Tea for lactation: the best drinks and rules for their use. Which tea is best to choose to increase lactation? Lactation tea composition

As you know, the main and most beneficial form of nutrition for a newborn is breast milk. It is this kind of feeding that will make the child’s body healthy and the immune system strong. However, recently women are increasingly faced with a decrease in the amount of milk in their breasts. This problem may be associated with the physiological characteristics of the mother or with temporary crises. In any case, it is possible to restore lactation, the main thing is to correctly follow the recommendations of specialists.

Symptoms of low milk supply

The main signs of lactation disturbance are a significant underweight of the baby during the reporting period (the first month of life) and constant restlessness of the baby. In cases of acute shortage of breast milk, newborns may experience a decrease in urine volume. In the first weeks of life, the child secretes fluid 8 to 12 times a day. If a mother notices a lack of milk, her baby will urinate 3-5 times, with a pale yellow liquid.

At first, soy dry mixtures, natural juices, various decoctions and teas, and vitamin complexes will help restore the lactation process. Doctors often prescribe bioactive supplements based on bee honey. On the other hand, none of the above methods will help if a woman has developed hypogalactia. If this disease is detected, further feeding must be stopped immediately, otherwise it will very soon have a negative impact on both the newborn and his mother.

It is quite simple to make sure that the mammary glands do not produce enough milk. To do this, you need to determine its volume per day. Control weighing the child before and after feeding will help with this. At the end of the day, you should add up the indicators and derive a common denominator. If it is significantly less than normal, then it’s time to move on to prevention. It is worth remembering that the permitted limits for the daily amount of breast milk should be determined by the doctor individually for each woman, based on the examination.

It is also important not to forget that lactation failures are often associated with an infectious disease. In this case, feeding must be stopped until complete recovery.

Lactation crises

Every mother, even during pregnancy, worries about whether she will have enough milk to feed her child to the full. Often it is precisely because of such constant experiences that women drive themselves into difficult situations. Such stress often leads to a malfunction in the nervous system, hence the disruption of lactation. Fear of mothers is fueled by a disease such as hypogalactia. However, it is worth understanding that it occurs only in 5% of women. Moreover, it can be treated fairly quickly with safe medications. The main cause of hypogalactia is hormonal imbalance.

Most often, the lack of milk depends on third-party reasons, for example, poor nutrition, constant stress, physical activity, early introduction of dry formula, and scheduled feeding. Also, lactation disorders may be associated with the newborn’s infrequent attachment to the breast.

It’s another matter if the amount of milk began to decrease suddenly during an established feeding regimen. In this case, it is reasonable to talk about lactation crises. The reason is the constant increase in the baby’s appetite as he grows up. The mother's body does not always have time to adapt to such changes. This results in a temporary hormonal imbalance, which first affects breast milk. The duration of such crises does not exceed 4-5 days. Their frequency can be repeated for up to 8 months of feeding.

Selection of teas for lactation

Experts unanimously claim that it is possible to restore the optimal amount of breast milk with the help of boiled drinks. In fact, the most effective natural method of combating such problems is lactation tea. Which is better and more effective, each person chooses independently. For some, a decoction of fennel helps more, for others - with nettle, for others - with caraway seeds, etc.

In any case, tea to increase lactation must be based on herbs. It is the plant components that help restore the process of breast milk formation and tone the mother’s body. In parallel, lactation teas are also suitable for women suffering from postpartum constipation and flatulence.

Any such drink contains dozens of useful substances. As a result, they will contribute not only to filling the breast with milk, but also to additionally strengthen the baby’s body.

Benefits of teas for lactation

The production of milk in the mother's breast is entirely dependent on hormones. If this process is disrupted, warm herbal drinks will be very effective. Today there are special teas for lactation.

It's no secret that warm drinks create a sharp release of a hormone such as oxytocin. It is responsible for the rate at which breast milk flows out, making feeding the baby easier. However, we cannot talk about increasing the lactation process. Warm liquid does not increase the amount of milk. The chest will not be overfilled.

On the other hand, a large proportion of milk is water. That is why its volume depends on the amount of fluid in the mother’s body. As you know, lactation teas are quickly absorbed into tissues and blood, and excess components are easily excreted through the urinary tract. Each of the herbs in such drinks plays its role. Cumin helps improve the secretion of glands and often acts as an antispasmodic. Anise significantly increases milk volume. Fennel stimulates metabolism and calms the central nervous system.

There are teas for lactation that improve the elasticity of breast skin, for example based on nettle or lemon verbena. Hibiscus is a good anti-inflammatory agent. Melissa helps with sleep and digestion disorders.

The most popular teas

It is recommended to purchase herbal teas from well-known manufacturers, since in large companies the products undergo careful laboratory control. Eco-friendly teas will never harm the health of the mother and her child. In addition, there are no allergic reactions from high-quality decoctions.

Hipp is a tea for increasing lactation, which is known throughout the world for its effective action. It contains lemon balm, cumin, anise, glucose, nettle, fennel and many other beneficial herbs. It is important that it does not contain flavors or other artificial additives.

Humana is another effective lactation tea. Reviews show that Humana has a pleasant taste and aroma. Tea does not cause allergies as it does not contain dyes. In addition, this drink contains more antioxidants than green tea.

“Nestik” is popular in Russia. This tea contains lactose, glucose, nettle, rosehip, chamomile and galega. In this case, low cost does not indicate poor quality of the product.

Leros tea is rich in herbs with anti-inflammatory effects. The composition, in addition to lemon balm and caraway, includes plantain, golden rod, galega and fennel.

Hipp is the best seller

Hipp tea for lactation is rightfully considered the most effective natural remedy for nursing mothers. A full course of taking the drink helps not only increase the amount of milk, but also make the breasts more elastic.

The original Hipp tea for lactation is presented in the form of white granules that quickly dissolve in water. Natural components together constitute a powerful tool for normalizing the functioning of the organisms of the mother and her baby. Hipp is a tea that increases milk flow, improves milk flow, saturates it with useful substances, calms the central nervous system and strengthens blood vessels.

It is worth noting that the product does not contain genetically modified elements, preservatives, sugar or starch. For one serving, a decoction of two tablespoons of granules per 1 glass of water is sufficient. Serve warm (not boiling water). It is important to drink only fresh lactation tea before each feeding.

The price of a Hipp package is about 250 rubles.

Tea at home

You can prepare a high-quality and effective decoction yourself. All you need is fresh dried herbs and a little effort.

The most popular is tea for increasing lactation based on honey and milk. Both products are added to boiling water along with regular black tea leaves. Used 3 to 5 times a day before feedings.

You can also add hawthorn tincture to the large-leaf decoction. This will make a very good tea for lactation. Proportions: 20 drops of extract per 200 ml of water.

In addition, decoctions of cumin, nettle, anise and dandelion root will be effective.

The most effective folk recipes

It has long been believed that fennel decoction helps both young mothers and their newborns. The so-called dill tea increases the formation of breast milk and at the same time relieves babies from colic. For one and a half liters of boiling water, take 1 tbsp. spoon of fennel. You can add some cumin seeds to the decoction. The result is a very tasty and fragrant tea for lactation. Reviews from nursing mothers prove that after regularly taking the drink, their babies get full faster and suffer less from digestive problems.

Chamomile decoction is also considered very effective. For 1 tbsp. A spoonful of inflorescences goes to 1 cup of boiling water. The broth is prepared for 15 minutes. It should be consumed slightly cooled in small sips. It is worth noting that chamomile can cause allergies in children. Therefore, this tea for lactation is not recommended for everyone.

Which decoction is really better? No expert can answer this question. Each of the teas can have a different effect on the organisms of the mother and her baby.

1. To increase milk flow, you should frequently put your baby to the breast.

2. Night feeding must be done.

3. It is important to wear a wool bra. It will simultaneously warm the chest and relax the glands.

4. After each feeding, it is worth expressing the milk completely, if there is any left.

After giving birth, women are faced with the question of what to do to increase lactation? Often young mothers face similar problems. Sometimes the woman herself plays a big role in the lack of milk, because she does not know how to properly attach the baby to the breast or how to eat. After giving birth, many mothers are afraid for their figure and begin to go on strict diets, which is absolutely not allowed. Proper nutrition and drinking plenty of fluids can correct the lack of milk, but sometimes this is not even enough.

When attempts are exhausted, young mothers turn to a doctor for help. Your doctor may recommend special foods for breast milk production or try lactation tea.

When is lactation tea necessary?

Experts say that you should take tea to increase lactation in the following cases:

  • a woman, for certain reasons, stopped breastfeeding for a while (taking antibiotics);
  • the mother introduced formula feeding too early, either on her own initiative or on the advice of experienced mothers. In this case, tea for nursing mothers can restore lactation;
  • lack of milk. In addition to drinking, the woman is prescribed a massage of the mammary glands, corrected nutrition and given advice on how to properly and often put the baby to the breast.

You shouldn’t just take the drink yourself. This has a harmful effect on the body, congestion in the chest (mastitis) may occur, or the baby may develop colic and bloating.

Tea for lactation: popular types

Any warm drink causes the release of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for increasing the rate of milk flow from the breast, so it is easier to feed the baby after drinking. At the same time, the breast itself does not become full and the amount of milk does not increase.

A nursing woman's breast milk consists mainly of water; you should try to drink plenty of fluids. Warm, abundant drinking promotes the production of the hormone prolactin, which affects the secretion of milk and increases its volume. If the baby is put to the breast more often, the woman will recover faster. Oxytocin is produced, which affects the contraction of the uterus (during childbirth, this hormone helps the uterus open).

Many beneficial herbs help increase milk flow. Tea for nursing mothers solves stomach problems in children, soothes them, and strengthens the immune system.

Making tea at home

You can prepare a lactogenic drink yourself at home. The seeds of plants and herbs needed for brewing can be purchased at the pharmacy. Drinking regular black tea with milk is not beneficial during lactation. It does not affect the volume of breast milk in any way, but may have a bad effect on the quality. Cow's milk contains protein, which small children cannot digest due to their immature digestive system, and the child may develop allergies.

Types of herbal infusion

If you don’t have a herbal mixture on hand or don’t have enough money to buy tea for lactation, then you can drink regular green. This drink increases breast milk production. If you take a little warm drink with milk before feeding the baby, then you don’t have to worry about the flush; it will be in the required amount for feeding the baby.

This drink is very good for health. It contains antioxidants that help fight various diseases and reduce mortality rates. The composition includes epigallocatechin gallate, which blocks the action of an enzyme necessary for the division of cancer cells. The leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals that strengthen the body's own defenses. To prevent milk loss, green tea should be taken by nursing mothers. It should be noted that black tea, unlike green tea, does not have such beneficial properties. This drink contains 2-3 times more caffeine; it lacks antioxidants due to heat treatment. Many argue that black is healthier, but in practice, priority should be given to the green drink.

How to check whether your baby has enough milk or not?

Women sometimes sound the alarm in vain, thinking that the baby is not getting enough to eat or there is less milk supply.

  • the mother manages to express a small amount of milk;
  • the chest does not fill well, a feeling of emptiness;
  • chest congestion disappeared after drinking heavily;
  • The child is capricious and asks for food more often.

The main criterion that the mother is doing well is the baby's weight gain. If in the first six months he gains more than 20 grams per day (500 grams per month), the mother can not worry and be sure that her child is well-fed. There is another way: you need to calculate how much the baby pees per day. A healthy child who does not experience problems with feeding usually pees up to 12 times a day. If all these conditions are met, there is no need to sound the alarm about a lack of milk. When a child is capricious, it is better to visit your local pediatrician.

It is important to remember that only a doctor can prescribe special tea, since the drink in this case causes the exact opposite effect. Some types of drinks contain herbs that can arouse allergies in a child.

The process of lactation in the mother's body is mainly regulated by two hormones: prolactin and oxytocin. Moreover, the first of them is responsible for the formation of breast milk, and the second is for its release. The level of these hormones increases under the influence of the baby's sucking of the mammary glands. Such actions of the child irritate special mechanical receptors. The main recommendations for establishing lactation are: putting the baby to the breast frequently, increasing the duration of each feeding.

It is also necessary to eat well and not get sick.

Already six to eight days after birth, the volume of milk produced reaches 600–700 ml, and by the fourth to fifth month it stabilizes at 1000–1200 ml. Therefore, a necessary condition for the formation of nutrient fluid is to ensure plenty of drinking (at least one liter per day) in the form of water, fruit drinks, compotes, juices, teas throughout the entire period of lactation.

Drinking plenty of warm water is one of the conditions for stable lactation

The vast majority of breastfeeding experts recommend drinking warm drinks before and after feeding if breast milk production is insufficient. This provides the mother with additional fluid and improves blood circulation, which promotes lactation. Such a drink can be black or green tea with milk, which tones blood vessels, improves intestinal activity, and enhances metabolism.

Therapy for secondary hypogalactia involves: proper diet for the nursing mother, additional fluid intake before and after breastfeeding, and adherence to regular routines.

R.A. Fayzullina, E.A. Samorodnova

"Nutrition of young children"

But drinking plenty of water does not directly affect the secretory function of the mammary glands. Therefore, both in official and folk medicine, teas prepared on the basis of lactogonic herbs are used.

  • Such plants include:
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • caraway;
  • oregano;
  • Melissa;
  • nettle;
  • galega;
  • fenugreek;
  • meadow lumbago;

sacred vitex.

Fennel fruits are used in most lactogenic drinks

Safety of lactogenic herbs The global medical community is divided on the effectiveness and safety of these herbs. On the market for medicines that increase breast milk production, there are many mixtures, tablets, and teas that contain lactogenic plants. Moreover, such products are produced both in Russia and in Europe and the USA. Most books on breastfeeding recommend herbal lactogonics.

But the fact is that large-scale studies have not been conducted on the effect of these plants on mother and child, although manufacturers note the effectiveness of their products. In a general approach, the popular online guide to drug compatibility with breastfeeding places herbal teas in the group of drugs with a medium possible risk. Many doctors are also skeptical about the advertised therapeutic effect of increasing lactation from the use of these drinks. Therefore, the lactogenic effect of these herbs is considered unproven, although some mothers note their positive effects.

Table: comparative characteristics of herbs that increase lactationImpact on the bodyLimitations in use
Security by reference
  • Fennel
  • choleretic;
  • laxative;
  • expectorant;
  • sedative;
  • wound healing.
  • individual intolerance;
  • with caution in small doses when breastfeeding;
epileptic seizures.
High risk
  • Anise
  • antispasmodic;
  • carminative;
  • antiseptic;
  • laxative.
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
increased acidity.
Medium risk
  • Fennel
  • carminative;
  • Caraway
  • anthelmintic;
  • bactericidal;
  • sedative;
  • antispasmodic.
  • gastritis;
  • increased acidity;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • diabetes;
cardiac ischemia.
Low risk
  • Oregano
  • tonic the smooth muscles of the uterus;
  • normalizing hormonal disorders in women;
  • soothing;
expectorant.increased acidity.
  • bactericidal;
  • Melissa
  • Anise
  • antidepressant;
  • antiviral;
immunomodulatory.cardiac ischemia.
Arterial hypertension.
  • Fennel
  • Nettle
  • diuretic;
  • anticonvulsant;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • blood purifying.
  • arterial hypertension;
  • atherosclerosis;
No data
  • Nettle
  • anthelmintic;
  • antibacterial;
  • lowering blood sugar.
  • hypertension;
  • hypotension.
epileptic seizures.
  • lowering blood sugar levels;
  • antioxidant;
  • wound healing;
  • choleretic.
Meadow lumbago
  • Nettle
  • anthelmintic;
  • laxative;
  • bactericidal;
  • painkiller.
  • antispasmodic.
  • severe kidney disease;
  • In general, it is not recommended during breastfeeding.
No data
Vitex Sacred.
  • normalizing the balance of sex hormones;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • sedative.
Individual intolerance.epileptic seizures.

Popular teas for nursing mothers

The advantage of ready-made lactogonic teas is that the manufacturer more or less follows the composition and dosage so as not to harm the mother and child. An overdose of lactation-stimulating herbs can lead to the opposite effect, cause allergies, and worsen health.

Based on market offers and reviews on the Internet, the most popular teas for increasing lactation are:

  • Hipp;
  • Humana;
  • Bebivita;
  • Grandma's basket;
  • Lactaphytol.

Slightly less known are such teas as Mom's tea, Veleda, Fleur alpin, Matushka, Gaia, Florina.


This drink contains: anise, fennel, cumin, nettle, lemon balm, galega. The standard package (jar) contains 200 g of granules. Hipp tea is also available in the form of bags. To prepare a glass of tea you need two teaspoons of granules or one bag. The manufacturer reports that the product does not contain GMOs, dyes, preservatives, or gluten. It is recommended to drink two to four cups per day.


Tea composition: hibiscus, ascorbic acid, blackberry, raspberry, fennel, verbena, fenugreek. To prepare the drink, just brew one teaspoon of granulate in a glass of boiling water. The package contains 200 g of product, which does not contain harmful additives. You need to drink three cups of drink per day.


Bebivita tea for nursing mothers is made from fennel, cumin and anise. Available in the form of granules and tea bags. The manufacturer recommends preparing a glass of tea using four teaspoons of granules or one bag. The manufacturer recommends drinking three to six cups per day.

Grandma's basket

This tea comes in two types. The first contains anise, fennel, nettle, cumin, lemon balm. The second contains the same ingredients, but instead of anise, rose hips. Rosehip replenishes vitamin C deficiency, thereby strengthening the immune system. The tea is packaged 1 g in twenty bags. It should be drunk 20–30 minutes before each feeding.


Lactaphytol tea contains fennel, cumin, anise, and nettle. According to the manufacturer, this drink can increase a mother's milk supply by up to 45%. The drug is available in the form of filter bags. To brew tea, you need to pour one or two bags of 200 ml of boiling water. Then the resulting drink is infused for 15–20 minutes. You need to drink 100 ml twice a day with meals.

Mom's tea

Mom's tea is made from fennel, aromatic dill, anise and oregano. The drug is available in the form of filter bags. There are twenty of them in one paper package. A nursing mother should drink one glass of the drink twice a day during meals.


This tea is a mixture of the following plants: fenugreek, anise, fennel, cumin, verbena. There are twenty packets per package. It is recommended to drink three glasses of tea per day.

Fleur alpine

Fleur alpine contains galega, lemon balm, nettle, peppermint, fennel. It is recommended to drink this tea three times a day with meals.


Tea composition: galega, blackcurrant leaves, fennel, nettle, cumin, mint. The package contains thirty sachets. To prepare, you need to brew one packet and drink 100 ml of the decoction with meals twice a day.

Gaia Herbs

Gaia Herbs tea contains the following plants: fennel, galega, lemon balm, fenugreek, marshmallow. The package offers sixteen tea bags. It is recommended to drink one cup of the drink per day.


This tea contains a number of plants: chamomile, St. John's wort, yarrow, lemon balm, fennel, oregano, thyme, mint. It can be drunk chilled.

Table: popular teas to increase breast milk supply

Photo: lactogenic teas

Hipp tea for nursing mothers can be taken from the first day of lactation
Humana tea for nursing mothers increases breast milk production
Bebivita tea for nursing mothers helps overcome lactation crises
Lactaphytol tea increases breast milk volume by 45%
Mom's tea increases breast milk production in lactating women
Weleda tea helps increase lactation
Fleur alpin tea for nursing mothers is designed to increase the amount of breast milk
It is enough to drink one cup of Gaia Herbs tea to increase lactation
Tea for nursing mothers is available in two types: with anise or rosehip.
Lactogonic tea Matushka is made from herbs collected in ecologically clean areas of Altai

Folk recipes

If a nursing woman has experience in using herbs, then she can prepare herbal lactogenic tea from various herbs on her own.

Collection 1

Mix crushed anise and fennel fruits in a one to one ratio. Take one teaspoon of the mixture and pour a glass of boiling water. After twenty minutes, the broth will infuse and can be consumed. You need to drink 200 ml three times a day.

Collection 2

Take one part anise fruit, two parts lemon balm leaves and four parts fennel fruit. Pour one teaspoon of the mixture into 200 ml of boiling water. Drink a glass two to three times a day.

Collection 3

A mixture of anise fruits, caraway seeds, dandelion roots, and nettles is used. All components are taken in equal parts. A glass of boiling water is poured into one teaspoon of this collection. You need to consume 200 ml per day two to three times a day.

Tea with milk

One of the popular drinks to increase lactation is tea with milk. Its effectiveness has also not been proven by fundamental research, like decoctions with lactogonic herbs. Some experts even recommend not drinking tea at all while breastfeeding on the grounds that it contains an alkaloid such as caffeine. In large quantities, caffeine can cause overstimulation of the nervous system. This drink is obtained by brewing a pre-processed tea bush (Camellia sinensis).

Tea with milk provides additional fluid to the mother's body and tones it, which increases breast milk production

The Electronic Drug Compatibility Guide for Breastfeeding indicates a low risk of drinking tea. It is noted that only drinking more than 4-5 cups a day of strong drink can cause excessive nervousness and irritability in the baby. The experience of our family, relatives and friends shows that tea with milk is as effective as, if not superior to, conventional lactogenic drinks. Moreover, you can drink up to four to five cups a day completely safely. The drink is diluted by a third with milk, so the daily dose of caffeine has only a slight tonic effect. And milk compensates for the deficiency of B vitamins, calcium and phosphorus.

Tea with milk has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the mother's body. Improves blood circulation, stimulates respiratory activity, normalizes digestion, enhances metabolism. To increase lactation, it is enough to drink three to four cups of drink a day, and it is better to do this immediately before feeding. After giving birth, my wife alternated drinking black and green teas. At the same time, lactation was always stable. Just don't drink tea at night, as it can disturb your sleep. It should be consumed freshly prepared and warm. When purchasing, it is better to choose a product in the mid-price category, since there are many fakes on the market made from low-quality raw materials.

Rules for drinking tea while breastfeeding

In order for lactogenic teas to benefit a nursing mother, several rules for their use must be followed:

  • Before use, you should consult your doctor;
  • they should be used only in cases of persistent insufficient lactation as an adjuvant;
  • to achieve a stable therapeutic effect, long-term use of these drinks is necessary (7–14 days);
  • You cannot drink the same tea for more than two weeks, you need to take a break or replace it with another;
  • it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommended dosage, since exceeding it can lead to an allergic reaction in mother and child;
  • If skin rashes, bowel movements, headaches, or fever appear, you should stop taking tea and consult a doctor;
  • try to drink tea 15–20 minutes before feeding.

Video: difference between green and black tea, benefits and harms

One of the most important tasks of a nursing mother is to maintain the production of the required amount of breast milk for as long as possible. To achieve this goal, breastfeeding experts recommend looking at lactation tea. A correctly chosen lactogenic drink not only helps to increase lactation, but also improves the composition of breast milk. Read our article on how to choose the optimal composition of tea.

Lactation is the natural physiological process of producing mother's milk to feed a baby from the moment of birth.

For a child to be healthy and develop well, adequate nutrition is necessary. For newborns, the main product supplying valuable microelements is breast milk.

If the mother’s body produces insufficient volume, the diet is adjusted and lactogonic agents are used - teas that stimulate lactation.

To determine which tea is better, you need to pay attention to its composition. First of all, it must contain natural ingredients, the use of which will not harm the health of the mother and baby.

In addition, it is important that the substances in the tea have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, blood purifying properties and do not cause allergic reactions in the mother.

Main components of lactogenic drinks

Most often, preference is given to those teas that contain herbs.

However, before using them, you should take into account the properties of each type of plant and their possible effect on the body:

  • Fennel. Helps strengthen the immune system, stimulates the secretion of glands, removes toxins. Long-term use may cause the child to develop allergies.
  • Dill. Increases lactation, relieves spasms, has a carminative effect, soothes, and has an analgesic effect. Does not cause adverse reactions.
  • Caraway. Contains large amounts of phosphorus, calcium and iron. Provides a lactogenic effect. Reduces the likelihood of intestinal colic in an infant. Increases hemoglobin.
  • Ginger. Has lactogenic properties. Strengthens the immune system, reduces blood glucose levels, increases blood pressure, improves digestion and metabolism, and has disinfecting properties. Not recommended for use for gastrointestinal ulcers. May increase the baby's excitability or cause allergies.
  • Galega. Contains the alkaloid galegin, which helps increase the secretion of breast milk. Has diaphoretic and diuretic properties.
  • Horse chestnut. Reduces blood viscosity, improves blood circulation. Has an anti-inflammatory effect and relieves swelling. Removes excess cholesterol. Kills bacteria, relieves spasms, helps digestion.

In addition, to increase lactation, experts recommend paying attention to rosemary, basil, kelp, lemon balm, nettle and anise.

The use of lactogenic agents is beneficial only if the rules of breastfeeding are followed.

Popular teas for nursing mothers: description, composition and characteristics

The problem of insufficient milk production has always existed. But if in previous times nursing mothers were forced to independently select the base for preparing lactogenic drinks, today baby food manufacturers have taken care of this.

The range of modern lactogenic agents is rich and varied.


Hipp tea for lactation is a tasty and effective remedy for nursing mothers. Available in the form of light, instant granules. Country of origin: Germany.

The main components of the mixture for preparing a lactogenic drink are medicinal herbs:

  • fennel;
  • nettle extract;
  • galega grass;
  • lemon balm herb;
  • anise;
  • fennel;
  • as well as sweeteners: dextrose and maltodextrin.

Thanks to natural lemongrass flavoring, Hipp drink has a pleasant lemon taste. Drinking tea helps not only to improve breastfeeding, but also to provide the baby’s body with valuable biologically active substances.

Preparation of Hipp tea: pour two teaspoons of granules with half a glass of warm boiled water.


A popular and effective drink from Germany is Humana tea to improve lactation.

Available in the form of granules based on plant extracts:

  • fenugreek;
  • fennel;
  • hibiscus;
  • galegas;
  • verbena;
  • blackberries;
  • shepherd's purse;
  • raspberry leaves.

Does not contain sugar or lactose. One can of tea weighing 200 g is enough to prepare 40 servings of the drink.

Drinking Humana tea normalizes sleep, improves digestion and even improves mood.

Method of preparation: pour a teaspoon of granules with hot drinking water.


Nestik tea will help solve the problem of lactation crisis quickly and effectively. This is an instant drink created on the basis of plant extracts of chamomile, galega, rose hips and nettle. Also contains lactose and glucose. Provides a calming effect. It has a relatively affordable price.

Grandma's basket

One of the popular means for increasing lactation is “Grandma’s Basket”. The manufacturer is the Russian company Sivma, familiar to many mothers for other types of products for infants (infant formula, juices, purees).

“Babushkino Lukoshko” tea is produced in the form of filter bags containing rose hips or anise. Nettle leaves, fennel, lemon balm and cumin are used as additional components of the drink.

For one serving of tea, it is enough to brew one filter bag. The recommended daily dose is two to three servings.


The list of the most effective means for increasing lactation includes “Laktavit” tea, created by the Russian company of the same name. The basis for the production of the drink was the development of scientists from the Angarsk Institute of Medical and Biological Problems.

A phytodrink based on anise fruits, nettle leaves, fennel and caraway seeds is available in the form of disposable filter bags. The recommended dosage of Laktovit tea is two servings per day.


Lactogonic tea “Laktafitol” produced by the Russian company “Krasnogorskleksredstva” is also one of the most popular drugs for increasing milk production in nursing mothers.

The product contains extracts from:

  • fennel;
  • nettle;
  • anise;
  • dill;
  • cumin.

One package of Lactaphytol contains 20 disposable filter bags, which corresponds to the recommended course of intake - one bag per day for three weeks.

Method of preparation: brew a tea bag with a glass of boiling water and take half a glass twice a day.


Lactogonic tea "Leros" is classified as a drink of average effectiveness. The collection contains medicinal herbs: lemon balm, galega, fennel, plantain, cumin, golden rod. Available in the form of disposable filter bags without markings or labels.


Bebivita tea is intended to increase lactation in nursing mothers. Available in the form of granules and disposable filter bags.

The contents of tea bags include fruits and leaves:

  • rosehip;
  • hawthorn;
  • coriander;
  • chokeberry;
  • nettle;
  • lemon balm;
  • rose petals

Bebivit granules contain extracts of natural herbs: anise, caraway, lemon balm and fennel. Natural flavoring - lemon grass. Additional components are grape sugar and maltodextrin.

Method of preparation: take four teaspoons of granules or one filter bag for one glass of boiling water. The daily norm is from three to six cups of tea.

Daily consumption of the Bebivita drink is recommended from the last months of pregnancy.

Ivan tea during lactation

Due to its powerful healing potential, fireweed tea (angustifolia fireweed) is often used in folk medicine. The ability to enhance lactation is just one of the many healing properties of the plant.

By using fireweed during lactation, you can help your baby get rid of abdominal pain and colic. In addition, drinking the drink allows you to improve metabolic processes, stabilize the mother’s nervous system and remove waste and toxins from the body.

Method of preparation: dried leaves of the plant are passed through a meat grinder. To brew, pour boiling water over a teaspoon of plant material and leave for 20 minutes.

Milk tea for lactation: myths and reality

One of the most famous and popular drinks among nursing mothers is tea with milk. Despite the fact that drinking milk tea is an ancient method that was used by our great-grandmothers, doctors are not inclined to consider the drink particularly useful.

When giving preference to tea with milk, you should take into account its disadvantages:

  • The caffeine in the drink has a stimulating effect and can increase the load on the baby's nervous system.
  • Cow's milk often causes allergies and colic in infants.
  • Milkweed has a diuretic effect, increasing the need to urinate not only in the mother, but also in the baby. In addition, the removal of fluid from the mother's body helps reduce the volume of milk produced.

However, moderate consumption of the drink may be beneficial.

Tea with milk itself is not a lactogenic agent. But drinking a hot drink before feeding stimulates the flow of breast milk, improving the quality of feeding.

Milk tea also well replenishes the reserves of vitamins and minerals necessary for mother and baby, quenches thirst and gives strength.

How to make your own tea for lactation: recipes

If desired, a nursing mother can prepare a lactogenic drink herself. To do this, you need to know which plants to give preference to, then purchase them at the pharmacy and maintain the correct proportions when brewing.

Best recipes:

  • Fennel or dill tea. For one serving of water for a drink, take a tablespoon of seeds. Take without sugar throughout the day, in small sips.
  • Chamomile tea. A glass of boiling water and a spoonful of flowers are heated in a water bath for 15 minutes. The first portion of the drink is taken with caution, since chamomile can cause allergies.
  • Ginger tea. A pinch of crushed root is brewed with boiling water and left for a couple of minutes. To improve the taste, you can add honey and lemon, provided that the child is not allergic to these products.
  • Kalmyk tea jomba. Good quality green tea (30 g per half liter of water) is boiled for 20 minutes, cream (100 g) is added and brought to a boil. Then add a pinch of black pepper and salt, bay leaf, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves.

Breastfeeding mothers often worry whether their baby is getting enough breast milk. Any anxiety, crying or change in one’s own feelings can raise doubts in a woman’s ability to feed her child. A common solution in this situation is to drink lactation tea. Some mothers claim that this product really helped them increase their milk production. Others say the opposite. However, before introducing tea into your diet, it is worth understanding in detail its composition, risks and principle of action.

Sometimes, if there is a lack of breast milk, a woman may be advised to drink more fluids. This can be plain water, tea with milk, or special purchased “lactogonics” products. Of course, the water balance in the body of a nursing mother allows her to feel good. However, excessive fluid intake cannot affect the volume of breast milk. To check this fact, it’s worth delving a little deeper into the physiology of lactation.

The process of breast milk formation

During lactation, the concentration of certain hormones in the mother's blood increases. Prolactin is the main hormone that triggers milk production. Its formation is supported by frequent breastfeeding.

To ensure sufficient milk secretion, on average, it is necessary to latch on to the baby at least 12 times a day (including at night). Babies for the first three months are fed on demand. Due to frequent and prolonged sucking, the body of a nursing woman receives signals to form a new secretion.

The entire lactation process is based on two basic principles:

  1. the more often breast stimulation occurs, the higher milk production;
  2. the more secretion is excreted, the more abundantly it is produced.

Drinking cannot affect the volume of milk secretion. Even if you use tea for nursing mothers, but neglect the key conditions for successful breastfeeding, no positive changes will occur. But if a woman often feeds her baby and at the same time drinks, for example, tea with milk for lactation, she is unlikely to encounter a shortage of breast milk.

Evaluate the composition of "lactogon" products

Sometimes mothers decide that they need to drink tea for lactation, based on reviews from friends or experienced relatives. But you can come across quite contradictory opinions. Someone convinces that it was thanks to tea that milk increased. Others didn't notice any action. Still others felt the opposite effect. All these opinions have a strong flavor of personal experience. Therefore, every mother should study reliable information before drinking any tea to increase lactation.

The electronic reference book “E-lactation” can be considered a reliable source. It was created on the basis of the Spanish Association for the Support and Promotion of Breastfeeding (APILAM). The resource is available for study in English and Spanish. A standard translator or basic knowledge will make it easy to understand the essence of the text. If you enter the name of a plant or active substance in Latin into the search bar, the site will show the degree of risk of its use during lactation:

  • "0". Very low risk - very low;
  • "1". Low risk - low;
  • "2". High risk - high;
  • "3". Very high risk - very high.

Group zero implies full compatibility of the substance with breastfeeding. Components from the first category are also acceptable for a nursing mother and her baby. But you can choose a safer alternative from group “0”. Options “2” and “3” are not allowed during breastfeeding, as they carry high risks for mother and child. It is necessary to either replace them with more loyal substances, or interrupt feeding for a while.

Tea for lactation: main components and their safety

The composition of most lactation teas is approximately the same. It is worth talking separately about each of the components that most often form the basis of a “lactogony” drink. Security is assessed using the resource described above.

Table - Herbs, their properties and effect on lactation according to APILAM

Plant nameRisk level according to APILAMAPILAM comments
Security by reference2 - Contains neurotoxic essential oil (anethole), which can cause seizures;

- in significant quantities can lead to weakness, vomiting and hypotension in mother and child
High risk1 - Some components of the plant in high dosage can reduce milk production;
- may cause convulsions, coma, disruption of the structure or function of the nervous system;
- the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has banned anise for children under 12 years of age;
- ability to increase breast milk production has not been proven
Medium risk0 - Non-toxic;
- the effect on maternal milk production has not been studied
Hypersensitivity.0 - The degree of excretion (excretion) into human milk has not been studied;
- the herb is non-toxic only in small doses
Arterial hypertension.0 - Non-toxic;
- justified and moderate use during lactation is permitted;
- the degree of excretion into human milk has not been studied
Lemon verbena0 - Non-toxic;
- the effect on maternal milk production has not been studied;
- accidental or minimal penetration into the body of a nursing mother is considered acceptable
Fenugreek0 - Non-toxic;
- in moderate doses, compatible with breastfeeding;
- a positive effect on breast milk production has not been proven;
- exceeding the dosage is fraught with hypoglycemia, that is, low blood glucose levels
Goat's rue (galega)2 - Positive effects on breast milk production have not been proven;
- The German Federal Ministry of Health does not recognize the benefits of the plant and calls for it not to be used for medicinal purposes

Herbs, which are the basis of industrial "lactogon" drinks, have no proven positive effect on mother's milk. Moreover, some of them have a depressing effect on lactation. Although most of the plants reviewed are not toxic, dosages should be carefully selected. If a mother consciously plans to use such herbs, this should be done under the supervision of a doctor and pediatrician.

Review of popular drinks

Suppose a nursing mother consulted with a doctor and decided to try a purchased lactation product. The next step is to choose the right drink. Below is a review of popular “lactogonics” products.


Herbal tea from a domestic manufacturer - OJSC Krasnogorskleksredstva. The company says the drug can increase breast milk volume by 45%. However, it does not provide links to relevant studies.

It consists of a mixture of fennel fruits, anise, cumin and nettle leaves. The packaging of Lactaphytol lactation tea contains 20 filter bags, which, according to mothers’ reviews, are very convenient to brew. One or two packets must be infused in 200 ml of boiling water. The resulting solution is taken orally, half a glass twice a day. The recommended course is from two to four weeks. Before use, the manufacturer advises consulting a doctor.


Granulated loose tea for lactation "Humana" is produced in Germany. Sugar comes first in the composition, so the drink has a sweet taste. In addition to sugar, tea includes extracts of the following plants: hibiscus, fennel, rooibos, verbena, raspberry, galega and fenugreek.

Directions for use: dilute 1.5 teaspoons in 100 ml of clean water. If you have a personal intolerance to any component, the manufacturer recommends avoiding this drink.


Hipp lactation tea is a highly soluble bulk drink of Swiss origin. Includes various extracts (melissa, nettle, cumin, anise, fennel and galega). This mixture is supplemented with dextrose (i.e. glucose), maltodextrin (molasses) and various flavorings depending on the type of drink.

The presence of sugars gives Hipp lactation tea a sweetish taste. The manufacturer advises diluting four teaspoons of the mixture in a glass of water and drinking two cups per day. According to reviews, Hipp lactation tea is easy to use and has a distinct herbal taste.


Herbal tea “Laktavit” is also a product of the Russian company OJSC Krasnogorskleksredstva. Sold in the form of filter bags. The packaging indicates that the product is a dietary supplement for a nursing mother. The drink consists of fennel fruits, anise, caraway seeds and nettle leaves.

This herbal tea contains no sugar or flavorings. To prepare tea properly, place one or two bags in a container with 200 ml of hot water. When the solution is infused (about 15 minutes), it should be taken half a glass with meals twice a day. The manufacturer recommends taking the course in two to four weeks. There is a note that it is advisable to consult a doctor before use.

"Granny's Basket"

Bagged tea under the Babushkino Lukoshko brand is produced by the large Russian production holding Sivma. There are two options in the line - with rose hips and anise. Otherwise, the ingredients are similar: fennel, nettle, caraway, lemon balm.

The manufacturer recommends using this tea throughout the entire period of lactation. The course lasts two to three weeks and is repeated after the same period of time. Preparation instructions: brew one sachet in a glass of water and leave for three to five minutes. You can drink a cup of solution a day. Take before feeding the baby.

Which tea is better

The choice of industrial teas labeled “for nursing mothers” or “for lactation” is very diverse. But all drinks include at least one or two plants with an increased risk for lactation. Considering the inability of heavy drinking to affect the amount of breast milk, mothers should consciously approach the choice of such supplements. Each woman makes her own decision about which drink suits her best and why. But specialist supervision remains mandatory.

Interesting fact: any warm drink drunk before feeding can stimulate milk flow. That is, outwardly it may seem to the mother that there is more of it, because it is actively being separated from the breast. In reality, a warm, pleasant-tasting drink allows a woman to relax. And her body begins to actively produce the hormone oxytocin, which helps the secretion to successfully leave the ducts and alveoli.

How to check if your baby has enough milk

The desire to drink “lactogonics” is often dictated by the mother’s anxiety about the amount of her milk. Women come to the conclusion that their baby is not eating enough if:

  • they manage to express less milk than they expected;
  • the breasts stopped filling too much and became soft;
  • the feeling of “tide” has disappeared or become dulled;
  • The child began to ask for the breast more often.

In reality, the main criterion for the sufficiency of breast milk is gains. If in the first six months of life the baby gains more than 20 g per day (500 g per month), the mother can be sure that he is well-fed. In this case, you can additionally count the number of urinations. A healthy, well-nourished baby pees 10-12 times a day. Under such conditions, talking about a lack of breast milk is groundless.