What kind of pot is needed for rubber ficus. Rubber ficus (elastica ficus) is a familiar stranger. Ficus rubbery - care

Can be planted with seeds. As a rule, seeds are purchased at a specialized store. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil, which in equal parts consists of sod land, humus and coarse sand. You can add some bone meal. Seed treatment, soaking or immersion in herbal solution is not required for this plant. The seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of approximately 5 mm. The container with the planted seeds should be in a bright place at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. To maintain a constant level of humidity, the container is placed with a plastic bag, and exclude direct sunlight. After planting, you need to be patient, since Benjamin's ficus seeds germinate after three months. After the appearance of several leaves on young shoots, the plants are picked into separate pots.

Location and lighting

Ficus Benjamin refers to light-loving plants, which must be taken into account when choosing a location for it. If the plant is located on the windowsills of the south side, then in this case the window must be slightly shaded from the sun, which can cause burns to the foliage. Better yet, place the plant in the back of the room. The windows on the east and west sides are optimal for ficus. On the north side, especially in winter, when daylight hours are short, Benjamin's ficus needs additional lighting. For this, ordinary light bulbs are not suitable, as they get very hot and dry the air. Fluorescent lamps must be used. When choosing the place of "registration" of Benjamin's ficus, it must be remembered that he painfully perceives the change of place of "residence". In summer, if there is a place protected from drafts and precipitation, the plant can be placed on a balcony or terrace.

Pot size

The Benjamin ficus pot must be changed with an annual transplant, when the plant is actively growing and its root system is developing. This period lasts about four years, after which the pot remains the same size. The change in the size of the pot during transplantation in quantitative terms increases by 2 - 3 cm without fail. The pots should have drainage holes. There are no special requirements for the material of the pot, it can be both ceramic and plastic, the main thing is that it fits the plant in size and fits harmoniously into the interior.

The soil

Benjamin ficus soil is sold in specialized stores. You can prepare the soil for planting the plant yourself. The acidity of the soil for ficuses is neutral or slightly acidic. Depending on the age of the plant, the mixture will be slightly different from each other. For young plants, the soil is made up of equal parts of peat, leafy soil and sand. For adult plants, the soil is more dense and consists of leafy and soddy soil, with the addition of sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5.


Ficus Benjamin transplant is carried out in several cases:

  • with the annual transplantation of young plants, when a pot replacement is required;
  • in case of breeding;
  • with depletion of the soil and replacement of drainage.

Usually, the transplant is carried out in the spring. In order for the ficus to painlessly transfer the transplant, without damaging the root system, the plant transshipment method is used. In this case, the old earthen lump does not collapse, the roots remain intact, and we fill in the gaps formed in the pot with fresh soil. After transplanting, the first watering of the plant is carried out only on the third day. If the room is very hot, dry and there is no way to ventilate without harming the plant, you can spray the plant. If the ficus was purchased in a store, then the best time for transplanting would be three to four weeks after purchase.

Fertilizers and feeding

When growing ficus Benjamin, you can not do without feeding and fertilizers. Fertilization is carried out from April to September, usually twice a week, alternating complex mineral and organic fertilizers. During the period when the foliage is actively growing in the plant, fertilizers with an increased nitrogen content are recommended. Fertilizer dissolves in water and is applied along with irrigation. As an organic top dressing, a mullein solution is used in a ratio of 1:10. In winter, Benjamin's ficus begins a dormant period, during which the plant does not need fertilization.


There are no special regulations for watering ficus Benjamin. It is produced as the soil dries up, which can be determined simply by touching it with your hand. Overflowing ficus is quite difficult, so it is better to underfill the plant, since the plant tolerates drying out more easily than overflowing. But it is still better not to bring the plant to extreme conditions. To prevent overflow of the plant, it is usually watered in several approaches, especially if the root ball is too dense and does not absorb moisture well. Excess water, if any, must be emptied from the pan. In winter, the plant is watered less frequently. Water for irrigation must settle for several days, or it must be boiled, cooled, and only after that water the plant.


Ficus Benjamin in terms of temperature content is a rather unpretentious plant. In the spring and summer months, the temperature for normal growth and development of the plant should be in the range from 20 to 25 degrees. The only thing to consider is that the plant does not tolerate drafts and temperature changes associated with it. In winter, when the plant has a dormant period, temperatures in the range of 16-18 degrees are enough for it. If the plant is cold, you will notice it by the yellowed leaves, which will begin to fall off over time. Do not be alarmed when, with the onset of the dormant period, the plant begins to shed its leaves. It is in the order of things when ficus loses 10-15% of its foliage in winter.


Ficus Benjamin is a moisture-loving plant. A comfortable level of air humidity for him is 70%. In the summer months, ficus requires regular spraying of the leaves, and the plant should be sprayed with boiled water at room temperature. Once every two weeks, the plant can be given a warm shower, also from boiled water, by setting the ficus plant in the bathroom. In winter, when the heating devices are working, the humidity level is maintained with the help of air humidifiers or with the help of a container with water in the immediate vicinity of the ficus.


Pruning of Benjamin ficus is done in late spring or early summer, when the plant has the highest growth rate. The beauty of this flower is that it can be shaped into different shapes by cutting. The most popular are the crowns of the plant in the form of a ball, a neat bush, in the Japanese bonsai style and in the form of various sculptures. There are a number of rules that should be followed when pruning Benjamin's ficus: the cut is made only with a sterilized tool at an angle to the upper edge, while you cannot damage the bark, twist and break off the leaves, and you must also try to preserve the natural appearance of the plant and not rush to cut off the branches that can be saved. Benjamin's ficus with woven trunks looks very attractive. This can be achieved by planting two or more young plants of equal height in one pot. Young ficuses are easy to braid, having previously removed branches and foliage in places of plexus. The plexus coils are fixed with electrical tape.

Pests and diseases

Common diseases of Benjamin's ficus are: botrytis - white bloom on the foliage due to overflow of the plant, cercosporosis - black dots on the underside of the leaf and anthracnose - drying of the edges of the leaf and the appearance of brown spots on them. For the treatment of the plant, severely affected parts are removed, the plant itself is transferred to another place and provided with proper care, namely, correct watering and lighting, adherence to the humidity and temperature regime.

Of the pests, Benjamin's ficus is most often affected by spider mites, aphids, scale insects and mealybugs.

A plant infected with a spider mite dies if urgent treatment is not taken. The fact is that this insect, sucking juice from foliage and other soft tissues, lays eggs within one to two weeks and multiplies exponentially. A preventive measure against the appearance of spider mites is steaming drainage and soil, as well as regular spraying of the plant. If the spider mite has already appeared, then it is fought with both folk methods and with the help of chemicals.

Popular methods include washing the entire plant and pot with soapy water, which leads to a decrease in the tick population, and then water the plant abundantly, spray the leaves and cover it with a plastic bag. The fact is that this creates high humidity, from which the spider mite dies.

An alternative method of treatment is to spray the plant with chemicals such as Aktara. If the leaves of the plant are severely deformed, begin to curl and dry out, then this indicates the defeat of the plant by such a pest as aphid, which multiplies no less rapidly than a spider mite. It is necessary to fight aphids by spraying the plants with tobacco, onion or garlic tincture, as well as tinctures of pepper, celandine and others. Also, the plant can be treated with insecticides and other chemicals.

If brown plaques are found on the stems of a plant, which are nothing more than a scale insect, the plant must be urgently isolated from other indoor plants. Effectively enough, you can fight the scabbard by wiping the affected areas of the plant with a soap-alcohol solution after you remove all the insects from the plant with a damp cloth or toothbrush. Alcohol can be replaced with machine oil. This procedure is recommended to be carried out weekly until the complete destruction of the pests. Another method of dealing with the scabbard is rubbing the affected areas with tinctures based on garlic, celandine or hot pepper. Of the chemicals, the most effective drugs are Fitoverm or Akarin.

To combat the mealybug, you should prepare a soap-alcohol solution, which is sprayed on the plant. The next day, the ficus is washed with warm water, and after another 3 days, the procedure is repeated again. The affected leaves are rubbed with garlic tincture. Chemicals such as phosphamide, actellik and others are used to treat the leaves of the plant, absorbing the juice of which, the insects are poisoned and die. When using chemical methods of processing plants, in no case should you forget about personal safety when using protective equipment.


At home, unlike in the wild, Benjamin's ficus practically does not bloom. And as such, there are no flowers, but there are inflorescences in the form of peas or berries with small holes for pollination by insects that live in tropical climates.


Reproduction of ficus Benjamin can be done in two ways: by cuttings and leaf propagation. The most common method is the grafting method. A strong and healthy shoot is cut for the cuttings. Make a cut with a sharp, sterilized scalpel or blade. The lower leaves are removed from the cutting. You can root the cutting both in water and in soil. To root the cuttings in water, the cuttings are placed in water about 1 cm and regularly, adding water, instead of evaporated, we wait for the germination of the roots. When the stalk takes root, it is clearly visible through the glass, it is planted in a separate pot in the soil for young ficuses. When rooting cuttings in the ground, the cut of the cuttings is washed in warm water and planted from the ground. The container with the planted cuttings is placed in a plastic bag or covered with glass. This is how the greenhouse conditions necessary for rooting the cuttings in the ground are organized. After new leaves appear, indicating successful rooting, the plants dive into separate pots.

For leaf propagation, the bottom leaf of the plant is cut off and placed in a container with water. The leaf should be cut with a small portion of the stem. After new roots appear, the sheet is planted in the ground. You can immediately plant the cut leaf in the ground, but for its rooting, you will have to create greenhouse conditions by placing the container in a bag or under a glass flask.

Plant toxicity / beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of the Benjamin ficus include its ability to purify the air, but the milky juice of this ficus can cause allergies.

Indoor plants are elements of wildlife that can be easily "built in" into the interior of any room and style. Flowers, mini-trees, bushes fill the house with warmth, focus on themselves, create a special, comfortable atmosphere. Ficuses are one of the most popular indoor plants. Almost all of them are unpretentious in care and at the same time are exquisitely decorative. A significant role in maintaining their health and beauty is played by the correct choice of the container in which they grow. Knowing how to choose the right ficus pot will help provide your green pet with the best conditions for him.

What pot is needed for a ficus

Clay pots without glaze for home flowers are considered to be the best option because the clay is porous and allows air to circulate. This has a positive effect on the regulation of soil moisture, and on the supply of oxygen to the roots. However, ficuses are not picky about the material from which the container is made - it can be ceramics, clay or plastic. The only thing that is fundamentally necessary for all types of culture are drainage holes and a "spout" on the pallet for draining excess liquid. You can plant a young ficus plant, you can even transplant an adult plant into a cheap plastic pot - and if you follow the simple rules of care, the owner of the flower will receive a healthy and well-developed flower, bush or tree.

Pot shape

For most "natural" ficuses (that is, excluding bonsai-style trees), standard-shaped pot models with approximately equal heights and diameters, as well as holes in the bottom (to ensure drainage of the plantations), are suitable.

When choosing a vessel for a ficus, it should be remembered that this culture is rarely transplanted due to its slow growth, and in addition, the flower itself perceives this procedure as stress, reacting by dropping the foliage. Therefore, the questions of the shape and design of the pot are decided in advance and a flower is planted in it, given that in the next year or three it will not be injured by the change of the "house".

In particular, experts do not recommend using round pots, in the form of a ball. It is difficult to get plants out of them when transplanting, and ficuses get sick when their roots are severely injured.

Determine the size

The disproportion in the size of the plant (together with the root system) and the capacity for it sometimes leads to problems: in a pot that is too large, the soil dries slowly, increasing the susceptibility of the flower to root rot. If the pot is too small, the bush or tree may tip over under the weight of the branches.

The size of a pot for ficus is determined by the size of the root system: when placed in a pot, two centimeters should remain to its walls (a ruler is difficult to use in such cases. Practicing flower growers simply put two fingers of their hands to the root coma). A more "free" container, instead of benefit, is capable of ruining the plant - too much moisture will be retained in excess soil, which is harmful to it.

In tight containers, the ground part of a bush or tree develops more strongly, and in free containers the root system increases, and the growth of ground mass is inhibited. Therefore, when transplanting, they either change the soil, leaving the old pot, or select a container 2-4 cm larger in diameter than the previous one.

Features of the choice of capacity for bonsai

To correctly determine the size of the pot for ficus bonsai, the following rules will help, taking into account the aesthetics of the appearance of the plant:

  • the depth of the tank should be equal to the diameter of the trunk just above the ground level;
  • for trees with a particularly wide crown, a wider pot is selected;
  • the length of trees with a very thick trunk (compared to their height) - choose deeper vessels.

In addition, bonsai specialists believe that the shape of the vessel should be in harmony with the tree. In appearance, bonsai plants are conventionally divided into male and female (it depends only on the opinion of the owner):

  • male trees have a strong trunk, strong, mature bark, and often sharp angular branching. They look good in containers with pronounced corners - square, rectangular;
  • female ficus bonsai are considered more refined, with a smooth bark, as well as smoothed lines of curvature of branches. Oval or round containers are suitable for them.

A properly selected flat bonsai tree enhances the aesthetic pleasure of contemplating the tree as a work of art. If you only take into account gardening considerations, almost any flat bonsai pots with a wall height of no more than 10 cm will do.

The "beauty" of ficuses, in addition to their many other advantages, also lies in the fact that they are not picky in terms of the shape and material of the pots. Therefore, taking into account the size of the root system and the method of growing the plant, you can select a variety of vessels for them, harmoniously fitting them into the style of the interior in the room.

In which pot to plant ficus? There is no particular significance in what material the pot for the plant will be.

It's important to pay more attention to size. Do not forget about the correct placement of the ficus pot. Caring for it and timely transplantation will help keep the plant in proper condition.

Home ficuses are represented by a wide variety of types and sizes. Therefore, the question often arises, which pot for ficus to choose. To do this correctly, you must:

  • Calculate size
  • Select shape
  • Pick up material

The size of the pot directly depends on the state of development of the roots of the plant. The optimal size will be in which they, by about two centimeters, will not reach the walls of the selected container. You need to purchase a vessel that is not too large, with a good drainage system.

There is no ideal shape for growing ficuses. In most cases, regular, classic-shaped products sold in stores will do.

However, for those who like to grow a plant using the "bonsai" technology, flat models are needed, with sides from 10 cm.

What the dishes are made of, in which the "tree" will grow, does not really matter.

It can be plastic, clay or ceramics, and for especially large specimens, wooden tubs are suitable. The main thing when choosing a material is the absence of a chemical effect on the flower.

From the above, we can conclude - when choosing a pot, you need to remember about the condition of the roots, the size of the ficus and the method of growing it. The vessel should not be treated with chemical compounds and fit into the interior.

It is easy to determine in which pot to plant a young ficus. For such a plant, you will need a standard small pot with good drainage. If you need to transplant a grown plant or a copy recently purchased in a store, you need to know how to choose a container.

Asking the question in which pot to plant the ficus that was purchased in the store is necessary 3-4 weeks after the new pet appeared in the house. The plant is already experiencing stress from a change in the microclimate, if you add a transplant to this, the flower can weaken or get sick.

It is important to keep the new specimen away from other houseplants. In flower shops, greenhouses and greenhouses, pests sometimes appear or plants are attacked by infection.

It is important to leave the new pet in the quarantine zone for about a month to make sure it is healthy and does not infect other flowers. After all, there are insects that infect almost all crops and are difficult to remove. An example is spider mites.

Thinking about which pot is needed for ficus, we recommend choosing a container that has such proportions - the height is equal to its diameter. This recommendation applies to the choice of containers for Benjamin ficus and Rubber crop.

You should not try to delay the next transplant by choosing too large a "house" for the described plant. This can have several negative consequences. So, the flower will begin to spend a lot of energy on building up the root system, which can negatively affect its decorative effect.

Also, when watering in a too large container, water may begin to accumulate, which the roots cannot reach. This will provoke stagnation of moisture, and, as a result, decay of the roots and disease of the flower.

For the purpose of decoration, you can use a pots for ficus. They are made by hand or purchased in specialized stores. In the first case, you can use a vine for weaving, decoupage and other techniques.

How to transplant ficus

If the plant grows well, does not get sick, there is still a need for a ficus transplant. Usually for ficus, you can define the following terms of "moving":

  • 3 year olds - once a year
  • five-year - no more than once in a three-year period
  • Older adults - once every six years

The new "apartment" is chosen about a couple of centimeters in volume, more than the old one.

In order for the transplant to be successful, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

Your flower will not experience much stress if everything is done carefully and correctly.


Although it is not a very picky plant, caring for a ficus requires certain knowledge:

  • It should be located in a lighted room without direct light exposure.
  • The temperature should not exceed 30º in summer and not drop below 16º in winter.
  • The room must be well ventilated.

Ficus does not require frequent watering. In the summer it will be enough to water as the soil dries up. However, this must be done abundantly. In winter, do not allow excess moisture, as this has a bad effect on the root system.

The soil for mature plants should be quite dense in consistency. For bait, organic fertilizers and mineral mixtures are used.

The settling dust is washed off with a warm shower a couple of times a month, and you can wipe the leaves with a wet sponge every day.

Timely caring for the plant will give it the opportunity to develop harmoniously.

Reproduction of ficus

Ficus, like all plants in nature, is a seed. But at home, this process is easier and more efficient to produce vegetatively. There are three main possibilities for how to implement:

Using cuttings. The shoot is cut off (14-17 cm), the leaves are removed. The cut site should be washed and dried.

The prepared cutting is placed in the ground or water solution. At the initial stage, the offshoot must be kept in the dark and under the film, creating the effect of a greenhouse.

Using a cutting with a leaf. A shoot with a leaf is cut off. The main thing is that the cut is made at an angle along the trunk node.

After the shoot is set in the pot, the leaf is curled and fixed. Then he is also covered with a film.

By creating air layering. An incision is made in the circle of the shoot, and the crust is removed. Moss is attached to the damaged area and wrapped in foil.

The upper and lower parts are tied. The moss must be kept constantly moist. Roots will soon appear in this place. Then there is a transplant of the shoot with a layering in the ground.

Young shoots should be transplanted into pots without glazing, as it is less permeable to air and moisture.

You need to plant plants at home in the spring, having good soil for planting.

Conditions for the plant

Ficus is rightfully one of the most beautiful and spectacular types of domestic flora.

Correctly chosen pot and care, timely transplantation, competently performed reproduction are the key to a prosperous and long life of your pet.

Attention super FLY!

Can be planted with seeds. As a rule, seeds are purchased at a specialized store. Before planting, it is necessary to prepare the soil, which in equal parts consists of sod land, humus and coarse sand. You can add some bone meal. Seed treatment, soaking or immersion in herbal solution is not required for this plant. The seeds are planted in the ground to a depth of approximately 5 mm. The container with the planted seeds should be in a bright place at a temperature of 20 to 25 degrees. To maintain a constant level of humidity, the container is placed with a plastic bag, and exclude direct sunlight. After planting, you need to be patient, since Benjamin's ficus seeds germinate after three months. After the appearance of several leaves on young shoots, the plants are picked into separate pots.

Location and lighting

Ficus Benjamin refers to light-loving plants, which must be taken into account when choosing a location for it. If the plant is located on the windowsills of the south side, then in this case the window must be slightly shaded from the sun, which can cause burns to the foliage. Better yet, place the plant in the back of the room. The windows on the east and west sides are optimal for ficus. On the north side, especially in winter, when daylight hours are short, Benjamin's ficus needs additional lighting. For this, ordinary light bulbs are not suitable, as they get very hot and dry the air. Fluorescent lamps must be used. When choosing the place of "registration" of Benjamin's ficus, it must be remembered that he painfully perceives the change of place of "residence". In summer, if there is a place protected from drafts and precipitation, the plant can be placed on a balcony or terrace.

Pot size

The Benjamin ficus pot must be changed with an annual transplant, when the plant is actively growing and its root system is developing. This period lasts about four years, after which the pot remains the same size. The change in the size of the pot during transplantation in quantitative terms increases by 2 - 3 cm without fail. The pots should have drainage holes. There are no special requirements for the material of the pot, it can be both ceramic and plastic, the main thing is that it fits the plant in size and fits harmoniously into the interior.

The soil

Benjamin ficus soil is sold in specialized stores. You can prepare the soil for planting the plant yourself. The acidity of the soil for ficuses is neutral or slightly acidic. Depending on the age of the plant, the mixture will be slightly different from each other. For young plants, the soil is made up of equal parts of peat, leafy soil and sand. For adult plants, the soil is more dense and consists of leafy and soddy soil, with the addition of sand in a ratio of 1: 1: 0.5.


Ficus Benjamin transplant is carried out in several cases:

  • with the annual transplantation of young plants, when a pot replacement is required;
  • in case of breeding;
  • with depletion of the soil and replacement of drainage.

Usually, the transplant is carried out in the spring. In order for the ficus to painlessly transfer the transplant, without damaging the root system, the plant transshipment method is used. In this case, the old earthen lump does not collapse, the roots remain intact, and we fill in the gaps formed in the pot with fresh soil. After transplanting, the first watering of the plant is carried out only on the third day. If the room is very hot, dry and there is no way to ventilate without harming the plant, you can spray the plant. If the ficus was purchased in a store, then the best time for transplanting would be three to four weeks after purchase.

Fertilizers and feeding

When growing ficus Benjamin, you can not do without feeding and fertilizers. Fertilization is carried out from April to September, usually twice a week, alternating complex mineral and organic fertilizers. During the period when the foliage is actively growing in the plant, fertilizers with an increased nitrogen content are recommended. Fertilizer dissolves in water and is applied along with irrigation. As an organic top dressing, a mullein solution is used in a ratio of 1:10. In winter, Benjamin's ficus begins a dormant period, during which the plant does not need fertilization.


There are no special regulations for watering ficus Benjamin. It is produced as the soil dries up, which can be determined simply by touching it with your hand. Overflowing ficus is quite difficult, so it is better to underfill the plant, since the plant tolerates drying out more easily than overflowing. But it is still better not to bring the plant to extreme conditions. To prevent overflow of the plant, it is usually watered in several approaches, especially if the root ball is too dense and does not absorb moisture well. Excess water, if any, must be emptied from the pan. In winter, the plant is watered less frequently. Water for irrigation must settle for several days, or it must be boiled, cooled, and only after that water the plant.


Ficus Benjamin in terms of temperature content is a rather unpretentious plant. In the spring and summer months, the temperature for normal growth and development of the plant should be in the range from 20 to 25 degrees. The only thing to consider is that the plant does not tolerate drafts and temperature changes associated with it. In winter, when the plant has a dormant period, temperatures in the range of 16-18 degrees are enough for it. If the plant is cold, you will notice it by the yellowed leaves, which will begin to fall off over time. Do not be alarmed when, with the onset of the dormant period, the plant begins to shed its leaves. It is in the order of things when ficus loses 10-15% of its foliage in winter.


Ficus Benjamin is a moisture-loving plant. A comfortable level of air humidity for him is 70%. In the summer months, ficus requires regular spraying of the leaves, and the plant should be sprayed with boiled water at room temperature. Once every two weeks, the plant can be given a warm shower, also from boiled water, by setting the ficus plant in the bathroom. In winter, when the heating devices are working, the humidity level is maintained with the help of air humidifiers or with the help of a container with water in the immediate vicinity of the ficus.


Pruning of Benjamin ficus is done in late spring or early summer, when the plant has the highest growth rate. The beauty of this flower is that it can be shaped into different shapes by cutting. The most popular are the crowns of the plant in the form of a ball, a neat bush, in the Japanese bonsai style and in the form of various sculptures. There are a number of rules that should be followed when pruning Benjamin's ficus: the cut is made only with a sterilized tool at an angle to the upper edge, while you cannot damage the bark, twist and break off the leaves, and you must also try to preserve the natural appearance of the plant and not rush to cut off the branches that can be saved. Benjamin's ficus with woven trunks looks very attractive. This can be achieved by planting two or more young plants of equal height in one pot. Young ficuses are easy to braid, having previously removed branches and foliage in places of plexus. The plexus coils are fixed with electrical tape.

Pests and diseases

Common diseases of Benjamin's ficus are: botrytis - white bloom on the foliage due to overflow of the plant, cercosporosis - black dots on the underside of the leaf and anthracnose - drying of the edges of the leaf and the appearance of brown spots on them. For the treatment of the plant, severely affected parts are removed, the plant itself is transferred to another place and provided with proper care, namely, correct watering and lighting, adherence to the humidity and temperature regime.

Of the pests, Benjamin's ficus is most often affected by spider mites, aphids, scale insects and mealybugs.

A plant infected with a spider mite dies if urgent treatment is not taken. The fact is that this insect, sucking juice from foliage and other soft tissues, lays eggs within one to two weeks and multiplies exponentially. A preventive measure against the appearance of spider mites is steaming drainage and soil, as well as regular spraying of the plant. If the spider mite has already appeared, then it is fought with both folk methods and with the help of chemicals.

Popular methods include washing the entire plant and pot with soapy water, which leads to a decrease in the tick population, and then water the plant abundantly, spray the leaves and cover it with a plastic bag. The fact is that this creates high humidity, from which the spider mite dies.

An alternative method of treatment is to spray the plant with chemicals such as Aktara. If the leaves of the plant are severely deformed, begin to curl and dry out, then this indicates the defeat of the plant by such a pest as aphid, which multiplies no less rapidly than a spider mite. It is necessary to fight aphids by spraying the plants with tobacco, onion or garlic tincture, as well as tinctures of pepper, celandine and others. Also, the plant can be treated with insecticides and other chemicals.

If brown plaques are found on the stems of a plant, which are nothing more than a scale insect, the plant must be urgently isolated from other indoor plants. Effectively enough, you can fight the scabbard by wiping the affected areas of the plant with a soap-alcohol solution after you remove all the insects from the plant with a damp cloth or toothbrush. Alcohol can be replaced with machine oil. This procedure is recommended to be carried out weekly until the complete destruction of the pests. Another method of dealing with the scabbard is rubbing the affected areas with tinctures based on garlic, celandine or hot pepper. Of the chemicals, the most effective drugs are Fitoverm or Akarin.

To combat the mealybug, you should prepare a soap-alcohol solution, which is sprayed on the plant. The next day, the ficus is washed with warm water, and after another 3 days, the procedure is repeated again. The affected leaves are rubbed with garlic tincture. Chemicals such as phosphamide, actellik and others are used to treat the leaves of the plant, absorbing the juice of which, the insects are poisoned and die. When using chemical methods of processing plants, in no case should you forget about personal safety when using protective equipment.


At home, unlike in the wild, Benjamin's ficus practically does not bloom. And as such, there are no flowers, but there are inflorescences in the form of peas or berries with small holes for pollination by insects that live in tropical climates.


Reproduction of ficus Benjamin can be done in two ways: by cuttings and leaf propagation. The most common method is the grafting method. A strong and healthy shoot is cut for the cuttings. Make a cut with a sharp, sterilized scalpel or blade. The lower leaves are removed from the cutting. You can root the cutting both in water and in soil. To root the cuttings in water, the cuttings are placed in water about 1 cm and regularly, adding water, instead of evaporated, we wait for the germination of the roots. When the stalk takes root, it is clearly visible through the glass, it is planted in a separate pot in the soil for young ficuses. When rooting cuttings in the ground, the cut of the cuttings is washed in warm water and planted from the ground. The container with the planted cuttings is placed in a plastic bag or covered with glass. This is how the greenhouse conditions necessary for rooting the cuttings in the ground are organized. After new leaves appear, indicating successful rooting, the plants dive into separate pots.

For leaf propagation, the bottom leaf of the plant is cut off and placed in a container with water. The leaf should be cut with a small portion of the stem. After new roots appear, the sheet is planted in the ground. You can immediately plant the cut leaf in the ground, but for its rooting, you will have to create greenhouse conditions by placing the container in a bag or under a glass flask.

Plant toxicity / beneficial properties

The beneficial properties of the Benjamin ficus include its ability to purify the air, but the milky juice of this ficus can cause allergies.


Ficus pot dimensions

It is selected based on the size and degree of development of the root system of the plant that is supposed to be planted. The ficus pot should not be too loose. It is recommended to choose a vessel, always with a lower drainage hole, in which the roots of the plant do not reach the walls of the vessel by about 1.5-2 cm. You also need to take into account that at the bottom of the vessel it is necessary to equip drainage from expanded clay or brick chips. When transplanting young or developing individuals of ficus, the pot should be 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous container.

In the process of plant formation, the volume of the vessel can be reduced; in this case, careful pruning of the roots, accompanied by pruning and crown formation, is necessary.

You can not plant a ficus in a pot that is too spacious for it. As a rule, this leads to undesirable consequences, such as acidification of the soil in the vessel with a non-inhabited root system and, as a result, decay of the roots, often leading to the death of the plant. Also, there are types of ficus for which a spacious container is simply contraindicated.

Since ficus is a large plant, and in natural conditions, some of its species grow up to 10-15 m in height, the size of the container can serve as a tool for adjusting the growth limits. Keeping an individual in a vessel close to its root system will stop the growth of the aerial part of the plant.


Nuances and rules for transplanting ficus

Even a novice amateur florist can handle a ficus transplant at home. To do this, it is enough to remember about the features of the selected plant and the main nuances of its life in the apartment.

Ficus is considered a capricious plant, as from inappropriate conditions it begins to rapidly shed its leaves. This often happens during the soil replacement period, as the flower is under severe stress.

To prevent the ficus from dying, you need to transplant according to all the rules.

When a plant needs a transplant

It is recommended to transplant annually if the plant is less than four years old. More mature cultures are disturbed much less often - once every 2-3 years. The green flower loves to grow in cramped conditions, but periodically, the potted soil will still need to be updated.

When to transplant ficus:

  • roots begin to peep out from the lower holes of the pot, filling all its space;
  • the soil dries up quickly after watering;
  • the root system can also be seen at the top of the container.

These signals indicate that the roots of the plant no longer have enough space, and they need a larger pot. Due to the tightness, the ficus will receive less nutrients, and this will certainly affect its appearance.

How to choose a pot and soil

To transplant ficus into another pot, you must initially choose a container and suitable soil. It is recommended to purchase the substrate ready-made in the store, since it is formulated in a suitable proportion and sterilized. If this is not possible, you can prepare the soil yourself.

To transplant a young plant, you will need 1 part of sand, as well as 2 parts of coniferous land and the same amount of peat.

An adult ficus plant requires the following components in the soil substrate:

  • deciduous humus;
  • coniferous land;
  • peat soil;
  • turf;
  • humus.

The pot you choose does not have to be very large. It is enough if its diameter exceeds the size of the previous container by 3-4 cm. Good drainage is required at the bottom of the container, which consists of several holes for excess water to escape.

What will be the material of the pot does not play a special role. The main thing is that the container does not exude chemical elements into the root system of the plant. The dishes can be made of earthenware, glass, ceramic, wood or plastic base.

Step-by-step instructions for transplanting ficus

Preparatory activities and transplantation:

  1. The air temperature during the transfer period should not exceed 23 degrees. That is, ficus can be transplanted not only in spring, but also in cool summer.
  2. It is recommended to water the soil a day so that the roots can be easily removed from the pot. It is also necessary to immediately prepare a new container and soil.
  3. Gently take the ficus by the trunk and, holding the container, pull out the plant. This must be done carefully so as not to damage the root system.
  4. Shake off excess soil from the rhizome.
  5. Plant the flower in a new pot with a drainage layer prepared in advance.
  6. Cover empty spaces with soil, crush thoroughly. The soil should not reach the top by about 1-2 cm.
  7. Next, the ficus must be watered.

If the plant is very large and heavy, it does not need to be repotted. It will be enough to replace the topsoil.

Care after plant transplant

A ficus transplant is stressful for him, therefore, for the early adaptation of a green inhabitant, the florist must carefully look after him. Watering will need to be temporarily limited, it will be enough to spray the plant and soil from a spray bottle.

It is recommended to install the pot in a well-ventilated place without drafts, avoiding scorching rays. The optimum air temperature is no more than 23-26 degrees. Top dressing should be introduced no earlier than a month after transplanting.

Common mistakes

Sometimes an amateur florist makes mistakes when transplanting a ficus that lead to the death of the plant in a short time. If all the leaves began to fall off the flower en masse, you need to look for the reason in the wrong actions during the transplantation and further care.

What mistakes are common:

  • changing the location of the pot in the room;
  • too large capacity;
  • excessive watering or lack of moisture;
  • lack of drainage in the pot;
  • damage to the roots;
  • unsuitable soil composition;
  • transplant in winter or hot summer.

Ficus is a very beautiful but delicate plant. If you follow all the rules for transplanting and further caring for it, taking into account all the nuances, the green inhabitant will decorate the home and cheer up its owner.


In which pot to plant ficus: the secrets of the right choice

There is no particular significance in what material the pot for the plant will be. It is important to pay more attention to size. Do not forget about the correct placement of the ficus pot. Taking care of him and timely transplanting will help keep the plant in proper shape.

In which pot to plant ficus

Home ficuses are represented by a wide variety of types and sizes. Therefore, the question often arises, which pot for ficus to choose. To do this correctly, you must:

  • Calculate size
  • Select shape
  • Pick up material

Plastic pot for ficus

The size of the pot directly depends on the state of development of the roots of the plant. The optimal size will be in which they, by about two centimeters, will not reach the walls of the selected container. You need to purchase a vessel that is not too large, with a good drainage system.

There is no ideal shape for growing ficuses. In most cases, regular, classic-shaped products sold in stores will do. However, for those who like to grow a plant using the "bonsai" technology, flat models are needed, with sides from 10 cm.

What the dishes are made of, in which the "tree" will grow, does not really matter. It can be plastic, clay or ceramics, and for especially large specimens, wooden tubs are suitable. The main thing when choosing a material is the absence of a chemical effect on the flower.

From the above, we can conclude - when choosing a pot, you need to remember about the condition of the roots, the size of the ficus and the method of growing it. The vessel should not be treated with chemical compounds and fit into the interior.

How to transplant ficus

If the plant grows well, does not get sick, there is still a need for a ficus transplant. Usually for ficus, you can define the following terms of "moving":

  • 3 year olds - once a year
  • five-year - no more than once in a three-year period
  • Older adults - once every six years

The new "apartment" is chosen about a couple of centimeters in volume, more than the old one.

In order for the transplant to be successful, you need to adhere to the following simple rules:

Your flower will not experience much stress if everything is done carefully and correctly.


Although it is not a very picky plant, caring for a ficus requires certain knowledge:

  • It should be located in a lighted room without direct light exposure.
  • The temperature should not exceed 30º in summer and not drop below 16º in winter.
  • The room must be well ventilated.

Ficus does not require frequent watering. In the summer it will be enough to water as the soil dries up. However, this must be done abundantly. In winter, do not allow excess moisture, as this has a bad effect on the root system.

The soil for mature plants should be quite dense in consistency. For bait, organic fertilizers and mineral mixtures are used.

The settling dust is washed off with a warm shower a couple of times a month, and you can wipe the leaves with a wet sponge every day.

Timely caring for the plant will give it the opportunity to develop harmoniously.

Reproduction of ficus

Ficus, like all plants in nature, propagates using seeds. But at home, this process is easier and more efficient to produce vegetatively. There are three main possibilities for how to reproduce a ficus at home:

Ficus stalk, ready for planting

Using cuttings. The shoot is cut off (14-17 cm), the leaves are removed. The cut site should be washed and dried. The prepared cutting is placed in the ground or water solution. At the initial stage, the offshoot must be kept in the dark and under the film, creating the effect of a greenhouse.

Using a cutting with a leaf. A shoot with a leaf is cut off. The main thing is that the cut is made at an angle along the trunk node. After the shoot is set in the pot, the leaf is curled and fixed. Then he is also covered with a film.

By creating air layering. An incision is made in the circle of the shoot, and the crust is removed. Moss is attached to the damaged area and wrapped in foil. The upper and lower parts are tied. The moss must be kept constantly moist. Roots will soon appear in this place. Then there is a transplant of the shoot with a layering in the ground.

Young shoots need to be transplanted into pots without glaze, as it is less likely to let air through, the moisture needed by the flower.

You need to plant plants at home in the spring, having good soil for planting.

Conditions for the plant

When creating conditions for ficus, you need to remember that the plant loves warmth. Therefore, you should monitor the temperature in the room. Especially in the winter. Ventilate the room in time without creating strong drafts. The location of the flower should not be exposed to direct sunlight, but be well lit. There should not be too dry and waterlogged soil in the pot. The container itself should be comfortable and fit in parameters to the size of the plant.

While watching the video, you will learn about the cultivation of ficus.

Ficus is rightfully one of the most beautiful and spectacular types of domestic flora. Correctly chosen pot and care, timely transplantation, competently performed reproduction are the key to a prosperous and long life of your pet.

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What pot is needed for planting a ficus

Probably, no one will argue with the fact that the ficus is one of the most popular plants that gardeners grow at home. This flower is represented by both low-growing representatives (bonsai) and whole bushes, reaching a height of 2-3 meters. A large number of varieties of ficus will allow everyone to choose what they like best.

An important point to pay attention to when growing a plant is the choice of the size of the pot for the ficus. Many do not pay due attention to such a moment, but it is completely in vain, since a lot depends on it.

How to choose the right shape of the container

The ficus pot should be chosen depending on the size of the flower itself. If the plant has just been purchased and it is still small enough, then it is recommended to take a closer look at a small flowerpot.

You need to be much more careful when choosing a pot for a ficus tree, which has been growing at home for a long time.

Experienced gardeners are advised to pay attention to containers of standard sizes, in which the diameter is equal to the height of the flowerpot. If there is a Rubber-bearing ficus or Benjamin's ficus at home, then such a pot will be an ideal option.

When planting a tree from which you want to create a bonsai, you need to understand that choosing a flowerpot will be a little more difficult. Many novice gardeners acquire what they like best based on their appearance, and this is fundamentally wrong.

Important! The bonsai pot should be flatter, resembling a plate, not a flowerpot.

A container or thicket is something that is in high demand. Besides the fact that such containers are very convenient, they will perfectly fit into any interior of an apartment or office.

When thinking about which pot to plant a flower in, you need to understand that any shape can be artificially changed. Of course, no one will specifically remake the container, but there is an opportunity to cheat by weaving a pots into which a vase can be placed. Tall products look beautiful and original, ideal for bonsai and for other forms.

Pot size - how to choose it

Some believe that Benjamin's ficus pot can be anything. Even the one that remains from some other flower, for example, will do. If you act on this principle, then you can face the fact that the plant stops growing, begins to wither, and then dies altogether.

Experienced growers say that "We choose the size depending on the development of the roots of the flower." There is no point in planting young plants with small roots in large flowerpots, since the ficus will stop growing due to the fact that the root system begins to actively develop. And until it wraps around the entire earthy clod, the situation will not change.

However, this does not mean that you should wait until the roots have already emerged from the drainage holes.

If the flower has not been transplanted for more than a year, it is necessary to get an earthen lump together with the flower and carefully examine it. Having noticed a developed root system, it is necessary to transplant the ficus into a pot, which will be several centimeters larger than the previous one.

Important! Rubbery ficuses grow very quickly, so they will have to buy a new pot every year.

The mistake of many gardeners is that, when planning to plant a tree, they transplant an already large enough flower into a container that is slightly larger than the previous one. This rule must be observed for those flowers that grow on the windowsill. For outdoor ficuses, you should buy large enough flowerpots. Considering that adults and large plants are not transplanted, they simply change the top layer of the substrate every year, it will be very difficult to transplant a flower into a larger pot. The plant may simply not take root in a new place and die.

Material - what is better to pay attention to

Despite the fact that ficuses are quite unpretentious plants and can "live" in almost any pot, it is still recommended to pay attention to the material from which it is made.

You need to understand that not all containers are safe, we are talking about toxic materials, from which flowerpots can also be made. Some manufacturers, in order to save a little on production, use poor quality plastics, which, when in contact with soil, water or fertilizers, begin to release toxins. It is the latter that adversely affect the plant.

There were cases when the flower began to fade gradually, but the reason could not be found. And only an accidental transplant into a new container saved the situation.

Therefore, when thinking about which pot you need for ficus, it is best to choose proven materials.

These include:

  • ceramics;
  • clay;
  • glass;
  • wood.

The latter material is relevant for the manufacture of large tubs that can decorate any room.

As for the clay containers, they are usually used for planting bonsai.

Ceramics is an expensive material, but beautiful, durable and, of course, natural, so if possible, you should pay attention to it.

If the florist is familiar with the manufacturing company and has repeatedly bought the pots of the presented company made of plastic, then you can purchase them as well. At the same time, having noticed some negative changes occurring with the flower, as well as eliminating all possible problems, it will not be superfluous to change the flowerpot by buying a pot made of natural material.

What color to give preference

Perhaps this is the simplest thing that can be. Today there are so many colors on the market that it will not be difficult to choose a suitable pot for ficus. Some gardeners advise paying attention to light colors that harmonize very nicely with the green shades of the leaf plates. If you are purchasing a ceramic flowerpot, then you can take a closer look at products that have a fancy and delicate pattern.

By choosing the right flowerpot, the flower will grow quickly enough and develop well.

Proper care for ficus at home

Ficus has been adjacent to people for a long time. This plant enlivens the interior and gives the home a light touch of antiquity. The tree is popular with indoor plant lovers for its unpretentious nature and high decorative properties. In order for Benjamin's home ficus to please its owner with a healthy look and lush crown, the basic conditions for caring for this plant must be observed. The ability to properly plant, feed, cut the plant is important here. Not to mention crown formation or how to water the ground.

Microclimate basics: when to plant, how to feed and fertilize your plant

Does it matter what kind of ficus I have: broad-leaved, large-leaved or rubbery?

Soil, soil and fertilizers for homemade ficus

Ficuses love light, fertile soil, with a neutral or low acidity level, and cannot tolerate clayey soil in which water stagnates. For young plants, the earthen substrate should be light and loose, for adults - more dense, with the addition of humus or turf. Given these simple rules, you can prepare the soil yourself.

Prepare the soil for the ficus correctly!

Recipes for preparing soil for ficus

To make the soil looser, coarse sand, expanded clay or charcoal are added to it. Vermicompost will help improve plant survival, accelerate its adaptation during transplantation. You can reduce the acidity of the soil with lime and dolomite flour. Wood ash is an auxiliary source of phosphorus, potassium and trace elements.

The perfect pot for your Benjamin

It is important to choose the right pot that will keep the plant cozy and comfortable. It is better to give preference to clay vases, which are good for air and moisture. You can also use lightweight and economical wood or plastic pots.

To determine the appropriate size of the flowerpot, you need to estimate the size of the plant's root system. Ideally, a margin of 2 cm should remain from the walls of the pot to the roots of the ficus. The container must necessarily have a drainage hole.

In nature, ficuses reach a height of 10-15 m. At home, people deliberately limit the growth of the aboveground part of these trees, planting them in cramped flowerpots. Thus, you can adjust the height of the ficus with a flower pot.

Ficus will not grow in a small flowerpot

To plant a rubbery ficus, you need to prepare a seedling, a flowerpot, soil, drainage, water and a small spatula. You need to act according to the following scheme:

  • take a flowerpot of a suitable size with a drainage hole;
  • pour small pebbles, pebbles or broken brick on the bottom of the pot;
  • take a substrate of your own manufacture or low-fat purchased land, pour it into a pot up to the shoulders;
  • in the center of the pot, make a depression of such a size with a spatula so that the roots of the plant fit into it, plus one centimeter in reserve;
  • moisten the soil in the pot and wait until the water is absorbed;
  • place the stalk in the hole;
  • cover the hole with the handle with earth;
  • huddle the plant and lightly press the earth around the trunk.

Now you need to put a pot with a beautiful seedling in a well-lit place and carefully monitor its condition, waiting for the appearance of new leaves.

Ficus transplant: how to plant a plant correctly

Ficus transplant is carried out once every two years. This is best done in the spring. First, the plant is well watered, then by transferring it is transferred to another, larger pot filled with earth, sand and peat in a 2: 1: 1 ratio.

The sequence of actions for transplanting ficus:

  • water the flower for easy removal from the pot;
  • carefully remove the earthen lump with roots from the flowerpot;
  • remove the layer of earth not occupied by roots;
  • pour pebbles, broken brick or pebbles into the prepared pot;
  • pour earth on top;
  • transfer the plant to a pot of soil;
  • cover the roots with earth;
  • pour water over.

When choosing a suitable pot for transplanting ficus, remember that the diameter of the new pot should be 2-3 cm larger than the diameter of the previous container. If the pot is too large, the excess soil will start to acidify and the plant will be difficult to germinate!

A well-lit place on a windowsill or near a window is suitable for planting ficus. At the same time, direct sunlight should not fall on the flower. In winter, when daylight hours become short, the tree should be moved closer to the light source, in summer it should be removed from the scorching sunlight.

Ficuses with variegated leaves can stand on the south window all winter. The rest of the plants need to be illuminated with fluorescent or LED lamps.

Blooming ficus will decorate your home

Ficus does not like to change its usual location and does not tolerate frequent transplants. A flower can respond to a change in its location by dropping leaves.

In order for the ficus to feel normal, the florist should focus on the following factors: lighting, room temperature, watering, humidity and feeding.

Lighting for the growth of a beautiful tree

Ficuses love bright, diffused light. They feel best on the south or east window. To protect the flower from direct sunlight, the glass can be covered with a special film or paper. With a lack of light, the leaves of the plant become faded. To prevent this from happening, the tree needs to be illuminated with lamps.

Lighting is very important for the plant

Air temperature

The optimum air temperature for ficus in summer is from 18 ° C to 25 ° C, in winter it is not lower than 16 ° C-18 ° C. If the flower hibernates in a cool room, it should be watered less often and not so abundantly. Without watering, the plant easily tolerates air temperatures up to 10 ° C. In a room with hot, dry air, the leaves of a flower hang down.

How to water a rubber flower in winter: watering secrets

In the warm season, the ficus should be watered 2-3 times a week, in the cold months - once a week. For watering it, soft, well-settled water at room temperature is suitable. This flower does not like both the abundance of moisture and the drying out of the earthy coma. From an excess of moisture, its roots rot, and from a lack of moisture they dry. Before watering, the earthen lump should be dried.

Water the ficus correctly!

How to create the right moisture

Ficus does not tolerate dry, hot air, so its leaves should be regularly sprayed with clean water from a spray bottle or wiped with a damp sponge. A soft shower will not harm the plant, after which you need to dry the leaves well in the bathroom, and only then return the tree to its original place.

Soil: how to feed indoor ficus

From March to August, the flower is fed every two weeks. To fertilize correctly, use natural fertilizers such as nettle infusion or wood ash. In winter, ficus is fed no more than once a month, provided that the plant is additionally illuminated by a lamp.

In order not to burn the roots of the tree, water it before feeding.

Ficus starting to get sick can be recognized almost immediately. If the plant begins to lose leaves, the color of the leaf plates has changed, spots, growths or dry areas have appeared on them, it means that the tree is sick and needs emergency help from a grower. The most common diseases of ficuses are presented in the following table.

Ficus diseases: symptoms, treatment, prevention

The disease or its symptoms Causes of the disease Treatment and prevention
Leaves are falling The flower does not like the conditions in which it grows Observe the flower, optimize lighting, air temperature and watering regime
The color of the sheet plate has changed The plant lacks nutrients Feed the tree regularly or transplant it into fresh soil
Yellow spots on the leaves The flower is experiencing excess moisture An urgent need to dry the land ball and revise the plant watering schedule
Brown spots appeared The room is too hot Move the tree to another place, cooler
Fungus Small black spots appeared on the leaves
Gray rot Leaves become moldy Remove moldy areas. Water less often. Ventilate the room regularly
Sooty mushroom A gray bloom is visible on the leaves Treat the leaves with a damp sponge and soapy water. Remove badly damaged leaves
Root rot The plant becomes grayish and dies It is impossible to cure this disease. Have to get rid of the flower
Aphid Leaves turn yellow Wash the leaves with a sponge and soapy water
Thrips Dark brown spots appeared on the leaves Treat with chemicals
Shield The leaves are covered with convex growths of a brownish color Treat the flower with soapy water, plus 3-4 times with chemicals
Mealybug In the axils of the leaves, growths appear, similar to cotton wool Spray the flower with water and chemicals
Nematodes Bead-like growths appear on the roots Treat with chemicals
Spider mite Gray spots appear on the plant Cover the plant with foil for a few days, then sprinkle with garlic tincture

The key to successful treatment of most diseases of ficus plants is their timely diagnosis. The sooner the disease is detected, the higher the chances of restoring the health of the plant and its former beauty.

Forming the correct lush crown of a ficus tree: trim or pinch?

Unusually shaped ficus

Each spring, ficuses (broadleaf and common) should be pruned to rejuvenate and shape the plants. This is especially true for small-leaved varieties (not only for large-leaved) ficuses, which form a lush bush. In order for the pruning to go well, the following rules must be followed:

  1. pruning with sharp tools (knives, pruning shears);
  2. treat the blades of tools with a weak solution of potassium permanganate;
  3. start pruning from the central shoots, leave at least five sheets on each of them;
  4. make slices over the kidney;
  5. cut powerful shoots at an angle;
  6. sprinkle the slices with charcoal powder.

When forming a fluffy crown, both lateral shoots and shoots inside the crown are cut off. As a result, the crown is better ventilated, its inner sections become accessible to sunlight.

For the formation of the crown, rejuvenating and sanitary pruning, pinching and grafting are used.

Anti-aging treatments: how to properly trim and care

The plant is cut "under the stump" and looked after in a standard manner until the emergence of root shoots. This type of pruning is used for ficuses with dried or frostbitten tops. Subsequently, you can select one or more stems and grow them as a stem or shrub with several shoots.

Ordinary sanitary pruning

Throughout the life cycle of a ficus, broken shoots can be removed from it, which interfere with the normal development of neighboring branches, as well as diseased shoots, which can become a source of infection for the entire tree. This is called sanitary pruning.

How to pinch a crown

Pinching is the pinching of the upper shoots to form a lush crown. Pinching is carried out from February to July, during the period of active growth of ficuses. Regular pinching of the plant leads to a decrease in the size of the leaves on its lateral shoots.

Grafting to form a crown

If a plant lacks a single branch for an ideal crown shape, it can be grafted and thereby a plant of a flawless appearance is obtained. Traces of such a modification quickly overgrow and become almost invisible.

This method is used if you need to quickly form the crown of a ficus.

What florist does not dream of a beautiful ficus tree? The crown of a rubbery ficus can be grown and decorated in one of the following ways:

The bush is formed by pinching the tops of the main shoots. This activates the growth of lateral buds. When new shoots reach a height of 10 cm, they should also be pinned. If the bush is too thick, remove the shoots that grow inside the crown.

The sculpture is formed from the crowns of small-leaved ficuses. By cutting off the shoots and pinching the buds in the right places, you can get a sculpture in the form of a bird, an animal, a person, or a geometric figure.

Choose how to shape the crown of your flower

Braid is good when several shoots grow in one pot. As they grow, the shoots are woven into a spiral or braided. Some professionals use this method to shape entire walls or fences.

The stem is suitable for young ficuses with a clearly defined central shoot. In 5 upper shoots, the lateral processes are removed, after which the apical part is pinched. The result is a straight, bare trunk with a lush crown.

The ball is formed when the plant reaches two years of age. Preventing upward growth, the tops are pinched monthly, thereby stimulating the growth of lateral shoots. The main thing is to give the crown the shape of a ball, removing disproportionately protruding shoots. The plant can bush or branch, but everything is in your hands!

Ficus propagation: how to grow a new flower

Ficuses reproduce by shoots, leaves, air layers and cuttings.

Shoots in water: how a plant can sprout

A part of the stem with two leaves should be separated from the plant. The top sheet must be removed, the top cut off by a third and the juice blotted with a napkin. Put the shoot in water with activated charcoal so that the leaves do not touch the water. Young roots will appear on the plant within 30 days. After that, the shoot can be planted in a separate flowerpot.

What can be if you propagate ficus with a leaf

If a ficus leaf is planted in the ground, it will take root, but it will not become a full-fledged flower. To get a benign plant, the leaf must be cut off along with a piece of the stem. The cut must be made below the leaf located on the main or lateral stem. Then a piece of the stem must be treated with a rooting stimulant and placed in water.

After 2 weeks, the stem can give the first shoots. When the shoots reach a length of 2-3 cm, they can be planted in regular soil.

This method is considered more time consuming. It assumes the following sequence of actions. 2-3 leaves are removed from the top of the selected shoot. A circular incision is made on the shoot. A sharpened match or stick is inserted into the incision so that it does not overgrow. Cover the incision with moss and tie it with cellophane or cling film. Moss is moistened with water, keeping it moist. A month after the appearance of the roots, the cutting is finally separated from the stem and transplanted into a separate pot.

Mass cultivation of ficuses

Where to get cuttings?

The stalk is separated from the main stem using an oblique cut. The cut is treated with charcoal and the shoot is immediately planted in a pot with a loose and light earthy mixture. Cover the top of the pot with a plastic bag, glass or transparent glass jar to make a mini greenhouse. Within 20 days, the cutting takes root and starts growing.

After the appearance of the first leaves, the greenhouse is opened more often, gradually accustoming the young plant to normal indoor conditions.

Ficuses give peace and tranquility not only at home

Not only a professional florist, but also an ordinary indoor plant lover will be able to take care of the ficus. This tree is unpretentious in care, using various methods of crown formation, it can be turned into an attractive element of home or office decor.

Ficus is not a very whimsical plant. But the growth rate of the flower and the density of the crown are directly related to the characteristics of the pot in which it lives. Therefore, when buying a container for growing a tree, certain nuances must be taken into account.

Standard flowerpots are more suitable for young plants. And adults are best grown in large tubs with a volume of 10-15 liters or more.

When choosing a container, you need to pay attention to the following criteria:

  • container sizes;
  • shape;
  • coloring;
  • material;
  • the number of plants that will be planted there.

Attention! There must be drainage holes at the bottom of the planter, and a "spout" on the pallet to drain excess moisture.

In fact, a flowerpot for a tree is not only its habitat. It is also a tool for shaping its trunk and crown. Therefore, the choice of a container for growing a flower should be approached responsibly.

How to choose the right shape?

The most common pots are suitable for the plant. The presence of special delights in its design is optional. The ideal option is to plant in a pot of the correct shape. Its width and height will be approximately the same. This form is suitable for any type of ficus.

But if you want something special, you need to consider the following nuances:

  1. It is best to avoid the round shape. In the process of transplanting a flower into such a flowerpot, there is a risk of injury to its root system. Then the flower will hurt a lot.
  2. In a pot that is too elongated, the volume of soil will be much higher than the norm. This is fraught with a slowdown in tree growth. It will begin to use its strength to build up roots, and only then will it continue to grow in height.
  3. For growing bonsai, a flat container is more suitable. In shape, it will more likely resemble a bowl than a flowerpot.

Important! Admirers of elongated shapes can be cheated a little to create a stylish element in the interior. It is enough to purchase an elongated pot with a false bottom, where it will be at a higher level.


Not all containers are considered safe for plants and humans. For the manufacture of flowerpots, toxic raw materials are often used in order to reduce their cost. Then plastic of dubious quality emits harmful substances when it comes into contact with soil, water or fertilizing.

In this case, the flower may become sick or wither. Then you can save it only by transplanting it into another container. Therefore, it is better to choose natural materials.

These include:

  • wood;
  • ceramics;
  • glass;
  • clay.

Peculiarity! Wooden pots are usually used for large trees, and clay planters are used for bonsai. Ceramic products look beautiful and are highly durable. But these pots are not cheap. Therefore, the best option is glass containers.

If there is an opportunity to purchase plastic pots from a trusted manufacturer, then you can plant them in them. But with the slightest negative changes that are not associated with illness or improper care, the pot will have to be changed.

What size do you need: large or small?

After buying a flower, you need to evaluate: how much the container in which it is located can be considered suitable. There must be a supply of free space in the pot. So that the root system is not cramped, the ficus must be transplanted into a new pot 3-4 weeks after purchase.

When choosing the size of the flowerpot, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Consider the "two centimeters" rule. That is, leave 2 cm of free space for the development of the root system. This is exactly how much the new pot should be larger than the previous one.
  2. If a small plant is placed in too large a container, all efforts will be spent on strengthening the root system. First, the roots will grow to the size of a pot, and only then will the growth of the aboveground part of the tree begin. This also increases the risk of root rot as a result of waterlogging.
  3. If there is little room for the roots, they will grow through the drainage holes. And if the tree's crown still increases, the container may turn over under the weight of its weight. Therefore, a pot that is too small is not suitable either.

Attention! The growth rate will differ for different varieties of ficus. For rubber-bearing varieties, pots are changed every year, and for other species - every 2-3 years.

Which color is best for the plant?

When choosing a color scheme for a pot, you need to pay attention to the following features:

  • white or beige will fit into any stylistic direction of the interior;
  • pastel colors are more suitable for the bedroom;
  • bright colors look good in the kitchen or living room;
  • green color will have a calming effect and relieve stress.

The color of the pots does not have any effect on the development of the flower itself. The exception is containers of dark shades. If the plant is located on the south side, then a black or bright blue pot will attract even more light. Then the tree can suffer from its excess - get sunburn.

In which one should it grow?

Some experts believe that the shape of the flowerpot should be in harmony with the outlines of the tree itself. Then the flower will easily fit into any interior.

And in appearance, ficuses are conventionally divided into several groups:

  1. Male trees. They are distinguished by a powerful trunk, strong and mature bark. They often have angular branches. Such plants look best in a square or rectangular planter, where the corners are clearly defined.
  2. Women's. They look more sophisticated. They have a smooth bark to the touch, always a smooth bending line of the shoots. For such specimens, oval or rounded pots are more suitable.
  3. Mixed type. Has signs of both male and female plants. It is considered universal - it looks good in any container.

This classification is focused purely on the opinion of the owner and on how he sees his ficus. In fact, the plant will do well in any pot other than a round one.

Which pot does he like?

When growing ficuses in the traditional way, it is worth focusing more on the size of the container and its shape. And if a bonsai is formed from a plant, then completely different requirements will be imposed on the flowerpot:

  1. It is necessary to take into account the appearance of the tree, the specifics of its growth.
  2. A flat shape, close to a tray or plate, is preferable.
  3. The height of the sides should be no more than 10 cm. This is quite enough for the normal development of the root system.
  4. The width of the container will depend on the size of the crown. As the leaves grow, the width of the pot should increase.
  5. The underground part of the roots occupies a smaller area than the aboveground part. Therefore, it is advisable to use a pots made of "breathable" materials. These include wood and unglazed clay.

Ficus feels most comfortable in a clay pot. And from an aesthetic point of view, this option is more attractive.

Is it possible to plant several flowers in one container?

Ficuses are often used in the interior design process. If you plant 2-3 shoots in one pot, you can form a beautiful composition from them. But for this you need to understand how to weave several trunks together correctly.

Interesting! Young plant stems are highly flexible. This allows you to carry out various manipulations with them. Adult specimens are not suitable for this.

When planting several trees in one pot, the following guidelines must be followed:

  1. Choose indoor crops of the same height - within 15-17 cm.
  2. If the trunk is more than half stiff, such a plant is no longer suitable for creating a composition. During the weaving process, it can break.
  3. If there are only two plants, they can be braided in a spiral shape.
  4. In the case of using dwarf varieties, it is enough to twist the trunk once. For other trees, you can continue to twist their stems as they grow.
  5. Bulky or tall flowers require additional support for the period of weaving. Then the tree will be protected from distortions and falls. After completing the process, the frame can be removed.
  6. It is advisable to fix the contact points of the shoots with wire or strong threads. Then they are guaranteed to grow together in the required shape.

The most common type of weaving is considered to be a pigtail. It also belongs to the simplest and will be within the power of even a beginner. More experienced gardeners can try braiding the plants in a trellis or hedge.