Minecraft how to make a big pickaxe. How to make a pickaxe from three types of materials? How to create stone, iron and diamond pickaxes in Minecraft

The pickaxe is one of the main tools in Minecraft - “Mining Craft”. Before you start, you should study the process of mining, processing and assembly various materials(wood, stone, iron, diamond) into a single element - a pickaxe.

The first levels of Minecraft will introduce the player to a wooden pickaxe, which requires 10 blocks of wood to make.

Here, in fact, you will need knowledge to answer the question:

How to make a pickaxe in Minecraft

After obtaining the required amount of wood, which you will cut with my own hands, - create boards from it.

Then - the workbench. It is made from 4 boards, as shown in the picture.

And already in the workbench - carve a few sticks.

Combine the 2 sticks and 3 boards you previously made and get your first tool. Hurray, you have your first pickaxe. It may be made of wood, but with its help you can already mine stone!

But a wooden pickaxe is only a temporary tool that can be used to quarry stone. We advise you to immediately make at least a stone one after this.

How to create stone, iron and diamond pickaxes in Minecraft?

For a stone pickaxe, the player will need the nearest rock and 3 blocks of cobblestone extracted from it. Repeat the assembly process you did at the beginning (wood/stone).

Making an iron pickaxe will require you to mine and then smelt the appropriate ore. Do not forget about the coal, which should be in the fuel compartment of the stove.

Here are all possible pickaxes, in increasing order of their strength and rarity - from wood to diamond.

Gold is not the best suitable material for a pickaxe!

Diamond is a rare block, the extraction of which will be much more labor-intensive than previously carried out work. You need to go as far down the shaft as possible and almost reach the adminium level (impenetrable black cobblestone). This depth is intended for searching for diamonds. Having dug forward (go around the encountered stones and dodge lava and water), you will gradually find required amount diamonds and you can create a tool the highest level- diamond pickaxe.

A little advice. The mined gold will have a very fragile structure, implying rapid (faster than wood) destruction of the pickaxe and, accordingly, the loss of the previously diligently collected resource.

When you hear the word “Minecraft,” many people imagine a person with a pickaxe somewhere on the surface or in underground cave. And this is no coincidence - after all, using a pickaxe takes up most of the time of a real “digger”.

The recipe for crafting a pickaxe must be learned by any player who wants to explore the world in Minecraft. The upper horizontal row in the crafting window is filled with material for the pickaxe hammer - you can use diamond, iron, gold, stone, even wood will do. The remaining two cells in the middle row are occupied by two wooden sticks - this is the future pickaxe handle. If you have experience, you can try to enchant the resulting tool. The most valuable in the game is considered to be the “Silk Touch”, which allows you to mine blocks, not resources.

It should be remembered that the speed and possibility of extracting resources depends on the material of the pickaxe. You can't dig up iron ore with a wooden pickaxe - you need something more serious than wood, for example, stone. But a stone pickaxe is no match for diamond ore - you will need iron to mine a diamond. And an iron pickaxe will become powerless when trying to mine obsidian - only a diamond pickaxe will cope with such a task.

Video guide:

In Minecraft, just like in life, with bare hands you can only dig up a block of earth or sand, rake out the gravel, and if something is harder, stone, for example, or granite, then you will need a tool - a pick. Rock lends itself well to a pickaxe, but each pickaxe has its own characteristics. The first pickaxe that you cannot do without at the beginning of the game is a wooden one. Having obtained cobblestones with its help, you can make a stone pickaxe. Using a stone pickaxe we mine iron ore, smelt iron and now you can craft an iron pickaxe to mine gold, diamonds, red dust and blue dye. Gold will make a golden pickaxe, and diamonds will make a diamond pickaxe.

Each pickaxe has its own strength. The stronger it is, the more blocks it can break.

To make any pickaxe, you definitely need a workbench. General recipe: for one pickaxe you will need 2 wooden sticks and 3 pieces of blade material.

Wooden pickaxe

The simplest pickaxe in Minecraft, but it breaks quite quickly. Suitable for your first visit to the mine, where you will go to extract some cobblestone from the stone.

We break the tree with our hands and get 2 blocks of wood.
From 2 blocks of wood on the workbench we craft 8 blocks of boards.
From 2 blocks of boards we make 4 sticks. The remaining boards are for the pickaxe blade.
To craft 1 wooden pickaxe, you need 3 blocks of planks and 2 sticks.

Stone pickaxe

The stone pickaxe is quite durable and easy to make. With such a pickaxe you can mine coal, which is useful for making torches; we will use them for lighting, in particular, the mine in order to get deeper. It also takes iron ore. And, naturally, stone breaks faster than wood.

To craft stone pickaxe, you need 2 sticks and 3 blocks of cobblestones.
We make sticks from boards. Cobblestone is a gray stone that is mined in the mountains or underground.

So we have come to the most optimal pickaxe in terms of strength and ease of manufacture - an iron one. In addition to a variety of stones, coal and iron, you can mine gold ore, redstone, lapis lazuli and diamonds.

How to make an iron pickaxe
To craft an iron pickaxe, you need 2 sticks and 3 pieces of iron. We make sticks from boards. We obtain pieces of iron by melting ore in a furnace.

The weakest pickaxe, but easy to enchant to mine rare blocks without damaging them, a cracked stone, for example, or a block of diamond ore without diamonds falling out.
How to do
To craft a golden pickaxe, you need 2 sticks and 3 gold bars. To make ingots, we melt a block of gold ore in the stove.

The most durable, but most expensive pickaxe. The purpose of its production is to extract obsidian. By the way, this pickaxe will mine any block quickly and accurately.
How to craft
It is made from 3 diamonds and 2 sticks.

Pickaxes do not last forever, each has its own margin of safety, so use them optimally for the materials that this or that pickaxe takes. Using a wooden or stone pickaxe for gold and diamonds will only break the block and not extract the precious resource. And if you hammer them with a diamond pickaxe, it will break faster and you will have nothing with which to mine obsidian.

Pickaxe mods

And that's not all about pickaxes! There are mods for Minecraft that allow you to create pickaxes from anything. This, however, is not so much practical as it is fun :)
Upgrade pickaxe mod will add 5 new improved pickaxes. However, this is by no means all. If you have the IndustrialCraft 2 and RedPower 2 mods installed, then there will be as many as 9 new pickaxes. You can craft them from rubies, bronze, sapphires and other materials.
More Pickaxes Mod adds 38 new pickaxes to Minecraft. Each pickaxe has its own unique properties.
Mod "Super Pickaxe" for Minecraft PE will make any of them much stronger and more powerful, as well as more versatile. Now it can destroy ordinary blocks many times faster than before. You will also have new opportunity Chopping down trees and clearing grass with this pickaxe, you can destroy absolutely any blocks and even kill enemy mobs.

How to enchant a pickaxe

You can enchant a pickaxe to efficiency, then the speed of resource extraction will increase.
Possible at Silk touch, then when a block is destroyed, the block itself falls out of it, even if something else should fall out of it (for example, it will fall out of a stone, not a cobblestone).
If you enchant on strength, then with some chance the tool life will not decrease.
Luck gives a chance to drop more resources.

And for those who still can’t or don’t want to read, video:

Tinkers' construct has several books that explain the mod.

This guide replaces their main, functional part: it explains the main points of the mod, which will be needed to use other mods as well.

This guide uses items and mechanics only from the Tinkers’ construct mod and vanilla Minecraft. If necessary, I will write a separate guide about how you can use other mods to speed up player development and improve tinker mechanics.

When starting to play on the server, you will need to get wood. Having tried to optimize this process, you will come across a problem: wooden, stone and other vanilla axes do not break anything. This is a normal phenomenon, as it forces us to turn to Tinkers’ construct: it is the tools of this mod that allow us to dig.

The first thing you need to craft from wood, besides the vanilla crafting table, is blank pattern(4552):

It is necessary for further crafting craft tables:
Stencil table(1015:10)

In two steps Tool station(1015)


Part builder(1015:1)

Having placed them all side by side, we can begin further crafting. The first pickaxe that needs to be crafted is a silicon pickaxe. Silicon is obtained by combining three blocks of gravel.

Crafting it will not be too easy. In order to make any tool in a tinker, you must first make a pattern of all its parts, then make a part of the tool using the pattern, and after that combine all the parts into one tool.

To create a part pattern, turn to the stencil table. First, put a blank pattern in the left window. After this, you need to click on the pattern variations that are located to the right and left of the crafting window.

Having received the Tool binding pattern(4554:9), Tool rod pattern(4554:1) and Pickaxe head pattern(4554:2) in this crafting table, we move on to the part builder.

Let's put the flint in the ingot material slot and the pickaxe tip pattern in the pattern slot next to it. This way we will get a silicon tip for the pickaxe. You need to do Tool binding in the same way, but you need to place the pattern and the tree block at the bottom. And just like Tool binding, you need to make a tool rod. The only thing in production small parts, some residual materials remain from the various parts used. And some patterns require more materials.

Let's move on to the final assembly of our first pickaxe.

In order to make a pickaxe, you need to build its parts into special slots. They appear after clicking on the tool/weapon buttons on the left.

After creating the first pickaxe, we are presented with two gameplay moments: the ability to mine copper and the need to build a special multi-block furnace to create a better pickaxe.
To mine copper, our pickaxe in its original version is not enough; its production level must be improved from the flint level to the copper level. To do this, you just need to break a certain number of blocks. After this, the pickaxe will improve (this will be noted in the chat) and it will be possible to break blocks to a higher level.

When you upgrade your pickaxe, you will not have enough durability. Fortunately, after the pickaxe's resource is completely depleted, it will not break completely. In order to repair any tool, you need to use the material that was used to create its main part.

Let's move on to creating the oven. It is needed for smelting various metals, melting enderpearls into a special liquid and for fusing metals.
For creating minimum size The oven will need things like:

Seared brick(4553:2)

Smeltery controller(1056)

Smeltery drain(1056:1)

Casting table(1060)

Casting basin(1060:2)

Seared tank(1058)

Seared glass(1058:1)

Seared faucet(1060:1)

Casting channel(1062)

Seared bricks(1056:2)

When building a stove, first we make a flat 3/3 square from seared bricks:

Later, follow the example and add the most important parts of the oven:

Next, fill the remaining space with seared bricks:

Add the output of liquids from the furnace:

The furnace operates on lava, it must be filled into a seared tank.
Of course, the iron bucket is not yet available to the player. You need to craft a clay bucket:
Unflay bucket(4889) (unfinished)

Fired clay bucket(4890) (ready)

The bucket is disposable, which means that after pouring out the liquid, the bucket is removed.

Having poured lava into the furnace, you can proceed to smelting:
In order to melt something, you need to place it in the smeltery controller:

It will then turn into liquid. In order to make any part from this liquid, you must first create a special shape for the part. In order to do special metal, from which the molds are made, add one aluminum ore and three copper ores to the furnace. The resulting liquid will be called molten aluminum brass and you need to pour it into the parts of the tool/weapon whose shape you want to obtain. Before pouring, you need to place a part of the tool in the casting table, holding it in your hands and pressing RMB.

After filling part of the tool with molten aluminum brass, part of the tool disappears. Don't use expensive tool parts to create molds, use stone ones.
Before pouring the part, make sure that the molten aluminum brass is below the other metals in the furnace storage. If the liquid is the lowest on the list of furnace liquids, it will spill out.

In order to pour liquid out of the oven, you need to right-click on the seared faucet. The liquid will flow and will continue to flow until the moment when you press it RMB again.
The item received in the casting table will be called cast. Metals must be poured into it. You can see the list of metals that this item accepts by taking it to you and holding shift while looking at the description.
Metals should be poured into the mold in the same way as molten alluminium brass in the tool/weapon part:

Now you have learned how to smelt pickaxe parts.
Further promotion on materials:
Iron pickaxe
Osmium Pickaxe
Ardite pickaxe
Cobalt Pickaxe
Mannulin pickaxe.
Mannulin is a mixture of cobalt and ardite.
That's it, you have the best pickaxe in terms of digging level.

The pickaxe is the main tool in Minecraft, the name of the game itself translates as “Mining Craft”, what is a miner without a pickaxe? The best pickaxe is a diamond pickaxe, the worst one is a wooden one - you will only need it at the very beginning of the game to get the Stone (cobblestones) from which you will make a stone pickaxe. If you are new to playing Minecraft, then first read the article on how to play minecraft, there you will find basic recipes and understand the basic principles, but here I will still describe how to create a pickaxe - from wood to diamond.

This is what pickaxes look like in Minecraft:

1. Get wood (5-10 blocks) using your hands and create planks from all the wood (how to play minecraft):

3. In the workbench, create several sticks:

4. Craft a wooden pickaxe using planks and sticks and remember this recipe:

The wooden pickaxe is ready, but it is not very strong, you need at least a stone one...

5. Using a wooden pickaxe, extract the Stone (minimum 3 blocks).

6. Use the 4th recipe, but instead of 3 boards on top, use 3 cobblestones.

This concludes the main article, you have learned how to make a stone pickaxe, and in the same way you can make iron and diamond pickaxes, which are even stronger. I do not recommend making a gold pickaxe, gold is very fragile, it is even weaker than wood, the pickaxe will quickly break and you will lose expensive gold. If you don't know a recipe, you can look it up in Minecraft recipes. Stock up on 2-3 stone pickaxes and go in search of coal. When you find coal, make torches, with a stone pickaxe and coal you can go underground, and all the resources are already there - the easiest way to find coal, then iron, and you will find gold and diamonds at the very bottom, where the adminium is (impenetrable black block) . Gold ore and diamonds can only be mined with iron, gold and diamond pickaxes; using a wooden or stone pickaxe will only break the block and will not extract the precious resource. To use iron ore and gold ore, they must be smelted in a furnace into metals.