Free telephone number of the Russian Post hotline. Express delivery EMS

the site is the most modern and convenient online service for prompt tracking of parcels of the EMS courier service. Postal Service " EMS Post Russia" provides express delivery services for parcels to Russian Federation and in almost 200 countries around the world. Among the advantages of EMS are: high quality transportation of postal items and relatively short delivery times for parcels.

IN Lately The company is developing rapidly and gaining increasing popularity.

Using the website's online service, in just a few clicks you can track the exact location of your parcel, which is delivered by the EMS Russian Post courier service.

How to track an EMS parcel by ID?

In order to track an EMS Russian Post parcel, you do not need to have any special skills: you just need to enter a unique track identifier into the parcel tracking line. This parcel number consists of 13 characters (including letters and numbers). You can find it on the invoice or receipt (it is located immediately below the barcode). It must be remembered that when specifying the code, capital Latin letters are used. Immediately after specifying the track number, click on the “Track” button and find out the most up-to-date information about the location of your mail item.

Advantages of sending parcels using EMS Russia:

  • ideal price/quality ratio;
  • Extensive delivery geography;
  • Branded parcel packaging;
  • delivery on weekends and holidays;
  • Convenient parcel receipt.

It is also worth noting that the EMS service can send both correspondence and various goods weighing up to 30 kg ( international delivery) or 31.5 kg (domestic).

Why can't I track my EMS parcel?

Most often, tracking problems are related to two things:

  • Invalid tracking number entered. You need to carefully check its completion again.
  • The parcel has not yet been registered in the EMS Russian Post database. As a rule, the parcel is registered in the database within 24 hours after it arrives at the company’s branch, that is, tracking must be repeated the next day.

How to receive an EMS parcel?

The company delivers to the recipient's door or to the company's branch. In this case, to receive the parcel, you need to arrive at the office indicated in the destination and present a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, or another identity document that temporarily replaces the passport.

Total 8, average rating 1.0

Postal workers at 18 Vernadsky Prospekt open parcels from Europe, take away what they like, add bricks for weight, and send them back to Europe in 1.5 hours so as not to be held accountable for their actions. The workers are not only THIEVES, but also machinists at this post office. I ask you to prepare for courts in Europe for fraudulent activities. There is all the evidence that the theft of the contents occurred at 18 Vernadsky Prospekt. The parcel was hidden by these workers upon arrival and quickly sent to the airport. A Spanish postal account will be provided to the Russian postal service for the theft of parcels and contents.

Is the review helpful? / +2

Russian Post on the street. Vernadsky on KT 18, workers open parcels from Europe with a large weight, take away the contents and put mail waste in the parcel and do not inform the recipient, change the data in the computer that the addressee has left and send it back so that the workers at this address are not suspected and liability for theft is removed other people's parcels.

healthy? / +2

Natalia 1

Disgusting work. Couriers lie and do not deliver the parcel. I've been sitting at home since Sunday to receive the parcel. Parrots answer all phones with the same text. They accept complaints. And the parcel is still unknown where! They send an SMS with the text “An attempt was made to deliver the item.” No courier, no call, no parcel! DISGUSTING work by the entire service! Shameless LIES!

healthy? / +3

Alexander 1

I am a disabled person of the 1st group and have been waiting for 2 parcels of medicines from Israel since September 23, 2017. They are located, as the operators answer me, from 9/23/2017 at the address Vernadsky Avenue 18. And they offer to pick up the parcel myself, I tell them that I am disabled and cannot do this physically, so the sender from Israel paid a lot of money for delivery in order to They were delivered to my home! I call them several times a day and ask them to arrange delivery, they supposedly do the registration, take all my data and assure me that the parcels will be delivered tomorrow, in the morning I call and ask what’s wrong with my parcels? They answer that your order was not transferred to the courier, I ask why? Template answer: we do not have such information! And this lasts from 24-9-2017 daily! To this day, i.e. Until 3-10-2017. I call several times a day, asking, begging you to bring me parcels containing glasses and medicines that are very necessary for me! All to no avail! They offer to come myself, for the hundredth time I say that I am disabled, they don’t care about it! The operators offer to fill out an “appeal” such as a complaint, (complaints) they say they will call you back within 2 hours, I agree! And nothing has changed! No one calls and no parcels are delivered. All these tricks are just an excuse for them! I read reviews about this notorious EMS Russian Post service and I think that my parcel, like that of other citizens, has already been stolen by these Ghouls into their holes! But this time they ran into the wrong people, my Israeli sender today 10/3/2017 sent them an appeal to the office, if the parcels are stolen and not delivered, he will sue EMS and, as it should be with a good lawyer, I’m not afraid, but not much it will seem! They will compensate for material and moral damage to the maximum! We have recordings of all telephone conversations with operators, as they swear that the parcels will be delivered to you tomorrow! I recorded all conversations and sent them to the sender! I will not write, as in previous reviews, that the EMS Russian Post service works disgustingly, I will say differently - it does not work at all, but only disgraces Russia in front of the entire West! I think we need to create in our great Russia alternative service In defiance of this anomalous pathology - EMS Russian Post, which takes millions in income from us and puts them in its pocket, doing nothing good and useful for us citizens of Russia, but only creating problems for us, of which there are already a lot in our country! With our EMS Russian Post, I feel we will soon return to the last century and send parcels like in the old days! That is, approach train conductors or flight attendants, pay and send parcels with them! But what, it’s reliable and on time! It’s unfortunate, but service departments all over the world are moving forward, improving service, but with us it’s the other way around! Services such as EMS should be driven out of the international market with a nasty broom, they work only to enrich themselves and do nothing for us - for whom they should work and for the sake of those who feed them! Summary: These are Ghouls who drink our blood!

healthy? / +3

I was waiting for a parcel from America, purchased it on Ebay. 2 months passed, still no parcel, I even had to open a case for a refund. It turned out she had been in EMC for a MONTH (!)! No calls from couriers or service department- silence.

healthy? / +2

I'm shocked! I waited a month and a half for a parcel from Yoox. On October 17, I received an SMS that the parcel was handed over to the courier and today, November 16, I received an SMS that the shipment was processed! For return. I thought I’d call and pick it up, since it was just “registered”, but that wasn’t the case! Everything is already gone! These are the smart ones!)

healthy? / +2