Addition of numbers within 20. I. Organizational moment

18=10+8 17 = 10 +7 12=10+□

10= 10+0 16 = 10+6 11=□+1

14=10+4 19 = 10+9 15=10+□

Comparison of numbers

Review these diagrams. Read the entry in the diagram: 10< ,12> ,20=

< 12 10< 20)

Lesson summary:

Subject: Numbers and figures from 16 to 20

Target: create conditions for consolidating knowledge of numbering numbers from 11 to 20, consolidating the ability to compare, represent two-digit numbers as a sum of digit terms, add and subtract, relying on knowledge of the digit composition of a number.

be able to work in pairs and groups; be able to perform mutual verification; listen and engage in dialogue, participate in collective discussion.

be able to navigate the information material of the textbook, independently create ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature, strive to expand their cognitive sphere.

During the classes:

Everyone calmly entered the classroom, sat down quietly, with their backs straight.

We all stood up at our desks beautifully, Let's all take a slight breath

We greeted each other politely. And let's start the lesson!

I want to start our lesson today with the words of the French philosopher J.J. Russo:

“You are talented children! Someday you yourself will be pleasantly surprised at how smart you are, how much and well you can do, if you constantly work on yourself, set new goals and strive to achieve them ... " Rousseau

There are traffic lights on your desks, show your mood. Green – a joyful mood, yellow – you are calm and confident, red – I’m a little anxious.

Well, our assistants in the lesson will be ingenuity, attention, and resourcefulness. Now we will check how attentive you are.

Verbal counting

Find errors in numerical expressions and correct them.

1+0=10 10+2=12 13-1=12 10-0=1 20-1=10 12-2=1

Name the number in which: 1dec.2 units, 1dec.7 units, 1dec.3 units, 2dec., 0 units. (12,17,13,20)

Say the numbers in order

starting with the smallest: 13, 15, 12, 17, 14, 19, 18, 16. (12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19)

starting with the largest: 11, 4, 10, 3, 6, 9, 7, 5, 8. (11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3)

I thought of a number with 1 ten and 5 units. What number did I have in mind? (15)

Come up with a riddle about this number yourself (a number is greater than 14 but less than 16; a number is 1 unit less than 16; a number is previous to 16, etc.).


One two three four five! We all know how to count. We also know how to relax -

Let's put our hands behind our backs. Let's raise our heads higher. And let’s breathe easily.

Adding and subtracting numbers within 20

How can you name in one word the numbers that appear in

task? (two digits). For each number, highlight the tens place in red and the ones place in blue. What did you notice?

Present these numbers as a sum of digit terms.

18=10+8 17 = 10 +7 12=10+□

10= 10+0 16 = 10+6 11=□+1

14=10+4 19 = 10+9 15=10+□

Comparison of numbers

Review the diagram data. Read the entry in the diagram: 10< ,12> ,20=

Which of these numbers can be entered into the “window” so that the sign is chosen correctly? (8.12, 5.20) (10< 12 10< 20)

Lesson summary:

Did you like the lesson? What tasks did you complete with pleasure?

Are there any tasks that you had difficulty completing?

Who would you praise for their work in class?

The lesson is completed and the plan is completed. Thank you guys so much!

For working hard and together and for not being lazy in class!

Subject: Getting to know the line.

Target: Introduce children to the concept of “ruler”, teach it its practical use. Learn to build different geometric shapes on a piece of paper using dots and straight lines. Improve your knowledge of geometric shapes. Learn to determine and indicate in words the position of an object relative to yourself (left, right). Form measurement activities based on knowledge of numbers and counting. Compare numbers with each other. Develop attention, logical thinking, fine motor skills, the ability to perform actions and accompany them with words.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: - Good afternoon, guys. Let's get ready:
The ears listen - and they hear everything,
The eyes look and see everything,
Legs don't get in the way, hands help,
And the head thinks well.

(Knock on the door, “Pencil” comes in with his ruler)

Pencil: - Hello guys! Children: - Hello! Look who came to us. Do you know who this is? Children: - “Pencil”. What object is he holding in his hands? Children: - Ruler. Right! Why do we need them? (Children's answers....)

Of course, we draw with a pencil and draw straight lines with a ruler. The word ruler is derived from the word “line”, “to line”, to draw lines. You guessed right. But rulers come in different materials, for example, “Karandash” has a wooden ruler, and what other rulers are there? I’ll read you a fairy tale. (The teacher reads a fairy tale, the children look at the rulers, and the Pencil with them).

The ruler has short stripes, then longer ones, then a number, then stripes again. And all so that you can measure using a ruler. (“Pencil” cries)

What's happened? (Pencil examines his ruler and says, my ruler is very old, it’s wooden, and the worst thing is there are no numbers on it at all and I won’t be able to measure anything)

Don't be upset, the guys will help you. Really, guys? Children: - Yes!

Exercise. Sort the numbers from 0 to 10 in ascending order.

Here the line is ready. Guys, let's count down what we've done.

Pencil: - Thank you very much guys for helping, but it’s time for me to leave, there’s a lot of things that still need to be drawn and measured! Goodbye! You said that you can use a ruler to draw lines? Children's answers: - Yes, we can.

2. Task. Children draw lines on a sheet of white paper using colored pencils.
Let's try to draw lines using a ruler. We take colored pencils and first draw a red line with a red pencil, then with blue, yellow, green, black. Did everyone succeed? What kind of lines did you get - curved or straight? Look closely at your lines. The lines turned out straight. That's right guys. Well done! Now let's count our lines. How many lines have you drawn? We drew 5 lines.
Right. Now take a closer look and tell me, everyone’s lines are drawn correctly. What is the blue line? The blue line is second.
That's right kids. Our blue line is the second one. Let's repeat it all together. (Children repeat together.) And our green line, what is the number? The green line is the fourth in a row.
Right. Well done. Now look and tell me, the blue line is adjacent to which lines? The blue line stands with the red and yellow.
No, children. The blue line is behind the red, but in front of the yellow. Let's all say it right together. (Children repeat together.)
Or you can say, behind the first, but before the third, or between the first red and third yellow lines. Do you remember? Let's repeat it all together to remember. (Children repeat everything together). Well done boys! We have drawn 5 lines.
Well done kids. Let's take a little rest


We're kicking stomp!

We clap our hands!

We are the eyes of a moment, a moment,

We shrug our shoulders.

One - here, two - there,

Turn around yourself.

Once - they sat down, twice - they stood up.

Everyone raised their hands up.

One-two, one-two,

It's time for us to get busy.

Exercise. Use a ruler to connect the dots on a piece of paper.

Well done boys! I will give you sheets of paper, and you, using a ruler and a simple pencil, must connect the dots. Did the kids all succeed? What shapes did you get? Name them.
Children's answers: - Triangle, square, rhombus, rectangle. That's right kids. We have got: a triangle, a square, a rhombus, a rectangle and a circle. How else can you call these figures in one word?
Children's answers: - These are geometric shapes.

Exercise. "Geometric logic chains".

Educator: - I suggest playing an attentive game “Geometric Logical Chains”. Each of you has a set of geometric shapes on the table; your task is to create a “chain” based on the model. But before we start the game, the main condition of the game is that we must collect chains from left to right. Raise your left hand. Are the terms clear?

Which chain guys turned out to be the longest? (last.) From chipped. does it consist of figures? (5)

Exercise. Task. Measure the length.

One day the Fox was going to visit the Hare, but she encountered an obstacle: on the way to the hare, a river flowed, and she could not get through it. How can we help the Fox, what can we finish drawing so that the fox gets over to the other side? (Bridge.) Let's connect the dots using a ruler and we'll get a bridge. But each of you has a different length of the bridge, let's measure it using a ruler. And let’s say how long the bridge is for each of you. (Children's answers: 2, 3, 5, 8,4,3.)

Exercise. Comparison of numbers.

Now let's compare whose bridge is longer, shorter or equal.

2 < 3 ; 4 = 4; 8 >5; etc.

Lesson summary:

Well done boys. You and I learned a lot today. We can now draw straight lines using a ruler, draw geometric shapes, and measure length. It's time to finish our knowledge about the line. But we don’t say goodbye to her, we say goodbye. After all, now the ruler and I will continue to be friends. Goodbye, see you again.

Subject: Division of the whole. Exercises.

Target: Introduce children to dividing a whole into 2 and 4 equal parts by folding the object in half (into 2 parts) and in half again (into 4 parts). Learn to reflect in speech the action and results of division into (folded in half, got) 2 (4) equal parts, half of a whole, one of 2 parts (one of 4 parts). Give an idea that half is one of 2 equal parts of a whole. Organize the development of the understanding that the more parts you get when dividing a whole, the smaller its part and vice versa. Monitoring children’s actions and reflective assessment.

Reading the poem “We shared an orange...”

We shared an orange
There are many of us, but he is alone.
This slice is for the hedgehog,
This slice is for the swift,
This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for the wolf - the peel.
He is angry with us - trouble!!!
Run away somewhere

What were the animals doing? How many parts were they divided into?

In the last lesson, we learned how to divide a square into equal parts. Today we will continue to learn how to divide a whole into 2 and 4 parts (circles, stripes)

These stripes and circles will help us learn how to divide into 2 and 4 parts.

Sit comfortably - today we will learn a lot of new things! Watch and listen carefully to what I will do.

I have a strip of paper, I will fold it in half, straighten the ends exactly, iron the fold line and cut along the fold line.

How many parts did I divide the strip into? Answer: in two parts

That's right, I folded the strip in half once and divided it into 2 equal parts. Today we will divide objects into equal parts.

Are these parts equal? (I fold the strip, convincing the children that its parts are equal).

You get 2 equal parts. Here is one half of the strip, and here is the other half (showing)

Guys, now try dividing one of the strips in half into 2 equal parts. Well done. What have I just shown? How many halves are there in total? What is called half?

Both equal parts are called halves. This is half and this is half of a whole strip. Each part is called one half or half because it is divided into two equal parts.

How many such parts are there in the whole strip? How did we get 2 equal parts?

What is larger: a whole strip or one of its 2 equal parts?

What is smaller: a whole strip or one of its halves? Children's answer.

And if I fold the strip like this (not in half), how many parts have I divided it into?

Can these parts be called halves? Why?

Let's try dividing the strip into 4 parts.

When we divided the strip into two equal parts, each part was called one half. Now we have divided it into four parts. What is the name of each part? Each of the parts is called one fourth, therefore we divided the whole into four parts, also this part is called a quarter.

Physical education minute.

What have we learned to do today?

Please fold the circle in half once.

What have you done?

What happened?

What is larger: a whole circle or one of 2 equal parts?

What's smaller? One equal part or a whole circle?

And now we need to fold 2 equal parts of the circle in half again.

How many times did you fold the circle in half?

How many parts did you get?

Are these parts equal?

What is larger, one of the four parts of a whole or a whole circle?

What's smaller?

How many pieces did we get when we folded the circle in half once?

How many pieces did we get when we folded the circle in half twice?

GBOU RME "Boarding school in Kozmodemyansk "Gift"

Educational system "School 2100"

Math lesson

"Adding and subtracting numbers

within 20"

FULL NAME. teachers : Lyubimova Natalya Nikolaevna

Item : mathematics

Class : 1

date : 04/14/2015

Lesson type : fastening

Form: combined lesson

Target: development of counting skills within 20.


  • Educational:develop the ability to add and subtract numbers within 20; solve problems in two steps to find the remainder; solve equations; find the sum of the lengths of the sides of a rectangle.
  • Educational:develop mathematical speech, attention, thinking.Educational:cultivate a love of beauty.

Planned learning outcome:

Cognitive UUD: develop the ability to add and subtract numbers within 20.

Communicative UUD: develop the ability to interact with group members, the ability to negotiate, and find a common solution.

Personal UUD: to develop the ability to independently draw conclusions, to realize the essence of the work performed in the lesson.

The main idea of ​​the lesson: We can use addition and subtraction of numbers not only in finding expressions.

Basic concepts: sum, addends, minuend, subtrahend, difference.

Interdisciplinary connections: literary reading, the world around us.


Basic : Kozlova S.A., Demidova Tonkikh “My mathematics” 1st grade, part 3. - Moscow: Balass, 2012;


computer, projector, marker board; presentation for the lesson;

Adding and subtracting numbers within 20.

Organizational moment

We were expecting guests today
And we greet you with excitement,
Are we good at
And count and answer?
Don't judge too harshly
After all, we studied a little!

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Is everyone in a good mood? Your good mood is the key to success in any business!

Look at the screen. Find the extra picture.

(Sun, flowers, birds, snow, leaves, butterflies).

Which picture is the odd one out? (Snow).

Why? (It happens in winter).

Let's check -

What time of year do the other pictures belong to? (Towards spring, to summer).

The windows are open... A warm wind is blowing.

Birds laugh from above

And children noisily rejoice in the sun

And they are waiting for fun fun from spring.

What happens to nature in spring? (She comes to life).

Spring is visiting us. (A picture is posted).

Spring has not come to us empty-handed, it has prepared tasks for you, and wants to test you to see if you can complete everything. - Look at the expressions that are written on the board and determine the topic of our lesson. (Adding and subtracting numbers within 20)

Lesson Goal: Continue learning to add and subtract numbers within 20.

III . Verbal counting

a) Numbering of numbers within the second ten.

Before you is 1st task of Spring.

What is this? (Sun)

This is the mathematical sun.

Name the numbers. (The teacher shows, the children call in a chain).

Find the extra number. Why? (Unambiguous).

What numbers are called single digits?

What are the other numbers called? (Double digits).

What digits do two-digit numbers consist of? (Tens and units).

Well done guys, you did your first task well!

What date is today: April 14th. What can you say about him?

What number comes after the number 14? What is it called for the number 14?

What number comes before the number 14? What is it called for the number 14?

First row: your number is 13, second row - 14, third row: - 15. Imagine the numbers as a sum of digit terms. At the board they work: Write down 3 more equalities with signs.

Well done! How did you write down the numbers? How else can you represent these numbers? (As a sum of convenient terms) choose the numbers you like and write a column of 4 expressions next to each other.

What numbers were repeated? (13, 14, 15)

IV . Solving equations.

Spring has invited guests to us. And who it is, you will find out by completing the following task: by guessing the riddles.

The sun is warming at the threshold, and the snowdrifts have melted,(cards with numbers near the birds)

Streams flowed like rivers and came to us...(rooks) -

“I returned from distant countries to please you, friends.

Spring came! Winter is over! - sang at the birdhouse(starling) -

That's right, it's a rook and a starling. They have brought a task for you. Solve the equation with an unknown number. What is it? (equation) So now we will solve the equations.

The equation for the first option, write it down, it works on the board....:

The minuend is unknown, the subtrahend is 5, the difference is 6. X-5=6

The equation for the second option, write it down, it works on the board:

The minuend is 15, the subtrahend is unknown, the difference is 8. 15-X=8

We recall the rule for finding the minuend and subtrahend.

Analysis of the child’s work at the blackboard.

Physical education minute

V . The solution of the problem.

Look at the spring tree, at first there were 5 cabbage butterflies and 7 wren butterflies sitting on it. 10 of them flew away. How many butterflies are left?

What is the task about? What is known? From these two data, what can we learn? Do we need to know this and why? What should be found in the problem? How do we find the remainder? (subtract) we remember, which means that when we answer the question of the problem, we use what sign? (minus). So, first we will find how many butterflies were which action? (+) Then we will find how many butterflies are left. What action? (-) write the solution to the problem as an expression.

VI . Working with geometric material.

Spring for us means spring flowers. You receive a flower. Choose it yourself:

He hurries towards spring,
I will notice it everywhere:
Little yellow caftan

That flower has long been in Russia

Brought from distant countries.

Scarlet, slender and beautiful,

It's called...(tulip)

There is a rumble above the bushes,
Here the table is set for the bees:
Scent all day long
Tender beckons...(lilac).

Under the fence, at the gate,
Here, look and don’t breathe:
Like peas on a string
Little white...(lilies of the valley)

Yellow, white, blue;

They grow empty on the ground.

Spring has tricks:



4+4+4+4=16 dm

6+6+3+3=18 dm

3+3+5+5=16 dm

7+7+2+2=18 dm

3+4+3+4=14 dm

Tasks: measure the length of the sides of the flowerbed and find how many decimeters of wire you need to fence it. Write down your solution here on a piece of paper.

Which flowerbed will need the least amount of wire?

Which flowerbed will need the most wire?

Whose flower beds will be the same?

VII . Lesson summary:

- What did we learn in class today? (add and subtract numbers within 20)

What did we do for this? (we counted orally, solved problems, compared numbers.)

If you understand everything and can explain it to others, then take a pink flower.

If you have mastered the topic, but still need help, then take a yellow flower.

If it was difficult for you. If you don’t fully understand, then take a green flower.

Spring is very happy. She gives you these baskets of flowers so that you can color them at home and bring them to math class tomorrow. (children receive coloring pages with examples to reinforce addition and subtraction skills within 20)

Thank you for the lesson.

Class: 1

Presentation for the lesson

Back forward

Attention! Slide previews are for informational purposes only and may not represent all the features of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

Lesson type. A lesson in discovering new knowledge.

Lesson objectives:


  • Formation of the ability to perform addition and subtraction of numbers within 20, based on knowledge of numbering: 10+7, 17-7, 17-10.


  • Be able to navigate your knowledge system: >distinguish what is new from what is already known with the help of a teacher; acquire new knowledge: find answers to questions using the textbook, your life experience and information received in the lesson; carry out synthesis as composing a whole from parts. (Cognitive UUD).
  • Be able to determine and formulate a goal in a lesson with the help of a teacher; pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson; be able to express your assumptions based on working with the textbook material; be able to work according to a collectively drawn up plan; evaluate the correctness of the action at the level of an adequate retrospective assessment; plan your action in accordance with the task ( Regulatory UUD).


  • Be able to express your thoughts orally; listen and understand the speech of others; jointly agree on the rules of behavior and communication at school and follow them; learn to work in pairs, formulate your own opinion and position ( Communicative UUD).
  • The ability to self-assess based on the criterion of success in educational activities. Fostering Responsibility (Personal UUD.)

Lesson objectives.

To the teacher:

  • Teach to understand the meaning of addition and subtraction based on knowledge of numbering: 10+7, 17-7, 17-10.

For students:

  • Be able to perform addition and subtraction of the form: 10+7, 17-7, 17-10.
  • Be able to solve problems using new knowledge.

Knowledge, abilities, skills and qualities that students will actualize, acquire, and consolidate during the lesson:

Students will learn to understand the meaning of addition and subtraction based on knowledge of numbering: 10+7, 17-7, 17-10; solve problems using new knowledge. Children will learn to work according to a collectively drawn up plan; evaluate the correctness of the action, continue to learn to work in pairs. During the lesson, students will continue to develop cognitive, regulatory, communicative and personal universal educational actions.

Lesson steps:

1. Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities.

2. Updating knowledge.

3. Self-determination of activity.

4.Learning something new. Building a project .

5. Physical education minute. Warm up for the eyes.

6. Primary consolidation with pronunciation in external speech.

7. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

9. Physical education minute.

10. Independent work with self-test.

11. Reflection on educational activities.

During the classes

I. Organizational moment. Motivation for learning activities. Slide 1. Annex 1.

The bell has rung for us,
The lesson begins.

Today guests came to our lesson. Let's welcome them.

We sat down together at our desks
And they looked at the board.
We work diligently
Let's listen carefully.
We are a good, friendly class.
Everything will work out for us.

Today in the lesson we will go to a fairy tale and help the fairy tale hero. We will solve examples, problems and discover new secrets of the science of mathematics.

Guess which fairy tale we will find ourselves in:

“...The elder brother shot an arrow - it fell on the boyar’s yard, right opposite the maiden’s mansion; the middle brother fired - the arrow flew to the merchant's yard and stopped at the red porch, and on the porch stood the soul-maiden, the merchant's daughter, the younger brother fired - the arrow hit the dirty swamp and picked it up ..... (frog frog) " Slide 1 (enter)

We need to help Tsarevich Ivan disenchant the frog. Slide 2.

II. Updating knowledge.

Often in fairy tales, the heroes were helped not so much by strength as by intelligence and ingenuity. Let's find out how ready you are for the challenge. (enter)

1) Repetition of knowledge of numbering. Listen to the instructions and follow the digital field with your eyes:

One cell up, two cells right,...

What number did you stop your gaze on?

How many tens and how many ones are there in this number?

14 16 20
15 11 17
18 12 10

2) Work on a Macbook (the Pervoly program is required to work). Appendix 2. Appendix 3.

Open your MacBooks. The numbers on the screen are red and blue. Arrange the red numbers in ascending order, and the blue numbers in descending order.

Close your MacBooks. Look at the blackboard. (enter)

III. Self-determination for activity.

The slide contains the expressions 3+4=7, 4+3=7, 7-3=4, 7-4=3.

Divide these expressions into two groups. Explain why you decided this? (Addition and subtraction). (enter)

Remember what components are called when added. (Commands, sum). (enter)

How are all these expressions related to each other? (If you subtract the first term from the sum, you get the second term).

What do you think we will talk about in class today?

IV. Learning new things. Construction of the project.

Working with mathematical boats.

  • Let's find the sum of the numbers 10 and 5. 10 is 1 ten. 1 dec. and 5 units turns out to be 15, i.e. 10 + 5 = 15
  • Let's find the difference between the numbers 15 and 5. 15 is 1 dec. and 5 units. If we subtract 5, we are left with ten (or 10). 15 – 5 = 10
  • Let's find the difference between the numbers 15 and 10. 15 is 1 dec. and 5 units. If we subtract 10, we are left with 5. 15 – 10 = 5 (enter)

V. Physical education minute. Warm up for the eyes. Slides 6-10. (enter)

VI. Primary consolidation.

Textbook p. 52 No. 1 oral solution of examples with commentary. (enter)

VII. Inclusion in the knowledge system and repetition.

Koschey the Immortal looked at the tasks in the textbook and decided to give us a more difficult task.

Slides 12-13.

Can this text be called a task? (No)

Why? (No question)

Which of the following questions would be appropriate for the problem? (By pressing (enter) several times, the required entries appear and the unnecessary entries disappear)

What (who) is this task about? (About traps)

Open your MacBooks, select a diagram for our problem, complete it and write down the solution.

The scheme and solution of the problem is performed on a Macbook.

IX. Independent work with self-test. Slide 15.

1. Differentiated tasks on Macbook.

Now you have to work on your own. There are 3 tasks. Koshchei's task is the most difficult, Baba Yaga's task is easier and the Serpent Gorynych's task is the easiest. Choose the one that suits you and do it.

Click on the button with the correct answer. If a smiling face appears, then you decided correctly, if a sad one, then it’s wrong.

Koshchei's task Baba Yaga's Quest The task of the Serpent Gorynych
3+...=13 12...1=11 5+2=

2. Logical task. Slide 16.

We have completed all the tasks of Koshchei the Immortal. And now it remains to free Vasilisa

Wisdom from prison.

In which tower did Koschey imprison Vasilisa the Wise, if Marya the Princess does not sit in towers 18 and 16, and Vasilisa the Beautiful does not sit in tower 18? (In tower 16). (enter)

Vasilisa the Wise was saved, the spell was broken. Slide 17. (enter)

X. Reflection of educational activities.

  • Today in class I studied...
  • Today in class I learned...
  • I enjoyed my lesson today...

If you have not yet fully mastered the new material and you need the teacher’s help, show a picture of a thunderstorm.

If you understand the material, but still need help from the teacher, then show a rainbow with a cloud.

If you have mastered the material well and can explain it to someone else, then show a bright rainbow.

XI. Homework. Students complete any task on page 52 of the textbook (part 2).

15 = +

II. Introduction to subtraction:

1) in parts

A typesetting fabric with two rows of 10 pockets is used. Calculations are accompanied by auxiliary records:

15 – 8 = 7, because 15 – 5 = 10

10 – 3 = 7

15 – 8 = 10 – 3 = 7 15 – 8 = 7

5 3 15 – 5 – 3 = 7

Read the expression: 15 – 8.

Draw what is being reduced on the typesetting canvas.

How many triangles will we remove from the bottom row of the canvas to get 10? (5). (15 – 5 = 10).

How many more triangles are left to remove from the top row of the typesetting canvas? (3).

Why? (8 is 5 and also 3).

How much did you get? (7). (10 – 3 = 7).

So, how do you subtract 8 from 15? (In parts: first subtract 5 to get 10, then 3 more, because 8 is 5 and also 3. 10 – 3 = 7).

Conclusion: To subtract by parts:

1. First I'll subtract to get 10.

2. I’ll remember the composition of the subtract to find out how much is left to subtract.

3. I will subtract the remaining units of the subtrahend from 10.

2) based on knowledge of the addition table and the relationship between the components and the result of addition

Remember, 15 is 8 and how many more? (15 is 8 and also 7).

So, if you subtract one of the terms – 8 – from the sum of 15, what do you get? (You get another term – 7).

15 – 8

Conclusion: To subtract, knowing the addition table:

1. Let me remember which two terms, one of which is equal to the subtrahend, the minuend consists of.

2. I subtract one of the terms and get another term.

– Compare two methods of subtraction. Which one is more rational?

[It is important to ensure that children understand that based on knowledge of the addition table, the subtraction result can be obtained faster, which means this method is more rational, but for it it is necessary to firmly memorize the addition table].

III. Consolidation

1. Introduction to the Pythagorean table.

2. Make 4 subtraction expressions with the answer 9.

3) Make up correct equalities and inequalities using the following numbers:

13, 8, 7; 15, 9, 6, 5.

4) Games: “Settled in the house” “Chain”

Tasks for monitoring and testing the development of computing skills

1. Solve with a detailed explanation (goal: to check knowledge of computational techniques and correctness of calculations):

8 + 6 7 + 5 15 – 8 13 – 6.

2. Find the meanings of the expressions (goal: check the accuracy and speed of calculations):

7 + 7 9 + 6 16 – 7
12 – 5 14 – 8 6 + 8

3. Compare expressions (goal: check the correctness of calculations and the ability to compare expressions): 16 – 9 * 8 8 + 5 * 8 + 7

GKS (K) OU RM “Povodimovskaya boarding school”

Yagina L.V.

primary school teacher.

Math lesson notes in 2nd grade

on the topic: "Adding and subtracting numbers within 20 with passing through ten. Solving examples and problems on addition and subtraction. Reinforcing the material."

Goal: to develop the skill of adding and subtracting numbers within 20;

repeat the material covered.

1. Educational:

    practice adding and subtracting numbers within 20 based on various tasks;

2. Correctional and developmental:

    develop auditory perception based on exercises in mental calculation;

    correct thinking based on exercises in solving examples and problems within 20.

3. Educational:

    to cultivate motivation for learning based on surprise moments, didactic games and the use of ICT.


    a ball of white thread (“snowball”);

    signal cards;

    counting sticks;


    cards of different colors and different shapes with tasks;

    cards with homework in an envelope;

    handout didactic material for individual work;

I.Organizing students for the lesson (slide No. 1).

During recess you played

And they caught up with each other.

But now the bell has rung

He invited all the children to class.

Teacher: Guys, look, we have guests. They came to see what you have learned, what you know and what you can do.

And now attention to me: the one who will answer my questions will sit down. If you answer correctly, rays will appear on the screen (slide No. 2).

    Ira, how many times did I stomp? (standing behind).

    Darina, how old are you?

    Maxim, how many times did I clap?

    Yura, show as many fingers as the number on the card shows.

    Vitya, name any single-digit number.

    Nikita, name any two-digit number.

Teacher: Look, the sun is smiling at you, and you will smile back at him and at each other (slide number 3).

    Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now?

    Who remembers and can tell what month it is now?

    What signs of winter can you name?

    What happens in nature in winter?

    Tell me, what winter games and entertainment do you know?

    Now you and I will also play snowballs, only unusual ones (slide number 4).

II. Verbal counting.

So, whoever I throw the snowball to must complete my tasks.

    Name the neighbors of the number 8.

    Name the neighbors of the number 19.

    Show 3 fingers (individual work).

    Show 5 fingers (individual work).

    Name a number that contains 1 ten and 4 ones.

    Name a number that contains 2 tens.

    Instant count: 2+1 3+1 5+1 7+1

1. There were 9 sweets in the vase. Dima ate 2 candies. How many candies are left in the vase?

2. Masha solved 10 examples, and Vika solved the same number. How many examples did Vika solve?

3. A hedgehog walked through the forest and found mushrooms for lunch.

Five - under the birch, four - near the aspen.

How many mushrooms are there in a wicker basket?

4. The apples in the garden are ripe: we managed to taste them.

Seven ruddy liquids, three with sourness. How many are there?

- Well done!(slide number 5).

III. Checking homework (slide number 6).

Teacher: Now, guys, open your notebooks to check your homework.

    Read the example using component names. What sign is placed between the numbers?

    Let's remember what numbers are called when adding. What sign is placed between the numbers?

IV. Teacher: Guys, today we will continue to solve examples and problems on adding and subtracting numbers within 20 without passing through ten. Let's consolidate the material learned in previous lessons. And our guest will help us with this. Who is he, you have to guess. To do this you need to put the numbers in order and you will get a word (slide number 7).

The snowman has prepared interesting tasks for you. Do you want to please the Snowman and complete the tasks that he offers you?

Well, then let's begin!

Teacher: We open the notebooks. Before you start working, let's remember the rules of sitting when writing (slide number 8).

Children (in chorus): I’ll open my notebook,

I'll put it in a corner.

I, friends, will not hide it from you,

I hold my pen like this.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend,

I'll get to work (Children write the number).

V. Teacher: AND first task that the Snowman offers you is "Mathematical dictation"(slide number 9).

To help you write well, let's do some exercises for your hands.

Children (in chorus): We intertwined our fingers

And they stretched out their arms,

Well, now we're off the ground

We push away the clouds.

Teacher: Let's get to work, listen carefully.

Tasks for the main group of students:

    1st term is 10, 2nd term is 1, find the sum;

    minuend-15, subtrahend-5, find the difference (remainder);

    7 increase by 3;

    reduce 18 by 10;

    to 10 add 10;

    subtract 2 from 12.

Tasks for individual work with group 1:

Tasks for individual work with group 2:

    find a geometric figure (square), what color is it?;

    show 4 fingers;

    name the number on the card (2, 5, 3);

    show as many fingers as the number on the card shows (within 5);

    find a geometric figure (rectangle), what color is it?;

    count how many apples;

    show 5 fingers;

    name a geometric figure (triangle), what color is it?;

    name the number on the card (4, 1);

    name a geometric figure (circle), what color is it?;

Examination: signals - green, red.

- Well done!(slide number 10).

VI. Teacher: AND second task from the Snowman - This “Task” (slide No. 11).

- Open your textbooks by bookmark. Find Problem No. 16(1), page 89.

We need to create a problem statement based on a drawing about apples on apple trees and pose a question to the problem.

Where do apple trees grow?

How many apple trees were there?

What can we say about the apples that grew (were) on the first apple tree?

What can we say about the apples that grew (were) on the second apple tree?

What will we find out? What question should we pose to the problem?

-(How many apples grew (were) on the second apple tree?)

Can we answer the problem question?

What action will we take? Why?

How do we write down the solution?

What did you learn in the task?

How do we write down the answer? (slide number 12).

Tasks for individual work with the second group:

- Well done!(slide number 13).

VII. Teacher: And now the Snowman invites you to rest (slide No. 14) .

(musical physical education lesson “Snowman”, music “If only there were no winter...”).

VIII. Teacher: You have rested a little and continue to complete the following tasks that the Snowman has prepared for you.

IX. Teacher: Guys, now look at the board. The snowman was solving examples on it, but an evil cold Wind blew away the arithmetic signs from the examples. Let's help him.

- Third task – “Insert the correct sign”(slide number 15).

13 4=17; 18 2=16;

15 2= 13; 4 14=18;

16 3= 13; 16 5=11.

Tasks for individual works:

Arrange the domino cards in order from 1 to 5.

Examination:(slide number 16).

Teacher: Irina (individual work), what signs did the guys put in the first column of examples?

Maksim (individual work), what signs did the guys put in the second column of examples?

Guys, what are numbers called when adding?

What are numbers called when subtracting?

- Well done!(slide number 17).

X. Teacher: Guys, look, there are pieces of different colors hanging on the board. What are these figures? How many are there?

The snowman has prepared them for you. On each of them there are tasks that you must complete. And I’ll help you find out which one is whose. I will call out your names and the color of the card, and you will come up and take off your card. There are examples on the cards that you must solve on your own. (slide number 18).

Tasks for individual work:

Write down the numbers and circle the boxes.

Examination:(slide No. 19-20). Examples appear on the slides in colored rectangles. Children take turns checking examples on a rectangle of the color with which their card color matches:

green yellow white orange 2 pink

10+8 14-4 6+2 10+4 register

15+2 18+1 7-3 19-10 numbers and

10+3+3 17-5 16-4 17-2 circle

15- 2- 1 14+3+2 15+3 14+3 cells

- Well done!(slide number 21).

XI. Teacher: Guys, the Snowman is very pleased with you and wants to know:

Did you like his assignments?

What did you like and remember most?

Teacher: Guys, the Snowman says goodbye and says “thank you” (slide number 22).

XII. And the last surprise from him is an envelope. What do you think is in it? (slide number 22).

In this envelope the Snowman left for you homework cards.

XIII. Teacher: Guys, I also liked the way you worked today, you did well and from me assessments.

List of sources used:

1. T.V. Alysheva. Mathematics 2nd grade, textbook for special (correctional) educational institutions of the VIII type, Education. 2013.

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