Aquarius rooster and virgo fire horse compatibility. Horse Man and Rooster Woman: we get around the sharp corners in communication. Compatibility in love and marriage

People born in the year of the Horse are in many ways similar to their patrons from the animal world: like wild mustangs, they take off right off the bat and rush at full speed, enjoying the whistling of the wind in their ears. In some cases, they go a little further than they planned. As a rule, the Horse devotes himself to some business with all his inherent passion, he is ready to work hard to get what he wants, however, in some cases, the flow of life takes representatives of this sign a little in the wrong direction. Sometimes you become interested in some other project without finishing the one you started, and besides, you often take on the solution of some task without thinking and completely forgetting about the details. Your love for life inspires those around you. You are incredibly sociable, you love big companies and often become the center of everyone's attention. Representatives of this sign are unlikely to miss another party or some social event. In love relationships, Horses often show frivolity and inconstancy. You completely concentrate on the relationship with your next partner, direct all your energy to them and devote yourself to your beloved with all your soul and heart, but as soon as you notice someone prettier, you immediately lose interest in her. If your relationship with your new passion does not work out, you realize your mistake and are desperately trying to get your old partner back. You are excellent at courting, seducing and winning women's hearts, but you are not so good at maintaining long-term relationships.

The Rooster woman is similar to you in many ways, but at the same time you are different from each other in many ways. This woman also loves to be the center of everyone's attention, however, unlike you, she loves to show off and purposefully seeks the admiration of others. She tries to attract attention using her appearance rather than her communication skills. As a rule, representatives of this sign dress in the latest fashion, preferring flashy and even extravagant outfits. Despite her sincere love for expensive clothes and accessories, the Rooster woman is excellent at managing finances and controls all her expenses and income down to the penny. She is a true master of financial planning, and this quality makes her similar to the Horse. Unlike you, the Rooster woman never forgets about the details, and her daily plan is often scheduled minute by minute. The Rooster woman is very ambitious, just like the Horse, but in the process of making her dreams come true, she takes into account every little detail. You throw yourself into the next adventure like a whirlwind, make every possible effort and hope only for the best.

Both of you are honest and somewhat straightforward, and sometimes your frank comments may seem rude. Fortunately, such statements do not hurt either of you - you value honesty and frankness and understand perfectly well that your partner did not really want to offend you. You like your partner's ability to take care of herself and her constant desire to do so. You have sincere respect for her outstanding intellectual abilities. She may really appreciate your inherent work ethic, but your complete inability to stick to any kind of schedule irritates her and sometimes even drives her crazy. In this relationship, you both will have to make some concessions: you should make every effort to stick to a set schedule, and she would do well to learn the art of relaxation and gain a more relaxed attitude towards life. You both set global and ambitious goals for yourselves. You are truly capable of achieving them because the Rooster woman will help you take into account all the details, and you will inspire your partner and share your raw animal energy. The Rooster woman does not like to admit her own mistakes, she will never admit that she was wrong, and is not always able to adequately respond to such comments, so if you want to avoid scandals, you should be sensitive and careful when communicating with your partner! Most likely, your ability to manage finances will cause her sincere admiration, since the Rooster woman really has respect for those people who master the art of financial planning just as well as she does. In general, you complement each other in many ways and, subject to some compromises on both sides, you can build a happy and harmonious relationship.

According to the eastern horoscope of compatibility between the Rooster man and the Horse woman, this family union is quite turbulent and difficult, since both spouses often irritate each other.

And the Horse woman, with her defiant behavior and lack of tact, only gives him a reason to criticize her as often as possible. At the same time, her love of freedom and independence do not allow her to accept the simple life that the Rooster man offers. He absolutely cannot understand her far-reaching plans and cannot agree with her winding ways to achieve her goals. And the Horse woman, in turn, is not able to withstand the strict and measured regime that the Rooster man offers her, as well as accept his ideas. All this leads to frequent conflicts. In addition, both the Rooster man and the Horse woman strive to dominate in relationships, not always being able to listen to each other. is incompatible with any submission, and she considers her own opinion to be the only correct one. And the Rooster man strives for leadership in everything, trying to impose his own opinion on the woman.

Rooster Man and Horse Woman – Compatibility

In a compatibility pair of Rooster man and Horse woman, there is a lot of misunderstanding and disharmony. They have different worldviews and worldviews. They find it difficult to deal with their emotions because each of them is too different from the other. These relationships are also disharmonious due to the fact that the partners have similar negative qualities. People born in the year of the Rooster and the year of the Horse have a rather difficult character. They find it difficult to compromise and admit that they are wrong about something. Both love to conflict and compete with each other. It is much easier for them to destroy this union than to maintain it. But, despite all the difficulties in a relationship, if the spouses really love each other and sincerely want to be together, they will be able to agree and be happy. The Horse woman can help the Rooster man realize all his brilliant ideas, and the Horse woman will receive a bright, strong and extraordinary partner next to her.

A woman born in . She carefully monitors her figure and appearance. She is very curious and reaches out to everything new. The Horse woman is able to enjoy literally everything: an interesting trip, a new job, a new partner. She has an optimistic character and it is impossible to be offended by her for a long time. In every unpleasant situation she looks for something good. In a word, it is impossible to get bored next to her. This is a very active woman who strives to be on time everywhere and everywhere. She is hardy and hard-working, a good organizer and leader. Thanks to these qualities, the Horse woman often achieves significant heights in career growth. She really needs external self-realization. In the kitchen, hugging pots, she will never be happy. She needs freedom and independence.

A man born in . He loves bright, stylish clothes and the company of women. In conversation he often embellishes reality, and does many things for show. The Rooster man is very straightforward. Without thinking, a person says to his face what he doesn’t like. He is not afraid to offend anyone and is an ardent fighter for truth and justice. He is overly self-confident and often this becomes his pain point, because when faced with constructive criticism addressed to him, the Rooster man can become depressed. A loving woman or relatives who will praise and support him can bring him out of this state. The Rooster man is an honest and principled friend. He is sincere and never lies, as a result of which he is simply incapable of treason. A man born in the year of the Rooster is hardworking and is able to provide his family with everything they need.

The Horse woman and the Rooster man are incredibly attracted to each other. This is a very bright couple. Each of them is interesting in itself, and together they are capable of becoming the center of attention of any society, which especially flatters the proud Rooster man. Their romantic relationship sparks immediately, and they will strive for each other with all their might. The Horse woman, passionate in expressing her sincere feelings, is able to quickly flare up and cool down just as quickly. Of course, the Rooster man, so bright and impressive when meeting her, is capable of captivating her greatly. The start of this union looks promising.

The Rooster man has many ideas and plans that are rarely realistic. But there are a lot of them and this captivates the Horse woman. She craves action and will want to implement his projects. However, their idyll lasts a short time. Once a couple starts living together, many differences come to light. Soon the Horse woman realizes that the Rooster man turns out to be not so interesting to her at all, in addition, she is irritated by his dictatorial ways. She is too honest and responsible to understand his tendency to make impossible promises and some of the nonsense of his judgments. She does not tolerate the dull routine of everyday life, and therefore may begin to look for a hobby on the side. But the jealous Rooster, this furious owner, will never be able to understand this and will limit his half in every possible way. It is difficult to keep a Horse woman within four walls - she is attracted by wanderings and new experiences.

The Rooster man is also attracted by the wind of change - he likes to dream about possible trips or interesting events, but... He immediately lies down on his favorite sofa. His soul may be eager to fly, but it is much more convenient for his body not to leave the confines of his usual space. He is conservative, so his wife’s impulsiveness often irritates him. Also, the Rooster man will not like the Horse woman’s sloppiness and her inability to become a homemaker. And for him this is very important. In addition, the Horse woman is practically not adapted to giving in and adapting. The unbending will of this woman, her strength of character and categoricalness, often frightens men, and many would say that her character is unbearable. And if in her youth she still tries to show flexibility, then with age she becomes a heavy and simply impenetrable person.

It is worth noting that for a Horse woman, this relationship can also become a real test. She will not understand the fanfare of her chosen one, behind whom nothing stands. She will also not like his inability to do things and make decisions. Whether the couple stays together or separates will depend entirely on the Horse woman, since the Rooster man is not capable of decisive action. Of course, even with all the differences in characters, these relationships can become very promising and long-lasting. In this case, the spouses are united by many qualities. Both are smart, energetic and very active, so their family is able to achieve a lot in life. Both the Horse woman and the Rooster man are distinguished by their high efficiency, do not stop in life on their laurels and know how to move forward.

Such determination is usually rewarded and partners achieve a lot in life. Therefore, if spouses have a common cause in which both will be interested and comfortable together, they will have a better chance of building a happy relationship. The Rooster man lacks the decisiveness to take action, and the Horse woman will take on this part. She, in turn, lacks organization and pedantry, and it’s so great that with them the Rooster man is doing everything at the highest level. Of course, they still need to learn how to resolve everyday issues, because the Horse woman lacks practicality and neatness. Of course, a compromise will be required here, but even if not everything can be resolved, it will not cause strong disputes, because there is a common cause that concentrates attention on itself.

Rooster man and Horse woman - compatibility in love

The sexual relationship between a Rooster man and a Horse woman can develop in different ways. Sex is important for them, but spiritual intimacy is much more important for both. In one case, the partners will experience deep passion and ardent love for each other. Relationships will be built on tenderness, aesthetic pleasure and inspiration of partners from each other. And in another case, the Horse woman will be shocked by the Rooster man’s inability to enjoy every moment of intimacy. He is often in a hurry, does not respect his partner, seeking satisfaction only for himself. The Rooster man is conservative in intimacy, and if the Horse woman adheres to such views, then this relationship will be at its best. And if she turns out to be a hot little thing, then, most likely, such a man will not be enough for her, especially during periods of quarrels and disagreements.

But it is worth noting that the Horse woman has a vivid imagination and can completely control this process. It's not difficult, but it's worth learning to accept, respect and appreciate your partner for who he is.

Advice from “Moon Today” for a couple of Rooster Man and Horse Woman

In the eastern horoscope, the compatibility of a pair of a Rooster man and a Horse woman is considered quite complex, but, at the same time, quite possible. A demanding Rooster man and an independent Horse woman will be happy exactly as much as they are willing to change and work on the qualities of their character.

A Horse woman, first of all, needs to learn to respect her partner so that he does not feel inferior next to her. The Rooster man is internally much richer than it seems at first glance. And it is precisely this wealth of his inner world that she has to discern. He is able to make her life more eventful and interesting.

Compatibility in family life for this couple is possible provided that the spouses turn a blind eye to each other’s mutual shortcomings. So, the Rooster man will have to come to terms with the Horse woman’s frivolous attitude towards everyday life, and she needs to learn not to react to criticism from her chosen one. Also, a Horse woman should learn to be soft, compliant and gentle when communicating with any man. If the desire to lead is overwhelming, then it is better to direct this energy to work, where she has a better chance of achieving success with her perseverance. And the Rooster man needs to at least sometimes switch attention from his own problems to her reality and think about what his wife dreams of. Having fulfilled just one small whim of the woman he loves, he will receive sincere admiration and undisguised joy as a reward. Isn't it a miracle to see your loved one happy?

Also, this union is significantly strengthened by a joint venture. The Horse woman is an enthusiastic person, and if she finds meaning for herself in the undertakings of the Rooster man, and gets involved in organizing a joint business closely, then they will not only be able to achieve good material profit, but will also significantly increase the chances of a happy family life.

Men whose sign is the horse have a number of advantages and disadvantages. They are energetic, passionate, have a strong sense of humor and imagination. It cannot be said about them that they are particularly bright personalities, but, nevertheless, their statements are sometimes very sincere. Sometimes these people are not patient in financial matters and spend more than they earn. Everyone can find a common language with them, but horses do not like to communicate with passive and uninteresting people. This sign is also distinguished by the fact that its bearer has a good memory, the ability to tell a story and joke. He also tends to join in an interesting conversation and add creativity. This person is also distinguished by his determination and intelligence. However, they are prone to thinking with their hearts rather than their heads, impulses of emotion and freedom.

Women whose sign is the rooster are sociable and attractive. They tend to dress beautifully. However, they do not like to be the center of attention and are very cautious and prudent. They can handle money and finances easily and manage them wisely. Their confidence depends on how chic they look. Sometimes you have to stock up on a lot of patience when a girl is invited somewhere. She applies makeup and carefully chooses a dress. She is also very sensitive to others. Basically, she tends to spend a lot of time with friends. She is also distinguished by honesty, openness and sincerity, reliability and responsibility, and is a realist. In love, girls are very passionate and ardent, natural owners.

Relationship between Horse and Rooster

A horse and a rooster can make a fairly bright and strong pair. It is thanks to the characters of these signs that they are able to complement each other. The rooster is very flexible and in its main features there are differences that the horse lacks. At one time, a man also has qualities that are very important for a girl, such as romance and tenderness. When a horse man is under the control of a rooster woman, he has fewer problems in life. However, this alliance can also easily collapse if concessions are made. A horse and a rooster, whose compatibility cannot be called ideal, can still exist in peace and harmony. She can tame a man’s temper, in turn, he can turn out to be a reliable support for her. It is through the efforts of the rooster that the future life together will be happy and have a favorable atmosphere. However, you should first get used to each other and set all your priorities.

Their characters intersect, but at the same time each of them wants to be first and beat their partner. Each of them is inclined to self-improvement, so one of them should still support their partner and be sincere to the successes of their loved one, rather than envy and harbor anger.

Is marriage possible between these signs?

As previously said, everything depends only on the partners themselves, their aspirations and desires. Marriage is possible if the partners do not pursue selfish goals, and they are absolutely confident in each other. He will be a gentle, caring and affectionate lover, she will be a straightforward and strict business woman. Only the struggle for supremacy in the family, which is inherent in these signs, can separate them. These people are creative individuals by their sign, so it will be ideal if their professions are different from each other, but at home they will cooperate with each other.

By creating something together and arranging their lives, they can find more agreement and harmony with each other. Also, one should not give reasons for jealousy and escalate quarrels and conflicts; the voice of reason should always be heard to defuse the situation. Besides being very similar, they are also very different. You shouldn’t engage in criticism and try to grasp the meaning of something you don’t understand, especially if one of the couple is a person of art. A strong marriage directly depends on the rooster, because only she can monitor everything that will happen to the family budget and the horse’s impulses. Horse man rooster woman compatibility is as contradictory as it is favorable.

Intimate life

Both signs are prone to selfishness and competition, so their sex life will be quite vibrant and varied. Each of the partners will try to show their skill and superiority, while not trying to give in to each other. Both signs are not very sexual, but the romantic impulse of a horse can melt the modesty of a rooster and the nights will be unforgettable. If harmony in a relationship is established, there will be nothing difficult in enjoying each other and finding more and more suitable options for intimate life. About what the signs will have to go through, as indicated by the compatibility horoscope, the horse and the rooster will be happy if they pass all the tests of love and relationships together.

If the strict and responsible nature of the rooster is useful in business, then affection and tenderness should be provided to the horse. It is he who can give his partner pleasure of enormous magnitude, if she allows him to do so. It all depends on how willing the partners are to make concessions and trust each other.

Bottom line

In parallel with the fact that everything can work out between the horse and the rooster, it is also possible that this union will last a very short time. In order for the relationship to be strong and long, it is worth trying and making every possible effort. The fact that the rooster will support the entire future life together is quite a difficult test. It is necessary to think and weigh all the positive and negative aspects of this love, whether it is worth continuing to bear the burden. After all, the sensitivity of the horse will not allow him to remain on the sidelines and be inactive. Therefore, we need to resolve all further responsibilities and issues together so that everything will be fine later.

The Rooster-Scorpio man is a very specific, but interesting personality. His character combines many qualities that make him so. And some are even distinguished by double strength, since they are inherent not only in the Rooster, but also in Scorpio. However, about everything in order and in more detail.

About the influence of the zodiac sign

The story about what it is should start with the characteristics that the star horoscope gives. The most striking qualities that such a person can boast of are strong will, independence, aggressiveness and temper. They constantly struggle for success. It is important for them to achieve it. Career and personal growth is, perhaps, what is most important in the life of such a man. He is distrustful and reserved, but if he meets a worthy person, he will definitely open up to her and demonstrate his kindness.

The Scorpio man, born in the year of the Rooster, is a complex person. It just won't happen with him. He is used to being silent and keeping everything secret. Such a person does not let anyone in on his affairs, preferring to stay apart. If a girl, for example, wants to achieve his affection, she needs to be prepared for the fact that he will not sacrifice his freedom for her sake. At least at first.

And these men also love luxury. They do not deny themselves anything. Food, drinks, clothes, perfume - only the best. Something that will be worthy of him. And naturally, he adheres to the same principle regarding people.

Eastern horoscope

The Rooster-Scorpio man has absorbed the best qualities from both zodiacs. And many of them are characteristic of both one and the other. The Rooster can be critical of others, but will not tolerate comments addressed to him. He always expresses his opinion, and in an extremely straightforward manner. Many people perceive this as tactlessness. The Rooster, like Scorpio, is indifferent. He also loves to command and keep everything under control. And no matter what it concerns - work, study, family. And I must admit, Roosters make excellent organizers of something or leaders. They have all the qualities for this. In addition to the above, they can also boast of a logical mindset.

But this man’s conservatism makes him extremely demanding of everything that concerns his future partner. He needs the best of the best, who will be faithful to him and also provide him with comfort and coziness. However, he will not remain in debt either.

general characteristics

The Rooster-Scorpio man is a balanced personality. And all because the qualities of his character do not contradict each other. Quite the contrary. As you can already understand, they strengthen each other and complement each other.

They make good, stable partners - due to the fact that they are not prone to mood swings. Moreover, this applies not only to work, career and business, but also to personal life.

By the way, the main thing for them in a relationship is mutual understanding, respect and agreement. This is greatly appreciated by the Scorpio man. In the year of the Rooster, people are born with exactly the same principles. These men are rationalists with a logical mindset who carefully think through everything (including the prospects for personal relationships). That’s why their marriages are strong and reliable.

About compatibility

Finally, a few words about this. A very important topic is the zodiac compatibility of a man. Scorpio-Rooster does not get along with many people. For example, with Aries. Especially with those born in the year of the Dog. Such an alliance can “explode” at any moment. The only relationship that can exist between them is a short-term but passionate romance. It is not yet recommended to get involved with Taurus. Because such relationships are built on very shaky ground. There will be no trust in their union. Taurus is used to sincerity and honesty (especially girls), and the Scorpio guy, as already mentioned, is not used to telling anyone about his affairs. The same applies to the union with Gemini.

But the Leo girl will become a wonderful match for Scorpio-Rooster. Especially if she was born in the same year. Mutual understanding, respect - this is what such relationships will be built on. The union of these two strong, independent personalities will be strong. It is possible that they will still decide to become business partners or create some kind of common business.

And Scorpio-Rooster will also have a good relationship with the girl who was born in the year of the Pig. They will have established mutual understanding, and if there are conflicts, they will be resolved quickly.

In general, the topic is quite interesting. A man born in the year of the Rooster under the sign of Scorpio is a complex personality, but by no means a bad one. If you wish, you can build a strong and good relationship with him.

Compatibility between Horse and Rooster is quite problematic. The relationship in this couple begins vigorously. Very often they end after a few months. If partners manage to overcome the first difficulties, they can build a happy family. Much depends on how ready both are to make concessions, whether a man and a woman are united by strong feelings or whether this is just a temporary hobby. A common business, hobby, or love of travel can strengthen the union.

Characters of signs

Compatibility in marriage and love relationships depends very much on the character traits of the signs. What traits does the Chinese or Eastern horoscope give to the Horse and the Rooster?

Character of the Rooster

People born in the year of the Rooster can always be seen in the thick of things and in the center of any company. They spend a lot of time on their appearance, dressing flashily, with a predominance of red, green or yellow. At the same time, their wardrobe is always chosen with taste. They love to talk, they can be harsh and overly straightforward. At the same time, he is not averse to embellishing his own achievements and imagining. Always protect the weak, faithful in love and friendship. Here are the features, according to the Chinese horoscope, of this sign:

  • self confidence;
  • talkativeness;
  • sociability;
  • straightforwardness and sharpness;
  • quarrelsomeness;
  • boasting;
  • stubbornness;
  • bravery;
  • nobility;
  • honesty.

There are many negative sides to the Rooster's character. He often provokes quarrels, does not know how to restrain his emotions, and speaks out too harshly and straightforwardly. Roosters love to brag, do not always correctly calculate their own strengths, and take on more than they can handle.

This sign knows how to make money, but treats it too frivolously and rarely accumulates substantial capital.

Horse Character

A person associated with the Year of the Horse is extremely energetic. He is constantly on the move, in pursuit of new experiences. Loves to travel, engage in extreme sports, and never sits still. Being in the center of attention in any company has leadership qualities. Horses are hardworking, know how to earn money, but do not live only for material well-being. Money for them is a way to pay for their own pleasures. Here are the features inherent in this sign:

  • energy;
  • talkativeness;
  • leadership skills;
  • hotness;
  • hot temper;
  • love of freedom;
  • hard work;
  • sociability;
  • cheerful disposition;
  • charm;
  • friendliness.

Because of their fiery temperament, Horses often find themselves in unpleasant situations. They love to passionately prove their point of view, even if they are completely wrong. Passionate debaters rarely give in to a discussion. At the same time, their cheerful disposition and friendliness does not allow them to make enemies.

Another negative trait is sloppiness and sloppiness, like all creative personalities.

General compatibility of signs

At the first stage of the relationship, the compatibility of the Rooster and Horse signs according to the horoscope seems to be good. Both partners are friendly and sociable, they are bursting with energy, and this is what fascinates each other. The Rooster seems to be an ideal partner for the Horse, because he thinks big and constantly comes up with new ideas. The Horse is ready to immediately take up their implementation; it does not suspect how far the Rooster’s plans are from his desires to bring them to life.

Partners are united by a desire to learn everything new, nobility, a cheerful disposition and an easy attitude to life. But the contradictions between these two people will very soon make themselves felt. The horoscope does not promise an easy life for this couple, their union is fragile, and a difficult test awaits it.

The Horse and the Rooster have different views on life. One sign attaches absolutely no importance to order; it creates chaos anywhere. The other is a born esthete, does not tolerate sloppiness, and will never miss the opportunity to point out his shortcomings to his partner. Both signs have a fiery temperament and never give in in an argument. Starting a quarrel for the Rooster and the Horse is an ordinary thing. They are avid debaters and love to prove their point of view in any situation.

The Horse, which at first is carried away by the Rooster’s ideas, very soon understands their low realism. She begins to be annoyed by her partner’s boasting, his desire to be in the center, because only she, the Horse, deserves the main place in any company.

Mutual understanding between the Horse and the Rooster quickly fades away. Most couples break up in the first months of dating. Especially when both are still too young to make concessions. In more mature couples, compromises are possible. Over the years, partners become wiser with experience; they try not to notice each other’s numerous shortcomings.

By and large, representatives of these signs according to the Chinese horoscope can give each other a lot. The Rooster is an excellent organizer and tactician. The hardworking Horse will turn her partner's ideas into concrete actions. The common business will be a good success if the partners do not quarrel at the very beginning. Small acts of love also strengthen a marriage. Neither man nor woman should forget about this.

Compatibility of Horse man and Rooster woman

Between the year of the Rooster and the year of the Horse, compatibility is not the best. However, a guy and a girl can become attracted to each other. He will be attracted by beauty and originality, she will be attracted by strength and reliability. A Horse man and a Rooster woman can have a whirlwind romance and even get married. But difficulties in relationships will arise very quickly, because these signs are very different, each has their own way of looking at life. The woman is organized and neat, although she does not always have the willpower to realize her plans. The man is a creative person. He is sloppy, but very energetic, hardworking, tries to complete all the things he starts. The Union faces difficult challenges.

Problems begin in a couple due to the stubbornness of both. It is very difficult for the Horse and Rooster to make concessions. They love to argue, and the Rooster also loves to find fault with the slightest shortcomings of their partner. In such a family, the wife constantly nags her husband, and he tries to run away from home. After all, Horses value freedom very much and do not accept restrictions at all. The husband will not sit at home listening to his wife's instructions. He will quickly find a hobby on the side, or throw himself into work.

The compatibility of a Rooster woman and a Horse man in bed is also not the best. The owner of a fiery temperament has a wild imagination, and her partner does not like experiments. Ordinary sensual love is enough for him, and not sophisticated sexual pleasure.

It is possible to improve relationships and save a marriage only when both spouses make concessions to each other. A woman should not limit a man’s freedom or pester him with constant nagging. A man should pay more attention to his significant other. Little gifts that speak of love will turn a nagging woman into the best of wives. It brings together a Horse man and a woman born in the year of the Rooster, a common business, a joint project. A woman can organize a business, a man will give it scale. This couple will get richer year after year. The main thing is that spouses learn to appreciate and properly use each other’s abilities. This will bring them happiness and harmony, despite their poor compatibility.

Compatibility of Horse woman and Rooster man

At first, a girl will be attracted to a bright, confident guy. He will also admire the girl’s energy and sociability. The relationship between them begins quickly, but just as quickly this union breaks up. The Horse woman and the Rooster man very quickly realize how different they are. The girl begins to be annoyed by the guy’s boasting and self-confidence, which has no real business behind it. The guy does not accept independent views and the girl’s complete inability to fit into the everyday life. However, partners may enter into a marriage that will be a real test for them.

The Rooster man and the Horse woman have completely different views on family. The husband wants his wife to sit at home and take care of its arrangement. At the same time, he certainly wants to lead everything. For a Horse woman, it is much more important to realize herself in her career. She loves to travel, communicate with friends, goes to the cinema and theater, and is interested in art. Kitchen and cleaning make her really depressed. The Horse is not a housewife; she is an active woman with varied interests.

The man has good organizational talents. He will pay attention to the little things that his wife is used to overlooking. If a couple has more love and less quarrels and competition, it can last a long time. A marriage strengthens year after year; as spouses grow older, they become more patient and capable of compromise.