Evening Urgant parody of Sobchak watch. Against everyone, but not everyone: Urgant ridiculed Sobchak’s presidential ambitions. Orenburg city portal - a convenient information platform

The showman starred in a parody video

Russian TV presenter and actor Ivan Urgant made a parody of Ksenia Sobchak's election video, in which she announced her intention to run for president in 2018. Urgant not only copied the journalist’s appearance, but also pointed out inconsistencies in her campaign speech.

In the video, the showman appeared as a long-haired blonde with glasses and the same blue shirt as Sobchak in her video. He recorded his two-minute address against the backdrop of the kitchen interior.

“My name is Ivan Urgant, I’m 36 years old, although I’m really 35, but, on the other hand, I’m 36. Like any resident of the Russian Federation, I have the right to run for president,” Urgant said, hinting at inconsistencies in the voiced socialite age (she will turn 36 years old only on November 5 - approx.).

He then drew a number of parallels, which also contain references to Sobchak’s video. “When I was two years old, a steam locomotive had already been invented. When I was seven years old, Oleg Gazmanov had already written the song “Lucy.” When I was nine years old, Igor Livanov starred in the film “Destroy the Thirtieth!” When I was 12 years old, I there were already 27. And that’s why I decided to go to the polls,” the presenter said.

At the end of the video, Urgant unexpectedly called on viewers to vote for Stas Piekha and finally came up with his own version of the slogan, declaring himself a candidate “against everyone, but not everyone.”

Let us remind you that on October 18, Sobchak announced her decision to nominate her candidacy for the presidential elections and called on those who are “against everyone” to vote for her. The day before, her election ambitions were ridiculed by the famous comedian Maxim Galkin. He, in which he suggested that Ksenia strengthen her election team with Diana Shurygina, Alexei Panin and Sergei Shnurov.

Ivan Urgant as Ksenia Sobchak. © Freeze frame video

In yesterday’s episode of the “Evening Urgant” program on Channel One, presenter Ivan Urgant showed the second parody of Russian presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak in a week.

This time the video parodies the episode of the Youtube show “vDud”, which is hosted by the editor-in-chief of the Sports.ru website and part-time video blogger Yuri Dud.

It is worth noting that this is the first parody of a Youtube show on domestic television. Previously, everything was the other way around. But now on Channel One you can laugh at the fact that, most likely, its target audience does not know and does not watch. A classic parody is a ridicule of well-known things and characters. And on domestic television they are now laughing at the fact that, according to Russian laws, the media cannot even be fully included in this note.

As a result of censorship and targeting the “65+” audience, Russian television (especially news and socio-political programs) has turned into a rather wretched spectacle, of little interest to a more or less educated or simply young audience. These people haven't stopped consuming video content, but they now watch individual TV programs, segments, or original shows and videos on Youtube. And viewing figures there are increasingly outpacing television viewing figures. “Evening Urgant”, made just for the not-so-typical audience of federal television channels, is constantly trying to be in trend and has come to the point of filming a parody of an Internet show.

In general, Ksenia Sobchak three days ago became the first woman to be a guest of “VDudya”. The video with the interview with Ksenia has currently been watched by almost five million people.

Here's a teaser for this interview...

“Ivan is outraged: everyone is discussing the interview of possible Russian presidential candidate Ksenia Sobchak with journalist Yuri Dudu, but Ivan himself also plans to nominate himself for president and also gave an interview to Yuri Dudu - but for some reason this interview was not shown. We are correcting this oversight,” says the description of the parody from “Evening Urgant”.

In the video, Ivan answers Yuri’s real questions asked by Ksenia. But he answers in his own way.

Video: Ivan Urgant’s parody of Ksenia Sobchak’s interview with Yuri Dudu

Let us remind you that this is already the second. On October 19, a video appeared on his program ridiculing Sobchak’s election video.

It seems that the showman from Channel One got his hands on a political topic and is having a blast. It’s impossible to joke about Putin, about other “politicians” - it’s too petty, but then Sobchak appears, and the guys timidly, strictly following the rule of turning the nomination of an allowed, but still alternative candidate into a farce, they resort to satire.

It’s simply impossible not to remember that American actor Alec Baldwin recently received an Emmy (the equivalent of an Oscar for achievements in television) for a series of parodies of Donald Trump on Saturday Night Live. By the way, “Evening Urgant” is in many ways a Russian clone of this TV show. But not when it comes to jokes about the president of your country.

Let us recall that on October 18, Ksenia Sobchak announced her desire to run in the elections. The next presidential elections in the Russian Federation will be held in March 2018, the election campaign should start in December 2017.

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0 October 20, 2017, 09:33

Ivan Urgant

The excitement around does not subside: users of social networks and colleagues of the 35-year-old journalist continue the news about her intention to become Russia in the 2018 elections. I couldn’t miss such an event either, in the evening program of which a parody video of Sobchak’s election speech was shown.

In the frame, the TV presenter appeared in a light blue shirt, and to resemble Ksenia he put on glasses and a wig. The “Evening Urgant” team did their best: they completely repeated the interior against which Sobchak addressed the citizens. For two minutes, Ivan goes through meaningless phrases, hinting at inconsistencies and errors in the video and Sobchak’s article.

The day before, another Channel One presenter ridiculed Ksenia, suggesting that she “strengthen her election team a little” in a video posted on Instagram.

If Ksenia Sobchak is the president, then Ksenia Borodina is the prime minister: the girls can sit right on Red Square, there is also a place of execution there, they are used to it. The Minister of Health is Gnoiny, the Minister of Foreign Affairs is Shnurov, they don’t like us anywhere anyway, but he can send a big message at international negotiations. Then this... Minister of Finance - Mavrodi, just like that, the Chairman of the State Duma is a restaurateur, let's make some noise! Committee for Youth Affairs - of course, Diana Shurygina, Committee for the Protection of Animals and the Environment - Alexey Panin,

“Against everyone, but not everyone!”: Ivan Urgant made a parody of Ksenia Sobchak’s election video

Two days ago, Ksenia Sobchak confirmed rumors that had been circulating in the media for several weeks - she will take part in the 2018 presidential elections. Ksenia released a campaign video in which she said that she was positioning herself as a “candidate against everyone” and calling on those who are dissatisfied with the tenure of power and the same persons on the list of candidates - Putin, Zyuganov, Yavlinsky - vote for her. Ksenia’s colleagues, in particular Ivan Urgant and Maxim Galkin, could not help but react to such a statement.

Yesterday, as part of his “Evening Urgant” program, Ivan presented a parody of Ksenia’s election video.

I am Ivan Urgant. I am 36 years old, although in reality I am 35 years old, but on the other hand, I am 36. Like any resident of the Russian Federation, I have the right to run for president, and I decided to use this right. You can ask as many questions as you like: “Why?”, “Why?”, “When?”, “What time is it?”, “Whose trousers are these?”, “Who washed the dog?”... To be completely honest means to lie to the truth, but to lie to the truth means not to be honest in the sense of honesty. Ignorance of cases does not mean ignorance of life, ignorance of life does not mean ignorance of knowledge. I urge everyone to give their vote to Stas Piekha. Ivan Urgant is against everyone, but not everyone! - Ivan says in the video.

A few hours earlier, Maxim Galkin released his commentary on Ksenia’s decision and video. He posted a funny video on Instagram, which has already received more than 1 million views so far.

Yesterday, Ksenia Sobchak, to the delight of millions of Russians, nominated herself as a candidate for President of the Russian Federation. She said that those who are against everyone can vote for her. This in itself is already absurd, because if you are against everyone, then you are against her. But it doesn’t matter - women’s logic. We need to strengthen Ksenia’s team a little. If Ksenia is the president, then Ksenia Borodina is the prime minister: the girls can sit right on Red Square, there is also Execution Ground there, they are used to it. Minister of Health - Gnoyny. The Minister of Foreign Affairs is Shnurov, they don’t like us anywhere anyway, but he can send a big message at international negotiations... - Maxim jokes in the video.