The bloodiest maniacs of the USSR. Maniacs of Russia and the USSR: list, photo. the most famous serial maniacs and murderers of Russia and the USSR. What else to see

05/21/2019 at 14:16 · VeraSchegoleva · 7 710

10 most dangerous maniacs of the USSR and Russia

Even children know that in no case should you take sweets from other people's uncles, agree to an offer to drive a car or see a kitten. That's just murders and rapes from this does not become less.

The victims of maniacs are not only children, but also adults. These people deftly rub themselves into trust or act unexpectedly, on the sly.
Maniacs are those who kill at the behest of the soul.

Among serial killers there are not only men, but also women, and even children. These are terrible people, they are dangerous for themselves and for society. No one knows what drives such horrific crimes.

They say a lot that recently there have been much more "sick in the head" people. Of course, the availability of pornography, computer games have a negative impact on the human psyche, but such people have existed at all times. Our country is no exception.

Below are the 10 most dangerous maniacs in Russia and the USSR.

10. Anatoly Sedykh, 12 kills

"Lipetsk Chikatilo" gave the impression of an ordinary man. Work, family, children. He committed his first murder in 1998. His victim was a young girl, Anatoly beat her, raped and strangled her.

Sedykh had an old "six". The girls themselves got into the car, mistaking him for a "bomb", but none of them made it home.

Anatoly's victims are young ladies from 16 to 28 years old, they were all strangled.

After a series of murders, law enforcement agencies began to work actively, Sedykh fell under suspicion, like the rest of the men who had light “sixes”.

As in the story with Chikatilo, based on the analysis of sperm, they were looking for a maniac with 4 blood groups. Sedykh had a third. They let him go.

After some time, Anatoly was caught because he decided to use the phone of one of the victims. He was given a life sentence.

9. Maxim Petrov, 12 kills

Maxim Petrov from St. Petersburg worked as an ambulance paramedic.

It is not known what pushed him to criminal activity, but the man began to visit his patients. He came to the elderly, measured their pressure, and then offered to give an injection. The patients happily agreed. After the injection, they fell asleep, Maxim robbed the apartment.

During the next visit to the patient, he ran into the daughter of the euthanized. The maniac took the lives of both. Since then, he began to kill his victims. Medicines "Doctor Death" made himself.

In 2000 he was arrested. The killer received a life sentence.

8. Irina Gaydamachuk, 17 kills

Raskolnikov in a skirt. This woman killed 17 old ladies with... a hammer.

Irina early became addicted to alcohol. Even the birth of a child could not affect her. The woman did not want to work, but she could no longer live without alcohol.

She found a way out: she decided to rob the old woman. An elderly woman tried to resist Gaidamachuk, for which she received a mortal blow with a hammer.

There were many more victims. Irina came to the elderly, presented herself as a social worker, killed, and then robbed.

Nizhny Tagil, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoufimsky - these are not all the cities visited by Gaidamachuk. She was looking for 8 years.

In 2010, Irina was caught. Doctors recognized her as sane, she committed all the murders for profit. The woman was sentenced to 20 years in prison.

7. Sergei Ryakhovsky, 18 kills

Sergey was born in a prosperous family, his parents loved him very much and protected him.

In 1982, he began to attack women, he was then 20 years old. Ryakhovsky raped them and then let them go. He was identified by another victim, Sergei was imprisoned.

As you know, prisoners are not very fond of rapists. In prison, Ryakhovsky decided that the victims should not be left alive, and he also began to hate homosexuals.

In total, he committed 18 murders, two attempted murders. Among his victims were men of non-traditional and traditional orientation, women of different ages and even teenagers. He mocked the bodies of the dead, inflicted damage on them, chopped off parts of the body.

In 1993 he was detained, in 1995 Ryakhovsky was sentenced to death.

6. Mikhail Popkov, 78 kills

Mikhail was a police officer, rose to the rank of "junior lieutenant", and then quit. Was married. He committed murders between 1994 and 2000.

His victims were young women, slightly plump, and many of them were intoxicated.

It is known that Mikhail began to kill while still a law enforcement officer. He inflicted stab wounds on his victims, subjected them to sexual violence.

One of the victims survived and even identified Popkov, but since there was no forensic medical examination, he was acquitted.

In 2012, Mikhail was detained, he confessed to all the crimes committed. He killed 77 women, 78 were his police colleague. Experts found the man sane.

5. Gennady Mikhasevich, 36 kills

Gennady operated in the Byelorussian SSR from 1971 to 1985. He gave the impression of a respectable Soviet citizen. He had a wife and a mistress, he was an excellent worker and public figure.

In 1971, Gennady broke up with his girlfriend and decided to hang himself. A moment later, his plans changed, and he strangled a passing young woman. He attacked the victims, raped and killed.

After Mikhasevich got a car, it became even easier to operate. He offered the girls a lift, the victims themselves got into his car.

In 1985 he was detained, in 1987 he was executed. Gennady was recognized as sane, but he had a tendency to sexual violations.

4. Sergey Tkach, 37 kills

Sergey Tkach is a Soviet and Ukrainian maniac. For some time he worked as an investigator, so he knew how to cover his tracks. On account of his 37 murders, after the verdict, he confessed to another 107 crimes.

His victims were girls from 9 to 17 years old, the maniac sexually abused them and killed them. From each of them, the Weaver took some thing as a keepsake. He was arrested in 2005.

When asked about the motive, he replied: "I wanted to prove the professional unsuitability of the operatives." The man was declared sane. Not only girls suffered at his hands, but also innocently convicted men who paid for the crimes of the Weaver. Sergei himself died in prison.

3. Alexander Pichushkin, 49 kills

Alexander grew up without a father, but he had a grandfather. When the boy was 14 years old, grandfather decided to take up his personal life and moved in with a woman. Pichushkin took this as a betrayal.

Among his victims were many elderly men. He seemed to be taking revenge on his grandfather for leaving him.

Alexander committed his first murder at the age of 18. The victim is a fellow student, Pichushkin strangled him, but the body was never found.

Alexander was called "the killer with a chessboard". His blue dream is to fill all the cells of the board (and there are 64 of them) with killed victims. Moreover, he hid the corpses so skillfully that the police did not even think about a serial killer. Soon Pichushkin changed tactics, he no longer hid the bodies.

In 2006, he was detained, the maniac confessed to his crimes. He was given a life sentence.

2. Alexander Spesivtsev, 19 kills

Alexander grew up in a dysfunctional family. In 1988, he was sent to a psychiatric hospital for compulsory treatment. In 1991, he committed his first crime.

He met a girl, but after Alexander raised his hand to her, her lover decided to break up with him. The man locked her in the apartment, for a whole month he beat and tortured his victim. The girl died.

He began to lure young women and girls into his apartment. His mother contributed to the crimes in every possible way, even inviting victims for her son herself.

Alexander and his mother dismembered and hid the corpses together, and later began to eat them. In 1997, he was detained, only 3 murders were proved. After some time, 16 more were proven. Spesivtsev was sent for compulsory treatment.

If he recovers, most likely he will "shine" for life. His mother was sentenced to 15 years.

1. Andrei Chikatilo, 53 kills

The most cruel maniac in the USSR. From childhood, he behaved more than strangely: tantrums, uncontrolled attacks of aggression. He committed his first crime in 1978, until 1990 he continued to kill.

According to the official version, Chikatilo committed 53 crimes, he himself confessed to 56 murders. Andrey got acquainted with his future victims, lured them to a secluded place and attacked. The maniac inflicted stab wounds, and then mocked the victims: raped, inflicted terrible injuries.

Soviet law enforcement agencies organized events to catch a maniac. Crimes were solved, the perpetrators were found, but the situation did not change.

In 1982, the investigation had a clue: they were looking for a maniac with 4 blood groups. In 1984, Chikatilo was detained, but he had to be released because of a mismatch in blood type tests. In fact, the analysis was carried out incorrectly.

In 1990, Chikatilo was detained, in 1994 he was shot.

Readers' Choice:

What else to see:

Mosgaz and Baby Hunter, Alligator and Ulyanovsk Maniac, Irkutsk Monster… the list goes on. In the Soviet Union, as you know, there weren’t many things, but serial killers appeared with enviable constancy.


Vladimir Ionesyan is probably one of the most famous "serials" of the times of the Union (second only to Chikatilo). And not the last role in this was played by a couple of documentaries, as well as a fairly high-quality, relatively fresh series.

Under Khrushchev, an ordinary Soviet citizen could hardly admit the idea that the killer could hide under the mask of an employee of the housing office or the gas service. This is what Ionesyan took advantage of. He, as they say, "cleared the chip" and presented himself as an employee of Mosgaz in order to penetrate into apartments. The leadership of the country and law enforcement agencies were furious because of such a cynicism of the criminal. Therefore, the highest ranks were personally responsible for his capture.
To enter the apartments, Ionesyan introduced himself as an employee of Mosgaz
The murder count began in the 63rd year of the last century. Vladimir Ionesyan entered the apartment, calling the sacred "Mosgaz", and killed a twelve-year-old teenager with an ax. Then he stole a few things and left.
The bloody path of Mosgaz ended a year later. His latest victim was a 46-year-old woman. A little later, Vladimir was shot.
During the calendar year, Ionesyan managed to kill four children and one adult. Since the investigation and the trial took place in the shortest possible time, the motives of Mosgaz remained unclear. He was simply shot without further ado.
There are three main versions, because of which Vladimir killed people. First, it is a banal thirst for their own gain. Secondly, due to the fact that he left his wife and had an affair with the ballerina Alevtina Dmitrieva, the criminal needed gifts for his passion. Well, and thirdly, Vladimir was simply trying to assert himself through the murders.

"Baby Hunter"

This happens often: seemingly kind, sympathetic, decent family man, but in fact - a bloodthirsty maniac. Anatoly Biryukov, who led two parallel lives, falls under this category.
The "debut" took place in 1977.
Anatoly stole a baby from a stroller and tried to rape him. But in a deserted, according to Biryukov's assumption, place, it turned out to be not deserted at all. Hearing voices and steps, Anatoly stabbed the baby and disappeared.

During the year, Biryukov committed several more rapes and murders of infants. But soon witnesses began to appear and an identikit of the criminal was drawn up.
The investigators quickly managed to detain Biryukov. A medical examination showed that he suffered from severe non-pyophilia. Simply put, it was only babies that turned him on. Biryukov, of course, did not admit this and tried with all his might to pass himself off as a madman. Like, due to the fact that his wife denied him his marital debt, he went crazy.
In 1970, the "Baby Hunter" was shot.


Aleksey Sukletin, nicknamed the Alligator, killed and ... ate seven girls and women. Moreover, in the meal, he was accompanied by accomplices - first, the mistress Madina Shakirova, and then - a relative Nikitin.
The alligator ventured into crime in 1981. Ekaterina Osetrova became his victim. Sukletin and his girlfriend killed a woman. Then he forced Madina to butcher and prepare the sacrifice. I must say that the mistress slightly resisted and became a cook.

But the "creative union" of the cannibals turned out to be fleeting. After the murder of the girl, they quarreled, and Shakirova left. Sukletin quickly found a replacement for her. Anatoly Nikitin, a relative of Sukletin, gladly agreed to become a murderer and a cannibal.
Sukletin, nicknamed the Alligator, killed and ate 7 girls and women
Meanwhile, in the village, the inhabitants were surprised, where did Alexei get such high-quality meat from? It is not known how long the atrocities would have continued, but the criminals betrayed themselves. Carried away, they decided to do more and extortion, on which they "slept".
On the territory of the personal plot of Sukletin, investigators found four bags of human bones. It was possible to prove only seven murders, how many there were in fact, is unknown. Sukletin was shot in 1994, and his accomplices were given fifteen years in prison.

"Ulyanovsk maniac"

Anatoly was a professional driver and did not stand out from the millions of quite ordinary Soviet citizens. His bloody path began in 1968, when he was only twenty-six years old. That day, fourteen-year-old Liza Makarova stopped Utkin's car and asked for a ride to the hospital. During the journey, Anatoly had “something clicked” in his head. He raped and killed Makarova, leaving some of her belongings as a trophy.

Having tasted the blood, Utkin decided to continue the "fascinating event." Both girls and mature women became his victims. And soon thunder rang out over Ulyanovsk - a murderous maniac appeared in the city!
Neither the wife nor the children of Utkin knew that he was an Ulyanovsk maniac
Popularity alerted Utkin, and he began to approach the planning of murders more carefully. And if at first he killed and raped for pleasure, then gradually his motives began to change. In the first place came the thirst for profit. In 1972, Utkin killed a man for the first time. A year later he was arrested. The investigation lasted almost two years, and in 1975 Utkin was shot. By that time, Anatoly had already been married twice and twice became a father. And none of his relatives and friends could even imagine that the Ulyanovsk maniac is Tolik Utkin.

"Irkutsk Monster"

Vasya Kulik was unlucky already in childhood. He was a very sick child. Therefore, relatives allowed him too much. As a teenager, Vasya became very cruel, selfish and uncontrollable. And he started his killing training with cats.
Then he was drawn to children. In 1982, he first dared to rape. And two years later, Vasily became a murderer, choosing a ten-year-old girl as a victim.

Due to the shattered psyche, Kulik was alternately interested in either girls or pensioners. By the way, he even made a list of grandmothers who liked him.
Due to the shattered psyche, Kulik was interested either in girls or in pensioners
Information about the maniac was leaked to the people. Panic broke out in the city. Although Kulik tried to act as carefully as possible, he was still caught in 1986. At that moment, he had thirteen victims on his account. Kulik was shot three years later.

Andrey Chikatilo

A serial killer nicknamed "Rostov Ripper", "Citizen X" and "Red Nightmare" is one of the most terrible characters among known maniacs. Chikatilo dealt with his victims with particular cruelty, among whom were mostly underage children and women.
Between 1978 and 1990, the offender committed 53 proven crimes. On February 14, 1994, Chikatilo was taken out of the Novocherkassk prison near Rostov to carry out capital punishment - the death penalty.

Vladimir Ionesyan, nicknamed "Mosgaz", became the first officially recognized serial maniac in the Soviet Union. Posing as an employee of Mosgaz, the maniac freely entered apartments and killed the owners. The first murder was committed on December 20, 1963, the victim was a boy of 12 years old. The maniac killed the child with an ax (he always carried an ax in his bag). Later, the investigation proved the involvement of Mosgaz in six murders, including four children. January 12, 1964 Vladimir Ionesyan was detained in Kazan at the station and taken to Moscow. The offender was sentenced to the highest measure of punishment - death by firing squad. The sentence was carried out on January 31, 1964.

Andrey Chikatilo

Sergei Golovkin

A serial maniac near Moscow named Fisher, livestock specialist of the Moscow Stud Farm No. 1, Sergey Golovkin, committed murders in 1984-1992. He was suspected of 40 rapes and murders of boys in the Moscow region. On October 19, 1992, Golovkin was detained. He confessed to killing 11 children. On August 22, 1994, a closed court hearing began on Golovkin's criminal case; on October 19, 1994, he was sentenced to capital punishment - execution. In August 1996, the sentence was carried out.

Sergey Ryakhovsky

Notorious Russian serial killer, also known as the Balashikha Ripper. He committed his first murder in 1988 in Bitz, killing a homosexual. In total, he killed 19 people, 6 more people were able to escape. Most of his victims were elderly women, although he also killed five men and two teenagers. In 1993, he was detained by the police on the basis of an identikit. During the October events of 1993, the criminal wrote a letter to Alexander Rutskoi, in which he presented himself as an innocent victim of "anti-people power." In 1995, Ryakhovsky was sentenced to death, but due to the introduction of a moratorium on the death penalty, he was sent to life imprisonment in a special colony in Solikamsk. He died in 2005 from tuberculosis.

Everyone knows that in the Soviet Union there was no sex, religion and democracy, and if something scandalous happened, the authorities preferred to keep silent about it. Nevertheless, it was difficult to hide the bloody details of the most terrible crimes from society. Some of the maniacs listed in this selection could not be caught for a long time even after the collapse of the USSR, and some people were even accused by accident.

1. Anatoly Biryukov - "Baby Hunter"

Maniac Biryukov seemed like an exemplary family man and a respectable citizen: no one suspected that a decent husband and father was leading a double life.
Biryukov committed his first murder in 1977. He kidnapped the baby from the stroller, took it to a deserted place and tried to commit violent acts of a known nature against him. However, onlookers frightened off the maniac, and he killed the baby with a knife. In the same year, Biryukov committed several more rapes and murders of abducted babies, but by the sixth case, witnesses began to pursue him. Fortunately for the investigation, they were able to examine the rapist and make an identikit.
After the arrest, investigators and psychiatrists concluded that Biryukov suffered from a severe form of non-pyophilia - a passion for babies. In his defense, the offender said that he committed his atrocities because his wife refused to maintain intimate relations with him. In 1979, Biryukov, who killed a total of five babies, was shot.

2. Alexey Sukletin - "Alligator"

Sukletin has seven girls and women on his account, whom he killed and ate with his accomplices Shakirova and Nikitin. The first victim was a woman named Yekaterina Osetrova in 1981. Sukletin insisted that his mistress Shakirova help him kill, butcher and cook the dead. In love and tamed, Madina Shakirova was ready to do anything for her lover, so she agreed to take on the duties of a cook.
The cannibal idyll did not last long - after the murder of a little girl, Sukletin and Shakirova parted ways. The maniac did not grieve for long and immediately found a replacement - his relative Anatoly Nikitin often visited, with whom they eventually killed and dismembered a new victim.
Rumors began to circulate in the village that Sukletin was selling high-quality meat and tenderloin, and in the meantime the gang began to engage in extortion, on which they were caught. 4 bags of human bones were found in the garden of Sukletin. Maniac was shot in 1994, and Shakirov and Nikitin were sentenced to 15 years in prison. On account of the cannibals - at least seven victims.

3. Anatoly Onoprienko - "Citizen O"

By 1996, when Onoprienko was taken into custody, he had already killed about 52 people. The exact number of deaths to this day remains unknown, but according to the investigation, there were much more victims.
Onoprienko began his activity in 1989 together with his partner Sergey Rogozin. The "death duo" killed couples and even groups of young people, and they also broke into houses and shot all family members, including children. Often Onoprienko shot random passers-by.
The motives behind Citizen O's crimes are still unknown. According to him, he killed people because some forces and voices ordered him to do it. The crimes included three waves: against communism, nationalism and the plague of the 21st century. After a long search, the investigation finally got on the trail of Onoprienko. True, before that, an innocent person who died during torture was detained. After the trial, Anatoly Onoprienko was sentenced to death, but the sentence was never executed due to the abolition of the death penalty in Ukraine.

4. Sergei Golovkin - "Fisher"

Sergei was considered a young attractive man, but despite the fact that girls always curled around, he did not show interest in them. Fisher was more interested in teenage boys.
The first attempted rape and murder was an incident in 1984 (many years later, the surviving victim was able to identify Golovkin). The first murder that took place was the strangulation in 1984 of 16-year-old Andrei: threatening with reprisal, Golovkin dragged the boy into the forest, raped, strangled and abused the body. Then the killings continued and caused a public outcry, because of which Fischer decided to go underground for a while.
In 1989, Golovkin got into business, but changed his style a little. He built a basement in his garage where he tortured, raped and killed boys. Due to the fact that the killer became careless and inaccurately buried the last bodies, he was quickly identified and found. In 1992, Fischer was finally arrested. He was sentenced to death, the sentence was executed in 1996. On account of the maniac 11 killed teenagers.

5. Anatoly Utkin - "Ulyanovsk maniac"

Anatoly Utkin, born in 1942, was a driver by profession. In 1968, his car was stopped by a 14-year-old girl, Liza Makarova, who urgently needed to go to the hospital with her mother. Taking advantage of the moment, Utkin raped and killed the poor thing, leaving himself a few of her personal belongings "as a keepsake".
The victims of the rampant maniac turned out to be both young girls and middle-aged women. After the disappearances of the girls and the finds of corpses, the public started up: a serial killer appeared in calm Ulyanovsk! Over time, Utkin began to take a more prudent approach to the choice of victims - he was guided by careful planning.
In 1972, the maniac's motives changed: now his goal was not violence and murder, but profit. In the same year, Utkin killed a man for the sake of robbery, and in 1973 he was taken into custody. After the investigation and the evidence found in the house of the suspect, the police had no doubts about his guilt. In 1975, Utkin was shot; in total, nine murders of his "authorship" were established.
Oddly enough, his family and acquaintances spoke extremely favorably about Anatoly Utkin. He was married twice and had two children.

6. Sergey Tkach - "Pavlograd Maniac"

Weaver has been operating since 1980, the motives for his crimes have always been of a sexual nature. The killer began to commit crimes after moving to Ukraine; he chose girls from 9 to 17 years old. The weaver carefully concealed the evidence, leaving no traces of sperm, prints and tissues on the bodies, however, he did not refuse the memorabilia of his victims, which he carefully kept.
In 2005, Tkach dealt with another victim - a nine-year-old girl - after which he was detained. During his search, 14 people were innocently convicted of crimes, which Tkach later confessed to.
Today Sergei Tkach is serving a life sentence. For some time in custody he had access to the Internet and communicated with interested people. On account of this cruel maniac from 30 to 150 victims.

7. Vladimir Mukhankin - "Lenin"

Vladimir was born into an incomplete family as an unwanted child (his father left his mother before the birth of his son), as a result of which he suffered constant bullying and a bad attitude at home. Hardened by the environment, Mukhankin periodically wandered, stole, attacked people and tortured and mocked animals. His nature did not prevent him from marrying at the age of 18, he had a son, who later died.
In 1995, "Lenin" begins to kill and commits eight murders in a few months. Mukhankin mocked his dying victims, performing horrific actions on the agonizing body. The maniac's real passion was human organs, with which he often went to bed.
After being caught, the criminal behaved obscenely and declared that he was the second Chikatilo. Mukhankin described his crimes in detail with pleasure, but at the trial he retracted all his testimony. He was found guilty of 22 crimes, eight of which were murders. Now Mukhankin is serving a life sentence in the Black Dolphin colony.

8. Vladimir Ionesyan - Mosgaz

During the Khrushchev thaw, it was hard to imagine that an intruder would get into your apartment, posing as an employee, for example, of Mosgaz or the housing office, which gave the criminal the opportunity to use this simple method. The authorities were furious, all forces were thrown into the capture of a maniac.
Due to the quick investigation and the quick reprisal against Ionesyan, his motives remained unclear. Most likely, he killed for the purpose of robbery. There is also a version that after leaving his wife for the ballerina Alevtina Dmitrieva, the criminal entered the apartments to find gifts for the woman. According to the third version, the murders helped Ionesyan to assert himself.
Mosgaz committed the first murder in 1963: having entered the apartment, he hacked to death a 12-year-old boy who was alone at home with an ax and took a few things. The last murder of a 46-year-old woman took place in 1964, the same year the criminal was taken into custody and shot.
There is an unproven version that Khrushchev himself spoke with Ionesyan. The killer has five victims, four of whom are children.

9. Roman Burtsev - "Kamensky Chikatilo"

Burtsev's parents were alcoholics, which probably influenced the formation of his personality. He began his bloody "career" as a pedophile in 1993 with the murder of his brother and sister Churilov - First he got rid of the boy, and then raped and killed the girl. The bodies were buried in a hole.
Burtsev was always distinguished by accuracy: he hid the bodies of the victims so carefully that almost all of them were found only when the killer himself showed the burial places. However, the thoroughness of the burial of the corpses let Burtsev down - after another murder, he asked for a shovel from one of the residents of his village, after which he threw away the gun. The woman described the appearance of a strange man, and a little later he was also identified by one of the victims who managed to escape.
In 1996, Roman Burtsev was caught and sentenced to death, but then the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment. "Kamensky Chikatilo" managed to kill six people.

10. Vasily Kulik - "Irkutsk Monster"

As a child, Vasily Kulik was a sickly child, but in the family he was always looked after and taken care of. Due to constant illnesses, almost everything was forgiven him, so Vasily grew up rather selfish and cruel, in his teens he poisoned and hung cats.
With age, Kulik got stronger and began to play sports. After an attack and a blow to the head in 1980, he began to have sexual desires for children, in 1982 Kulik committed the first rape, and two years later the first murder of a nine-year-old girl. The maniac did not shun the murders of pensioners: by his own admission, he compiled a list of old women of interest to him.
Panic began in Irkutsk, and the killer tried to be more careful, however, during another assassination attempt in 1986, passers-by managed to stop him. The “Irkutsk monster” confessed everything, but at the trial he suddenly began to deny his involvement, stating that he was framed by the Chibis gang. After a thorough investigation, Vasily Kulik was shot in 1989. On his account there were 13 murders.

Ekaterina Snyatovskaya


But last time it was about the most famous criminals. In addition to them, in the history of Russia there were many other bloodthirsty killers that you may not even have heard of. It is about them that will be discussed below.

Vasily Komarov

Vasily Ivanovich Komarov was born in 1877 and is the first Soviet serial killer. The maniac operated in Moscow from 1921 - 1923. He committed all his crimes according to one scenario: he met people who wanted to buy this or that product, after which he brought him to his house and gave him vodka to drink. When the victim got tipsy, he killed her with a hammer, and sometimes strangled her. The bodies were packed in a bag and hidden. Already in 1921, he committed at least seventeen murders, and over the next two years, twelve more. Although later Komarov claimed that he had killed 33 people. Most of the victims of the first serial killer were discovered only after he was caught. In the winter of 1922, his wife Sofya found out about the murders, but did not inform on her husband, but rather began to take part in the murders. The court sentenced Komarov and his wife to capital punishment - execution. The sentence was carried out in 1923.

Valery Asratyan ("Director")

Valery Georgievich Asratyan was born in 1958. He committed his first murder in 1982 by raping an underage girl. But almost immediately he was caught and sentenced to two years. After his release, he again commits rape and again falls into the hands of law enforcement agencies. After serving his second term behind bars, his wife leaves him, but he almost immediately finds himself another woman (who had a minor daughter). With the help of threats, the pedophile persuades his stepdaughter to intimacy and forces her, along with her mother, to participate in his crimes. In 1988, he comes up with a new scheme to lure victims. To do this, he introduces himself as a famous film director and invites the girls to his house to audition for the role. In his apartment, he added drugs to drinks, after which he beat and raped his victims for several days. When a new “toy” bothered him, he let it go. Later, fearing that he would be caught, he began to kill. In order to confuse the police, the "director" killed women in different ways, which is why law enforcement agencies for a long time believed that the murders were the work of different people. In the process of investigating a series of murders and rapes, the police were able to track down the maniac and arrest him in 1990. Fearing reprisals in the colony at the hands of other prisoners, the "director" asked the court for capital punishment. His request was granted and in 1992 the maniac was shot by a court verdict.

Alexander Bychkov was born in 1988. His father and mother both abused alcohol, which led to his father hanging himself at the age of forty. From a young age, Alexander's mother forced him to hard work, forcing her to earn money for alcohol. Perhaps that is why in the future he will hate drunkards and homeless people so much that he will start killing them. The serial killer killed his first victim on September 17, 2009. It was Evgeny Zhidkov, who came to the Belinsky district for documents to apply for a pension. Bychkov met him in a drink shop, after which he invited him to his apartment, and when Zhidkov fell asleep, he killed him. He killed the rest of his victims according to a similar scenario. Later, he came up with the nickname "Rambo" for himself and carefully recorded each kill in a journal, which he called "the bloody hunt of a predator born in the year of the dragon." To avert suspicion from himself, he committed all the murders from May to September. It was then that workers from other republics came to his city to work. January 21, 2012 Bychkov steals material assets and money from the store for a total of 10,000 rubles. The theft was quickly discovered and Alexander was arrested. During the investigation, he confessed to the earlier murders. During interrogation, the killer admitted that he cut out the internal organs of his victims and ate them. Evidence for this was not found. On March 22, 2013, the Penza Regional Court sentenced the serial killer to life imprisonment, with a sentence to be served in a special regime colony.

Anatoly Slivko was born on December 28, 1938. In 1961, he witnessed a horrific accident in which a motorcyclist crashed into a column of pioneers, fatally injuring one child. Later, Slivko claimed that at that moment he experienced a strong sexual arousal and the sight of a tormented child haunted him all his life. After he organized the children's tourist club "Chergid" (through rivers, mountains and valleys), he began to use his position to recreate that terrible accident. Possessing a good knowledge of child psychology, he used threats and bribery to involve them in filming films with imitation of violence. Dressing the children in a pioneer uniform, he hung them on a tree or stretched them with ropes, watching their torment with pleasure. Then he revived the children. The surviving victims either did not remember what happened, or were simply afraid to tell adults about it. Still, there were children who told about the terrible experiments, but no one believed them. He filmed all his child abuse and murders and wrote them down in his diary. In total, the murder of seven children under the age of sixteen was subsequently proven at trial. Despite the disappearance of children from the tourist club and the stories of pupils about strange filming, Slivko committed his terrible atrocities for ten years. He was arrested only on December 28, 1985. Within a year after that, he confessed to all the murders and in June 1986 he was sentenced to death. The sentence was carried out in 1989 in the Novocherkassk prison. A few hours before his death, the serial killer managed to consult the investigator Issa Kostoev on the Chikatilo case.

Sergei Golovkin was born on November 26, 1958. At school, he was a quiet and inconspicuous child who practically did not communicate with anyone and was not friends. No one then imagined that in a few years he would become a serial killer known as "Fischer". As a child, Sergei suffered from enuresis and was constantly afraid that others could smell his urine. While masturbating, he imagined torturing and killing his classmates. At the age of 13, he first showed his sadistic tendencies by killing and decapitating a cat's head. He committed his first murder in April 1986, when in a forest near the Katur station he met 15-year-old Andrei Pavlov, whom he led into the forest with the help of threats, where he raped and killed him. Three months later, he rapes and kills another child near the Zvyozdny pioneer camp. After the murder, the maniac cut off the genitals and head of the victim, ripped open the abdominal cavity and pulled out the internal organs. Four days after this brutal murder, the dismembered corpse of a sixteen-year-old teenager was discovered in the Odintsovo district. Later, Fisher does not confess to this murder, and the investigation will never prove his guilt. During the investigation, an acquaintance of one of Golovkin's victims will tell that he met a man who introduced himself to him as Fischer, but later it turns out that it was only a child's fantasy. However, the nickname "Fisher" is firmly attached to the maniac. Rumors about a maniac near Moscow began to spread rapidly around the region, forcing Golovkin to stop killing for a while. In 1988, he buys a VAZ 2103 car and, with its help, commits his third crime in 1989. In 1990, Fisher dug out a cellar in his garage, planning to use it as a workshop, but the idea comes to his sick head to use the cellar to commit his terrible crimes. And already in August 1991, passing by a bus stop in his car, Fisher met a child, whom he fraudulently brought to his garage, where he committed acts of a violent nature against the child. After that, he hangs the child and removes the skin from him, and dismembers the corpse. The maniac fried the soft organs of the child on a blowtorch and ate it. Parts of the body (except for the head, he left it for himself as a keepsake) were taken to the nearest forest and buried. In 1992, a serial maniac lures and kills three boys at once. Moreover, he told the children who and in what order he would kill. He rapes the last victim for twelve hours, after which he kills and calmly goes to work. On October 5, 1992, random mushroom pickers discover the corpses of these children in the forest. Having established the identity of the killed, the investigators went to the school where they studied. One of his classmates during the interrogation told about Sergei Golovkin, who drove him along with the murdered schoolchildren on September 14, 1992 from Zhavoronki station, offering to participate in the theft of a store along the way. The next day, the witness was unable to go with friends to Moscow for the robbery. Fischer was put under surveillance and on October 19, 1992, he was detained. During the investigation, the pedophile maniac confessed to the murder of 11 children. On October 19, 1994, the court sentenced him to capital punishment - execution. The sentence was carried out on August 2, 1996. According to some reports, Sergei Golovkin was the last person executed in Russia.

Sergey Kashfulgayanovich Martynov was born on June 2, 1962. In 1991, in the city of Abakan, he raped and killed a girl, for which he was sentenced to fifteen years in prison. In 2004 he was released early. Then he began to travel around the country in search of his new victims. In the city of Kemerovo in 2005, he attempted to rape a girl by stabbing her. Two years later, in June 2007, in the city of Glazov, a killer kills a woman and cuts out her organs. A month later, a maniac rapes a child in the village of Vyazovka. A year later, in Vladimir, he kills a man and commits a theft in the Konstantin-Elinsky Church. In the same year, in August, Martynov commits the murder of a woman in the Novgorod region. And this time he cuts out organs from his victim. Three months later, another victim. This time he kills his cohabitant in the village of Znamenko. In 2010, the maniac continues his murders again. Now his victim is a seventy-year-old woman in Bashkortostan. In the same year, Martynov stabbed a woman to death in the Voronezh region. This is not a complete list of victims of the Bashkir killer. In total, the investigation assumed that the serial killer had at least 10 victims, but only eight episodes were proved. The maniac was detained on the night of November 18-19, 2010 in the Voronezh region in a cafe where he worked and spent the night. Already in November 2012, he was sentenced to life imprisonment.

Nikita Lytkin was born on March 24, 1993, his accomplice Artem Anufriev on October 4, 1992. Artem and Nikita were members of the skinhead movement. Between December 2010 and April 2011, they killed approximately eight people. According to Anufriev, the idea to kill came to Lytkin. In search of a victim, they walked along the same route from the State University stop to Akademgorodok, and every day from six to ten in the evening. At the same time, they could pass by dozens of people in search of exactly the victim that, in their opinion, suited them. They used knives, baseball bats, hammers and mallets as murder weapons. They attacked their victims from the back, hitting them on the head, which is why the surviving victims of the academic maniacs could not tell the investigation the signs of the criminals. They were able to catch the milkmen from Irkutsk after the Institute of Organic Chemistry, where Lytkin's grandmother worked, handed out sketches of the criminals. Nikita Lytkin's grandmother and her son Vladislav noticed that the identikit looked like their relative. Vladislav went to Lytkin's house to talk to him. But I didn’t find him at home, but I found a video camera in which the killers accidentally forgot a flash drive with footage of the murder of one of their victims. Seeing the recording, Vladislav took it to the police. Within an hour and a half, the academic maniacs were detained. On April 2, 2013, the Irkutsk Regional Court sentenced Lytkin to 24 years in prison and Anufriev to life imprisonment.

Vladimir Anatolyevich Mukhankin was born on April 22, 1960. From the age of thirteen, Mukhankin began to commit robberies and thefts, stunning his victims with a metal pipe. For which he was convicted several times. In 1995, a serial killer begins to kill people and commits eight murders in two months, while performing various manipulations with dead bodies. In addition to murders, he also committed fourteen more crimes, mostly thefts and attacks on people. The offender was caught by accident when he attacked a woman and her daughter. The woman was killed, but the daughter survived and was able to identify the killer. The court found him guilty of twenty-two crimes, including eight murders, and sentenced him to capital punishment - execution. Subsequently, the sentence was changed to life imprisonment. At the moment he is kept in the Black Dolphin colony.

Irina Gaidamachuk (Satan in a skirt)

Irina Viktorovna Gaidamachuk was born on September 26, 1972. From an early age, Irina began to abuse alcohol, for which she was deprived of parental rights in relation to her eldest daughter. At the end of 1990, she moved to Krasnoufimsk, where she met a man, from whom she later gave birth to a daughter. Irina did not work anywhere, her new husband did not give her money, fearing that she would drink it away. Perhaps because of this, she decided to kill. Under the guise of a social worker, Gaidamachuk visited elderly people, whom she killed with a blow to the head with a hammer, after which she took away valuables and hid. For eight years, Satan in a skirt (as she was nicknamed) killed seventeen pensioners and committed eighteen robberies. A serial killer in a skirt was detained only in 2010. The court sentenced her to twenty years in prison.

Vasily Sergeevich Kulik was born on January 17, 1956. Since childhood, he showed sadistic inclinations by torturing and killing cats. At school, Kulik went in for sports and even became the boxing champion of Irkutsk. While studying at the medical faculty of the Irkutsk Medical Institute in 1980, he was beaten and robbed by teenagers. According to him, this event (and most likely a serious head injury) gave rise to his passion for children. In the same year, Kulik tries to seduce a fourth grade student. In 1981, Kulik marries, a year later his children are born. In 1984, Kulik commits his first murder, the body of his nine-year-old victim was found a few days later in the basement of a house in Irkutsk. Working as an ambulance doctor, he easily and freely entered the apartments of his victims. For two years of its bloody activity, the Irkutsk monster killed thirteen people (of which seven pensioners and six children). During another attack on January 17, 1986, he was seized by passers-by and taken to the police, where he confessed to his crimes. True, at the trial, he retracted his words, saying that the Chibis gang forced him to confess everything. But this lie did not help him escape punishment for his crimes, and on August 11, 1988, the court sentenced him to capital punishment - execution. On June 26, 1989, in the SIZO of the city of Irkutsk, the sentence was carried out.