I dream about a telephone conversation with a guy. What does it mean to talk on the phone in a dream? A call from the other world as a symbol of unexpected prospects

Why do you dream about talking in a dream? There can be many reasons. The dream book will help us figure this out.

The reason for such night visions lies in your emotional state and experiences at this stage of life. To more accurately explain such a dream, many factors must be taken into account. Who was your interlocutor, what was the conversation about. A more accurate answer can be found by reading dream books.

Interpretation from various dream books

Dream book of psychologist G. Miller

A conversation in a dream predicts the imminent illness of one of the relatives. Troubles are possible at work.

I dreamed of people talking loudly. Beware of accusations of invading someone else's life.

It seemed that the conversation was about you - to the unkind attitude of the people around you.

Freud's Dream Book

  • In the dream there was a conversation about something unknown - this is a sign of sexual intercourse.
  • Specific things were mentioned in the content of the conversation. Then you need to look at these things in the dream book.

Women's dream book

  • Conversation in a dream with someone. One of your relatives may get sick.
  • To troubles at work.
  • I dream about people talking loudly. You may be accused of interfering in the life of another person.
  • They discuss you in your sleep. People around you are unhappy with you.

Dream book of esotericism by E. Tsvetkova

Conversation in night visions communicates your excitement.

Ukrainian dream book

  • Hear clear and clear conversation. This promises you profit.
  • The conversation was about iron - someone in the family will get sick.

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou - Guna

  • The conversation was pleasant for you. Predicts trouble.
  • The conversation was about death. This promises you health and long life.
  • Someone called you from the street. Predicts misfortune.
  • In a conversation you heard a ban on something. This is fortunate.
  • The conversation was with a disgusting person. Disagreements and quarrels await you.

Esoteric dream book

Mumbling in a dream means illness.

Maly Velesov dream book

  • If you dreamed of a conversation between the dead, gods, parents, elderly people, it will mean exactly what they told you.
  • The conversation of other people, animals - experiences, deception.
  • In a dream they talked to themselves - worries, dissatisfaction.
  • Clear conversation promises you profit.

Slavic Dream Interpretation

Talking in a dream indicates your excitement.

Dream book of the 21st century

  • Conversations in a dream - to unpleasant news about the illness of someone close to you, problems in the business sphere.
  • Loud conversations promise you accusations of invading someone else's life.
  • You hear a conversation, but don't see people. Talks about the deceit of these people.

When interpreting dreams, it is important to know with whom the dialogue took place in a dream.

  1. You did not see the face of your interlocutor - to the possible loss of your friend. Be more careful when communicating with him.
  2. A married woman was talking to her friend in her sleep. The marital relationship is in danger of breaking down.
  3. A conversation with a mother in a married woman’s dream speaks of prosperity and peace in the family.
  4. A woman talked to her husband in her sleep. This suggests that he has complaints against her, a misunderstanding.
  5. A conversation with your ex-husband in a dream predicts tension in the relationship with your current chosen one or his illness.
  6. If this conversation was over the phone, then you are tired. You need to be alone. Try to understand what worries you and what you are concerned about.
  7. The girl had a dream about a conversation with her rival. Make only thoughtful actions and decisions regarding your loved one. Otherwise she will get ahead of you.
  8. You talked in a dream with your enemy - to his evil intentions.
  9. If the conversation was peaceful, without mutual threats and accusations, the conflict between you may end. Otherwise, the hostility between you will continue.
  10. You may also dream of a conversation with death. A scary dream will help you learn about your wrong actions and actions in life, and avoid repeating mistakes. You will be able to better predict your future.
  11. A conversation in a dream with a deceased brother tells you that one of your relatives needs your help and support.
  12. You had a conversation with your mother in a dream. There is misunderstanding in the family. Quarrels and showdowns in relationships are possible.
  13. All conversations in a dream with dead people promise you a deterioration in your health. For business people, this is a sign of your workload. To avoid becoming depressed and becoming seriously ill, you need a reasonable rest and sleep schedule.
  14. A conversation between a guy and a girl in a dream predicts that you will experience a loss of faith in her. A frank conversation in reality with your chosen one can improve the situation.
  15. Disappointment and lack of prospects for the future are conveyed by a conversation with the president in a dream. The reason lies in emotional fatigue.
  16. For a man, talking to a woman in a dream predicts trouble from her jealousy.
  17. The girl spoke to the man in her sleep. You and your boyfriend have a lack of communication.
  18. A conversation with your superiors in a dream means an anxious state, an abnormal atmosphere in the work team.
  19. A conversation with a friend speaks of the need for help and understanding between you.
  20. A conversation with your father is a sign of the possibility of financial independence, a decent salary, and success in career growth.
  21. A conversation between a guy and his ex-girlfriend is a comparison of her with her current lover on a subconscious level.
  22. The girl dreamed of a conversation with her ex-boyfriend. This means that he often remembers and thinks about her.

The subject or topic of conversation matters

  1. Talking about children in a dream for married women indicates an imminent pregnancy or the birth of a child.
  2. For a man, such a dream predicts minor problems at work.
  3. All conversations about money in a dream mean financial difficulties.
  4. The desire to have children on a subconscious level tells a young girl a conversation in a dream about pregnancy.
  5. For a woman, talking about a wedding means meeting her future husband in reality.
  6. For a man, such a dream promises unnecessary troubles.
  7. Talking about death in a dream is a sign with a positive connotation. It speaks of a new stage in your life, overcoming all obstacles on the way to your happy future.

Talking on the phone is the prerogative of ladies, for the most part. But this is in reality, but in a dream this activity can captivate even the stronger sex. Dream books suggest that for a more accurate explanation of why you dream of chatting on the phone, you need to remember the details of what you saw: who was talking to whom, what they talked about, on what note they said goodbye.

Dream Interpretation G.H. Miller

The opportunity to stray from the intended path will arise for someone who in a dream saw himself talking on the phone, Miller’s dream book suggests. And if a lady had this vision, then she needs to prepare for the fact that she will have to defend her good name, fighting off the attacks of envious people. And if she was unable to talk due to interference, then due to evil gossip and rumors she could lose a person dear to her heart.

A few words about the interlocutors...

Depending on who you talked to in the dream, the explanation of why you dream about a telephone conversation may change.

  • Communicate with your mother - do not reject the advice of others.
  • Seeing a dialogue with your father in a dream means positive changes in life.
  • Chatting on a cell phone with a friend in a dream - expect help in career matters.
  • Having a nice conversation with your girlfriend means a breakdown in your relationship in reality.
  • The deceased granny called - to gain new knowledge, and perhaps other people’s secrets.

Pleasant conversation as a symbol of success

A good prediction is a dream in which you were talking on the phone with a man you know. The Eastern dream book prophesies joyful changes, this is especially true if in a dream you discussed women’s topics with a man. Chatting in a dream with an unfamiliar man or woman - you will find an influential patron.

Do you want to know why you dream of a telephone conversation with a woman who swears to you something? You will find the answer on the pages of the Lunar Dream Book: unexpectedly joyful news awaits you. But talking on the phone with your husband is a sign that you have moved away from each other. When communicating with your husband, do you understand that this is not his voice? This is for separation.

Business dialogue – external influence

Did you dream that you were talking on the phone about business with your former manager, and you wanted to understand why you were dreaming? The vision means that someone else’s opinion has a beneficial effect on you, suggests the Gypsy Dream Book.

And if you dreamed that you were resolving business issues with your ex-spouse or lover, then this means the opposite - do not succumb to the influence of others, it will negatively affect your future destiny.

Love cooing - All attention to yourself

Trying to contact your favorite guy ended in failure? You should pay attention to your relationships, they have lost their ardor, says Miss Hasse’s dream book.

But the interpretation of a dream in which you had a fight with your beloved guy while talking on the phone says that you are not happy with how little attention he pays to you.

Connection with the afterlife, or Unexpected twists of fate

A dream in which you talked on the phone with a friend who actually died promises good prospects. The dream book of Nostradamus explains why this is a dream: you were not frightened by a conversation with the deceased - wait for an offer of a promising job. Are you scared of talking to the deceased? You will have to fight for a profitable business.

Another dream associated with a deceased person promises joy: if you dreamed that you picked up the phone and heard the groans of a deceased person, good news awaits you. And if you start talking to the deceased, using the same unclear sounds as he does, you will be able to reach a consensus in a long-standing dispute.

In dreams we see different images. They can be pleasant or not, scary, joyful or carefree. Dreams carry a certain information load. If interpreted correctly, conclusions can be drawn about the situation now or in the future. Each image is interpreted in its own way by one or another dream book. A telephone conversation seen in a dream may foreshadow certain events. Its interpretation will be discussed further.

How to interpret a dream?

After seeing an unusual dream, many people try to quickly look into the dream book. A telephone conversation may seem strange, interesting, and joyful in a dream. The emotions that a seen image evokes are important for interpretation. This speaks about a person’s attitude towards some phenomenon in his life.

Some people think that it makes no sense to interpret simple, familiar stories. However, this is not the case. Even ordinary images can foreshadow serious events in our lives. Such dreams draw our attention to certain events that we did not notice in everyday life. The brain transmits the received information to us. We need to pay attention to such phenomena.

It is necessary to interpret a dream correctly in order to predict some event. In this case, you can prepare for it and reduce the influence of negative factors. Joyful dreams give us hope and give us strength for further struggle.

Modern people talk on the phone almost every day. However, a dream in which he communicates by mobile or landline phone does not come to us so often. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to pay attention to its details. Who you had to talk to, what the voice was like, what they talked about must be taken into account during the interpretation of the dream.

Perhaps the conversation was ordinary, for example, with mom, dad, girlfriend or husband, etc. However, there may be a telephone conversation in a dream with an ex-boyfriend, a relative who is no longer alive, a celebrity, etc. Such a dream can be very disturbing , make you think about him all day. To correctly interpret what you saw in a dream, you need to study the information from the dream book.

General interpretation

Why do you dream of a telephone conversation with a boyfriend, girlfriend, colleague? In a general sense, this image speaks of receiving some news. By telephone, people receive and transmit certain information. It may be different. There are important and idle conversations, interesting and forced ones. The mood in a dream determines what kind of news a person will receive. If he didn’t want to talk, he doesn’t want to change his life, the person is happy with everything as it is.

If the conversation was joyful, then you should expect good news. Negative emotions during a conversation foreshadow negative behavior.

Talking on the phone should be considered a life change. An event will soon occur that will change the course of life forever. There is no need to be afraid of this. Perhaps a person is waiting for this event and longing for it with all his soul. Changes in life will mean his release from an unpleasant, boring matter. Sometimes ending a relationship can be a relief for both partners.

If a person does not want changes, but they happen, then it’s time to change something. This does not depend on the will of man. He must humble himself and take all necessary actions to find balance in difficult circumstances. This period will soon end. The new life will be better than the old one.

Unexpected call

Why talk? This can be understood by paying attention to the details. If the call was unexpected, then a similar event will happen in life. It cannot be predicted. Moreover, events can be both positive and sad. Often this foreshadows quarrels with others, conflicts in the family. Unexpected news can affect both a person’s family and work.

If a phone call in a dream occurred in the morning, this may force you to change plans. This isn't always a bad thing. For example, there will be no electricity at work all day, so the entire staff may stay home today. However, changes can be global. Some news will force you to reconsider your plans for the future.

If the phone rings loudly during the day, this also indicates a change in plans. You may need to go on a business trip at work or attend retraining courses. In a dream, a telephone conversation heard by the dreamer will help interpret the dream. If it talked about business, it means there will be news at work. A conversation with someone from your family can predict changes in your personal life.

If the conversation was raised, this indicates possible stress. His person is experiencing it now or something similar threatens in the future. This dream foreshadows a turbulent period in life. You need to be patient. Soon it will end, everything will fall into place. You must not give in to unfavorable situations. At this time, it is important to stock up on optimism. Sooner or later the troubles will end. If a person does not worry about his problems, he will get out of them faster.

Conversation with your loved one

The modern dream book is characterized by a special approach to the interpretation of night images. A telephone conversation with a man whom a girl loves speaks of a desire to open up, show off her abilities and talents. A person wants to be noticed. Moreover, the personality of a loved one in a dream is identified by our subconscious with itself.

If a person remembers what was discussed in a conversation, this is what the dreamer wants to say to himself. If a loved one spoke softly and reassured you in a dream, this means that soon everything will fall into place. The difficult period will end. New circumstances may open up that will radically change the situation for the better.

Other dream books say that a conversation with a beloved man foretells good luck and favor of fate. Soon a bright period will begin in life. What a person desires will soon come true. If your loved one is far away in real life, a conversation with him can indicate the strong affection of lovers for each other. They want to reunite. It will happen soon.

The dream book interprets a telephone conversation with a man positively. If a girl feels sympathy for this person, it means that she will soon have a relationship, an affair. Someone from her circle shows interest in her. This is a good sign. The dream suggests that the relationship will be pleasant. If a girl knows which guy she's talking to on the phone, it means he's interested in her.

Conversation with ex-boyfriend or husband

The dream books of Miller and Vanga interpret a telephone conversation with a former person in their own way. If a girl breaks up with her boyfriend or husband in a scandal, talking to him can mean stress for her. You can expect similar emotions in real life. Perhaps stress will occur at work or in the family. Information from a conversation with your ex-boyfriend or husband will help you talk about this.

Sometimes such a dream can mean that in real life a woman will cross paths with a person with whom she had to break up. Perhaps they will meet on the street or the girl will receive news from her former lover. Sometimes such a dream foreshadows some common affairs with this person. They may concern business or some household issue.

If a girl still hasn’t stopped loving the person she dreamed about, the subconscious simply makes up for the lack of communication with him with the help of such dreams. The dream book will not help solve this problem. A telephone conversation with an ex for whom you still have feelings speaks of an inner desire to establish a connection with him. Perhaps you should meet this person, just talk to him in a friendly way.

Sometimes talking to your ex-husband or boyfriend does not indicate an inner attachment to that person. Rather, it is some unresolved problems from the past that are bothering the woman. Maybe she has information that she doesn't want to disclose. Maybe this is some forgotten fact that you don’t want to remember. However, he reminds of himself. Most often, unresolved problems are associated with an ex-husband or boyfriend. Sometimes such a conversation means that while these people were together, a certain problem arose. She makes herself known now.

Conversation with the deceased

The most common images that come to people in their dreams can be interpreted by the dream book. I often dream about a telephone conversation with a woman or man who is no longer alive. This dream cannot be ignored. This is one of the most significant plots of such a dream.

This image encourages you to think about your life. The sleeping person, in conversation with the deceased, is actually communicating with his own subconscious. It requires a person to pay attention to this information. We need to remember what the conversation was about. Perhaps the person is too closed. He doesn't pay attention to others. This significantly harms his business. The relationship is not going well. You should reconsider your attitude towards others.

The people who communicate with us on the phone are dead and tell the truth. The person doesn't want to hear it. But you will have to face it sooner or later. Such a conversation foreshadows serious events in a person’s life. He will have to make an important decision on which his future fate will depend. Some event may happen that will turn your whole life upside down.

If the dreamer was not personally acquainted with this person during his lifetime, this sign should be regarded as important information. The subconscious strives to bring it to consciousness. This is valuable advice that will help you avoid a lot of trouble.

But what does it mean to dream of a telephone conversation with a deceased relative? This is also a serious omen. Often the conversation contains very short information, for example, “don’t think about bad things.” This suggests that the person is too nervous and is pushing himself too hard. Because of this, he spends a lot of energy and cannot find a way out. As soon as he stops thinking about the bad, he will be able to pull himself together and find a way out of the situation. Deceased relatives offer important warnings.

If a person has recently lost a loved one with whom he had a close connection (for example, one of his parents), talking to him on the phone may indicate a desire to feel contact with this person again. The pain will lessen over time. Dead people who are dear to us never leave our hearts. That's why they are always nearby, in our soul.

Communication Features

Communication in a dream can be different. Sometimes the conversation can be heard clearly. In this case, we can talk about receiving good news. The health of one of your relatives has improved or new prospects have appeared at work... If the conversation was loud, this may indicate unpleasant news. They can upset the dreamer.

If a conversation is difficult to hear, a person may doubt his own abilities. He is dissatisfied with the results of his work. Therefore, we need to look for a way out of this situation, new ways to solve the problem.

The telephone conversation may be interrupted. This situation is also interpreted by the dream book. An interrupted telephone conversation indicates that the person does not see a way out of the current situation. He is trying to find the right solution, but for now he just has to wait. The situation will soon reveal new information. You cannot make a decision blindly.

Several popular interpretations of famous dream books

An interesting interpretation is the dream about a telephone conversation according to Miller’s dream book. It says here that such a dream speaks of imminent communication with people who will say something unusual. The information they convey will literally confuse the dreamer.

Often for women, such a dream speaks of the presence of friends in life who envy her. One must be wary of their slander or intrigue. A blurry conversation may indicate a quarrel or a showdown with a loved one. Moreover, this situation arises due to gossip, slander, sometimes unfounded. You need to talk with your loved one to dispel all doubts and speculations. Otherwise, unfavorable circumstances may affect the relationship. The person must clarify. Otherwise, ill-wishers with their hints and gossip will be able to harm the dreamer’s happiness in his personal life.

If a person tries to call his friend, but he does not answer the phone, in reality the dreamer unconsciously depends on him.

In the dream book of D. and N. Zima, a similar image speaks of anticipation of some event, a meeting with a person. If the conversation took place with a relative or friend, in reality a tense situation or conflict may arise between them. If the conversation took place with a stranger, the plans will be disrupted due to the intervention of unforeseen third-party circumstances.

Dream Interpretation of the New Era

According to the New Era dream book, talking on the phone indicates the need to exchange information. A person strives for communication. If a woman had a dream about a telephone conversation with a man, it means that she wants to attract his attention. If this is a stranger, the girl experiences a lack of attention from the opposite sex.

If during a conversation various problems occurred with the connection, this indicates the person’s reluctance to share some information, he wants to isolate himself from communication. If the phone is broken, the subconscious mind speaks of a temporary retreat. You shouldn't attract anyone's attention at the moment.

Several popular interpretations

The same images that come in a dream are often seen by different people. There are several popular stories that often appear in night dreams. So, talking on a mobile phone means a person’s control over the situation; on a city phone, it means communication of some recent events; on a street phone, it means an important, secret meeting.

If the device through which the dreamer speaks is old, this indicates doubts. Such a dream portends a surprise. If the device does not have a wire (although purely theoretically it should have one), luck will come even in a hopeless case. The wire may be cut. This indicates a loss of connection with reality.

If you happen to eavesdrop on the phone, it says that the person is interfering in something other than his own business. A conversation with a relative promises misunderstanding, and with a stranger - obstacles on the way to achieving your goal. If communication took place with a loved one, this speaks of the person’s desires and aspirations.

A conversation with a friend promises gossip, with a friend - news, with a mother - unexpected luck. If the conversation took place with the father, the person will receive new perspectives.

By considering the main interpretations of dream books about a telephone conversation that occurred in a dream, you can understand the information that the subconscious carries.

Why do you dream about talking?

Miller's Dream Book

If you are talking to someone in a dream, it means that soon you will hear about the illness of your loved ones. In addition, troubles await you in business.

If you dream of people talking loudly, it means... You will be accused of interfering in other people's affairs.

If in a dream it seems to you that they are talking about you, the dream foretells that you will encounter the hostility of others.

Why do you dream about talking?

Family dream book

If you are talking to someone in a dream, you will soon receive news about the illness of someone close to you. And not everything will be smooth in business.

If you saw people talking loudly, you will be accused of interfering in other people's affairs.

If in a dream it seemed to you that they were discussing you, then you will encounter the hostility of others.

Why do you dream about talking?

Esoteric dream book

Hear - information for you; if you remember the topic of the conversation, try to decipher the meaning.

Participating in a conversation is the knowledge you need. We need to focus our attention.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of Evgeniy Tsvetkov


Why do you dream about talking?

Modern dream book

A dream in which you are talking to someone foreshadows unfavorable news from relatives. If in a dream you hear loud conversations of other people, then be prepared to be accused of interfering in other people's affairs. If the conversation is about you, then beware: you are threatened by illness and misfortune.

Why do you dream about talking?

Eastern dream book

A dream in which you are talking to someone foreshadows unfavorable news from relatives.

If you hear loud conversations of other people, be prepared to be accused of interfering in other people's affairs. If the conversation is about you, beware: you are threatened by illness and misfortune.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Conversation - You seem to be talking to someone in a dream - you will receive news about a serious illness of a loved one; also, this dream does not promise anything good in the business sphere; In despair, you will begin to think that all the misfortunes have fallen on your head, but you will manage with fewer losses than you first assume. It’s as if you are talking to someone in a raised voice - someone will soon accuse you of tactlessness or, even worse, of interfering in matters that do not concern you personally. You dream that someone is talking about you - those around you will not understand your intentions and will not treat you the way you would like; Some of your words and actions will be perceived with condemnation.

Why do you dream about talking?

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Talking to any living person is good; talking in a dream softens the bad meaning of the dream.

Talking in a dream with a baby, a woman or a crowd of people is especially good.

Stuttering in a dream means joy in business.

Snorting means well-being.

Twitter is the envy of your neighbor.

But if you stutter so that you cannot say a word, thoughtless words will lead to evil.

Talking about iron in a dream means illness in the house.

Asking for directions means listening to bad advice.

Talking to trees means wealth awaits you.

Slurred speech is sadness.

In a dream, holding a speech means you have to vigorously resist someone’s will.

Chatting incessantly is success on your chosen path.

Lying in a dream is a benefit and a loss at the same time.

Boasting in a dream means exposing your friend.

Telling an anecdote is a surprise.

Giving your address is a loss.

Alien - well-being.

To hear in a dream means to hear news.

Telling fables is an unexpected joy.

Fairy tales will bring news.

To convey the news is sadness.

Groan in a dream - you will be slandered.

Giving thanks is an unexpected friend.

To receive an insult is good luck in business.

To insult is to humiliate oneself.

To swear, to give your word, is to successfully deceive.

To order is to lie to someone.

Inviting is a joy.

Asking is unexpected news.

Everything that angels, priests, and dead parents tell you in your dreams is true.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of Prince Zhou-Gong

Conversation - A person says things that are very pleasant to you. - Misfortune, grief is approaching. Someone tells you about death. - Portends longevity. A man is calling you from the street. - Foretells misfortune. You want to go into public baths. - Foretells a loss or an unfortunate event. Someone forbids you something. - It will be great happiness. You are talking to a bad person, a villain. - There will be a quarrel, this is what the interpreter says about the essence of the dream you are dreaming.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream Interpretation of Artemidor

You dreamed of Conversation - Conversation on the street with a stranger. For a woman - a Dream on Monday night - to gossip and empty talk; a dream on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday means that you will have to listen to a lot of useless advice; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - this means a meeting with a persistent, unpleasant person. For a man - a dream on Monday night signifies an unexpected message; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, he warns that you are being excessively gullible; a dream that occurred on Saturday or Sunday night says that you need to consult with knowledgeable people before making a decision. A long conversation with an old acquaintance. For a woman, a dream on Monday night means spreading false rumors about your friends; and on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to an incident that will evoke pleasant memories; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night means meeting a person you haven’t seen for many years (or receiving some interesting news about him). For a man - a dream on Monday night reminds you that you always forget to do something important; if seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means that you will have the opportunity to fulfill your long-standing desire; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to pleasant memories. Conversation at work A dream you had on Monday night is a sign of minor setbacks in business; on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to boredom and despondency; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday - to chagrin. Conversation in a subway car A dream that you had on Monday night means that because of some little thing you will have to go to the other end of the city; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday foretells that you will hear rumors that will alarm you; If you had a dream on Saturday or Sunday night, you will have to make requests to strangers. Conversation on a bus, trolleybus or tram A dream on Monday night means that you will find yourself in a noisy company; a dream seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to boredom; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night predicts long and tedious negotiations. Conversation with the taxi driver. For a woman, a dream on Monday night foreshadows the opportunity to change her life for the better; seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday - to prosperity; and on the night of Saturday or Sunday, it means that people you don’t know well will give you advice. For a man - A dream on Monday night says that you need to consult with knowledgeable people before making a decision; and if seen on the night of Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Friday, it means confusion and not knowing what to do; a dream on Saturday or Sunday night warns that you are being overly gullible.

Why do you dream about talking?

Dream book of E. Ericson

Talk about what this is about. 1. Realizing in dreams that people are talking gives the feeling that we ourselves can easily communicate. In dreams we are able to clearly express what we think, whereas in real life we ​​may not feel confident. 2. We may be afraid that we will not be heard properly, and this anxiety can be expressed by eavesdropping on other people's conversations. The words themselves are not necessarily important; what is said is more meaningful. 3. Spiritual communication.

Why do you dream about talking?

Women's dream book

Conversation - Talking with someone in a dream means news about the illness of people close to you. Troubles in the professional sphere are also possible. If you dream of people talking loudly, you may be accused of interfering in other people's affairs. If someone is discussing you in a dream, you will most likely encounter hostility from others.

Why do you dream about talking?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Conversation is the expression of feelings and beliefs.

Why do you dream about talking?

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

You are talking to a bad person, a villain. - There will be a quarrel.

Someone forbids you something. - It will be great happiness.

Someone tells you about death. - Portends longevity.

A person says things that are very nice to you. - Misfortune, grief is approaching.

Dead ancestors examine you or ask you for food. - Fortunately.

Why do you dream about talking?

Islamic dream book

If you dreamed of talking on the phone, then this may symbolize hidden prospects, moving to a new place of residence, and even the loss of something valuable. Dream books can best explain why you dream of a telephone conversation. For a correct interpretation, do not forget to clarify who communicated with you and on what topics.

Brief but to the point

If all you remember from the general plot is just a telephone dialogue, it’s not scary, dream books will tell you why such a vision occurs in your dreams.

  • Cooing with your loved one means something in reality “doesn’t go well” for you.
  • To see a lot of noisy people in a dream means you will have to wait a long time for the accomplishment of your plan.
  • If you dreamed of a telephone conversation with your late grandmother, some secrets will be revealed to you.
  • “Chattering” on a cell phone with a friend in a dream means someone will play a decisive role in your career.
  • She calls her husband, but can’t hear him – the relationship has reached a dead end.
  • Listening to a conversation on a payphone between two old women, one of whom is broadcasting loudly - some news will cause you bewilderment.

Dream book of Gustav Miller

A telephone is a sign that someone who will fool his head will appear in the dreamer’s life, according to Miller’s dream book. A representative of the fair half of humanity dreamed of her own conversation on the phone with someone - the vision means that someone is jealous of her. But if the connection is so bad in a dream that the interlocutor is practically inaudible, then this means the loss of something valuable to you.

Friendly “chatter” – someone else’s influence is good for you

Do you want to find an explanation of why you dream of talking on the phone with a man you know or with a woman? A dream indicates insufficient attention from the opposite sex. If you spoke to an unfamiliar man or woman in a dream, you will have a patron. Chatting with a man about women's topics means someone's influence will have a very positive effect on you.

Did you dream about talking on the phone with your mother? Someone wise will give you good advice. It was problematic to call my mother due to interference - do not take any steps without consulting.

A call from your fiancé, or Working on yourself

For those concerned about not knowing what a telephone conversation with a beloved life partner means in a dream, Miss Hasse’s dream book gives a hint: you have become very distant from each other. You wanted to “coo” with your loved one, but you couldn’t get through to him - it will be very difficult to establish contact.

The interpretation of the dream in which you chatted with your beloved guy is given by the Eastern Dream Book. The vision predicts a warm relationship that you will be able to achieve by “enveloping” your beloved in care.

A call from an ex is a sign of grief

Those who dreamed of a telephone conversation with an ex-boyfriend or girlfriend need to be prepared for trouble. But this statement is true only if in reality you quarreled when parting.

Having separated, have you not lost your friendship? The lunar dream book explains why you dream of talking on the phone with your ex-boyfriend or girlfriend: your “yesterday’s” sweetheart will help you get out of a difficult mess.

A call from the other world as a symbol of unexpected prospects

Seeing a conversation on the phone with a deceased person in a dream means a sudden interesting proposal. Communication with the dead man was not intimidating - the proposed business would turn out to be promising. And if you see yourself frightened in a dream because of communication with a dead person, then it is better not to accept any offers, the White Magician’s dream book advises.

One caveat: you are familiar with the deceased person who reached you - you don’t have to be afraid that someone will lure away the benefactor who is sponsoring you. But if you are not connected by memorable events with the deceased, do not brag about your prospects.