Turtle made from cotton swabs and plasticine step by step. Beautiful DIY turtle for the garden from different materials. We carry out work from plastic

Don't know how to make a paper turtle? But there is a very simple way: use a template and cut out a ready-made craft.

Then, with a minimum of additions, create a three-dimensional, stable and cute character with whom children can play.

For work you will need the following materials:

  • Colored cardboard;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue stick;
  • Markers.

Paper turtle step by step

Fold the cardboard in half so that the fold is at the top.

Print and cut out this fun turtle template. You can draw your own version of this character.

Place the template on folded colored cardboard in half so that the top of the turtle shell is exactly on the top fold of the paper. And there is no need to cut the paper in that area.

Cut out the turtle according to the template, not forgetting that the shell on top should remain intact.

This is what the piece will look like when opened.

Fold it back, tuck all four legs up so that the turtle can be in an upright position. Color the shell at your own discretion, use felt-tip pens to draw eyes, a nose, a smile, and eyebrows. You can complement the character with some flirty accessory. For example, a lady can be decorated with a flower, a hat, a male character can be decorated with a top hat. That's it, now you know how to make a turtle out of paper, and in the easiest and fastest way.

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Master class on creating a sculpture and mini pond from stone "Turtle"

Four sacred animals according to feng shui

Author: Natalya Aleksandrovna Ermakova, Teacher, Municipal budgetary educational institution for additional education of children “Children’s Art School named after A. A. Bolshakov”, Velikiye Luki, Pskov region.
Description: The work can be done with children over 10 years old, with the help and guidance of an adult. The material can be useful to anyone who is interested in creativity and the art of Feng Shui. , loves gardening, flowers, all nature, starting from the smallest grain of sand.
Purpose: The work will serve as an excellent decoration for the garden plot, create a wonderful mood and good Feng Shui for any home.
Target: creation of a sculptural composition from stone.
-teach children how to create garden sculptures using cement mortar and stone;
-introduce the process of mixing cement mortar, the stages of laying stones on a cement base;
-introduce children to stone painting;
-develop imagination and fantasy, the creative potential of children through working with stone;
- to cultivate love and interest in nature, creativity in all its manifestations.

Hello, dear guests! Today I want to talk about Chinese mythology and its significance in the art of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art and science of harmonizing space, things and objects, spheres of life and human activity, which originated more than three thousand years ago, and translated from Chinese means “wind and water.”
Open any Chinese book and you will see that mythological stories are so closely intertwined with real life as nowhere else in the world. Four mythological figures are involved in feng shui: Tiger, Dragon, Phoenix and Turtle - these animals are sacred. In Feng Shui, the location of a house, a plot, even an entire neighborhood is of no small importance, and when locating your house or landscaping it, you need to adhere to the rules of Feng Shui, you need to protect the house with the help of the four celestial animals. It is these animals that comprise the 28 constellations of the Chinese zodiac circle. It is believed that by arranging a house in the likeness and celestial location, one can get closer to the celestial ideal, as well as establish powerful protection for the four celestial animals.
The fact is that when choosing a place to build a house, Feng Shui masters necessarily paid attention to some details, without which the Feng Shui of the house would become incomplete, and the luck that should accompany the family of its owner would be absent, despite all the tricks for arranging the interior decoration .

According to Feng Shui masters, every home should have a turtle in the north, a dragon in the east, a tiger in the west and a phoenix in the south. In modern conditions it should look something like this:
-Crimson Phoenix located right in front of the house, opposite the front door, this is an open space in front of the house. That is, a playground, a lawn, or just a vacant lot. If there are smoothly flowing streams of water (or a road) nearby, then the feng shui of such a house will be close to ideal! Ideally, Phoenix should be in the south, but this is not necessary. This should be a fairly large open space, a lawn, on which you can make a special small earthen mound or simply place a small bench. Phoenix in Feng Shui means an impeccable reputation and supreme power.
-Green Dragon patronizes the East. The dragon is generally the favorite sacred animal of the Chinese. Not a single celebration is complete without it. The Dragon is associated with change, growth, profit, and heavenly protection. The presence of the Green Dragon contributes to the accumulation of wealth, the well-being of residents, and a life of prosperity and honor. This could be some kind of elevation, perhaps a neighboring house.
-White Tiger, living in the West, symbolizes protection. But the protection is not heavenly, which the Dragon provides, but earthly. This could be some kind of hill or just a house, and their height must be lower than the height of the green dragon. If it is still higher, then you will have to resort to means of correction.
The absence of the White Tiger in the landscape near the housing greatly affects the events happening to the residents. They are haunted by a feeling of vulnerability and insecurity. They are constantly faced with some kind of trouble, obstacles arise even in very simple matters. Therefore, if there is no Tiger, then it must be “created”!
-Black Turtle- this is wisdom and longevity, its place is behind the house in the north, but not necessary, it gives the residents of the house support and help. It could be some kind of hill or just a tall house that will be located behind yours. The absence of a Turtle is the most negative factor for the Feng Shui of a plot of land. Without it, the residents of the house are in complete “stagnation”. Despair lives in such houses, lack of hope and illness.
The turtle can protect against the effects of external negative forms. For example, outside your window there are pipes from a factory, a cemetery, a garbage dump, or an acute corner of another building, or a road throwing poisonous arrows or other harmful Sha in your direction.
So, if you find out that the Black Turtle is missing from your site, be sure to create it! The Black Turtle can be "created" by planting trees or placing a turtle statue behind the house. For protection, the turtle is placed with its head in the direction of the negative object, and it must be black.
The talisman must be activated. The turtle loves water and green grass, so to enhance the work of the talisman it would be appropriate to place some vegetation and a container of water next to it.
Few people know that you can make your own talisman yourself, by cutting it out of a magazine or newspaper, or simply drawing it on a piece of paper. If you draw a blue triangle on its shell, then the turtle, according to Feng Shui, will symbolize water. You can place a photo in the center of the triangle. It is advisable to place this symbol in the north of the room, raising your head up, then you can expect a takeoff in business or career. In addition, it is very easy to schematically depict a turtle on other Chinese Feng Shui talisman objects, which will mutually enhance the action of both.
Today I will be landscaping the area around a residential building. This is a barracks (one-story dormitory), a post-war building; our barracks were built by captured Germans. The windows of my son’s room face north, the view from the point of view of Feng Shui is very unfavorable - a garbage dump, a public toilet, a swamp, behind it is a city dump. I started decorating this area last fall by creating a small rock garden.

I planted sea buckthorn under the windows; it has thorns, which creates protection from unfavorable factors and blocks the unfavorable view from the window. To activate sea buckthorn as a talisman, I used ritual ribbons - this is an ancient custom of our Slavic ancestors. Rituals with ribbons involve appealing to two elements - Air and Mother Earth. The wind, as a manifestation of the element of Air, helps widely spread a personal request as a prayer throughout the world; the tree on which the ritual ribbon is tied provides the emotional desire with the power of growth and development, allowing it to “take root” in the material world.
Ribbons can be used both at home (in this case, they are placed in the appropriate sector, or tied next to a talisman-deity or a figurine of the guardian of the house, house-elf) or outside (you can tie a ribbon to a tree branch, asking the Universe for help in fulfilling your desires ).
The desire should be formulated briefly and clearly; when tying the ribbon, you can imagine how what you are striving for has already come true.
In this case, it is better to repeat the request to yourself or out loud, or write directly on the tape. The brighter the imaginary image, the better.

I also planted Jerusalem artichoke, a weed plant, not very demanding, tall and blooming with yellow flowers. It symbolizes career growth, financial well-being and serves as a natural fence from the outside world.
At the very top of the window frame I placed a very powerful magical talisman, the Mirror of Boga. It must be used with caution, and under no circumstances should you look into this mirror, which is why it hangs very high.
You need to hang such a talisman OUTSIDE the house and make sure that it does not harm anyone. Under no circumstances use this talisman inside a living or working space, in a car, or if there are people living opposite it (I repeat this consciously to prevent trouble). It can only be used in extreme cases. If you doubt that you need this particular instrument, it is better to use alternative ones with a softer effect and harmless to others: wind chimes, live plants in pots, crystal balls, and other magical symbols.
Feng Shui does not like haste, everything has its time. Therefore, having landscaped the landscape that year, I kind of made a creative “sketch” for the next work. Over the course of the year, I became convinced that the correction of the northern zone was successful, and therefore we can continue with its improvement.
Remember the main rule - if you design one zone according to Feng Shui, forget about it, don’t constantly think whether the talismans work or not, don’t interfere with the energy’s work.
Materials and tools:
- stones large and small;
-sand, cement, water;
-a bucket for mixing cement mortar;
-Master OK;
-2 mayonnaise buckets (container for measuring cement, sand and water);
-perforator and mixer for concrete;
- jigsaw or knife (for trimming a tire);
-white water-based paint for exterior work, half a liter is enough;
-gouache, brushes;
- acrylic varnish in an aerosol can;

- an old pool (you can use a thick film), its area should be larger than the circumference of the tire, so that the tire can be wrapped in it;
- a tire, in which we cut out the excess surface of the circle with a jigsaw to create a larger area for the future pond;
Cement mortar(4 construction buckets for the entire sculpture) is done in a ratio of 1:4. That is, for 1 bucket (mayonnaise) of cement you will need 4 buckets of sand. The sand should be sifted, or simply by hand, and that’s exactly what I did, remove large stones, sift the sand through your fingers. A construction bucket requires 2 buckets of cement, 8 buckets of sand and 2.5 buckets of water. When all the ingredients are poured into the container, they must be mixed using a hammer drill with a concrete mixer screwed into it, literally 7-10 minutes, until smooth.

Progress of the master class:

First of all, we need to decide on the place where we will place the turtle. We place the cut tire in the chosen place and trace its contours with a shovel.

Then in this place we need to remove the top layer of earth, about ten centimeters, to deepen the tire.

In the center of the circle we make a larger depression, creating a larger reservoir for water.

We wrap the tire in film, in my case it is an old swimming pool, and install it in the prepared place. To ensure that the film holds its shape, we will place a stone on the bottom of the future pond.

It's time to build the sculpture. Let's start with the turtle's head. We select the desired stone and place it on another smaller one, so that the turtle’s head looks up and is above the shell. You can also install temporary support under the head made of stone or brick.

Then we select stones for the paws and tail of the turtle. We place them in the right places and use other smaller stones to lay out the circumference of the shell.

Next, in order to save consumable materials, we compact the distance between the stones and the tire with an additional layer of sand.

Now you can make cement mortar. The main thing is to thoroughly wet the stones and sand of your sculpture before working with cement. This is necessary for good adhesion of materials to cement.
We start laying cement from the middle of the pond, replacing the stone with cement. I work with my hands, I love to feel the material, we remember our childhood when we sculpted porridge from sand and water. Slap the cement mortar with your hands; its thickness should be approximately 3 centimeters.

When the entire bottom of the future reservoir has been covered with cement, we begin to work with small stones. We lay out the pebbles from the middle, the deepest part of the reservoir; they only need to be lightly pressed into the cement.

Then we need to line the side slopes of the mini pond with stones.

We select stones, preferably so that they correspond to the size of the slope. Here you will need more cement mortar, lay out the cement and the stone on top of it, so around the circumference.

All we have to do is line the outer part of the shell with stones. We wet the sand with water, lay out cement, and stones on it. Don’t forget to add cement mortar to the area of ​​the turtle’s neck and head, as when sculpting with plasticine, we connect the parts.

We lay out a mosaic of stones.

Well, this is how the turtle sculpture turned out. Now the cement mortar needs to be allowed to dry, this will take a day. The weather in summer is unpredictable, it can rain, so it is better to cover the structure with film until it dries completely.

You can paint such sculptures with oil paints, acrylic paints, paints in aerosol cans are perfect for stone. I prefer gouache and varnish. I draw a lot with gouache with children; in the process of work, colors such as black, ocher, and brown often remain unused. I give the paints a new life, soak them in water, remove the mold and move on to beauty.
So, we paint the cement spaces between the stones on the outside of the shell with ocher.

We will not paint the part of the sculpture where water is supposed to be used; we will leave the stone in its natural beauty. We will decorate the paws, tail and lower part of the turtle’s head with green gouache.

We will paint the shell stones black.

Now we use water-based paint for exterior work. We paint the turtle's head white, the lower part remains green. Draw white spots on the paws and tail.

Using ocher we draw the eyes and nose.

Moshkina Galina

Master Class"Paper sea turtle"

Ours is walking turtle.

She is without a dress or shirt.

Of course she's wearing a shell

It's hard to go dancing in it,

well, she is not discouraged

He's quietly coming to visit us!

IN master class step-by-step instructions for making crafts from paper. The material is suitable for working with preparatory group children, teachers and parents.

Material:white paper or cardboard, stapler, scissors, pencil, felt-tip pens or colored pencils.

1. On a dense paper or cardboard draw an outline turtles and cut it out.

2. From the tail to the center of the shell, make an incision and then apply a pattern to the shell with a simple pencil.

3. Coloring turtle colored pencils or felt-tip pens.

4. Take the painted one turtle in the incision areas, fold it so that one tail lies on top of the other and secure it with a stapler or glue. This will give the shell volume.

5. The turtle is ready!

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"Maslenitsa" made of paper (master class) Necessary materials and tools: Colored paper or printer paper - 2 sheets.

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The voluminous paper turtle consists of a simple flat body and an impressive shell made from circles of colored paper. The craft is not at all difficult to make, because the main part of the work is cutting out circles from paper.

Materials used:

  • Double-sided colored cardboard;
  • Double-sided colored paper;
  • White paper;
  • Scissors, compasses, markers, glue stick.

Volumetric paper turtle step by step

Making a shell

At the first stage you need to make a beautiful three-dimensional shell. It consists of 12 circles. Cut them out of paper. You can make the shell multi-colored and cut out circles of two or more colors; a single color is also beautiful. The diameter of the circle is arbitrary, but I don’t recommend making it less than 2 cm, since the turtle will turn out to be very small, and the work itself will be more difficult.

Fold the circle in half.

Then again to make a quarter. At the top of one of the sides (where the cross is shown), spread glue and glue the sides together. Gluing only in the upper part will ensure a beautiful opening of the shell from below.

Make quarters like this from all 12 circles.

Now they need to be glued together, but in a certain form and order. Look at the quarter. If you place it on the surface at a right angle, the lower part will seem to bifurcate. This is the position in which you need to glue all the quarters: single corners to single corners, and bifurcating parts to the same ones. Glue also needs to be applied only in the upper part, where shown with a cross.

Glue all the quarters together, alternating colors if you also have more than one.

Then apply glue to the last sides and close the circle. You will get a beautiful voluminous shell.

Exactly the same technique is used in, and.

Making a turtle body

Cut a circle out of cardboard, the diameter of which is equal to the circles on the shell. Also cut three strips from the same cardboard, two identical for the paws, and the third a little thicker, from which the head will be made. Also cut out two circles for the eyes from white paper and use a felt-tip pen to draw a pupil in the middle.

Glue two thin strips in a crisscross pattern onto the cardboard circle.

Then fold the thicker strip in half and glue the ends together. You will get some semblance of a thick loop. Glue it between the two paw stripes and press down a little.

Apply glue within the circle with the paws and glue the volumetric shell to it.

If necessary, make the paws shorter and draw patterns on them, glue the eyes to the head, draw a smile. The volumetric paper turtle is ready.