See the design of the corridor wall, wallpaper and sconces. Spectacular decoration of the corridor with wallpaper (64 photos). Ornaments and patterns

With a gallery of wallpapers, the “site” offers the most big choice fashionable wall wallpaper for apartments from leading European and Russian manufacturers. Here you will find more than 1000 models of paper, vinyl, textile and non-woven wallpaper for walls to suit every taste and budget.

The convenient catalog of our online store will allow you to easily select wall wallpaper for your room, kitchen, nursery, bathroom or corridor, as well as evaluate how they will look in your interior and find good decision for your home decor.

Italian wallpaper

There are about 40 wallpaper factories in Italy. The most popular of them are Limonta (Domus Parati), Andrea Rossi, Sirpi and Zambaiti. The main advantages of Italian wallpaper are design, durability and environmental friendliness of materials. Italian wallpapers make up the bulk of our range. Our managers will tell you in detail about the discount program for wallpaper from Italy.

Having hung wallpaper for painting in the hallway for the first time, the owners wait with caution to see how long this roll material will last without the need to tear it off and repaint it. Removing old wallpaper is truly a Sisyphean task. Anyone who looks to the future does not want to pay twice for finishing. He would rather pay once, buy wallpaper for painting, and enjoy a neat and stylish look corridor.

Paintable wallpaper in the hallway. What should you expect?

A small disadvantage of this material is the extra time spent. After all, wallpaper pasted in the hallway for painting should certainly be painted as quickly as possible.

And not all craftsmen will take on this work, which is more like painting than finishing. There's no part of a renovation that people won't do the first time, and skill comes with experience. Wallpaper for painting, covered with the color chosen in the salon, will look extremely impressive.

Another disadvantage of this finishing method can be considered, although with great stretch, the difficulty of choosing color combinations. This is a common problem for all craftsmen. There is hesitation among repairmen regarding the choice of paint due to the too large and varied range of painting products.

“How should you choose wallpaper for painting in the hallway?” - you ask. Pay attention to the strength of the wallpaper. Paper duplex wallpaper is, of course, good. But for painting the corridor there are both paper and, say, non-woven wallpaper. Don’t forget that the latest in wallpaper fashion, glassy wallpaper, has surpassed all conceivable limits in terms of the number of fans. Those who are at the forefront of interior design know very well that glass wallpaper protects the apartment from fire. The choice of wallpaper for the corridor also depends on the family budget.

Color is an important component of wallpaper for painting in the hallway

When guests come to your house, the first thing they see is the corridor and the decoration of the walls in it. Choosing fashionable, stylish, non-stainable rolled materials, you will win an endless competition on the topic: “whose corridor is better.” According to statistics, most people like it when the wallpaper in the hallway is painted in beige-golden colors. But you can choose cooler colors. Such wallpaper cannot be perceived as something homogeneous, although it seems that under the layer of paint there is a canvas without joints. This is the illusion that all wallpaper pasters strive for.

You can't go wrong if you use color to separate your wallpaper into two visually noticeable parts. Alas, small corridors, a legacy of the post-Soviet era, will haunt our imagination for many, many decades to come. You can think for a long time about how to visually push the walls of this misunderstanding called “the corridor in the Khrushchev building.” But there is only one conclusion: paintable wallpaper! Bright hues! No colorful layers! Shades of blue, according to interior designers, visually enlarge the room.

All light colors are easily soiled, be careful!

And remember, extremely light and delicate colors are still the most polluted, and this is an axiom. Don't let it bother you. Keep some paint in reserve. After a year or two, just refresh problem areas on your hallway walls. And having bought new paint different color, can be completely updated appearance hallway This is what paintable wallpaper for a corridor is good for - the ability to update the walls without tearing off or re-sticking the wallpaper.

Today wallpaper for the hallway on the wall is presented in infinite number designs. The hallway is the room through which the first impression of the house and its owners is formed. It is customary to approach the design of the hall creatively, not limiting yourself to plain wallpaper and faceless furniture. In order to wallpaper a hallway, a small number of rolls of wall covering are required, so the finishing is inexpensive.

Material and color for the hallway

If you have not yet decided on the material, then it is best to order non-woven wallpaper for the hallway. Non-woven wall coverings are durable, which is very important for rooms with high traffic. Paper wallpaper have their advantage: prices for wall covering from paper several times lower.

Color, texture and pattern are usually determined by the personal preferences of the owners. Looking through the catalog, you can get lost in the variety and perfection of designs; to simplify the choice, you should decide on the style. Now the most popular are Baroque, classic, Provence, and chalets.

You can view the catalog and buy wallpaper for the hallway in Moscow through the Espartos online store; Our store features a wide range of affordable quality wallpapers.

People enthusiastically make design revolutions in their bathrooms and toilets, but very often they leave the hallway without due attention. Meanwhile, the overall impression of your apartment directly depends on how neat and organic this space looks. Maybe it's time to pay close attention to it? Wallpaper for the hallway, photos of which we will present below, will help you with your birth interesting ideas, related to the arrangement of this small, but such an important isthmus, connecting all the rooms of your cozy “home”.

Vertical or horizontal?

When making such a choice, it is important to know some of the nuances that they introduce into our character of perception of a particular room:

  • vertical- make the corridor more symmetrical and taller;
  • horizontal- expand the space and visually lower the ceiling slightly lower.

Of course, any change in height and width is nothing more than an illusion of human perception, but it directly affects how a person will see his corridor in the end.

Here is a vivid example of how high a corridor covered with vertical wallpaper appears

And in this case horizontal wallpaper expand the distance between walls and help achieve optimal visual comfort for room owners

Let's look at some more examples of this type.

As you can see, even the most unfriendly and wide corridor can be made warm and cozy if you successfully select wallpaper and some remarkable interior details.

And again, horizontal stripes come to the rescue - it’s hard to deny this room’s atmosphere and harmony.

Real mansions, not an apartment. However, every square meter of space is used as successfully as possible. Including walls with spectacular vertical stripes and applied abstract pattern. Decorative Venetian plaster was selected for the wallpaper.

Notice how high the ceilings seem. This is largely due to wallpaper with vertical stripes.

Classic options for your corridor

One of the most common colors is beige. The same beige that always comes to the rescue and holds up well in any interior. Here is a vivid example of classic vinyl wallpaper beige colour. Create calm environment in the hallway and are ideal for narrow spaces.

And here is another example of the fact that beige is always relevant. It should be noted perfect combination brown baguettes for paintings with a calm, balanced tone of wallpaper.

They say correctly that when proper lighting even plain wallpaper are transformed. It is difficult to blame the owners of this apartment for a careless attitude towards the interior - it is obvious that it has been thought out to the smallest detail.

Do you want to make your corridor visually higher? Use wallpaper with vertical pattern. IN in this example The wallpaper clearly does not suffer from any special artistic refinements, but it fits perfectly with the doors and generally fits perfectly into the concept of the dominant light palette. True, if your corridor is very narrow, then this option is undesirable - it will deprive your room of the necessary space and air.

The corridors of the good old Khrushchev buildings have notoriety, but look how you can add comfort, life and air to them if you choose the right wallpaper and lighting.

Similar example: discreet beige wallpaper with a geometric pattern successfully correlate with other interior details.

Fi, how boring, you say. It’s normal, we will answer. And this is really an example of normal wallpaper for a corridor modern apartment, not rich in square meters. Compared to their more thoroughbred competitors, they, of course, look somewhat modest, but they fit perfectly into a cramped room and, oddly enough, provide it with the necessary supply of air, sufficient for the guest to feel at home. I mean, it's cozy. Isn't that what you need?

Liquid wallpaper is a fairly common choice for owners small apartments. They do not pretend to be overly decorative, but they perfectly convey volume and look natural.

The pattern used here can hardly be called inventive, but look how well it fits into the interior.

Just a nice and bright corridor in calm colors. Proper supply of light allows you to saturate to the limit narrow space air.

In this example, the issue of lighting is also important. Are you using dark wallpaper? Be prepared for the fact that you will need to select the appropriate light for them.

Wallpaper option for the hallway with light palette. Experts call such options a win-win. In the sense that in any case it will make your room warm and cozy.

If your search for wallpaper for your hallway led you to antique motifs, you definitely have good taste. These are timeless illustrations that successfully highlight the grandeur of ancient architecture. Such wallpaper exudes sacred depth and unostentatious seriousness. Needless to say, these motifs are best revealed in rooms designed in strict colors, as well as minimalist surroundings.

Wallpaper with a stone texture

Stone stylized wallpaper for the hallway will allow you to achieve a spectacular and memorable style. Monumentality, luxury, nobility - this is what comes to mind when you observe this.

Do you think that the walls of this corridor are decorated with slate? No, this is wallpaper decorated to resemble this type of stone, skillfully conveying the volume and texture of this popular finishing material.

It's hard to find more good option for such an original corridor

In this case, 3D wallpaper was used. They are especially good if you want to capture the finer nuances of rocky textures.

Embossed wallpaper for the corridor, made in a classic, unobtrusive format. Such wallpapers do not bring anything special to the room - but they very well emphasize the created coziness and warm atmosphere. Diligent housewives sound the alarm about the dubious practicality of the presented samples, while simpler people simply enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and pleasant mood.

Flower petals

The petals stretching upward against a dark background can hardly be called an artistic revelation, but they generously add sophisticated notes to the somewhat austere and schematically executed interior of the room.

An interesting design solution with a horizontal division of the walls into a plain blue bottom, creating airiness and volume, and an expressive decorative part at the top. Flowers in flowerpots are successfully bordered with random patterns.

Plain wallpapers are often used in corridors, but this does not prevent them from being wisely diluted with well-chosen decors. One of these options is given below.

The problem of the inexpressive narrow corridor can be solved beautiful wallpaper with a highly detailed pattern, as well as a large number of mirrors that visually expand the space.

There is an opinion that too large flowers on the wallpaper visually reduce the space. Here is just such an example. What can you say? In our opinion, everything is more than wonderful!

And in this case, large buds help create a soulful intimate atmosphere.

When your ideas have left you, and you still can’t escape from repairs, it makes sense to use a proven option - abstract patterns. The example in the photo is indicative: an evenly maintained temperature range, if it does not set you up for creative feats, then, in any case, does not interfere with enjoying the comfort and at least does not irritate you when entering the room. What else is required from wallpaper in a hallway?

Colorful wallpaper is not a brain explosion, but a well-balanced style

Annoying colorful wallpaper in the hallway is not the best option if it does not follow the general design solution apartments. However, in the case when they are part of a single artistic concept, it is quite the opposite.

The rich red color absorbs all attention and pushes the slightly psychedelic abstraction underlying the drawing far into the background.

Bright and attractive wallpaper that gives a lot of scope for interpreting your non-standard floral design.

A riot of geometry out of control - in quite stylish and contrasting wallpaper, which will fit perfectly not only into ordinary city apartments, but also big house. There is room for your imagination to unfold as you contemplate them every day!

At first glance, there is nothing colorful here. However, the original applied pattern literally attracts the eye - I think that if your interior is not particularly diverse, and you don’t mind updating it significantly, such wallpaper will be a real breath of fresh air.

Black and white wallpaper with a flashy pattern fits perfectly into a modest interior

Another example of vertical colorful wallpaper in the corridor. The example is quite controversial, but this in no way detracts from his right to live in a separate apartment. Would you choose something similar? Be careful not to overdo it - not every room can accommodate such expressive and flashy wallpaper.

Summary: among the wallpaper for the hallway, the photos of which you looked at above, there are probably many options that are perfect for you, but do not rush into making a choice and refrain from blind copying. Try to design your room and take into account all the most insignificant nuances - then your corridor will definitely please the eye every day, and a lot of credit for this will go to the correctly selected wallpaper.
