Why do they say: “Do not do good, you will not receive evil” - a wonderful parable. “Don’t do good, you won’t get evil”: meaning

In fact, the catchphrase sounds a little different - “Don’t do good, you won’t get evil” or “Good is paid with evil.” There are other options that are similar in essence: "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions"Don’t stop a person from being unhappy, otherwise he will stop you from being happy.”


One day a snake was crawling through the forest. Suddenly a tree fell right on her. The snake twisted and twisted, twisted and twisted, but no matter how hard it tried, it was all useless.
Meanwhile, a woodcutter who lived nearby decided to chop wood. He took his ax and went into the forest, where he saw a snake crushed by a tree. The snake says to him:
- a kind person please free me! Roll away this tree that pinned me to the ground!
The man answers her:
- No, I won’t do this, because then you will eat me!
Snake again:
- Trust me, I won't eat you!
And the man:
- I do not trust you.
But the snake begged him for so long that the man took pity on it and rolled the tree away. The snake crawled out and, since it had not eaten anything all day and was very hungry, it said to the man:
- Good man, I’m dying of hunger and that’s why I’ll eat you now!
- What? Do you want to eat me even though I freed you?
- Yes. Don't you know that good is repaid with evil?
- That's how it is! - said the man angrily.
And the snake again:
- Do you think I'm wrong?
- Of course, it’s not right!
“Well, okay,” said the snake. “Then call some animals here and we’ll ask them.” You'll see what they say.
The man went looking for animals and brought a deer, a horse, a puma and a wolf. The snake began to ask them one by one:
- Tell me, puma, is it true that good is repaid with evil?
“Yes,” answered the puma.
- And you, horse, don’t you think that good is repaid with evil?
“Yes,” answered the horse.
- Brother deer, do you pay for good with evil?
“Yes,” answered the deer.
When the man heard what all these animals said, he really got scared. Only the wolf remained, and the snake turned to him:
- Brother wolf, do they pay for good with evil?
And the wolf answers:
- I don’t know how it all happened and whether you’re telling the truth. Therefore, I cannot say whether you should eat this person. Lie down where you were, and then we'll see.
All the animals agreed with the wolf. The snake lay down, and the man rolled a tree over it. And the wolf said:
- Now, snake, stay there!
The man thanked the wolf and said:
- Now, brother wolf, come home with me, I will repay you, I’ll give you a couple of chickens.
- No, I won’t go to you. Bring me the chickens here to the forest tomorrow.
The man returned home, told his wife everything, said that he had promised the wolf chickens. But his wife got very angry and told him to put dogs in the bag instead of chickens, which bite the ears.
And since the man did not want to argue with his wife, he did as she said. The next day he put the dogs in a bag and went into the forest.
The wolf was already waiting for him.
- Brother wolf, I brought you chickens!
- Thank you! - answered the wolf.
Then the man untied the bag, and the dogs jumped out - the ones that bite the ears. The dogs grabbed onto the wolf and chewed off both his ears. Finally, the wolf managed to escape. And he ran away into the thicket of the forest, grumbling:
- The snake was right: good is repaid with evil.


The snake, which the hunters were chasing, begged the peasant to save its life. To hide it from pursuit, the peasant squatted down and let the snake crawl into his stomach. But when the danger passed and he asked the snake to come out, it refused. It was warm and safe inside.
On the way home, the peasant saw a heron. He approached her and whispered what happened. The heron told him to sit down and push to vomit the snake. When the snake's head appeared, the heron pecked at it, pulled the snake out and killed it. The peasant was afraid that the snake's venom could remain in his insides. The heron told him that he could be cured of the snake’s poison by boiling and eating six white birds. “You are a white bird,” the peasant exclaimed, “let’s start with you!”
And he grabbed the heron, put it in a bag and carried it home, and there, pulling it out, he told his wife what had happened to him.
“You surprise me,” said the wife, “the bird did you good, saved you from evil, did good, saved your life, and you want to kill it and eat it?”
She immediately freed the heron and it flew away. But first she pecked out the woman’s eyes.

Moral: If you see water flowing up a hill, it means someone has returned the favor.

So what am I talking about?

More and more often I notice that people are ungrateful creatures. I do something good for them, and in return I only get a bucket of shit on my head. No, I’m not asking you to sing my praises or be grateful to the end of your life. I want something banal - for them to push their evil and ignorance deeper into the anus.

I won't list all the examples. I'll take the one that happened today.

Let me remind you that last Saturday during the game ENCOUNTER my team witnessed a betrayal - an unknown person in a two-wheeler left the shepherd on the roadway and disappeared.

I provided this information to Svetlana Uvarkina, who runs our Friend animal shelter. She posted it in the VKontakte group. Everyone began to worry about the dog, at the same time they were figuring out the owner of the car using the license plates, someone even went on a raid to the specified place in search of the dog. And then a 20-year-old miracle Yudo appears in the comments, declaring that you are bullshit here running into a person who abandoned a shepherd dog, if such and such themselves drove by! To be honest, it’s not clear to me:

1. Why are we put on a par with those who threw away HIS dog?
2. What were we supposed to do when we saw all this?

There were five of us in the car. Placing an unfamiliar animal, especially an adult shepherd, into a crowded vehicle is fraught with bites. The dog shelter is only open in the morning, so there was no point in calling anywhere at half past one in the morning! Even if I called personal phone S. Uvarkina, would a person pick up the phone in the middle of the night? For example, I always turn off the ringer or even the phone when I go to bed. So what about cooing with your dog on the side of the road until the morning, guarding it so that it doesn’t go anywhere? Or maybe spend an hour to lure her to your home on foot? Only I have a cat who lives there and she can’t even stand other people’s cats, but imagine what will happen in the one-room apartment when an unfamiliar big dog appears there!

Let's consider another version of events - to catch up with the goat on the "puzoterka" and give him a pussy. In general, this is what we planned; in the video there is even the phrase “Get out the bat.” I followed number 12 from the above intersection to the intersection of Kolkhoznaya and Yuzhnaya streets. But he drove as if he was trying to escape from his own conscience. I have an all-season tire on my car, which glides on ice about the same as bald tires. Accelerate up to 120 kilometers per hour (within the city, where the speed limit is half that - that is, at best, a fine of 1 to 5 thousand rubles, at worst, imprisonment driver's license driver's license for at least six months) to overtake him and cut him off is pure suicide and murder. Let me remind you that there were five of us in the car. No matter how cruel it may sound, is one dog’s life worth such sacrifices?

Or let's combine all of the above and bring it to the point of absurdity: we stop, push the biting big dog into the car on top of the people, turn on rocket speed, catch up with the "two-wheeler", force the windows to open while driving, throw the dog into the Lada's cabin. Mission Complete! The people rejoice and the ladies throw their caps into the sky.

I knew that I had a friend who could figure out the owner of the car using the numbers (we wrote down the license plate number). Syktyvkar is a small city and finding a geek will be easier than ever. In the age of high technology and dominance social networks, you can do this without even leaving home (

Very often you can hear from people: “I tried so hard, helped so much, but she suddenly stopped communicating with me,” “I do so much for him, but he doesn’t appreciate it at all...”, etc.

Let's figure it out. Firstly, a very interesting point: to do something for another, first of all, for whom are we doing it? For another? If you think about it, it’s not for someone else at all, but first of all for yourself! And here It’s important to understand why I need to help someone else? What does this help mean to me?

If a person does not ask for help, there is no need to approach him with your “goodness”, with your desire to help. Otherwise there will be a negative response. Forcibly imposed good cannot be considered real good; it is an invasion into someone else’s life. But people usually respond with evil not to good, but to evil.

Evil comes from another and it turns out that we want to help the person, but he did not ask for help and does not want to receive it.

Sometimes people come to me with questions like: “Tell me how to help a friend (daughter, mother, friend, acquaintance)? So she suffers...”, etc. I have a response question (which, in principle, any psychologist will ask): “Did your friend ask you for help?” As a rule, the answer is negative. Then another question follows: “Why do you want to help her?” And here a lot of interesting things are already revealed...

The person begins to be indignant that how can this be, a friend is suffering, we need to help! So what if she didn’t ask, because it’s hard to see how she suffers, I want her to be happy... etc. and so on.

Any psychologist will respond to such statements by saying that he can only help someone who directly asked for help. A friend (friend, mother, acquaintance) didn’t ask for help, which means we can’t help her. Maybe it’s still worth dealing with this passionate desire to help? Sometimes the client agrees, but most often he thinks in his mind: “What a bad psychologist!” and leaves... Sometimes he leaves to seek help from another psychologist. Maybe someone inexperienced will come across who will advise what to do.

And yet, returning to the essence.

Even if a girlfriend, friend, spouse, acquaintance shows with all their appearance how bad they feel, but does not call us for help, we will have to show perseverance.

Firstly, when they do good, they don’t expect gratitude. and especially no payment even in the form of equivalent goods. Then there will be no resentment. After all, according to by and large By doing good to others, we benefit ourselves first of all. Those. We do good for ourselves, because it makes us feel good.

Secondly, we may simply be wrong. We don’t know what really happens to a person. Maybe a person just needs to cry, and we rush to save him. Here you can learn a lot of new things about yourself, for example: “You’ve already bothered me with your advice,” etc.

Thirdly, by helping without asking, we deprive our loved ones and friends of useful experience. In fact, we teach them to be helpless.

Helping others is a good deed. But only when the person asked you for help.

Having opened your heart to a person, it happens that he will turn his back to you. Our good deeds people don’t notice, because when you have a desire to help someone, they will never appreciate it. Being in such a situation, you involuntarily ask yourself: "What is my fault? Where is my mistake?. Why does it turn out this way? This instructive parable will answer this question.

One fine day, a girl knocked on the old man’s door, she cried bitterly and told the sage the story of her grief.

“I can’t imagine how to live in this world...” she said with excitement in her voice. – Throughout my life, I treated people the way I wanted to be treated, I was honest and open to them... In any case, I brought kindness and warmth, without asking for a response, I provided all possible help. I didn’t really think about self-interest, but I received ridicule and slander in response. I feel very bad, I feel broken and depressed...Please tell me what should I do?

The sage listened patiently and then gave the girl advice:

“Strip naked and walk completely naked through the streets of the city,” the elder said calmly.

Sorry, but I haven’t gotten to that point yet... You’re probably crazy or joking! If I did this, I wouldn’t know what to expect from passers-by... Look, someone else will dishonor or abuse me...

The sage suddenly stood up, opened the door and put a mirror on the table.

You are ashamed to go out into the street naked, but for some reason you are not at all ashamed to walk through the world with your naked soul, wide open like this door. You let everyone in there if you feel like it. Your soul is a mirror, which is why we all see ourselves reflected in other people. Their soul is full of evil and vices - this is exactly the ugly picture they see when they look into your pure soul. They lack the strength and courage to admit that you are better than them and change. Unfortunately, this is the lot of only the truly brave...

What should I do? How can I change this situation if, in fact, nothing depends on me? - asked the beauty.

Come on, come with me, I’ll show you something... Look, this is my garden. For many years now I have been watering these flowers of unprecedented beauty and taking care of them. To be honest, I have never seen the buds of these flowers bloom. All I had to see were beautiful blooming flowers that beckon with their beauty and fragrant aroma.

Child, learn from nature. Look at these wonderful flowers and do as they do - open your heart to people carefully so that no one even notices. Open your soul good people. Get away from those who tear off your petals, throw them under your feet and trample on them. These weeds have not yet grown up to you, so you cannot help them in any way. They will only see an ugly reflection of themselves in you.

Be interesting with

How often do we hear a rather convenient saying: “If you don’t do good, you won’t receive evil.” And many people really believe in this. Moreover, it is becoming a lifestyle of millions every day. But what lies behind it and how does it work?

The Parable of the Snake, the Peasant and the Heron

They began to hunt one snake. When danger was already very close, she begged a peasant walking by to save him by taking him into her stomach. He did just that. The hunters did not find them and disappeared into the thickets, and the man asked the snake to crawl out. But it was so warm and cozy inside that the snake refused to fulfill the request. Then the saddened man turned to the heron and told him about his problem. She took the snake out of the peasant's belly and killed it. But the man was very alarmed, because the snake could poison him with its poison. And then the heron said that six white birds, which needed to be boiled and eaten, could save him. It was then that the peasant thought that the heron might well become the first. He caught her and brought her home.

His wife began to scold him that the bird saved him, and he decided to repay her in this way. After that, she freed the heron, but it pecked out her eyes.

Chain reaction

The problem with the parable “don’t do good, you won’t get evil” is that at the subconscious level, every person expects that he should be repaid with good for absolutely any action. But having received something in return, he does not notice it. The Bible interprets the saying “do not do good - you will not receive evil” as the machinations of demons who try to lead us astray true path. In fact, any correct and sincere act enrages the evil spirits, which is why they try to cause trouble so that a person will stray from the righteous path. Remember about atonement for sins? Many people forget a simple truth - in order for sins to remain in the past, one must bring goodness into the world free of charge. Remember the wonderful saying: “Do unto people as you would have them do unto you.” Imagine for a moment that one day you will find yourself in a pretty difficult situation, which you cannot cope with yourself. And people who could provide such help live by the rule “do not do good - you will not receive evil.”

Not in word, but in deed

If we return to the opinion of the Bible, then the saying “do not do good - you will not receive evil” is quite controversial. On the one hand, it is in Christian teaching that we can see a huge number of examples that indirectly confirm this statement.

But, on the other hand, it was infallible people, the righteous and saints who saved a huge number of people. For example, the parable about St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. According to legend, a formerly rich but now poor father decided to make prostitutes out of his daughters, who would thus earn their living. But Nicholas of Myra-Lycia gave him gold three times, but did it secretly, since he did not want honors and glory for himself, but only sincerely wanted to help people and turn them away from the path of depravity and sin. The father successfully married off his daughters, giving them gold as a dowry. Having learned who had benefited him, he could not repay Nicholas with anything except to thank him and God for sending his daughters such a savior and patron.

To be or not to be?

This is how we come to the main question: how true is the saying “don’t do it, you won’t get hurt.” In order to get the answer to this question, let's remember the old cartoon "Wow! Talking Fish!" It says clearly and clearly: “Do good, and then throw it into the water.” The old man did just that. And goodness returned to him a hundredfold, although he did not expect it. Therefore, you must decide for yourself who you want to be and what your children and grandchildren will become one day.