Artist Vasiliev paintings with the names thaw. Young genius of landscape. Five famous paintings by Fyodor Vasiliev. Several interesting essays

A steamship is a ship that is propelled by a piston steam engine. Children often ask their parents to draw this sea transport for them. This is very easy to do. In this article we will look at two simple methods.

How to draw a steamboat: the first method

You can draw a steamship with colored pencils, crayons, pastels, paints or felt-tip pens.

First of all, draw a wavy line on the sea on which your ship will sail. Above the water we depict the upper edge of the steamer's hull. To do this, first draw a straight line, then make a slight bend, and then draw a straight line further.

Now we designate where the bow and stern of the ship will be. This can be done with straight or curved lines. Draw a pipe where the top line bends. Next to it we depict a rectangular cabin with two portholes. On top of the cabin we draw a triangular visor.

We draw a boat behind the pipe, and add a small flag on the bow of the ship. Also draw an anchor on the front of the ship and smoke coming out of the chimney. Your ship is ready.

Second way

To draw a steamboat in another way, you will need a simple pencil and an eraser. Here's how to draw a steamboat step by step:

  1. First of all, we draw the main part of the ship. To do this, we draw two parallel strips above each other. On one side we connect them with a straight line, and on the other with an inclined line.
  2. On the resulting figure, draw a rectangle and add another line to the base of the ship. This line should extend slightly beyond the main figure at one end.
  3. Divide the rectangle in half with a vertical line. Above it we draw a roof with a canopy and a pipe. On one part of the rectangle we draw a circle, and on the other another another rectangle, which we divide into two more parts.
  4. Add a waterline at the bottom and decorate the pipe with a wide stripe.
  5. We erase all the extra lines and finish drawing the water under the ship.

"Thaw". 1871

In the spring of 1871, Vasiliev worked on The Thaw, although he was seriously ill: ominous signs of tuberculosis were revealed. The format of the painting, unusually elongated in width, in itself gave rise to the feeling of the length of the road along which the peasant and the little girl were wandering. The approaching spring does not bring joy. It's grey, damp and sad all around. It’s just as sad as it was when Father Fedor was buried. Oh, how many hearts have suffered on these roads! How many thoughts of people know these roads. And so my heart ached from this dear, wretched, dear... Vasiliev brought this feeling to epic strength.

1871 became a special year for Vasiliev. The first traveling exhibition has opened in St. Petersburg, and it contains the most striking paintings: “The Rooks Have Arrived” by Savrasov, “The Thaw” by Vasiliev and “Pine Forest” by Shishkin.
“The Thaw” is so hot, strong, daring, with great poetic content and at the same time young and youthful, awakened to life, demanding the right of citizenship among others, and although decisively new, it has roots somewhere far away... “- Kramskoy expressed his impression. He still knew nothing about the upcoming Russian landscape genre unprecedented blossoming, but he had a presentiment of it, guessed its regularity and inevitability.

At the end of winter, “The Thaw” was shown at the Encouragement Society competition and received first prize. Tretyakov purchased the painting directly from the exhibition. At the same time, Vasiliev, in no more than a month, by order of Grand Duke Alexander Alexandrovich (future Tsar Alexandra III) completed a repetition of the painting, which is now in the Russian Museum. The repetition of “The Thaw” was not a simple author’s copy. It was like a further development of the motive. Vasiliev created two canvases of equal artistic merit. The committee that produced a selection of paintings for the 1872 World Exhibition in London settled on a repetition belonging to the royal family. It went to England.

This time the World Exhibition had special significance for Russian painting and sculpture. She literally revealed to Europe the high merits of Russian art. This happened thanks to the correct and objective selection of exhibits. Russia has shown that it has its own unique face and creates works that are on a par with the best world achievements. Articles appeared in the London press in which the authors pointed out those remarkable features of Russian painting that the works of many European masters lacked.

Having created “The Thaw,” Fyodor Vasiliev became one of the best artists in Russia. He did not yet know what hardships lay ahead of him in the near future, how tragically little he had left to live, and in what ascetic labor he would spend the last part of his life.


And you Thanks a lot- for reading and warm review. Vasilyev is a genius, but unfortunately, he died at the age of 23... In the Russian Museum, “The Thaw,” which belonged to the royal family, and in the Tretyakov Gallery is exactly that first painting. Most of Vasiliev’s works are located there; Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov acquired everything that was written by Vasiliev.

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