Focusing concave diffraction gratings Rowland circle. Diffraction gratings for spectral devices. Purpose of the dissertation work

General information

Let us consider in more detail the theory of a concave diffraction grating. The directions of the main interference maxima of beams diffracted on a concave grating are determined by a formula similar to that for a flat reflective grating

where is the number of strokes per mm; - angle of incidence of the beam AO (“zero beam”) on the grating; - diffraction angle for this beam. It can be proven that the focusing curve of beams diffracted by a concave grating is a circle with a radius equal to half the radius of curvature of the grating (Rowland circle).

Formula (1) determines the direction of the beam diffracted at the vertex O of the concave grating - the “zero” diffracted beam (see Fig. 3.1). For rays of the same length, emanating from the same point A, but incident on other parts of the surface of the grating, the angles and will be different, and, in general, the diffracted rays (that is, the directions of the interference maxima of different beams) do not converge at one point. This means that the concave grating has aberrations.

The resolution of a concave grating is given by the formula:

where is the width of the grating, is the order of the spectrum (in our case = 1), is the number of lines per unit length. However, it will not be possible to increase the resolution of a concave grating by increasing the width, since there is an optimal width of a concave grating. It is defined as the maximum width of a concave grating at which its resolution is equal to that of a flat grating. For each wavelength l, you can specify the grating size at which it has the maximum possible resolution. As the grating size increases further, the resolution decreases. It can be shown that

For example, for a grating with the following parameters: R=1m, =26є, =0є and used in the region l=200 nm, we obtain ?5cm.

Normal slot width

Each diffraction grating is characterized by its hardware function, that is, the dependence of the image width of the entrance slit on the width of the slit itself. It is interesting to find the dependence of the width of the slit image on the width of the entrance slit. Such a dependence was found (see Fig. 3.2). Proportionality between and is observed only with wide slits. Reducing results in a reduction only to certain widths. With a further decrease in the slot width (<) ширина изображения остаётся постоянной и происходит лишь уменьшение освещённости изображения. Величина называется нормальной шириной входной щели. Нормальная ширина щели это такая величина входной щели, когда её геометрическое изображение в фокальной плоскости прибора равно центральной части главного дифракционного максимума в этой же плоскости. При ширине щели меньше нормальной, изображение, образующееся в фокальной плоскости уже не является собственно изображением входной щели, а определяется дифракцией на апертурной диафрагме спектрального прибора. Нормальная ширина входной щели определяется параметрами прибора и равна

where is the focal length of the collimating lens (radius of curvature of the concave diffraction grating), is the width of the aperture (height of the concave diffraction grating). The width of the slit image cannot become less than the diffraction limit. Therefore, in an effort to obtain lines as thin as possible, it is useless to use an entrance slit smaller than normal.

Let us estimate for the MFS-8 and VMK-1 gratings:

1) MFS-8: =30mm, =1m, . Then =6.7 µm

2) VMK-1: =50mm, =1m, . Then =4 µm

That is, in order not to lose line intensity, you need to take the width of the entrance slit obviously larger, for example 15 microns.


1 Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after. K.D. Ushinsky Laboratory work 8 Determination of the parameters of the Rowland diffraction grating Yaroslavl 010

2 Contents 1. Questions to prepare for work Theoretical introduction Diffraction by slits Interference from many slits Grating as a spectral device Description of installation Procedure for performing work Assignment Assignment Assignment Assignment Test questions

3 1. Questions to prepare for work Laboratory work 8. Determination of the parameters of the Rowland diffraction grating Purpose of the work: familiarization with the principle of operation and determination of the parameters of the reflective diffraction grating, measurement of the light wavelength using this grating. Instruments and accessories: metal diffraction grating, mercury-quartz lamp, specially designed machine. Literature: 1. Landsberg G.S. Optics, M. Science, 1976. Savelyev I.V. Physics course, vol. 3, 1971 1. Questions for preparation for work 1. Fraunhofer diffraction by a slit. Design, operating principle and parameters of a diffraction grating. Rowland grid. 3. The grid is like a spectral apparatus. Dispersion and resolution of a diffraction grating.. Theoretical introduction A diffraction grating is a collection of a large number of narrow parallel slits, closely spaced at equal distances from each other. The slits can be applied to an opaque screen or, conversely, opaque grooves are applied to a transparent plate (glass). The action of the grating is based on the phenomenon of diffraction by a slit and interference from many slits. Before clarifying the effect of the grating as a whole, let us consider diffraction at a single slit. 3

4.1. Diffraction by a slit Let a plane monochromatic wave be incident on a screen with a narrow infinitely long slit. In Fig. 1 FF 1 is a projection of a screen with a slit AB onto the drawing plane. The slit width (b) is of the order of the wavelength of light. Slit AB cuts out part of the front of the incident light wave. All points of this front oscillate in the same phases and, based on the Huygens-Fresnel principle, are sources of secondary waves. b F A B F 1 L F A ϕ C B F 1 L O 1 O Fig..1 E O 1 Fig.. Secondary waves propagate in all directions from (0) to (± π) to the direction of wave propagation (Fig..1). If you place a lens behind the slit, then all the rays that went parallel to the lens will converge at one point on the focal plane of the lens. At this point, interference of secondary waves is observed. The result of interference depends on the number of half-wavelengths that fits into the path difference between the corresponding beams. Let us consider rays that travel at a certain angle ϕ to the direction of the incident light wave (Fig..). BC = δ path difference between the outer rays. Let us divide AB into Fresnel zones (Fresnel zones in this case are a system of parallel planes perpendicular to the plane of the drawing and constructed so that the distance from the edges of each zone to point O 1 differs by). If δ contains an even number of half-wavelengths, then at point O 1 there will be attenuation of light min. If odd, then the light gain is 4 E

5 . Theoretical introduction max. Therefore, with δ = ±m min with δ = ±(m + 1) max where m = 0; 1; ;... Since δ = b sin ϕ (see figure..), these conditions can be written in the following form: b sin ϕ = ±m b sin ϕ = ±(m + 1) min (.1) max (. ) Figure 3 shows the distribution of light intensity during diffraction by a slit depending on the angle. It can be calculated using the formula: I ϕ = I o sin (π b sin ϕ) (π b sin ϕ) where I o is the intensity in the middle of the diffraction pattern; I ϕ intensity at the point defined by the value. I ϕ 3 b b b 0 b b 3 b sin ϕ Fig..3.. Interference from many slits Consider several parallel slits of the same width (b), located at a distance (a) from each other (diffraction grating) (see Fig..4 ). 5

6 a d b δ 1 ϕ L O Fig. 4 The diffraction pattern from slits, as in the previous case, will be observed in the focal plane of the lens (L). But the phenomenon is complicated by the fact that in addition to diffraction from each slit, addition of light vibrations also occurs in beams arriving at the focal plane of the lens from individual slits, i.e. interference of many beams occurs. If the total number of slits is N, then N beams interfere with each other. The path difference from two adjacent slits is equal to δ 1 = (b+a) sin ϕ or δ 1 = d sin ϕ, where d = a + b is called the lattice constant. This path difference corresponds to the same phase difference ψ = π δ1 between adjacent beams. As a result of interference in the focal plane of the lens, resulting oscillations are obtained with a certain amplitude, which depends on the phase difference. If ψ = mπ (which corresponds to the path difference δ 1 = m), then the oscillation amplitudes add up and the light intensity reaches a maximum. These maxima are called main ones because they have significant intensity and their position does not depend on the total number of slits. If ψ = m () π N (or δ1 = m N), then minima of light are formed in these directions. Therefore, with interference N 6 E

7. The theoretical introduction of beams of the same amplitude gives rise to a number of main maxima, determined by the condition: d sinϕ = ±m (.3) where m = 0;1;;... and additional minima, determined by the condition: d sinϕ = ±m N (.4) where m = 1;;3;... except m = 0;N;N;..., because in this case, condition (.4) turns into condition (.3) of the main maxima. From conditions (.4) and (.3) it is clear that between the two main maxima there are (N 1) additional minima, between which there are, respectively, (N) secondary maxima, defined by the condition: d sinϕ = ±(m + 1) N ( .5) I ϕ N = sinϕ N = 3 sinϕ N = 4 sinϕ Fig..5. (without taking into account diffraction at one slit) As the number of slits increases, the number of additional minima increases, and the main maxima become narrower and brighter. In Fig.5 it is given 7

8 intensity distribution during the interference of several beams (slits). Thus, under the action of many slits we have in directions determined by the conditions: b sinϕ = ±m min from each slit, b sinϕ = ±(m + 1) max from each slit, d sinϕ = ±m main maxima result d sinϕ = ± m N d sinϕ = ±(m + 1) N interference of many beams, additional minima, secondary maxima. When observing the picture given by a diffraction grating, we clearly see only the main maxima, separated by almost dark intervals, because the secondary maxima are very weak, the intensity of the strongest of them is no more than 5% of the main one. The intensity distribution between the individual main maxima is not the same. It depends on the slit diffraction intensity distribution and the ratio between (b) and (d). In the case where (b) and (d) are commensurate, some main maxima are missing, because These directions correspond to diffraction minima. Thus, at d = b, all even maxima disappear, which leads to an increase in odd ones. At d = 3b, every third maximum disappears. The described phenomenon is illustrated in Fig. 6. The intensity distribution depending on the angle can be calculated using the formula: I ϕ solve. = I o sin (πbsin ϕ) sin (Nπdsin ϕ) (πbsin ϕ) sin (πbsin ϕ) where I o is the intensity created by one slit in the center of the picture. 8

9 . Theoretical introduction I 1 (ϕ) Diffraction pattern at one slit, N = 1 b b sinϕ I (ϕ x) Interference pattern, N = 4 ()()() 3 d d d d d 3 d sinϕ I(ϕ) Total intensity distribution pattern for the grating N = 5 and d b = 4 d Fig.6 sinϕ 9

10 3. The grating as a spectral device As the number of slits increases, the intensity of the main maxima increases, because the amount of light transmitted by the grating increases. But the most significant change caused by a large number of gaps is the transformation of the diffuse main maxima into sharp, narrow maxima. The sharpness of the maxima makes it possible to distinguish close wavelengths, which are depicted as separate, bright stripes and will not overlap each other, as is the case with vague maxima obtained with one or a small number of slits. A diffraction grating, like any spectral device, is characterized by dispersion and resolution. The angular distance between two lines differing in wavelength by 1 Å is taken as a measure of dispersion. If two lines differing in length by δ correspond to a difference in angles equal to δϕ, then the measure of dispersion will be the expression: D = δϕ δ = m dcos ϕ (3.6) The resolution of the grating is characterized by the ability to distinguish the presence of two close waves (resolve two wavelengths) . Let us denote by the minimum interval between two waves that can be resolved by a given diffraction grating. The measure of grating resolution is usually taken to be the ratio of the wavelength around which the measurement is performed to the specified minimum interval, i.e. A =. The calculation gives that: A = = mn, (3.7) where m is the order of the spectrum, N is the total number of grating slits. High resolution and dispersion of diffraction gratings is achieved due to large values ​​of N and small d (grating periods). Rowland lattices have these parameters. The Rowland grating is a concave metal mirror on which grooves (strokes) are applied. It can simultaneously act as a grating and a collecting lens, allowing 10

11 4. Description of the installation to obtain a diffraction pattern directly on the screen. 4. Description of the installation A D 1 ϕ R 4 3 B l E C Fig. 4.1 Measurement setup in Fig. 4.1 consists of rigidly fixed rails (AB and BC), along which the rail DE can slide freely. A Rowland grid (1) is attached to one end of the rail. The grille is fixed so that its plane is perpendicular to the DE rail. The light source is a slit (4), illuminated by a mercury-quartz lamp (3). When the grating is illuminated along the AB direction, spectra of different orders can be observed. The distance from the slit to the lines under study in the spectrum of mercury is recorded on a scale marked on the BC staff using a telescope (). 5. Work order Task 1. Familiarize yourself with the description of the work and the optical design of the device. eleven

12 Task. Determine the Rowland lattice constant. The lattice constant is determined from the condition of the main maximum: d = m sin ϕ. From the installation diagram Fig. 4.1: sinϕ = l R, where l is the distance from the slit to the position of the spectral line on the bench (BC), R is the length of the staff (DE). The final working formula is: d = m R l (5.8) The constant is determined for three lines in the spectrum of mercury: Line Brightness Å Violet-blue Green Yellow 1 (closest to green) Wavelengths are indicated with greater accuracy than other members of the formula (5.8 ), so we can assume that = const. Rail length (DE) R = (150 ± 5) mm. Take the reliability coefficient α = 3. 1 The task should be performed in the following sequence: 1) turn on the mercury-quartz lamp and warm it up for 5 minutes, and then check whether the gap is well illuminated;) moving the DE rail along the rails, find it using a spotting scope green line in the first order spectrum, m = 1 (left side of bench BC), if the line is wide, then reduce the slit width and take reading (l). The tube is then transferred to the violet-blue line (to the left of the green one along the BC bench);

13 5. Work order 3) carry out the same measurements for the same lines in the second-order spectrum, m = (right side of the bench BC); measurements for m > are not carried out because The BC rail is not long enough for this. In this work, we can limit ourselves to single measurements, because the relative error in determining (R) significantly exceeds the relative error in determining l (δ l = 0.5 mm at α = 3). The final result is thus determined for all lines with approximately the same accuracy, so it can finally be averaged over all measured lines. The error in determining the Rowland lattice constant is determined by the formula: δd = d R δ R, (5.9) δ R = 5 mm standard error in determining the length of the staff (DE). It is convenient to enter the experimental data into a table of the following form: Table 1 m, Å l (mm) d(mm) d avg Yellow Yellow. Task 3. Determine the wavelength of one of the yellow lines. Using the results obtained in the task, determine the wavelength of the second yellow line: Жii = d Жi l Жii mr (5.10) 13

14 where d and lattice constant obtained in the task. The values ​​of zii for both orders (m = 1 and m =) are equally accurate, i.e. are determined by the standard deviations δ d and δ R, so they can be averaged. The error is determined by the formula: Жii = (жii d avg. The final result is written in the form:) () δd + Жii δr R. (5.11) Жii = (жiiср ± Жii)Å, with α = 3. Task 4. Determine the angular dispersion of the lattice Rowland. To determine the angular dispersion of a diffraction grating, you need to measure the angular distance between two close spectral lines. It is convenient to use yellow mercury lines for this. is given in the text of the task. zii take from task 3. D = δ ϕ δ ϕ zhi ϕ zhii zhi zii. (5.1) The angular dispersion for both orders (m = 1 and m =) should be determined. Compare the obtained values ​​with each other and with the values ​​obtained using the formula: D = m d av cos ϕ (5.13) As instructed by the teacher, evaluate the errors for expressions (5.1) and (5.13). Task 5. Calculate the theoretical value of the resolution of the Rowland diffraction grating. where N is the number of grating lines. A = mn (5.14) 14

15 6. Test questions The value of N is determined based on the length of the grating (L = 9 ± 0.1 mm) at α = 3 and the value of the grating constant (see task). Perform calculations for both orders (m = 1 and m =). Estimate the magnitude of the error for expression (5.14). 6. Test questions 1. Why should the size of the slit be commensurate with the wavelength? Why is the zeroth order maximum when the grating is illuminated with white light white, and the rest are iridescent? 3. How does the grating period affect the diffraction pattern? 4. Show that when determining the period, random error can be neglected. 15

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Basic concepts and characteristics

spectral device.

Illumination distribution in the slit image

Diffraction grating

Spectral instruments use diffraction gratings to spatially decompose light into a spectrum. A diffraction grating is an optical element consisting of a large number of regularly spaced lines applied to a flat or concave surface. Grilles can be transparent or reflective. In addition, a distinction is made between amplitude and phase diffraction gratings. For the former, the reflection coefficient periodically changes, which causes a change in the amplitude of the incident wave. In phase diffraction gratings, the grooves are given a special shape, which periodically changes the phase of the light wave. The most widely used is a flat reflective phase diffraction grating with a triangular groove profile - echelette.

Lattice equation

The front of a light wave incident on a diffraction grating is split by its grooves into separate coherent beams. Coherent beams, having undergone diffraction by the streaks, interfere, forming the resulting spatial distribution of light intensity. The intensity distribution is proportional to the product of two functions: interferenceI N and diffractionI D . FunctionI N is caused by the interference of N coherent beams coming from the grating lines. FunctionI D determined by diffraction on a separate line.

The path difference between coherent parallel beams coming at an angle β from adjacent strokes will be Δs=AB+AC or (1), and the corresponding phase difference (2). FunctionI N ~ - a periodic function with different intense main maxima. The position of the main maxima is determined from the condition , where (3), where k- spectrum order.
From (1) and (2) it follows: . Using (3) we get , substituting in (1): (4).

This relationship is called the lattice equation. It shows that the main maxima are formed in directions when the path difference between adjacent beams is equal to the total number of wavelengths. Between adjacent main maxima there is located N-2 secondary maxima, the intensity of which decreases proportionally 1/N, And N-1 minima, where the intensity is zero. The lattice equation for application to monochromators is used in a more convenient form. Since the difference between the angles α And β is constant when the lattice rotates and this difference is known θ , it is determined by the design of the monochromator, then it depends on two variablesα And β move on to one φ – angle of rotation of the lattice from zero order.
Having designated And , after transforming the sum of sines, we obtain the lattice equation in another more convenient form: (5), whereφ – angle of rotation of the grating relative to the position of the zero order;
θ/2– half angle at the grating between the incident and diffracted beams. Often the lattice equation is used in the form: (6).
If the diffracted radiation coming from the grating is directed into the lens, then spectra are formed in its focal plane at each value of the number k≠0. At k=0(zero order of the spectrum) the spectrum is not formed, because holds for all wavelengths. Besides, β= -α i.e., the direction to the zero-order maximum is determined by the specular reflection from the grating plane.

Fig. 1. Explanation of the principle of operation of a diffraction grating.

Glare wavelength

The reflectivity of diffraction gratings depends on the angle of inclination of the lines - by changing the angle of inclination of the edge of the line, you can align the center of the diffraction maximum of the function I D with interference main maximum function I N any order. The direction to the center of the diffraction maximum is determined by the specular reflection of the incident beam not from the grating plane, but from the edge of the line. Thus, the condition for such a combination is: angles α And β max must simultaneously satisfy the following relations:

Under these conditions, the spectrum of a given order will have the greatest intensity. Corner β max is called the “splash” angle, and the wavelength is called the “splash” wavelength. λ Blaze. If the spectral region for research is known, then λ Blaze can be determined from the relation: (8), where where λ 1 And λ 2– boundary wavelengths of the spectrum range. Relationship (8) helps to choose the right lattice.

Example 1. The range under study is 400…1200 nm, i.e. λ 1=400nm, λ 2=1200nm. Then from formula (8): λ Blaze=600nm. Select a grating with a gloss of 600nm.

Example 2. The studied range is 600…1100 nm. Calculation using formula (8) gives, in rounding, 776 nm. There is no grille with such shine on the proposed list. The grating with the gloss closest to the found one is selected, i.e. 750nm.

Energy efficiency area

diffraction gratings

The region where the grating reflectance is at least 0.405 is called the energy efficiency region: (9). The value depends on the order of the spectrum: it is maximum in the first order and quickly decreases in spectra of higher orders. For first order: . Wavelengths limiting this area: And .

Dispersion area

The dispersion region is a spectral interval in which the spectrum of a given order does not overlap with the spectra of neighboring orders. Consequently, there is an unambiguous relationship between the diffraction angle and the wavelength. The dispersion area is determined from the condition: .
(10). For first order , A , i.e. the dispersion region covers an interval of one octave. To combine the dispersion region with the energy efficiency region of the diffraction grating, it is necessary that the following condition be satisfied: (eleven). In this case, within the dispersion region, the grating reflectance for k=1 will be at least 0.68.

Example. If , Then , A .

Thus, for a given grating in the range from 450 nm to 900 nm, the dispersion region is combined with the energy efficiency region.


The degree of spatial separation of beams with different wavelengths is characterized by angular dispersion. We obtain the expression for angular dispersion by differentiating the equation for the lattice: (12). From this expression it follows that angular dispersion is determined solely by the angles α And β , but not by the number of strokes. When applied to spectral instruments, inverse linear dispersion is used, which is defined as the reciprocal of the product of angular dispersion and focal length: .


Theoretical resolution: , where is the resolution. The resolution of a diffraction grating, like any spectral device, is determined by the spectral width of the instrumental function. For a grating, the width of the apparatus function is the width of the main maxima of the interference function: . Then: (14). The spectral resolution of a diffraction grating is equal to the product of the diffraction order k for the full number of strokes N. Using the lattice equation: (15), where the product - length of the shaded part of the lattice. From expression (15) it is clear that at given angles α And β magnitude R can only be increased by increasing the size of the diffraction grating. The expression for resolution can be presented in another form from (12) and (15): (16), where - width of the diffracted beam, - angular dispersion. Expression (16) shows that the resolution is directly proportional to the magnitude of the angular dispersion.

Spectral area of ​​the grating depending on

from the number of strokes

For each diffraction grating with a period d there is a maximum wavelength limit . It is determined from the lattice equation at k=1 And α=β=90° and is equal to . Therefore, when working in different regions of the spectrum, gratings with different numbers of lines are used:
- for the UV region: 3600-1200 lines/mm;
- for the visible area: 1200-600 lines/mm;
- for IR region: less than 300 lines/mm.

Concave diffraction grating

A concave diffraction grating plays the role of not only a dispersing, but also a focusing system. The expressions for the spectroscopic characteristics - angular dispersion, resolution and dispersion area - are the same as for a flat grating. Concave gratings, unlike flat gratings, have astigmatism. Astigmatism is eliminated by applying strokes on an aspherical surface or with the distances between the strokes varying according to a certain law.

Holographic diffraction grating

The quality of the diffraction grating is determined by the intensity of the scattered light, caused by the presence of small defects on the edges of individual strokes, and the intensity of “ghosts” - false lines that arise when equidistance in the arrangement of strokes is violated. The advantage of holographic gratings compared to rifled ones is the absence of “ghosts” and lower intensity of scattered light. However, the holographic phase reflective grating has a sinusoidal line shape, i.e., it is not an echellette, and therefore has lower energy efficiency (Fig. 2).

The production of holographic gratings with a triangular groove profile, the so-called “bladed” gratings, leads to the appearance of microstructures on the edges of the bars, which increases the intensity of scattered light. In addition, the correct triangular profile is not achieved, which reduces the energy efficiency of such gratings.

Illumination distribution in the slit image

The distribution of illumination in the slit image depends on the nature of the aberrations of the optical system, as well as on the method of illuminating the slit.

An ideal optical system produces a pinpoint image of a point. In the paraxial region, the optical system is close to ideal. But with a finite beam width and a distance of the source from the optical axis, the rules of paraxial optics are violated and the image is distorted. When designing an optical system, aberrations have to be corrected.

Spherical aberration
The distribution of illumination in the scattering spot with spherical aberration is such that a sharp maximum is obtained in the center with a rapid decrease in illumination towards the edge of the spot. This aberration is the only one that remains even if the object point is located on the main optical axis of the system. Spherical aberration is especially large in high-aperture systems (with a large relative aperture).

The image of a point in the presence of coma has the form of an asymmetrical spot, the illumination of which is maximum at the top of the scattering figure.

It is caused by unequal curvature of the optical surface in different section planes and manifests itself in the fact that the wave front is deformed when passing through the optical system, and the focus of the light beam in different sections appears at different points. The scattering figure is a family of ellipses with a uniform distribution of illumination. There are two planes - meridional and sagittal, perpendicular to it, in which ellipses turn into straight segments. The centers of curvature in both sections are called foci, and the distance between them is a measure of astigmatism.

Field curvature
The deviation of the best focusing surface of the focal plane is an aberration called field curvature.

Distortion is the distortion of an image due to unequal linear magnification of different parts of the image. This aberration depends on the distance from the point to the optical axis and manifests itself in a violation of the law of similarity.

Chromatic aberration
Due to light dispersion, two types of chromatic aberration appear: focal position chromatism and magnification chromatism. The first is characterized by a shift in the image plane for different wavelengths, the second by a change in transverse magnification. Chromatic aberration occurs in optical systems that include elements made of refractive materials. Chromatic aberrations are not inherent in mirrors. This circumstance makes the use of mirrors in monochromators and other optical systems especially valuable.

Illumination of the entrance slit

Coherent and non-coherent lighting
The nature of the illumination of the entrance slit of the device is of significant importance for the distribution of intensity over the width of the spectral line, i.e. degree of illumination coherence. In practice, illumination of the entrance slit is neither strictly coherent nor incoherent. However, it is possible to come very close to one of these two extreme cases. Coherent illumination can be achieved by illuminating the slit with a point source located at the focus of a large-diameter condenser placed in front of the slit.

Another method is lensless illumination, when a small source is placed at a great distance from the slit. Incoherent illumination can be obtained by using a condenser lens to focus the light source onto the entrance slit of the device. Other lighting methods occupy an intermediate position. The importance of distinguishing them is due to the fact that when illuminated with coherent light, interference phenomena may occur that are not observed when illuminated with incoherent light.

If the main requirement is to achieve maximum resolution, then the aperture of the diffraction grating is filled with coherent light in a plane perpendicular to the slit. If it is necessary to ensure maximum spectrum brightness, then the incoherent illumination method is used, in which the aperture is also filled in a plane parallel to the slit.

Filling the aperture with light. F/#-Matcher .
One of the main parameters that characterizes a spectral device is its aperture ratio. Aperture is determined by the maximum angular size of the light beam entering the device and is measured by the ratio of the diameter (dk) to focal length (fk) collimator mirror. In practice, the inverse is often used, called F/# It is preferable to use another characteristic - numerical aperture. Numerical aperture (N.A.) associated with F/# ratio: .

Optimal imaging of an extended incoherent light source onto the input slit of the device is achieved when the solid angle of the incident light beam is equal to the input angle of the device.

A– entrance slit area; θ - input solid angle.

If the slit and collimator are filled with light, then no additional system of lenses and mirrors will help increase the total flux of radiation passing through the system.

For a specific spectral device, the maximum input solid angle is a constant value determined by the size and focal length of the collimator: .

To match the angular apertures of the light source and the spectral device, a special device called F/# Matcher is used. F/# Matcher is used in conjunction with a spectral device, providing its maximum aperture, both with and without a light guide.

Fig.4. F/# Matcher Scheme

The advantages of F/# Matcher are:

  • Using the full geometric aperture of the spectral device
  • Reducing stray light
  • Maintains good spectral and spatial image quality
  • Possibility of using filters of unequal thickness without focusing distortion

Concave gratings

Operating principle. In 1882, Rowland proposed combining the focusing properties of a concave mirror with the dispersing properties of a diffraction grating cut onto its surface. Such gratings are called concave and are now widely used. The concave grating makes it possible to simplify the design of the spectral device to the limit by eliminating special focusing optics. To obtain a spectrum, only a slit and a concave grating are needed. Thanks to the use of such gratings, the region of far vacuum ultraviolet has become accessible. (To< 500 A). Accurate measurement of wavelengths in complex spectra is now also inconceivable without a large concave grating. The complete theory of a bent lattice is quite complex, and we will present here only the simplest arguments and main conclusions.

Typically, a grating is applied to the surface of a sphere, although a grating applied to toric and ellipsoidal surfaces has known advantages. We will assume that the dimensions of the shaded part of the lattice and the height of the stroke are small compared to the radius of the sphere r on which it is applied. The middle of the middle stroke of the lattice will be called its center. Let's draw a circle whose diameter is equal to the radius of curvature of the lattice. This circle touches the grating at its center and lies in a plane perpendicular to the strokes. This circle is called a Rowland circle.

Let us consider the path of monochromatic rays incident on the grating from the point S, lying on this circle. Let A And IN- two adjacent lattice lines. Rays S.A. And S.B. these strokes fall on the angles w and w + Dsh. Diffracted rays AR And VR go at angles c and c + cD and intersect at the point R. Let us denote the center of curvature of the lattice by WITH. Let

The maximum condition, as for a flat grating, is obtained by equating the path difference of neighboring rays to an integer number of wavelengths:

Let us extend the rays SB to point G and PB to point F so that SG=SA and PF - = RA. Then you can write

Angles AFB And AGB differ from straight lines by values ​​on the order of small angles Dg and Dc. With the same precision. Therefore sin c. Then equality (2.1) can be written in the form

Where t = AB- lattice constant. Thus, we have obtained the same formula for the position of the main maxima as for a flat lattice.

Let us now show that a concave grating, unlike a flat one, has a focusing effect. This means that rays with wavelength l emanating from a point S and lying in a plane perpendicular to the grating lines, form, regardless of the angle of incidence w, the main diffraction maximum at the same point R. To do this, we differentiate (2.2) with respect to w and μ for constant l and k and proceed to finite differences

From Fig. 2.10 it is clear that


On the other side,

Substituting into (2.3) the values ​​of Dsh and Dts from (2.4), (2.5) and using equalities (2.6), we obtain

For this equation to be satisfied for any q and r]·, it is necessary and sufficient that at the same time

or (2.8)

Equations (2.8) are equations of a circle in polar coordinates. The diameter of this circle is equal to the radius of curvature of the lattice r, i.e. we obtain the Rowland circle equation. Thus, if the point S lies on the Rowland circle, then the point also lies on the same circle R, in which the main diffraction maximum is formed for rays of a given wavelength l. Naturally, for rays of different wavelengths l th , l 2, etc. the main diffraction maxima in accordance with (2.2) are formed at different points R 1 , R 2 etc. However, all these points lie on the same circle, forming on it the spectrum of a source placed in S.B the equation defining this circle does not include the lattice constant. This means that any grating with radius r will produce a spectrum lying on the same circle.

It does not follow from this consideration that rays coming from a point S, but not lying in the plane of the Rowland circle, are also focused at the point R.

On the contrary, it is easy to show that the grating has significant astigmatism and the image of the point S is a straight line segment parallel to the grating lines.

The expression for the resolving power of a concave grating coincides with the corresponding expression for a flat grating. Angular dispersion, as in the case of a flat lattice, is obtained by differentiating equality (2.2) with respect to l.

The formula for linear dispersion is easy to obtain by counting distances l along Rowland's circle. Angle q, being inscribed in a circle of diameter r, is equal to q = l/r, whence, after differentiation with respect to l, we find an expression relating the linear and angular dispersion of the lattice:

Excluding from (2.3) and (2.39) d c/dl, for linear dispersion I got 1

The image of the slit given by a concave grating has, as in the case of a flat grating, some curvature. The latter, however, is small and can be ignored for gratings of commonly used sizes. If the grating and slit are located on the Rowland circle, then the spectrum is also located on the same circle. This follows from equation (2.8). It is possible to obtain a spectrum with a different arrangement of the slit and grating. However, detailed calculations show that when all three elements of the installation (slit, receiver, grating) are located on the Rowland circle, aberrations are minimal.

The spectrum position was calculated for a “small” grating. If its dimensions are comparable to the radius, then in addition to astigmatism, other aberrations appear that worsen the contour of the spectral line.