How to make a wood boomerang at home. boomerang. How to make a boomerang yourself at home from improvised materials. Methods and technologies for manufacturing boomerangs of various designs with visual drawings and illustrations

Today we will talk about how to make a boomerang with your own hands at home from improvised materials. We will also consider the methods and technologies for manufacturing boomerangs of various designs with visual drawings and illustrations.

The wings of a boomerang - when they spin in the air - are able to generate enough lift. This is due to the fact that the wings have a special aerodynamic shape due to their angle of inclination and sloping bottom.

But phenomenal in the flight of a boomerang is a process known as gyroscope precession - an effect in which a physical body changes the direction of its movement - a key moment in which the return movement of the boomerang is ensured towards the person who threw it.

It is worth noting that the technique with the return of a combat boomerang was used by warriors and hunters solely for training purposes, well, or as a method of some kind of intimidation.

When a boomerang spins in flight, one wing is actually moving slightly faster than the airflow. And since this wing has a higher speed, then, accordingly, the lifting force under it acts stronger. The result of this is an unbalanced effort (the phenomenon of precession), which gradually returns the boomerang.

In other words: The difference in lift between the two sides of the boomerang produces a consequent torque that reverses the turn. Therefore, the boomerang soars in the air for so long and returns back, describing an arc

How does a boomerang work - it is taken in the hand in a certain way and rushes with force at a certain angle perpendicularly upwards, and the stronger the twisting, the farther, the more powerful the throw and return to the starting point will be. So, you swing, throw a boomerang, but at the last moment do not let go of the brush to the end, but abruptly, as it were, hold it and pull it back, as they say, “shake the thermometer”.
With a sufficiently powerful throw, at a distance of one hundred meters, you can freely knock out a dozing rabbit or knock down a partridge on a lonely standing palm tree. If you didn’t hit, it’s not scary, the boomerang will fly back, just have time to bounce (humor) Well, seriously, we will not analyze the processes that lead the boomerang’s flight to its hit accuracy and return to the throw point in the absence of such. Our goal is to correctly manufacture this formidable weapon of the past.

To make a boomerang, hardwoods are needed, such as oak, birch, beech, linden, etc. To give greater aerodynamics and strength, you can glue the boomerang with fiberglass with epoxy resin, then sand and polish it. The profile needs to be made slightly plano-convex, but do not overdo it, 8-12% is enough

You will need to make a boomerang with your own hands:

Cardboard sheet;
Plywood or wood;
Varnish or paint;

First of all, you need to draw the selected boomerang model exactly in full size on a thick and thin sheet of cardboard. It is recommended to choose a sheet size of 50x60 cm. After that, a grid with a square side of 50 mm must be transferred to the cardboard. From the resulting template, we cut a blank from plywood. Its thickness is 10 mm.

Now you need to process the workpiece. This should be done with a small planer in a vise or with the help of a device, which is shown in the image (d). The boomerang needs to be planed, starting from the middle, moving towards the edges of the blades. Their end should result in a thickness of 6 mm. The blades must be exactly the same in shape. To simplify the task, you can make counter-templates of the blades from plywood and apply them to check the correctness of the forms.

The surface should be perfectly smooth, so the next step is sanding. You can use sandpaper for this. After grinding, the almost finished boomerang is covered with a primer, and then with varnish or paint. It is best to use bright paint so that the boomerang can be seen from afar and is easier to find when it falls. In addition, parquet varnish can be used for coating, which preserves the aesthetic structure of the product.

So it’s relatively easy to make a boomerang with your own hands in an hour or two. If possible, it is recommended to make a boomerang out of wood. For this, as a rule, bent branches and roots are used. It is important that the tree is dense, heavy and well dried. For the manufacture of a boomerang suitable: oak, birch, beech, linden. The manufacturing process is exactly the same as in the case of plywood. But it should be remembered that the tree deteriorates much faster than plywood, so it must be varnished or painted especially carefully.

If you followed all the rules when creating a boomerang, then it will have excellent flight qualities and a beautiful appearance. We figured out how to make a boomerang with our own hands, now we need to figure out how to launch it correctly.

Launching a boomerang for the first time, despite all its apparent simplicity, is quite dangerous due to unpredictability, so some caution and attention will be required. You can quite hit someone with a boomerang, so experiments should not be started in crowded places. The optimal place for training agility and accuracy is a meadow or clearing with a radius of 40-60 meters (the more, the better). In the city, such a clearing can be a football field or a wasteland.

The launch of a boomerang is specific in that the trajectory of its flight is a figure eight. Therefore, a person throwing a boomerang should only throw it from the center of the place chosen for training. The projectile will fly forward, making a loop in front of the thrower. He will noticeably return and make the same loop already behind the thrower, thereby forming a figure eight, the execution of which depends on several parameters - the strength of the throw, the quality of the boomerang, the experience of the thrower.

The boomerang has two main surfaces. The convex front side, on which, as a rule, a pattern is applied, creates its own effects when rotated. The back side, in most cases, is flat, you can also see the pattern on it, but with proper throwing, you can usually see only the front side.
It is customary to hold a boomerang like this: the thumb always lies on the front side. Holding a boomerang correctly means holding it facing you and seeing the pattern well.
The boomerang can be held with both the wing back and the wing forward. This is not fundamental and in any case it is correct - as it will be more convenient for you.

Boomerangs are light and heavy. You can determine the type yourself - the hand will tell you which boomerang you are holding.
A light boomerang in the hand must be fixed with three fingers - it is clamped with the middle, thumb and forefinger (it should be recalled that the thumb, with a correct grip, should always lie on the front side).

It is rather difficult to hold a heavy boomerang with three fingers, so it must be fixed in a fist, up to the little finger, i.e. the grip comes out with four fingers, so the fixation is quite rigid. You can grab deeper, but when throwing a boomerang, then it will be inconvenient to release, so it is not recommended to grab heavy boomerangs deeper than four fingers.

Many beginners, on a subconscious level, launch a boomerang, tilting it like a sickle with which they cut grass, almost parallel to the ground. This is completely wrong. In a boomerang, the aerodynamics are designed so that to throw it correctly means to throw it almost perpendicular to the horizon, at the same time, the slope to the horizon line should be to the right of the imaginary perpendicular. The boomerang should be released during the throw at an angle of no more than 45 ° to the horizon line.

You can also come to this experimentally on your own - with an excessive tilt, the boomerang will take off sharply upwards, after which it will also dive sharply to the ground in front of the thrower. If the throw is made at an angle of more than 45 °, then the boomerang will never even come close to the thrower.

The boomerang should be thrown sharply and strongly. When launching a boomerang, one must take into account the fact that the projectile requires force not only to fly from the thrower, but also to return and loop behind the thrower. Therefore, you should throw extremely hard and sharply, especially if you use a real wooden boomerang for training, and not a toy plastic copy. As a rule, the first throws are timid and cautious, especially if a woman or a child is throwing. But do not be afraid! Any high-quality boomerang is designed for a powerful throw, because if you throw it weakly, it will quickly fall somewhere along the trajectory, which is not very good for him.

It is necessary to throw a boomerang directly in front of you, looking and focusing on the horizon line. There is no need to throw the boomerang up - it is better to throw it straight ahead, because the design of the projectile is such that it will gain the required height on its own.
During the first throws, a situation may arise that, as it may seem to you, you are throwing a boomerang sharply and strongly, but it still flies smoothly, without twisting as required. In this case, you need to master some spinning skills. If you throw the projectile correctly, it will spin as fast as a propeller - the pattern will merge into a solid circle, the blades will not be visible. To ensure maximum spin, a good grip is essential. In addition, the boomerang should not be pushed too hard in the fist.

There are many ways to spin a boomerang, but we will focus on the simplest and most common.
So, we swing and throw sharply, but at the very last second before the boomerang comes out, you do not let go of your hand to the end, but quickly stop it, as if pulling it back. Many of us used a mercury thermometer, so this movement is familiar to everyone - it completely repeats the shaking of the thermometer.
With such a throw, we leave a kind of footboard for the boomerang, we hook the running leg and he, stumbling, rolls head over heels. A boomerang twisted with such a stopper will twist more strongly.

We figured out how to launch a boomerang, but you should also take into account the wind. The wind is almost the main factor that affects the flight path of not only a boomerang, but also all aircraft projectiles and vehicles. Its influence should be taken into account when throwing no less than the strength of the throw and the correct grip. If the wind is very strong, sharply changing direction and strength (intermittent), it is better to postpone the training and work out the theoretical part again.

It is better to start training in calm calm weather or with a slight wind that does not change direction. If you are throwing in the wind, it is recommended that you throw towards the wind a little to the right of its movement. With such a throw, the wind will help the boomerang return to the thrower. Among other things, the wind has a strong influence on the accuracy of the return of the projectile, because the behavior of any aircraft depends on the available air currents. You can make friends with the wind, but it comes only with experience and after numerous trainings. From the first time to comprehend this art is simply impossible.

For sporting and recreational purposes, much lighter "shells" are currently used. They are practically safe, although some precautions must be taken when launching them. Alder five-layer plywood 6 mm thick must be recognized as the best material for the manufacture of a sports boomerang (for smaller sizes that differ significantly from those indicated in our figures, it is necessary to find a thinner material, respectively). After processing the sheet blank along the contour, it is carefully profiled.

By the way, all the flight properties of the future boomerang largely depend on the last operation, the thoroughness of its implementation and accuracy, so it’s better not to spare the time and, in case of failure, start working again. If the profiling of the boomerang turned out to be "five", they are accepted for grinding and varnishing the wood. Finishing - bright oil or nitro enamels. If there are no significant deviations in shape from those indicated in the figures, additional debugging is not required.

It should be noted right away that a combat projectile, originally created by distant ancestors, called a boomerang, is not at all necessarily returned. Special types of boomerangs were not calculated at all to enter the reverse trajectory and were called so because they had the main classification features - rotation in flight around the transverse axis and lengthening the flight range due to aerodynamic (gliding) properties. The returned boomerangs served mainly for hunting small animals and birds.

For sporting and recreational purposes, much lighter "shells" are currently used. They are practically safe, although some precautions must be taken when launching them. Alder five-layer plywood 6 mm thick must be recognized as the best material for the manufacture of a sports boomerang (for smaller sizes that differ significantly from those indicated in our figures, it is necessary to find a thinner material, respectively).
After processing the sheet blank along the contour, it is carefully profiled. By the way, all the flight properties of the future boomerang largely depend on the last operation, the thoroughness of its implementation and accuracy, so it’s better not to spare the time and, in case of failure, start working again. If the profiling of the boomerang turned out to be "five", they are accepted for grinding and varnishing the wood. Finishing - bright oil or nitro enamels. If there are no significant deviations in shape from those indicated in the figures, additional debugging is not required.
When launching a boomerang, use the practical advice of our publication, reflected in the figures. In conclusion - about the possible circuit options. The search for interesting solutions is not limited to the choice of shape and size. To a large extent, flight performance depends on the material of the boomerang. So, for example, a multi-bladed "chamomile" scheme in combination with the use of foam can lead to the creation of ... a room version, the flight range of which does not exceed three meters.

Take a sheet of thick paper and apply a grid on it with a square side equal to 50 mm. The side of the boomerang facing the reader is convex. Carefully transfer the contours of the model from the drawing and cut it out. You have received the template. Check the symmetry of the shoulders by bending it along the OA line. The contours of the shoulders must match exactly. The best and perhaps the most affordable material for making a boomerang is plywood. Glue the template to the plywood sheet with rubber glue so that the outer layers of plywood are perpendicular to the OA axis. Using a jigsaw, cut out the outlines of the arms of the boomerang.

All subsequent processing is done on one side only. The other side should remain flat. Using a flat file and calipers, achieve a smooth decrease in thickness from the middle to the ends. Once you've done that, start profiling. This is perhaps the most important part of the job. Cut out counter-templates from tin or thin plywood for each section indicated in the figure. Profiling is done with semi-circular and flat files, and then clean the entire surface with sandpaper. Round off all sharp edges. .

Treat the surface of each of the shoulders carefully, the flight qualities of the boomerang will depend on this. Frequently check the correctness of the resulting cross-sections with counter-templates. It is also very important to carefully balance the boomerang. To do this, hang it on a thread,
attaching it to the section OA: none of the arms should outweigh. If one shoulder is heavier than the other, the cause must be established. This can be caused either by improper processing or uneven plywood. In the first case, balance is achieved by filing a heavier shoulder, in the second - by inserting a small lead rivet into the edges of the light shoulder. The place of termination must be carefully leveled with the plane of the shoulder.

We warn you: a flying boomerang poses a danger not only to the thrower himself, but also to those around him. It's best to run it on a big one. An open area or lawn, removing spectators as far as possible. To make the model more visible, apply bright stripes of various colors on the shoulders. The necessary water resistance can be given to it by covering the surface of the shoulders with a colorless varnish. Paint the finished boomerang several times with bright oil or enamel paint.

How to make three and four bladed boomerangs with your own hands

Production material - medium and heavy varieties of wood, oak, linden, birch, beech, etc. In fact, it is difficult and not advisable to use plywood for this scheme. In the middle of the two blades, grooves are cut on different sides, after which they are glued together with PVA glue or wood glue, in general, with any sufficiently strong glue for wood. For greater strength, you can connect with small screws.

Usually they propose to make mainly L-shaped boomerangs. In my experience, L-shaped boomerangs are significantly inferior to + (cruciform) in absolutely all characteristics. They don't fly that far. They must be thrown at a strictly defined angle with one specific force, so that he would return exactly back. The time spent in the air is one and a half times less.

The flight of a boomerang is an amazing sight. With a strong throw, in flight, he describes a large loop, flying far up - forward and back. If you throw a stone with exactly this force, then it will not fly even a third of how much a good boomerang flies. Boomerang can be taken with you for outdoor activities. You will get a lot of interest from such a holiday. You can work with it as with a sports equipment during physical education and sports, developing arm muscles, coordination of movements, etc.

I recommend launching a boomerang, especially a sports one, only in large open areas, in little windy weather, in the absence of people nearby. If there are buildings nearby, then the glass may be broken or the projectile will fly somewhere on the roof. If people walk nearby, they can get a teapot. Above are diagrams of amateur boomerangs. Sports are large in size and weight.

How to make the perfect do-it-yourself boomerang:

The blades should be made wider as this increases the number of reinolds.

Lengthening the blades to do more, this will reduce the inductive reactance.

Concentrate the mass at the ends of the blades, this increases the supply of rotational energy

Reduce the number of blades, this will reduce the harmful interaction of the blades

If you do all this, then you will get up to 20% increase in flight data on everything.

It turns out a diagram of a two-blade straight boomerang, similar to a helicopter propeller. But a two-bladed one will be absolutely unstable, and the use of a stabilization scheme is not justified. The three-blade circuit meets all requirements. If the blades are swept back, then the inductive drag decreases at high angles of attack, this happens at the moment of changing the flight path. And the energy of rotation at supercritical angles of attack will not be lost.

How to make a boomerang with your own hands for entertainment and recreation.

A good material for making it is 8mm alder plywood. We will need a piece measuring 8 x 450 x 450 (mm).

Consider the sequence of stages of work performed:

Preparing the template for cutting
profile manufacturing
painting and sanding


We need a compass, a pencil and a conveyor. The coordinates of the points will be denoted by the radius and angle.
Let's look at the picture

We will draw the lower part of the boomerang. The top part is a mirror image of the bottom part. Draw lines at the desired angles. Let's draw circles of the designated radii. The intersection point of the circle with the section line is the point of constructing the contour of the model.

From the construction of the drawing, eight sections were obtained:

central section

seven lower sections

top seven

If from the value of the radius, along its line to the center, draw the length of the section ( L), then we get the second construction point on the section line.

Table of values ​​of the geometric dimensions of sections in millimeters:

2 - L = 80; l = 23; h = 7.80
3 - L = 74; l = 22; h = 7.80
4 - L = 68; l = 20; h = 7.20
5 - L = 64; l = 19; h = 6.80
6 - L = 62; l = 18; h = 6.50
7 - L = 59; l = 17; h = 6.25
8 - L = 46; l = 16; h = 6.00

We will cut out the constructed contour with an electric or manual jigsaw, then align the end faces.


1. Rough processing is carried out using a manual grinder, a set of rasps, coarse-grained sandpaper. On the sawn template, draw a line of the border of the material selection.

We set the contour points along the lines of the section, at a distance ( l) outside of the template edge

2. We remove excess material:

- wing width

- along the length of the wing

3. We will do a similar job with the second wing, only put the contour points along the section lines, at a distance ( l) on the inside edge of the template.

4. Fine processing is carried out using fine-grained sandpaper stretched over a flat bar. When processing the surface, it is necessary to strive for an ideal cross-sectional shape along the entire length of the wing.

5. At the final stage, we scrape the surface with a small piece of glass

Boomerang for Russia is a very exotic weapon. At its core, boomerangs are sports weapons and are not qualified or prohibited in any way. Indeed, this is not a homemade crossbow and forbidding to throw a boomerang at a speed more than permitted by law - this is insanity and who should be standardized, a boomerang thrower? :)

So the boomerang is ignored by the law, as well as a homemade sling. Therefore, you can safely make and throw boomerangs without violating Russian law. The main thing is to ensure that the tested boomerang does not cause damage and does not fly to your head when returning.

The dimensions of the boomerang are not large, the distance between the edges is from 30 to 50 cm. Despite the small size, the striking ability of a properly launched boomerang is very high.

Boomerang drawings

Homemade boomerang is made of durable, dense wood. Under normal conditions, it is best to take multilayer plywood with a thickness of 8-10 cm. It is better to choose imported waterproof plywood, it, unlike Russian, does not delaminate and holds a blow well when a boomerang hits a target or a random tree. For small boomerangs, you can take a large kitchen cutting board as a starting material. It is a finely seasoned dry wood that lends itself well to being processed.

Look at the boomerang drawing below.

The coordinate grid has a cell size of 5x5 cm, scale it to the workpiece and you can start making a boomerang.

Here is another version of the boomerang drawing, it is adapted for manufacturing from plywood and has a simple profile.

Such a boomerang is much easier and faster to manufacture, and flies no worse than a boomerang with a complex streamlined profile.

As a child, we made boomerangs according to the drawings of the Modeler Constructor and the Young Technician. An example of such a drawing is below.

I must say that even several boomerangs made according to one drawing have their own characteristic flight features and throw features.

Among the drawings of boomerangs, there are also very original ones, for example, stylized as "Batman".

By the way, watch the video of throwing such a boomerang - it flies very well!

And these are drawings of a three-bladed boomerang.

When making this, the easiest way is to make each blade separately, and then connect them in the center using overhead elements.

Wood is not the only material for manufacturing, it is simply the cheapest and can be processed well. But, you can use durable plastic or metal.

How to make a boomerang with your own hands

First you need to transfer the contour of a homemade boomerang to plywood or the material from which you will make a boomerang and cut it out.

The easiest way to do this is with a paper template printed on ordinary office paper - here's an example of what fit on one A4 sheet.

The second part is printed separately and used after the stroke of the first.

An ordinary manual jigsaw works well for sawing. Slowly, but qualitatively, however, you can use the electric one - everything is in your hands.

The profile of the boomerang is controlled using counter patterns as in the figure below.

However, for simplified models according to those drawings of boomerangs that have a flat bottom and top, you can do without counter patterns - just draw the edges of the profiles, fortunately, the descents are not difficult.

Processing is carried out with sandpaper, first we set coarse-grained, then finer. This work is best done outdoors - there is a lot of wood dust from sanding! A grinder will not hurt here, with its help you can make a boomerang in 30 minutes. But manually it can take a whole day!

After manufacturing, the boomerang is varnished. Yacht varnish has proven itself very well - it keeps well, gives the texture to the tree and holds the shock load quite well. The boomerang is covered with three layers of varnish with an exposure between varnishing procedures.

If you want to apply a drawing on a boomerang, then it is done after the first varnishing. Acrylic paints from a regular office supply store work well.

How to launch a boomerang

The boomerang is launched with the right hand, the throw is made at an angle of 10 to 35 degrees. The flight path depends on the throw angle. If the launch angle exceeds 45 degrees, then the boomerang will shoot up sharply and then also abruptly return along an almost vertical trajectory to your head.

The boomerang throw must be strong enough, while in the final phase of the throw, it is necessary to give the projectile a twisting moment with a sharp movement of the brush.

The flight of a boomerang is highly dependent on the wind, it is better to throw against the wind, then the wind will help the boomerang return. For accuracy rolls, it is best to use a calm day.

Watch the boomerang video.

Pay attention to the fact that catching a boomerang is carried out with the help of cotton with both hands! When trying to catch a boomerang with one hand, you can hurt your fingers!

Like a sling, a homemade boomerang requires a lot of practical experience to accurately hit a target. This is not a rifle or a crossbow, much depends on the weather conditions and the ability to correctly throw a boomerang in these conditions.

Here is a recording of boomerang flights from a quadrocopter.

As you can see, with proper skill, the boomerang always returns.

What is interesting boomerang for a survivalist

First, its uniqueness. The law does not prohibit the manufacture of a boomerang and a sling, you can safely train with them anywhere. Boomerang develops coordination and has a good effect on general sports training.

In the case of a BP, the boomerang will not be perceived as a weapon, but the kinetics of its impact is very high, precisely because of the angular velocity of rotation of the ends of the boomerang.

The boomerang's ability to return if it misses is very handy when hunting birds. Of course, I mean hunting during survival, and not going out with guns and vodka at the usual time.

While flying through a flock of birds or over water - a boomerang can knock down more than one target, the size of a small bird is not so large as to stop it, add to this the return in case of a miss and it becomes clear - if you more or less own a boomerang, then hunting with he will be more comfortable than with a bow or crossbow. After all, after a miss, arrows and bolts must be sought, and even when hit, they tend to break. And the boomerang - wiped it with a cloth and is ready for battle again! :)

The video below shows the launch of a homemade boomerang that is already 20 years old, and during these years it flew on weekends, and did not hang on the wall.

Yes, and making a boomerang is much easier than a powerful bow or crossbow.

Launching a boomerang can be a great way to spend time in nature. This item originally served as a means for obtaining food from the ancient tribes of the Indians, Egyptians, Indians. Today it is just a means of entertainment, made from various materials - wood, metal, plastic. You can make a simple boomerang with your own hands using paper or cardboard. How to make a boomerang out of paper, we will consider further.

Boomerangs are of two types: returning and non-returning. The second type is a type of throwing weapon. Its length is approximately one meter, and the shape is less curved than that of the first species. Both wings of this projectile have a flat shape, reminiscent of the profile of a helicopter propeller.

The returning boomerangs will be of particular interest to children. They differ from non-returners in a more curved shape, thinner shoulders, reminiscent of the profile of an aircraft wing. The angle of the shoulders is usually 70-110 degrees, and the distance between the two extreme points is 38-46 cm. The returning boomerang is lighter, so at the beginning of the launch it develops more speed than the combat one. He is able to fly a distance of up to 90 meters and rise to a height of 15 meters. The main condition for the correct launch of the boomerang, so that it returns back, is its launch in an upright position. An origami boomerang can be made from paper or cardboard.

How to make a paper boomerang with your own hands

It can be difficult to figure out how to properly make a paper boomerang that comes back. However, everything will fall into place if you watch the master class on the video.

To make this item, you will need an A4 paper sheet. It must be cut in half, determine the middle of this part, bend in half. Then return the sheet to its original state, bending each of the edges towards the middle. Then the paper blank must be bent in half, from the folded side, bend the corners into a triangle. After that, the sheet unfolds, only one side is left folded. Now you can see that a rhombus has appeared on the expanded part of the sheet. It needs to be made clearer. To do this, the workpiece is turned over, and on the reverse side, a clearer shape is given to this rhombus with the fingers.

The next step, how to make a boomerang out of paper, is to form its bend. The workpiece is turned vertically, while the rhombus is on the left side. Its lower part is pressed to the bottom, and then the whole part begins to bend to the left. On the right, the first bend is the edge of the workpiece. The resulting design must be pressed down by hand.

To make the boomerang made of paper durable, its edges fold towards the central axis. The half of the right side must be bent so that the part forms a right angle. Then the inner part of the left wing of the boomerang must be bent into the pocket formed, and then the body will be ready. To fix the two parts of the product, you need to fasten them with a paper clip. In order for the paper projectile to return, you need to bend the corners of each of its blades. To do this, open the edge of one of them, bend the corners towards the inner axis. Unfold the right corner, bend the cavity inward. The left corner unbends, its edge is inserted inside the resulting hole. Similar actions are carried out with the second wing. In order for the boomerang to return back, it is important to throw it correctly: taking the projectile by the edge or the middle of the corner, turn the hand when throwing.

A boomerang can be made from cardboard with several blades (three or more). Blade templates can be found on the Internet and printed on a printer, then stick paper on cardboard or simply transfer the outline to it. The blades are glued in the center overlap with each other. The recommended length of each blade is 17 cm, width - 3.5 cm. All angles when gluing should be 90 degrees.

A two-bladed boomerang can also be made from a template. To do this, you need to draw a template on paper in a box, then cut it out and transfer it to cardboard. If you stick a colored self-adhesive film on it, this will give the projectile additional rigidity and beauty. The blades of the projectile must be unbent so that in profile they resemble a flat figure eight. To launch a projectile, you need to take it around the corner with two fingers of one hand, and then click on the blade with the fingers of the other hand. When launched, it is able to rise to a distance of up to three meters in height, then return back. If you expand the blades even more, this will change the flight path of the cardboard boomerang.

To understand the technique of how to make a boomerang with your own hands, it is best to watch visual diagrams or videos on the origami skill.

With the help of it, ancient people could hunt much more successfully than with a stone. Such a device could fly much further and hit harder, besides, the boomerang can go back if it failed to hit the target. Also, with the help of a boomerang, you can completely defend yourself from enemies, if you perfectly master the launch technique. Today, the boomerang is mainly used in sporting events, as a hobby, and it has also become an integral part of the decor.

It is not difficult to make a boomerang, because even the natives knew how to make it, having neither materials nor tools at hand, they did not even understand what laws a boomerang works according to. These days, this task will be easy even for beginner DIYers.

The boomerang considered below is capable of returning back with a probability of 90%. Of course, a lot depends on the launch technique. Having gained experience, you can teach how to make high-quality boomerangs in a short time. You just need to choose the right angle of the wing. It is important to note that launching a boomerang can be a rather dangerous event and no one should be distracted by this. When returning, the boomerang can easily injure.

Materials and tools for homemade:
- protective impregnation for wood, as well as paint;
- wooden rail.

Of the tools you will need: a knife, a hacksaw, a pot of boiling water, a brush, PVA glue (and epoxy is best), masking tape or electrical tape, wood files (regular and rasp).

Boomerang making process:

Step one. boomerang device
The boomerang is made of wooden slats, pine or birch is suitable. In the latter case, the boomerang will fly further, but it will also be more painful to catch. The logo of the game Assassins Creed prompted the author to make such a boomerang.

As for the sizes, they were chosen randomly. The width of the blade is equal to the width of the selected rack. The rest of the collection, the author improvised. As you can see in the drawing, to create a boomerang from a rail, you need to saw off three parts.

Step two. Cuts on the rail
After the slats are cut out, they need to mark the places of cuts on them, as seen in the diagram. Next, along these lines, you need to make cuts with a hacksaw. The depth of the slots should be half the thickness of the rail. The slots should be even, without distortion. Slots are made on both sides, as you can see in the photo.

Step three. Making grooves
The next step is to use a knife. With it, you need to carefully break out the wood at the places of the cuts. The depth of the groove should be slightly less than half the thickness of the rail. At the final stage, the grooves must be carefully processed with a file, as a result, a flat surface should be obtained.

Step four. Putting together the parts

At this stage, the author tries to assemble three manufactured parts into a boomerang. In the end, everything should turn out as seen in the photo.

Step five. Making boomerang wings

In order for boomerang wings to have lift, they need to be shaped like an airplane. To understand how to do this, it is proposed to look at the photo and drawing. It is very important not to confuse the parties.

In order for the boomerang to be able to return back, its wings need to be made a special bend. This bend is made from the convex part of the wing. The stronger this bend is, the faster the boomerang will return back, that is, the flight radius will decrease. To bend the blades, the wood must be steamed in a water bath. That is, it must be held over boiling water. Further, the wings can be bent around a cylindrical object, such as a bucket.

Step six. Boomerang assembly
The boomerang is assembled with glue. Of course, before this, you need to dry the wood. Before gluing, the grooves must be thoroughly cleaned with a file. Any wood glue is suitable as an adhesive, it can also be PVA, and epoxy is best. The author clamped the boomerang with clamps, their traces can be seen in the photo. You can clamp the boomerang in a vise between books, for example.

After gluing, seams will remain on the boomerang, they need to be repaired with small sawdust and PVA glue, making a kind of putty. Also, these seams can be sealed with epoxy, but it will be much more difficult to process.

Step seven. Preparation for painting and painting the boomerang

Now the boomerang can be prepared for painting. First, it must be carefully processed with sandpaper and a file. It is necessary to achieve perfectly smooth and smooth forms, only in this case the boomerang will clearly return to the point of throw. The hole in the center was enlarged and made round.

So that the boomerang does not absorb moisture and, as a result, does not crack, it must be painted or coated with a colorless varnish. A colorless protective impregnation for wood is also suitable. Among other things, the varnish coating will make the boomerang more streamlined.
this time the author decided to paint his boomerang in different colors. To make such patterns, the boomerang must be pasted over with electrical tape, and then painted. After painting, the boomerang is left to dry on a sheet of plywood. In order not to smear the paint, the boomerang rests on three nails that are driven into the plywood with the points up.