Parsley inflorescence 6 letters. Carrot. Table carrots: types, varieties, photos

Biological dictation 1. Part of the shoot that bears flowers Carrots have an inflorescence Aster has an inflorescence An inflorescence in plants is an adaptation to Wheat has an inflorescence -...

Test 1. The inflorescence raceme is characteristic of: a) corn; c) wheat; b) lily of the valley; d) carrots. 2. An inflorescence is: a) one flower; b) a set of colors; c) a set of stamens; d) a set of pistils. 3. The inflorescence has a complex spike: a) wheat; c) carrots; b) dandelion; d) bird cherry. 4. The inflorescence has: a) poppy; c) aster; b) tulip; d) narcissist.

5. The inflorescence of a complex umbrella is found in: a) lily of the valley; c) sunflower; b) carrots; d) plantain. 6. An inflorescence in plants is an adaptation to: a) capturing sunlight; b) protection from pests; c) pollination; d) enduring unfavorable conditions. 7. Inflorescence raceme is a collection of flowers that: a) have long pedicels extending from the top of the shoot; b) have clearly visible pedicels extending from the long common axis; c) do not have pedicels, but are located on a long common axis

8. An inflorescence in which sessile flowers are located on a common elongated axis is called: a) catkin; b) a simple ear; c) panicle; d) complex spike 9. The inflorescence has an ear female flowers located on: a) a common overgrown receptacle; b) the general expanded axis of the inflorescence; c) at the top of the expanded axis of the inflorescence. 10. Flowers collected in the inflorescence of the basket are usually: a) small, sessile; their calyx is modified into a tuft of hairs or is absent; b) small, with very short pedicels; their calyx consists of small sepals; c) small, sessile, without perianth.

11. A complex corymb is an inflorescence formed by: a) only simple corymbs; b) only simple umbrellas; c) not only with simple shields. 12.The inflorescence of the basket is protected from the outside by: a) large marginal flowers; b) a wrapper consisting of modified leaves; c) large sepals, which are arranged in two or several rows.

24 Through letter B; L - -; T - - ; A

Find its own inflorescence for each plant 1. Grapes. A - Curl. 2. Bird cherry. B - Kolos. 3.Plantain. B - Basket. 4. Forget-me-not. G-Pastel. 5. Cornflower. D - Brush. 6.Corn. E. Izvilina. 7. Thyme. F -Shield. 8. Hawthorn. I. -Cob. 9.Alder. K. -Earring.. 10. St. John's wort.L- Head.

Test your knowledge: Answers to assignments. 1. Biological dictation. 1) Inflorescence. 2) Complex umbrella. 3) Basket. 4) Pollination. 5) Complex ear. 2. Test task. 1b 2b 3a 4c 5b 6c 7b 8b 9b 10a 11a 12b 3. Guess the inflorescences. The top row is single flowers. Bottom row - inflorescences

5. Connoisseurs of inflorescences. a) brush, b) ear, c) cob, d) umbrella, e) basket. f) head, g) scutellum, h) panicle, i) complex scutellum, j) gyrus, k) whorl. 6. Through letter. 1.Inflorescence. 2. Kolos. 3. Umbrella. 4. Cob. 7. Find its own inflorescence for each plant. 1 - G; 2 - D; 3 - B; 4 - E; 5 - B; 6 - I; 7 - L; 8- F; 9- K; 10-A

There are plants in which flowers develop one at a time at the ends of the shoots or in the axils. These are single flowers. And other plants have flowers collected in inflorescences.

Inflorescence- this is a shoot of a plant, flower bearer and bearing no leaves.

Inflorescences there are simple And complex. Inflorescences are usually collected small flowers, which makes them highly visible to pollinating insects.

Cabbage, lily of the valley, bird cherry have inflorescence brush. In such an inflorescence, individual flowers are located one after another on clearly visible pedicels extending from a long common axis.

Simple ear form flowers without pedicels (that is, sessile), located on the common axis of the inflorescence, like those of plantain. Inflorescences of wheat, rye, barley are called complex ear. In this inflorescence, several spikelets sit on a common axis, each of which is formed by several flowers (in rye, for example, two).

cob differs from the spike by the thick, usually fleshy axis of the inflorescence.

Simple umbrella- an inflorescence in which the pedicels extend from the top of the inflorescence axis. Primrose has such an inflorescence.

The inflorescence is a simple umbrella. Example -

Simple inflorescences can be grouped into complex inflorescences. Carrots and parsley have umbrella inflorescences, consisting of several simple umbrellas. This inflorescence is called complex umbrella.

Objectives: Develop knowledge about the diversity of flowers; reveal the content of the concept of “inflorescence”, introduce students to the most common types of inflorescences and explain their biological role.

Equipment: Tulip and narcissus flowers, tables “Simple and complex inflorescences”, herbarium specimens of plants.

The inclusion of game moments and elements of entertaining biology in educational activities makes the lesson effective and also contributes to the development of cognitive interest. At the same time, lessons are freed from the monotony of monotony and acquire an emotional overtones.


8. An inflorescence in which sessile flowers are located on a common elongated axis is called: a) earring; b) a simple ear; c) a broom.

9. In the inflorescence spadix, the female flowers are located on: a) general overgrown receptacle; b) the general expanded axis of the inflorescence; c) at the top of the expanded axis of the inflorescence.

10. Flowers collected in the inflorescence of the basket, as a rule: a) small, sessile; their calyx is modified into a tuft of hairs or is absent; b) small, with very short pedicels; their calyx consists of small sepals; c) small, sessile, without perianth.

11.A complex shield is an inflorescence formed by: a) only simple shields; b) only simple umbrellas; c) not only with simple shields.

12.The inflorescence basket is protected from the outside: a) large marginal flowers; b) a wrapper consisting of modified leaves; c) large sepals, which are arranged in two or several rows.

3. Guess the inflorescences

Which of the proposed plants have an inflorescence? Which ones have a simple flower?

4. Crossword


1) Carrots have an inflorescence;

2) The inflorescence is small;

3) The inflorescence of the plant;

4) The inflorescence is an adaptation to;

5) This plant consists of pistillate flowers;

6) The lily of the valley has an inflorescence;

7) One of the corn inflorescences.

If you answer all the questions and add the first letter vertically, you will get the keyword.

5. Inflorescence Connoisseurs

Name the inflorescences.

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7. Find its own inflorescence for each plant

Test your knowledge:

Answers to assignments.

1. Biological dictation.

1) Inflorescence. 2) Complex umbrella. 3) Basket. 4) Pollination. 5) Complex ear.

2. Test task.

1a 2b 3a 4c 5b 6c 7b 8a 9b 10a 11a 12b

3. Guess the inflorescences.

The top row is single flowers.

Bottom row - inflorescences (basket, scutellum, head)

4. Crossword.

1) Kolos. 2) Flowers. 3) Cherry. 4) Pollination. 5) Cob. 6) Brush. 7) Whisk.

The key word is inflorescence.

5. Connoisseurs of inflorescences.

a) brush, b) ear, c) cob, d) umbrella, e) basket. f) head, g) scutellum, h) panicle, i) compound

scutellum, j) gyrus, k) whorl.

6. Through letter.

1.Inflorescence. 2. Kolos. 3. Umbrella. 4. Cob.

7. Find its own inflorescence for each plant.

1 - G; 2 - D; 3 - B; 4 - E; 5 - B; 6 - I; 7 - L; 8- F; 9- K; 10-A

When summing up the lesson, the teacher talks about the biological role of inflorescences.

Small flowers are collected in groups - this promotes their pollination, and, therefore, the formation of fruits and seeds.