Acupressure facial shiatsu massage scheme. Japanese shiatsu facial massage technique for rejuvenation. Shiatsu points for crow's feet

A maniac is a person obsessed with mania. It can be of a sexual nature, a desire to dominate, bully, kill... People with such a mental disorder should be under the supervision of specialists. However, without adequate assessment of their behavior, maniacs often live in society until they are caught. To avoid becoming a victim, you need to know how to recognize a maniac. It turns out that psychologists have compiled a clear list of signs that will help bring an obsessed person to light.

Who becomes a maniac?

Before you start drawing up a psychological portrait of a maniac, you need to find out who is susceptible to this disorder and what motivates such people. Typically similar mental disorders always accompanied by genetic abnormalities, childhood trauma associated with or too harsh upbringing. Sometimes it appears against the background of complexes or head wounds. This is true for sexually obsessed people. Their victims are usually the weaker sex or children. The situation becomes more complicated with the appearance of alcoholic or drug addiction. Much of this can be learned when meeting a person. However, it is worth correctly understanding the rejection of moral and ethical standards, which, unfortunately, is inherent in many people today, and mental deviation. That is why, during long studies and scientific experiments, experts compiled a characteristic. It is intended to explain how to recognize a maniac and protect yourself from unwanted consequences.

By correspondence

The age of high technology allows people to meet at a distance using social networks and forums. On the one hand, this is in a safe way get to know the person and, after some observations, decide whether to continue communication or not. On the other hand, it forces maniacs to be more inventive, carefully sneaking up on the victim. How to recognize a maniac by correspondence?

Psychologists advise paying attention to how open and simple a person is in communication, what topics he likes to raise, and which ones cause him tension, and he tries to quickly “jump” to others. When talking about hobbies, obsessive people carelessly share information that they collect something. Certainly, normal person He can also collect stamps or antiques, but when secrecy, curiosity and the desire to meet quickly are added to this point, you should be wary.

However, psychologists believe that virtual correspondence provides little information about a person. Maniacs are masters of disguise, so it is difficult to accurately guess who is sitting on the other side of the monitor.

By behavior

Behavior can reveal a predatory nature. It happens that a harmless and friendly neighbor during the day looks like a common person, and at night literally turns into a monster. Sometimes it’s quite difficult to imagine this. However, there are certain signals. So, how to recognize a maniac by his behavior?

  • Let's imagine the situation. You agreed to go with a stranger to the cinema. The film shows scenes of violence, murder, fights, etc., and your companion watches it indifferently. Take your time to admire his endurance. In the course of research, American scientists have found that maniacs calmly perceive such pictures due to certain abnormalities in the cerebral cortex. Of course, such composure can be feigned in order to show one’s masculinity. But by the facial expression one can determine whether a person is looking at these horrors with pleasure or seriousness.
  • Such people like to carefully examine their victim without smiling or other evaluation. While you are nervous and quickly tell something, not a single muscle on his body will flinch.
  • Maniacs don't like to attract attention. They speak little, dress modestly in dark clothes, try not to stand out from the crowd, and take reasonable care of their appearance. Often such people are pedantic and adhere to certain rules. This is exactly what women like, who see such domestic, slightly boring men as an ideal husband and father.

By speech

Even if during the meeting you discovered some characteristic qualities and doubted it, you should still look for other signs of a maniac. Speech characteristics and exciting topics for conversation will tell you how to recognize them.

  • are not emotional. Even when talking about some turning points in their lives, they do not feel regret or sadness, as if it did not happen to them. Maniacs pay increased attention to cause-and-effect relationships. Their speech is devoid of imagery and jokes.
  • Satisfying basic needs is the main goal of life for maniacs. Therefore people with mental disorders they love to talk about what they ate and how they slept. Frequent, lengthy conversations about money can also be a warning sign.
  • Despite popular belief, obsessed people do not always talk openly about sex; they use ambiguous phrases, hints, and diminutives. On the contrary, explicit topics may be prohibited and cause obvious protest. Therefore, in the question of how to recognize a maniac, one should rely on a holistic portrait of the individual.

Maniac or...

Often women fall for the tricks of pick-up artists or manipulators. No, meeting them does not threaten rape or anything worse, but communication can be unpleasant. Such people are persistent, do not compromise, love talking about sex, and do not want to spend money on courtship. They are original in their dating methods and dating ideas. They can easily be confused with a maniac, but in essence they are not one. All manners, actions and words are conscious of them and are determined by the purpose of flirting, frivolous hobby for the acquisition of another “star” or profit. For example, manipulators are often hunters for other people's wallets.

Unlike true maniacs, these types of people look impeccable, are witty and love everyone's attention. Knowing perfectly well how to recognize a maniac, figuring out such “narcissists” will not be difficult.

What to do?

  • If you met a person on the street or in social network, do not rush to be frank and post all your personal information about where you live, study, work, phone number, etc. This is the first thing a maniac will want to know.
  • It is better to make an appointment in a public place. And just in case, agree with a friend or girlfriend about a follow-up call during the date. If the acquaintance does not arouse suspicion, then you can calmly continue communication. If doubts arise, then such a call will be a reason to stop it.
  • If a fan is too intrusive and hot-tempered, you should not be rude to him. It’s better to laugh it off, season it all with a dose of flattery and politely leave.
  • If you know how to recognize a sexual maniac, then do not forget that they will not let the victim go so easily and will definitely carry out surveillance. Therefore, you should not leave the date, but leave. Preferably by taxi, indicating a different address first. And then transfer to public transport and go home safely.


Manic syndrome is a complex disorder. People suffering from it are dangerous and cunning. They are inventive in camouflage and creating imaginative traps for their victims. Having met such a person, it is not always easy to determine who is in front of you: a shy, modest person or a calculating and insidious type.

If you don’t yet know how to recognize a maniac, psychology will help with this. Be observant and do not rush to open your heart to the first person you meet.

Yes, and this is a repost. Free, so simple, at the behest of the soul, not for tokens
But forgive me, ardent opponents of reposts, I couldn’t remain indifferent. You can find funny giggles among blonde fools... But something needs to be done about this phenomenon.

Original taken from evg_sokolov in About the scum living among us...

I understand that the main topic for discussion now is the CSR elections, but there is a more important topic. And worse.

Imagine that in Russia there is an organization financed by an anonymous sponsor, which, by influencing certain groups of citizens, turns them into cruel sadists and murderers.

Sounds crazy, doesn't it? But let's try to figure it out, maybe there is something in this? I'll start from afar.

The world's leading expert on the problem serial murders and social aggression, Professor Alexander Bukhanovsky (the man who identified and caught the maniac Chikatilo) discovered in his research:

  • Every third pedophile abused animals as a child.
  • More than 60 percent of future serial killers have previously shown specific cruelty to animals.
  • About 75 percent of those charged with violent crimes had abused animals as children.
  • Over 85 percent of teenagers who committed serious crimes against individuals had previously attracted attention for cruelty to animals.

It is no coincidence that the FBI has adopted this pattern and is now carefully studying cases of animal abuse in those areas where the serial killer operates.

It has been proven that there are many murderers, maniacs and rapists who abused animals in childhood and then transferred their destructive activities to people.


  • The famous maniac A. Slivko was fond of raising rabbits, killing and butchering them.
  • A. Salvo, nicknamed the Boston Strangler, locked the dogs in carton boxes and then shot right through them with a bow.
  • E. Kemper, who killed eight women, including his mother, while still a child, caught cats and cut off their heads.
  • The cannibal Malyshev also had experience in killing stray animals. At first he only killed them, then he began to eat them. Later he began to hunt people.
  • 20-year-old D. Macy, who cut off the head of a 13-year-old girl and shot her brother, began his criminal career by torturing cats and dogs. He kept the organs of dead animals in his refrigerator.
  • Serial killer V. Kulik hanged cats.
  • D. Huberty, who shot 21 people in a restaurant fast food, later recalled that he acquired experience of violence as a teenager: he shot a neighbor’s dog with an air gun.
  • E. Cole, who killed 35 people, admitted at trial that he committed his first murder as a child, strangling a puppy.
  • B. Spencer, who killed two schoolchildren with a rifle, confessed to the police that her favorite pastime in her youth was setting cats’ tails on fire.
  • D. Dahmer, who dismembered 17 people, had previously practiced on frogs and cats. He pierced them with needles.

Now let’s imagine that we want to create a hundred new “Bitsa maniacs” in Russia. How can we do this?

This is the idea. Several percent of people (according to various estimates from 2 to 10%) have sadistic tendencies; let’s call them “potential sadists.” But the vast majority of them restrain their inclinations. Also, the state, represented by the law enforcement system, is a strong deterrent: a potential sadist might want to try to make fun of people, but he understands that he will go to prison for this.

Now let’s unite potential sadists into a community and motivate them to abuse animals. If we manage to gather 10,000 potential sadists and convince each of them to kill an animal, then with a high probability we will end up with 1,000 real sadists who will abuse animals and get pleasure from it. And from them will emerge 100 sadistic killers who will move from animals to people! It is done!

But how do we unite 10,000 potential sadists and convince them to kill animals??? The answer is simple.


This trend emerged just a few years ago. The official agenda of the community is that we are against stray dogs and will poison them. It is proposed to use a medicine for tuberculosis as a poison, which causes a terrible, painful death in dogs.

The community organized itself, and a wave of stray dog ​​poisonings began across Russia, tens of thousands of cases a year.

  • They have developed their own slang: dog = flea carrier, opponent of dog poisoning = zoo freak, animal rights activist = zoo extremist, dog owner = dog fucker, etc.
  • The bulk of the propaganda news is about how people were bitten by their owner's dogs (not stray ones);
  • There is quite a lot of news about the poisoning of the owner's dogs, which evoke only approving comments.
  • If you write something in defense of dogs or against dog hunters, a “ban for life” is guaranteed, there should be no doubters in the community.

As a result of the radicalization of the dog hunter community, two new waves began to spread across Russia.

The first wave is an ever-increasing number of acts of sadism towards dogs. In Moscow, St. Petersburg and regions of the Russian Federation, every month they find everything more dogs with a slit throat, torn to pieces (hundreds of cases).

Many cases of public sadism also arose, such as the shooting of a dozen dogs in front of children.

The second wave is mass poisoning of owners' dogs in walking areas. Criminals scatter poisoned meat or minced meat.

The latest case is the death of 70 dogs in one of the Moscow parks -

In this case, contact poison is often used, which the dog only needs to sniff (neither a muzzle nor a leash will save you!). That’s why sometimes people get poisoned:

  • September 2012: in the 50th Anniversary of October park, a man and a child became ill (he was doing exercises on the lawn and inhaled toxic substances);
  • spring 2012: in St. Petersburg, a man and a girl were admitted to intensive care, and their dogs died;
  • winter 2012: a boy in Moscow found himself in a coma - he picked something up on the playground;
  • winter 2011: a 2-year-old girl died in Sevastopol; she also picked up “food” from the ground.

In any case, poisoning the owner's dog is, first of all, an act of cruelty towards the dog's owner, because... The dog often becomes a member of the family, to whom both children and adults become attached. This is why dog ​​hunters call dog owners “dog fuckers” - it is important for them to develop their own morality, in which causing serious suffering to other people is an acceptable action.

You may object, “well, dog hunters... there are a lot of different crazy people and psychos, where is the evidence that someone is specially developing this direction?” My thoughts are the following:

  • One of the leaders of the dog hunters reports that he is financed by a certain foreign sponsor (see at 2:45
  • In the early stages of the community's development, new members were paid for photos of killed dogs (available in the same video)
  • The movement is very actively promoted on the Internet (spamming links to their communities, propaganda on forums posted by people on anonymous networks (TOR, etc.). The movement is local (Russian Federation, Ukraine), there are no analogues in other countries.
  • As a result, in last years The dog hunter community developed at an avalanche pace.

The problem has become so widespread that it began to be covered on TV, and on October 28 a rally against dog killings will take place in Moscow -

But let's return to the development of sadistic inclinations.

It is important that if a sadist is stopped (put in prison, sent for treatment, etc.) while he abuses animals, then he most likely will not move on to killing people over time. And if such a sadist is allowed to kill animals with impunity, then killing people becomes only a matter of time.

Let's look at a specific example.

Dnepropetrovsk maniacs

Viktor Saenko and Igor Suprunyuk (both born in 1988), known by the media as “Dnepropetrovsk maniacs” - serial killers, responsible for a series of crimes in Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine) in the summer of 2007. After practicing torturing animals, these sadists killed 21 people.

The torture and murder of cats and dogs continued for a year and a half; their future killers were carefully filmed. From torturing animals, at a certain stage, criminals switched to attacks on people.

Most of the victims were killed using improvised objects, including hammers and rebar. The blows were often aimed at the victims' faces, smashing them beyond recognition. Many victims were mutilated and tortured, and some had their eyes gouged out while they were still alive. One of the victims was a pregnant woman whose fetus was cut from her womb.

The state must severely punish sadists. until they passed from animals to people!
For example, in the following case, I am more than sure that the new Chikatilo was neutralized at an early stage:

This is why it is necessary to tighten the punishment for cruelty to animals!

If a person kills and abuses animals, this is a reason to imprison him for 5 years.

If a person deliberately poisons other people’s dogs, this should be recognized not as “causing material harm”, but as “causing serious harm to the health of the owner of the poisoned dog” and punished.

If a group of people, by prior conspiracy, keep residents of an entire area in fear (even if not all, but only a certain category), then this will be recognized as “terrorism” for a long time and punishable by 10 years in prison.

Such a tightening of laws will lead to the fact that among those same 10 thousand “potential sadists”, most (9,900) will be afraid of responsibility and will not take the path that could turn them into the “Bitsevsky maniac”.

In this regard, my main question and complaint to the authorities is: why aren’t we doing anything? Don't you see what's happening? Do you think this problem doesn't deserve your attention?

You are wrong! The problem deserves not only close attention, but also requires specific actions:

  • Closing the site as extremist, searching and capturing its administrator;
  • Show trials of several dog hunters and harsh deadlines for them to stop the spread of this disease;
  • Tightening of legislation in the area ill-treatment with animals.

Well, okay, since you (the authorities) don’t see, then as usual you’ll have to do everything yourself...

I'll be back with a specific plan of action.

Dog hunters, bestialities, sadists and other abominations, you have become noticeable. And now it's time for you to be afraid.

Evidence of effectiveness, detailed technique, we influence the point of longevity - in the article.

The main advantage of shiatsu

The possibility of self-massage in any situation and place (at home, at work, in the car).

Having mastered the basic techniques of pressure and learned to find the necessary acupuncture points, we are able to independently:

  • overcome fatigue
  • get rid of mental overload,
  • relieve or reduce all pain,
  • reduce unpleasant symptoms of diseases,
  • normalize blood pressure,
  • increase energy,
  • improve health,
  • provide yourself with emergency help,
  • improve sleep and overall well-being.

Evidence of the effectiveness of shiatsu

Let us refer to the publication of the results of experiments in well-known international publications.

Sleep quality and relaxation

July 2004, study conducted in England and Germany. In in-depth interviews, 14 practitioners and 15 long-term clients testified to the positive effects of shiatsu massage on sleep onset, sleep structure and body relaxation.

Journal of Integrative Medicine(Journal of Integrative Medicine):

year 2014. Difficulty falling asleep is a common problem for people suffering from pain. Individuals experiencing musculoskeletal pain and sleep problems were recruited to participate in the Canadian study. They were taught self-massage techniques and surveyed after 8 weeks.

Participants noted a long-term increase in uninterrupted sleep time, more than 10 minutes, including during night awakenings. None of the participants reported adverse effects from the intervention.

Thus, shiatsu can be useful for use during night awakenings, as well as before bed.

Reduced pain, chronic fatigue, stress

Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine(official journal of the Society for Acupuncture Research, USA):

2008, the study included 948 people from England, Austria, and Spain. They received shiatsu therapy for 6 months.

Indications: joint and muscle pain, chronic fatigue, fatigue, stress.

633 subjects provided full information about therapeutic effects.


  • All respondents felt better, pain, stress and fatigue decreased.
  • 80% contributed positive changes into your lifestyle after introducing shiatsu methods into everyday life.
  • 16-22% have reduced their use of traditional medicine.
  • A third experienced reduced drug dependence.

Signs of chronic fatigue, causes, risk groups, provoking factors, how to avoid the disease.

Increased vitality

International Journal of Palliative Care(International Journal of Palliative Nursing):

September 2013. This qualitative 6-month study was designed to evaluate the impact of shiatsu on clients attending hospice day care services. Three overlapping groups of eleven patients with progressive disease received 5 weeks of shiatsu therapy.

The results of the analysis revealed significant improvements in levels of energy, relaxation, confidence, clarity of thought and mental stability.

The effect lasted in some cases for several hours, but in most cases exceeded the 5-week treatment regimen.

Reduce anxiety and stress

World Journal of Plastic Surgery(World Journal of Plastic Surgery):

in 2013 (Tehran), 60 patients with burn injuries (10-45%) and accompanying severe post-traumatic nervous disorders received a 20-minute shiatsu massage (each hand was massaged for 10 minutes).

As a result, the degree of anxiety and pain was significantly reduced, and recovery occurred faster.

This is explained by the fact that pressure on the points causes the production of the hormones serotonin and dopamine, which reduce anxiety, also relieves tension from the muscles, slows down the heartbeat, and normalizes blood pressure and metabolism.

Reducing lumbar pain

Journal of Holistic Care(Journal of Holistic Nursing):

year 2001. 66 patients with low back pain received four sessions of shiatsu and reported their sensations 2 days after each session. All noted a significant decrease in pain and anxiety.

Massage technique

Active participation in shiatsu hand massage gives a predictable therapeutic effect: metabolism is stimulated in the hands, fingers and in those organs with which the pressure zones are associated.

In addition, the fingers are connected directly to the brain by numerous nerve endings, and therefore shiatsu perfectly calms and relieves mental fatigue.

For pressure use:

the entire area of ​​the fingertips

  • large ones (Tokujiro considered them the most important and powerful instrument of influence);
  • three put together (index, middle and ring);
  • two fingers placed one on top of the other.


The clicks do strictly perpendicular to the skin, without displacement or sticking, without “smearing”.

“PRESS, not rub or massage!” - this is how Namikoshi succinctly described the difference between his technique.

Pressure force

Moderate. The response should not cause discomfort or severe pain.

If you are giving a massage to someone, take a position so that, if necessary, you can apply controlled pressure with your own weight.


If the technique is correct, then numbness, aching, warmth or mild pain occurs at the point of pressure.

Press duration

depends on the area of ​​the body, health status and specific instructions for the procedure. Most often, single 3-second pressures are used in the neck area, 5-7 seconds on other parts of the body.

Another option is also used: the presses last 1-3 inhalations and exhalations. Repeat pressure 2-10 times.

How to find the right point

Anatomical landmarks are: bony protrusions and depressions, boundaries of hair growth, skin folds, spaces between muscles and tendons, places where the pulse can be felt in the arteries, etc. The point can be palpated as a tubercle or pit.

The response sensations in it are different from other parts of the body.

Aches, numbness, tingling (like a weak electric current), pain, stiffness - these feelings are an indicator of the correct identification of a biologically active point.

Pain in the BAP may indicate pathology in the associated organ.

Preparing for a massage

Warm up your hands thoroughly: rub your palms and fingers together.

If you touch the body with cold hands, distorted reactions occur, which can aggravate the condition of the disease. Cold is one of the most pathogenic factors.

It is not advisable to massage on an empty stomach (fainting is possible) and immediately after eating.

Longevity point TZU-SAN-LI

A restorative paired point, it belongs to the stomach meridian.

Synonyms: gui-se, xia-ling.

The miraculous properties of Tzu-san-li are mentioned in ancient medical treatises. This point is deservedly called the longevity point, since it immediately affects three levels of the body, which ancient China correlated with Man, Heaven and Earth.

Through these three energy levels, with the help of very subtle hormonal connections, all systems and organs are influenced, and restoration processes are launched in them.

The list of indications is huge:

Tzu-san-li is a point of emergency care for fainting, postpartum shock, cerebral hemorrhages, sunstroke.

Located at the junction of the tibia and fibula.

How to find: Place the center of your palm on the center of the kneecap, pressing your fingers against the shin (under its pad).

To make sure that the point is correctly identified, pull the foot up; a muscle tubercle should form under the ring finger. Lower your foot and a depression will appear under your toe. You need to click on it.

How to massage: Press the points on both legs simultaneously for 5-7 seconds, release for 2-3 seconds, repeat 3-4 times.

It is advisable to work with tzu-san-li in the first half of the day, preferably before 10 am, when the stomach channel is most active. Massage in the afternoon and especially in the evening can cause insomnia.

Experts in oriental medicine also advise using the first 8 days of the moon’s waxing.

Tzu-san-li massage over a long period of time can increase blood pressure. Therefore, people prone to hypertension can be advised to massage the Yang Ling Quan point for similar purposes.


Shiatsu acupressure is an amazing technique: very simple, affordable and effective. Having mastered simple techniques, we can help ourselves in a timely manner and restore our health.

Monitor skin reactions; if the skin begins to hurt in some place, it means there is a problem in the organ corresponding to this area.
Place your hand there and try to feel the most painful point. You don't need an acupuncture atlas for this; the body itself indicates its location.

It may be enough to apply 5-7 seconds of pressure, repeated a couple of times throughout the day, for the pain to subside. This means that the healing process itself has begun.

And finally, advice from Tokujiro Namikoshi, who lived 95 years:

“To live a long and fulfilling life, avoid prolonged overwork and get enough sleep. While we are young, 8 hours of sleep quickly relieves the most severe fatigue.

Be sure to pay attention - they are sure signs of prolonged fatigue and lack of sleep, which lead to serious health problems.”

Be healthy!


  • Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine,
  • US National Library of Medicine,
  • P.V. Belousov "Acupuncture points of Chinese Zhenjiu therapy"

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata

Preparing: shiatsu for immunity, youthful appearance, for various problems.