The best shararam game in the world to play. Shararam games. Legendary school of magicians

All the motley and good-natured games in this section are based on a fascinating and educational animated series called Smeshariki Shararam. At the center of the cool events are cute characters who have already become real friends for children. Boys and girls enjoy attending original magic lessons and carefully absorb all the fun information.

To keep your child busy with something useful for a while, we advise you to simply launch the full version of the game Shararam. Then the young gamer will plunge into the world of unforgettable adventures, meet interesting personalities, and encounter interesting incidents. To join in the execution of various tasks, you need to spend a couple of minutes registering Sharars in the Land of Smeshariki.

New Shararam games

    The main character of the game is Shararam: Traveler Kar Karych, he is an elderly raven with deep wisdom, cunning and persistent. It's quite difficult to enter...

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To do this, just show a little creativity and write down logins and passwords in the appropriate columns. After this, you need to move on to creating your hero. It is in his company that you will begin to look for answers to your questions. Turn on your imagination, work hard on the image of your companion, there is a long route ahead. By the way, Krosh, Barash or Nyusha the pig (also a fashionista) will be happy to join in too. With them you will find out how Leshy is doing, where Catch-up is now and whether the Forest Fairy grants wishes on Mondays.

The land of sorcerers warmly opens its doors to all new guests and guarantees everyone an adventurous pastime. There are storylines for girls and boys, everyone will choose Shararam games to their liking.

Get used to it quickly and become a miracle worker

All local inhabitants should have names; no one will have any problems with this aspect. Next you will need to demonstrate a little more intelligence. And if you want to understand why exactly, start playing, expect a lot of surprises. And the first one is to select a face and an outfit for your animal.

In a special section with a designer there are various shapes of eyes, ears, and body; you can adjust any features at your discretion and calmly experiment until the desired result is achieved. The Club of Penguin Inventors tried to ensure that there were so many prospects. When you're done with the transformations, familiarize yourself with the area.

Along the way, figure out all the intricacies of the simple interface so that you know which button is responsible for what and, in general, what the functionality of the game includes. It’s clear that an asteroid won’t fall on your head here, so you can move around without fear. Don’t forget to check your mail sometimes, read the latest letters and carefully look at the Shararam map. And remember that the funds in the piggy bank tend to run out, which means it needs to be replenished.

Legendary school of magicians

Having started an entertaining journey along the paths, be prepared for numerous discoveries and surprises. You will see and try a lot of unusual things at the educational institution where classes are held. The smartest and most diligent guys go there, who love to learn and willingly share their knowledge in Shararam games.

Looking into the office where professors and teachers sit, you will cross paths with Sovunya, Kopatych, Kar Karych and Hedgehog. They will think of several puzzles and logical problems. Having solved them, you will open the door to the next stage and continue playing. If you have any problems, look for answers to quests online or ask Losyash for a hint. The horned guy is smart enough, he doesn’t know how to use cheats, but he doesn’t need them.

After the games you will be transported to the main square in Shararam. Everything here is imbued with a festive atmosphere, there are a lot of shops, cafes and salons with services. Visit everywhere, choose a cozy house for yourself, then buy a car, find a job and friends for leisure. Then the passage of the game will not be monotonous. Work hard, don't waste coins in vain, set goals and achieve them, then success is guaranteed.

It starts with choosing a hero, giving him a name and creating his appearance. The first thing you will see in “Shararam” is a significant number of buildings and Smeshariki with which you can get acquainted and communicate. If you are new to the game, then it is highly recommended to get a map with which you can do many useful things: participate in quests, raise pets, find treasures in Pirate's Cove, and so on. All this becomes possible due to the fact that the map shows where the places are where all this can be practiced.

Sooner or later, you will want to buy something for yourself! To do this, you need virtual money: funny ones, and you can earn them by participating in mini-games.

There is a very interesting selection of heroes here: Light magic and Dark forces; Legend of Shararama; Secret agents; Club parties and Lopyri VS Zlobyrey.

The “Piggy Bank” and “Rumbiki” options become available after authorization. In this game you can spend time both usefully and with pleasure, swimming underwater in the Seaport, looking at new outfits in the Fashion House, having fun in the Club District or participating in intriguing quests.

Purpose of the game

The purpose of the game is to show everyone who participates in it that learning can be fun and interesting, and not boring and boring, as is usually believed. By playing “Shararam”, everyone will learn something new, reveal their inner capabilities and get acquainted with a huge number of fairy-tale characters.

Expand your world by playing with thousands of other like-minded people!

Dear Guys. The game takes a long time to load. Therefore, be patient. Everything will be loaded soon :)

We invite you to play a wonderful game. From this game you will learn a lot about the life of Smeshariki. You can make many new friends among Smeshariki. Chat with them on the Internet. To do this, you will need to add to your friends list. In Shararama you can shop like in a real store. But you won't go to the store empty-handed. In order to buy something you need to earn money by answering quiz questions. You will have to remember what you studied at school in order to get as many laughs as possible. When you enter the game for the first time, it itself will invite you to the land of Smeshariki. He will tell you how to get acquainted correctly and teach you how to use the magic card. The map shows all the entertainment in the country. This is a real guide that will show you a lot of interesting things in this funny country.

After the introductory tour, you will receive one hundred laughs, and you will need to register. Registration will help you save all your store purchases. You can buy everything here: clothes, cars, visas, game “Smeshariki in Shararama” allows you to travel and have fun. After registration, you have at your disposal many shops, a diving club and various entertainment. You can do all this yourself. Every day you will be given prizes and gifts. If you need to buy something in a store with rubles, you will have to turn to your parents for help. Rubiks cannot be won in a game. The game is interesting for preschool children, as well as primary schoolchildren. She will teach the child independence. Develops dexterity, attention, and intelligence. The game allows you to play with friends online. The Internet here is safe for children. The game itself does not contain material that is inappropriate for children, in particular scenes of violence.

The game Smeshariki Shararam opens the door to anyone who is ready to turn into a funny character. Interesting? Dare and become one of the cute balls. In an updated form, you will have to explore the magical world and learn its secrets.

How to play Smeshariki Shararam

First of all, come up with an unusual name for your avatar. Everyone needs a beautiful and memorable name, and a spherical baby is no exception. Come up with something non-standard, use your imagination. A particularly creative approach will come in handy when you begin to create a unique image of the hero piece by piece. With such simple and pleasant actions you start playing the game Smeshariki Shararam.

It is in your power to assemble your appearance like pieces of a puzzle. The new inhabitant of the land of mysteries and fun, Shararam, must be original. Try to combine the components so that the character turns out better than in the original cartoon. You can dress him up in an elegant outfit to make him look chic. The developers have provided you with a whole wardrobe of things.

Now go on a long journey along the paths of fairy-tale reality. Like everyone in this area, you are obliged to visit the most important educational institution. Don't think that this is an ordinary school with lessons and tests. This is a great place to teach magic and enchantment. Of course, this requires developing other knowledge, but it is a lot of fun. During the game, the Sharars will be offered charades, quests and much more. We recommend not to miss the opportunity and chat with like-minded people. Positive conversations are guaranteed, and you can order a Map of the Country and useful Magic Bitters.

Don't forget about the everyday life of your ward. Like any person, he will have to settle into the territory. To do this, arrange a home for him and provide him with work. In the game Smeshariki, Shararam offers many wonderful professions for which the weirdo can receive a salary. This will allow him to spend coins on cute things or vacations. You can find a map, cheats, codes, but you can do without it.