and Piglet end up depends on the imagination of the cartoonist.

Funny Winnie the Pooh cartoons

However, not all funny Winnie the Pooh cartoons very different from the original cartoon stories. In some Winnie the Pooh cartoons we simply see a slightly modified continuation of the cartoon. For example, the cartoon shows toilet stalls in which all our friends are sitting, and the caption reads: “I told you it was the wrong honey!” To understand how funny funny Winnie the Pooh cartoons can sometimes be, you need to look at them yourself.

Funny cartoons about Piglet

When we read funny jokes from cartoons, along with joy comes to us a feeling of nostalgia and memories that once upon a time we could not tear ourselves away from watching cartoons. Although, the heroes have not disappeared from us. On the contrary, they have changed, become more modern, and find themselves in situations that are familiar to us now. That's why funny cartoons about Piglet It’s very fun and interesting to read, since we are not yet familiar with such adventures. Yes, we can know by heart all the dialogues from cartoons, but we won’t know anything about the new funny cartoons about Piglet.

New cartoons Piglet and Winnie the Pooh

If you liked new cartoons Piglet and Winnie the Pooh and you want to view them again after a while, I recommend registering on our website. The best jokes collected from all over the Internet are constantly updated, which means that we will only have the latest Piglet and Winnie the Pooh cartoons. Continuing the theme of cartoons, you will find original and funny cartoon comics, in which you will also learn about the funny adventures of famous characters.

Winnie the Pooh caught a goldfish:
“I want everything I thought to come true!”
He goes and thinks:
— I want a bottle of beer.
Stands and drinks.
Towards Piglet
- Oh, Vinnie, what are you drinking? Oh, Vinnie, where did I go?

Winnie the Pooh exchanges 10 rubles (old times) for 20, 15 and 10 kopecks. To him:
- Why do you need so much change?
- I’ll go to free Pyatachkov in the subway...

Winnie the Pooh is walking through the forest and carrying a handful of marijuana in his palms, he sees the donkey Eeyore, comes up to him and says:
- Well, Eeyore, shall we blow?
Eeyore blows on his hands.
- A donkey in nature...

The drunken Piglet and the crocodile Gena meet. Piglet:
- Poor Eeyore, you're completely green! And where are your wonderful ears?
Gena (with difficulty opening her eyes):
- A-ah-ah!!! My God! Chebyrashka, why are you so pale, and what kind of bastard stuck a corkscrew in your ass?

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet found a gun, but they don’t know what it is. They turn this way and that way. Piglet asks:
- Vinny, what is this?
Well, Winnie the Pooh, so as not to lose his authority, says:
- This is a whistle.
Piglet tried to whistle on the trunks - it worked. The whistle blows, then Winnie the Pooh pulls the trigger. Piglet flies away, and Vinny says:
“You’re smiling, you pig, but my ears are blocked!”

Piglet comes running to Eeyore and says:
- There the Owl gave birth to children from you...
- Oh, you pig, you slipped a holey ball!

“Sometimes you have to regret that your friend wasn’t a big pig,” sighed the hungry Winnie the Pooh, roasting Piglet over the fire.

Piglet asks Winnie the Pooh:
- Vinny! When will I become a wild boar? How do you think?
- Oh, fuck some pig, right away... There, by the way, lies under the oak tree. Don’t be embarrassed, be assertive - and the boar is ready!

Piglet closes his eyes, runs up, and flies. At this moment the pig gets tired of lying under the oak tree and leaves. Piglet flies into the oak tree. And it collapses.
Winnie the Pooh comes up and starts shaking him by the paws and ears:
- Piglet! What are you doing? Piglet!!!
- What about us, boars? Fucked up - and sleep!

Winnie the Pooh asks Piglet:
— Piglet, are you interested in aviation?
- Yes, Vinny. And what?
- Then I can get you to fly on an IL-62!
- That's great! And by whom - a flight engineer or a flight attendant?
- Flight catering...

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet are standing near the abyss.
Winnie the Pooh comes to the edge and looks down for a long time. Then he turns to Piglet and bangs him in the face! Piglet is in tears, doesn’t understand anything:
- Vinnie, for what?!
- You never know what’s on your mind!

All the characters in the Disney cartoon 'Winnie the Pooh' are drug addicts:
- Eeyore always has a slow reaction and a clear lack of motivation - this is cannabis.
- Piglet is afraid of everything in the world and has a persecution mania - these are fly agarics.
- Tigger - cannot stand still, constantly jumps up and screams, not knowing fatigue - this is ecstasy.
- The rabbit always sticks his nose into everything, everything he cares about is cocaine.
— Winnie the Pooh loves everything sweet, possesses excessive rich in imagination- this is LSD.
- Christopher Robin speaks the language of birds and animals - these are hallucinogens.
- Owl - always comes to the rescue, if someone has “problems” - it means a drug dealer

Sometimes you have to regret that your friend was not a big pig,” sighed the hungry Winnie the Pooh, roasting Piglet over the fire.

Winnie the Pooh comes covered in honey to the Owl:
- Owl, you are so wise, tell me why your right paw is itching?
- You'll be running away from someone.
- Owl, why is your left paw itching?
- Someone will catch up with you.
- Why is your ear itching?
- Someone will beat you.
- Owl, why does your nose itch?
- Vinnie, you should wash your face!..

My girlfriend has a runny and stuffy nose. During sex she said: “f*ck me!” like the Owl from Winnie the Pooh. They couldn’t continue, they laughed almost all night.

Baby and Carlson. Winnie the Pooh and the Rabbit. Their example proves once again: friendship will be much stronger if at least one has something to eat.

- Vinnie, give me a bun.
- This is not a bun, but a pie.
- Well, give me the pie.
- This is not a pie, but a donut.
- Well, give me a donut.

Piglet comes to the stall and says:
- Tell me, what are your pillows stuffed with?
- May you rest in peace.
- Oh, poor Vinnie...

Actually, Winnie the Pooh didn’t want to get married, but the thought of the upcoming honeymoon drove him crazy...

Olya, did you have any nicknames as a child?
- Yes. Winnie the Pooh.
- Is it because you are so round and plump?!
- No!!! They were just pig friends...

Piglet asks Winnie the Pooh:
- Listen, Vinny, summer is coming soon... You know, some kind of good remedy for Tan?
- Yeah, I know.
- Well, which one?
- Electric kebab maker...

Vinnie, hanging on a balloon:
- Oh, Piglet, in my opinion, these are the wrong bees, and they make the wrong honey! The translator is so gundoso:
- These lying bastards are pushing us with leftist nonsense! Piglet:
- Oh, mommy!!! Translator:
- Your mother!!!

Rabbit asks:
- Vinnie, who ate the honey?
- Don't know.
- Do you want more?
- Want!

- Come here, pig, you'll get it in the face. What did you give me yesterday?
- Cellular telephone.
- What cell phone is it? I picked it yesterday: no honeycombs, no honey!

Vinny says to Piglet.
- Listen, Vinnie, I know what will happen to you when you grow up!
- Have you read my horoscope?
- Nope, the book “On Tasty and Healthy Food”!

Once he meets Piglet Winnie the Pooh and asks:
- Tell me, Vinnie, when you get sunburned on the beach, what do you apply?
- I - sour cream.
- What advice do you have for me?
- Well, Piglet, you better spread yourself with mayonnaise!
- Is this more reliable?
- No, Piglet, it tastes better!

The day has come, the owl has gone to bed in the hollow. And suddenly there was a terrible blow to the tree. What's happened? Another blow - the tree almost collapsed... An owl looks out of the hollow and sees a huge boar below.
- Hey, owl, fly away immediately, call Winnie the Pooh. Tell him that Piglet has been discharged!

When Carlson finished the last jar of jam and emptied the last pot of honey, he tried to take off, but nothing happened.
“That’s it,” he said to the Kid, “now I’m Winnie the Pooh.”

Winnie the Pooh took the ball and flew to the hollow for honey, and a wasp flies out of the hollow and pierced Winnie's ball with its sting. He fell into the bushes, head down, and only his legs were sticking out of the bushes. Piglet approaches the bushes and asks:
- Vinnie, are you sticking around?
- I stick out, but somehow it’s not right...

Piglet sits on a stump and writes something. Winnie the Pooh comes up and asks:
- “Why are you writing a piglet?” Piglet (enthusiastically, without raising his eyes):
- “I’m writing an opera... about us.”
- Yes you are! Opera! Will you write about me?
- I'll write.
-Will you write about Eeyore?
- I'll write.
- What about the rabbit?
- The OP said to write about everyone...

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet are walking through the forest. Piglet is carrying a bottle of beer in his hands, and Vinnie is behind him, puffing, dragging a whole box. Suddenly Piglet stumbles, falls and breaks the bottle... Winnie the Pooh stops, looks at Piglet, then throws a box of beer on the ground with all his might and says:
- Well, fuck it, Piglet! Damn, drink some beer!

In a train compartment, a man tells another joke:
- Eeyore comes up to Winnie the Pooh and says...
- Wait a minute! Donkeys don't talk!
- Well, why, they say, but it’s not always on topic...

Piglet gave Winnie the Pooh a cell phone. The next day, Winnie calls Piglet:
- Come here Pig, now you’ll get it in the face. What did you give me yesterday?
- Cellular telephone…
- What cell phone is it? Yesterday I picked it for two hours: there are no honeycombs or honey there.

Winnie the Pooh is chewing a bun, Piglet comes up.
- Vinnie, give me a bun.
- This is not a bun, but a pie.
- Well, give me the pie.
- This is not a pie, but a donut.
- Well, give me a donut.
- Listen, leave me alone, you don’t know what you want!

Piglet and Winnie found a gun. They are looking at it. Winnie butt, and Piglet looks into the barrel. Vinny accidentally pulls the trigger and a shot rings out. Piglet twitches in his death throes. Vinnie:
- You're funny, you pig, but I almost went deaf.

Piglet comes to Winnie the Pooh and asks:
- Vinny, what are you eating?
- Honey! Why does he smell like shit?
- This is the second time I’ve eaten it!

Piglet comes into the store:
- What are the pillows made of?
- Made from fluff.
- Oh, Vinnie, Vinnie...

A rabbit is walking through the forest. Suddenly Winnie the Pooh rushes past him with his red penis wide open. The rabbit jumped to the side, and then Piglet ran through with his red penis wide open. Then the rabbit sees: Eeyore with a red ass is running after them and screaming to the whole forest:
- I'll show you in and out!!!

- Piglet, where are you going?

Winnie and Piglet are sailing along the river in a boat. Winnie rows, and Piglet dozes off a little to the sound of the oncoming wave. Vinnie suddenly became bored, and he was tired of rowing. He went ahead and hit Piglet in the kettle with an oar. Well, Piglet, of course, woke up and won’t understand what’s going on? Vinnie:
- Well, pig, can’t sleep? Well then, bury it.

Winnie and Piglet walk through the forest, silently. One hour goes, two goes, three goes. Silently. Suddenly Winnie the Pooh turns around and punches Piglet between the eyes! Piglet (in surprise, getting up from the ground and holding his forehead):
- Vinny! For what?!!!
- Why are you going, silent, thinking all sorts of bullshit about me...

Winnie the Pooh is walking through the forest, Eeyore the Donkey meets him, so sad, very sad.
- Eeyore, why are you so sad today?
- Yes, you know, Vinnie, I lost my eggs somewhere and I can’t find them. Have you seen it by any chance?
- No, you know, they didn’t come across it... only they say that the Owl flew yesterday in new clips...

Ask your friend the following question:
- Is Winnie the Pooh a pig or a boar?
- And enjoy... 90% answer - a pig, although the correct answer is a bear.

Winnie the Pooh walks through the forest with a knife and smiles. Toward - Piglet:
- Vinny! Why are you so cheerful? Has honey really become cheaper?
- No! Pork prices have gone up!

Winnie the Pooh went for honey and got stuck.
- Piglet! Piglet! Get me off! Well, Piglet tore it off, and two days later it started to rain, Winnie the Pooh came unstuck and fell.

Winnie the Pooh is flying hot-air balloon and sings:
- I’m a cloud, a cloud, I’m not a bear at all... And there stands a bee in felt boots, a sweatshirt, unshaven, with one eye, smoking a cigarette and says, wheezing like this:
- It seems to me, plush, that you are not a cloud at all, but a shameful cop!!!

Winnie the Pooh crawls out of a dilapidated wooden toilet, covered in shit. Piglet asks sarcastically:
- Vinnie, do you even know bees from flies?

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet went for honey with two balloons. When they approached the tree where the bees were, Winnie the Pooh began to reason:
- If I take a green ball, the bees will think that I am from the green society and will not bite me. And if I take a blue ball... No, I’d rather take a green ball.

Song from childhood:
- There’s nothing better in the world than seeing dad’s cassette. Even if it has a Winnie the Pooh cover, I know what’s inside, I don’t care.

Winnie the Pooh climbed the oak tree for honey and got stuck on the honey. Hangs and hangs, looks - Piglet is coming. Vinnie says to him:
- Piglet, get me off. Piglet tore it off, and a couple of days later it started to rain and Vinny came unstuck...

Winnie the Pooh is walking with a bloody shovel towards the Rabbit.
- Vinny, what are you doing with the shovel?
- Yes, I buried Piglet.
- Why is there blood on the shovel?
- And he, the bastard, got out twice.

Piglet enters the store and asks:
- Excuse me, what are your pillows made of?
- Made from fluff.
- Oh, Vinnie, Vinnie...

Pyatachyok returned from the army. He comes to Winnie the Pooh, and there is a Rabbit:
- Who are you visiting?
- asks the Rabbit. Pyatachyok:
- Is Vinnie at home? Rabbit:
- NOT Vinnie!!! And the bear Viniamin!!! He’s not there, what should I tell him? Pyatachyok:
- Tell me that BOAR FIFTY KONE came.

Piglet once asked the hungry Winnie the Pooh:
- Vinnie, listen, what are you?
- I don’t know exactly, but when I look at you, Piglet, the thought that I am Ukrainian creeps into my sawdust more and more insistently!

Piglet came to visit Winnie the Pooh, but he was not at home. Winnie the Pooh's wife says:
- What to convey? All sorts of small fry walk around here.
- Tell me, tell me that the boar Fifty Kopecks came!

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet received a summons from the military registration and enlistment office. Apparently they go there and are very worried - whether they will shave their heads or not. We decided to ask someone.
- Let's ask that Rat over there!
- Let's!
- Hey, Rat! Will they shave our heads in the army?
- I'm not a rat, I'm a hedgehog...

Rabbit and Piglet are sitting opposite Winnie the Pooh. The honey has run out, and Vinnie nervously drums his fingers on the table.
“What do you think, Piglet,” the Rabbit asks, trembling all over, “what is he thinking about now?” Pork chop or rabbit stew?

Winnie the Pooh chews a bun. Piglet comes up.
- Vinnie, let me bite the bun?
- This is not a bun, this is a pie!
- Well, let me take a bite of the pie?
- This is not a pie, this is a donut!
- Well, let me take a bite of the donut?
- Listen, Piglet, leave me alone, you don’t know what you want!

Piglet, frightened, runs to Winnie the Pooh.
- Vinnie, Vinnie! What will happen now? Honey has gone up in price! Pooh, absolutely calm:
- Piglet, has the price of pork gone up?
- Yes.
- Well, that means there will be honey.

Eeyore meets Piglet with balloons, a pipe around his neck and two cows on a leash. Eeyore asks:
- Piglet, where are you going?
- Well, Winnie the Pooh said - take a couple of bubbles, two chicks, and we’ll buzz all night!

Winnie the Pooh comes into the store.
- Do you have pork?
- Yes, Winnie-nuh takes out a machine gun, jerks the bolt...

Winnie the Pooh comes running to Piglet and says:
- Pyatak, Christopher Robin sent us 10 jars of honey, 8 for each!
- How is it that everyone gets 8?
- I don’t know how, but I’ve already eaten my 8!

Winnie the Pooh is sitting on a birch tree, smoking a joint, and then Piglet flies up to him on a balloon.
- Hello Vinny.
-Who are you?
- I'm your friend, Piglet. Winnie the Pooh holds out the bull to the ball and mutters to himself:
- Today is Piglet, and tomorrow is STUCK...

Winnie the Pooh and Piglet met:
- Listen, you are no longer a pig, but a real pig. I wish I could lose weight!
- Yes, I even tried a fat burner, but only cracklings appear on the skin.

Winnie the Pooh calls Piglet:
- Piglet! Today is my birthday! Come and help! An hour later, Piglet knocked on Winnie the Pooh's door.
- Come to the kitchen, Piglet!
- Only, Vinnie, I don’t know how to cook anything!
- And you don’t need it! This is me cooking pork in wine sauce!

Vinnie goes for honey. Piglet runs downstairs and laments plaintively:
- Vinnie, come on, get down, the tree is old, rotten... Then the tree, of course, falls. Piglet, crying, clears away the rubble.
- Vinny, you’re alive, Vinny, say something! He stood up and grunted between Piglet’s ears:
- NAA!!! I drank!

One day, Piglet, Winnie the Pooh and Rabbit got together and began to eat honey. The honey soon ran out and Winnie the Pooh began to nervously drum his paws on the table. Then the Rabbit says heel:
- What do you think, Piglet, what is he thinking about: rabbit stew or pork chop?

Winnie and Piglet are sailing in a boat. Piglet is rowing, and Winnie is dozing. Piglet is already exhausted, and Vinny is still dozing. Then Piglet took the oar and hit Pooh in the ear.
- A-ah-ah!! O-oo!!!, - What, Vinny? Can't sleep? Well then, bury it

Winnie the Pooh says to Piglet:
- Piglet, lend me ten rubles.
- Vinny, I only have five.
- Give me five, and you'll owe five!

Tigger, Winnie the Pooh and Piglet run out of the forest. They're making fun of them to the point of horror. And behind them runs the limping donkey Eeyore with a torn butt and shouts through tears:
- I'll show you the ball goes in and out.

In short, Vinnie became a major, opened his own office, a car, a secretary, in general, everything was as it should be. Pyatochok comes to his office and babbles to his secretary:
- Like, hello, I want to talk to Vinny. Secretary:
- Firstly, it’s not Winnie the Pooh, but Benjamin, and secondly, he’s not here now. Heel:
“Well then, tell him that Boar - Fifty Kopecks came to him.”