Gypsy spells. Gypsy magic. Who made the gypsy love spell - real reviews

All women want to be adored and loved. But what needs to be done for this? You can try to perform ancient rituals that have been practiced by gypsies for many years. It is not for nothing that the strongest gypsy magic has found its fans and followers, even from among people of other nationalities. In reality, gypsy magic is possible for most people; it is only important to have the simplest skills and know the intricacies of the sacrament you have chosen.

Below I will give you the most popular and simple to perform conspiracies that are practiced by the strongest gypsy magic in Everyday life. Of course, if you want to do a real one, you should contact a specialist. But these rituals are not fraught with danger, do not carry kickbacks from their implementation and do not require expensive paraphernalia, so try and everything will work out.

A drop of blood

Prick your right little finger with a clean needle, mix three drops of blood in wine, and then offer a drink to your lover. Don't worry, everything will be fine, the product works reliably. Even if not like, nevertheless, like any influence using blood, it arouses a real interest in rapprochement among men. But watch your behavior, otherwise it may turn out that after this ceremony you will have a night of passion and nothing more. As soon as he needs you, show a little female diplomacy, and you will quickly receive a marriage proposal! It is not without reason that gypsy magic and its conspiracies are considered effective.

Boots will lead you to

This ritual requires dexterity and cunning. You need to slowly take your idol’s shoes and walk in them for eight days. At the same time, you need to constantly think about this person. It’s unlikely that it will be easy for you, especially if your feet are the same size as Cinderella’s, but the result will be worth it, it works flawlessly. When the eight days have passed, you will have to sneak into your loved one's house again and return the shoes. Now wait to see what happens! If a man puts on the enchanted boots, they will unmistakably deliver him to your doorstep.

Exciting Apple

Buy a good apple, I already wrote in more detail about how to choose it in the article -. In the evening, when you are already in bed, place the fruit of love on the heart chakra (the place where the chest bone ends). Imagine how your love flows into an apple. Hold the apple on your chest for at least ten minutes. Carry out the ritual for three days in a row, as advised by the strongest gypsy magic for love. Carry an apple with you in your pocket throughout the day. After three days have passed, find your desired one and invite him to eat vitamins. If a person takes a bite from the enchanted apple and likes the taste, you win!

Needle in a candle

Your husband left you and you want to get him back? For this case, there is a suitable spell; every woman can do it with her own hands; she just needs to believe in herself. This time you will need a new white candle and a sharp needle. Pierce the candle wick with a needle, then light the candle. Look at the flame and say: “ Fiery needle, penetrate his thoughts, let his thoughts strive for me, if he yearns for me, let him return to me" This magic spell repeat until the wick burns out and the needle falls out. If within 2 weeks after completion, the result of this sacrament will not suit you in any way, I advise you to carry out a stronger one, which will certainly return him to the family.

Restoring Passion

Usually, after two years of a relationship, passion begins to fade and many people wonder -. This problem can be helped magically. Take a sea shell, in which, if you put it to your ear, you can hear the sound of the sea. Place the shell in a place where it will always be visible and project your love desires onto the shell. After a week, place the sink under the bed where your loved one sleeps. After which, gypsy magic and ritual for love will come into full force. Passion must flare up like a torch!

Tied hair

Do you want your chosen one to run after you like a dog? Do you want him to climb over high fences to see you and be with you? Then you don’t have to do the strongest one, just take some of your hair and tie it into a ring with red thread. Then discreetly place it in the breast pocket of the clothing he wears most often. As long as the hair stays in the ring, your precious one will not be able to live without you!

Gypsy love magic and conspiracies, conclusion:

Before you start casting, always choose only one spell, I’m telling you this not just as I have extensive experience in the field love magic, but simply as a specialist who does not wish harm or negativity to his client. If the influence does not work, the next try is only in three weeks!

Remember that you should not use this magic for revenge or harm; the strongest gypsy magic for love and its rituals will not tolerate this, as well as a mistake. Avoid married people or happy lovers, because you will never build your happiness on the suffering of their partners.

In this article:

Gypsy witchcraft is very ancient magic, around which there are many tales and legends. Some people believe that all gypsies have mystical powers, but this is a misconception. Among the gypsies, like any other people, only a few have knowledge of witchcraft.

Representatives of the gypsy family evoke the most contradictory feelings in many people: some are afraid of them and avoid them, others do not like the nomadic gypsies, and still others admire their ancient culture.

However, the gypsies, despite their originality, have been preserving and passing on ancient secrets from generation to generation for several thousand years, carefully guarded from other peoples.

There are many different rumors about the gypsies, for example, that this mystical people has magical knowledge and uses rituals that attract financial well-being and wealth.

The gypsies do not specifically refute these rumors, since many of them make their main income from fraud. At the same time, experts do not deny the fact that gypsy magic actually exists, and it can really attract well-being to the performer of rituals.

Gypsy money magic

Gypsy witchcraft for money includes a considerable number of conspiracies and rituals that can attract financial well-being. To perform a gypsy ritual, you need to go to a forest park and collect 7 acorns, 3 small white pebbles and a small piece of moss. The moss must be carefully separated from the stone or wood; it is very important that this piece is smooth and solid.

Next, you need to place the acorns and stones on the green side of the moss and carefully wrap them, tying the resulting package with natural thread or rope. Arriving home, you need to wrap the magic package in paper and then in cloth white. After this, place the bundle under the pillow and go to bed at sunset.

You need to wake up at midnight, get up, take a bundle of white cloth outside, find a bush with thorns and bury the bag under it to a depth of 10-12 cm. Then you should walk around the bush three times clockwise with the words:

“My God Almighty is above, my God, look at me, my God, help me.”

This money ritual is very effective. It is believed that if the entire gypsy ritual was carried out correctly, then by the next full moon the performer will definitely receive the required amount money.

Gypsy magic: subjugation of luck and will

Probably everyone has heard numerous stories about how people become victims of gypsy fraud, and the victims admit that they themselves gave away money and gold jewelry. The gypsy people really have rituals with which they can gain power over people.

Gypsy ritual

This ritual is very easy and at the same time effective. It is worth noting that the proposed gypsy ritual will not deprive a person of his will, but will help him make the right decision on a specific issue.

The ritual and ceremonial parts are not complicated, but effective

To carry out the ceremony, you will need a photo of the person whom the performer wants to influence. The photograph should be placed on the ground so that it is illuminated by the rays of the sun. Next, you need to lean over the photo and concentrate on what decision the person should make in specific situation. When the performer can fully concentrate, then you need to say the following words:

“We are driving along the same road. Now, today and tomorrow. Come to me, my slow slave. Fulfill everything I wish. We are driving along the same road. Now, today and tomorrow."

After the witchcraft words, you need to spit on the photo and rub the saliva clockwise over the face of your victim. Then, turning the photo over front side to the ground, you should stomp on it with your right foot as hard as you can and walk away without looking back. Over the next 24 hours, the person must make the decision necessary for the performer.

Gypsy ritual for good luck

Gypsy witchcraft offers a wide variety of rituals to attract success and good luck to the performer. The simplest method is to constantly whisper what a person wants to receive.

If this is success in any business, then you need to say the following words: “I attract success, I will get luck in my whole life.” It is believed that the more often the performer repeats the magic formula, the faster it will materialize. Just remember that no one should hear quiet whispers.

Gypsy magic of love

Temperamental gypsies, like other people, have problems in matters of the heart, so they also have a variety of love magic.
The Earth Power Rite will help preserve the love of your loved one or spouse for many years and make the relationship warmer and more passionate.

A method based on the intention of the performer with an appeal to natural energy

The ritual should be performed only in July between the 7th and 12th. During the day you need to pick 2 blades of grass and tie them in the middle with a knot. Gypsies believe that grass growing far from the city and noisy streets, for example, in a field, forest, etc., has very powerful energy.

“As soon as the sun rises, then the earth will give the power of great love.”

“As soon as the zealous sun hides behind the horizon, then the earth also preserves the power of love.”

After these words, it is necessary to grind the grass charged in this way and add it to the food that the beloved person will eat.

From time immemorial, gypsy spells have been considered the most powerful magical effects in the whole world. Everyone knows about the ability of gypsies to lure money and attract it to themselves in any way. The Roma tribes led a nomadic lifestyle, so they had to master all sorts of practices to attract money and luck in order to be able to survive in difficult conditions. Even today, many people, turning to magic, use gypsy spells and spells. With their help, you can find a good, stable job that will bring you a lot of income, but it is important to perform all the rituals correctly, otherwise higher power may be punished. Gypsy magic has long been recognized as the strongest. This people also have their own witches, who are called “shuvani”. They are the guardians of wisdom, as well as social rules and various rituals. These women are very respected among the gypsies; not everyone can become a Shuvani. Some of their rituals have reached us. You can use them if you wish

If gypsy magic is used, the spells and spells are very powerful. If you read a plot for good luck, happiness and money, it will come true quickly. Gypsy magic represents certain abilities and ancient secrets that not every person can use. Initially, the magic is white; usually a real gypsy conspiracy is carried out for protection using the forces of nature - the spirits of the wind, forest, earth, water, sun, moon and other elements. But among the gypsies you can also find those who prefer to use gypsy magic for not so peaceful purposes. Such a gypsy carries out conspiracies for failure and can cause damage and evil eyes.

The appearance of the evil eye can occur not only if the gypsies pronounce words while looking into the eyes of a person. This can happen at a distance, and if negative wishes are thrown at the back. After such a spell, only a prayer service, prayers to remove damage and curses will help. Only a professional can remove damage done by real gypsy witches. All conspiracies, prayers and spells are passed on from one generation to another. The following variants of rituals are used in gypsy magic:

  1. A powerful magical ritual against enemies and foes, protective spells.
  2. Powerful rituals to increase money. Ceremonies for money are also performed to order.
  3. Love spells, lapels.
  4. Rituals for curing diseases.

All gypsy magical actions have great power. Especially if they are performed at a certain time of the day and month, moreover, if such actions are performed by professionals.

Effective gypsy rituals

Rituals to attract money and wealth

With the help of the gypsy plot, you can increase money, improve financial position. Often, special attributes and special skills may be needed to perform a gypsy dance. In the life of gypsies, wealth is rare; such people cannot be called rich or wealthy. But all gypsies love money very much. These people lead a nomadic, wandering way of life, so they do not have the opportunity to accumulate savings in banks. Gypsies invest all their savings in jewelry made of precious metals. It is believed that earrings, massive earrings, and bracelets help attract money.

Any gypsy rituals are very strong. Many of the secret conspiracies are kept strictly secret and are not easy to find out about. It is not easy to perform such magical actions, but the result will be quick and maximum. On the waxing moon, go into the forest. Find 7 acorns, 3 pebbles. Also find a tree that is covered with moss. Tear it off the tree big piece moss. Place acorns and pebbles on the surface of the moss, wrap them, and secure them with rope.

Go to bed at sunset with wrapped moss under your pillow. At midnight, get up and go out into the street with rolled moss. Find a bush with thorns, dig a deep hole under it and bury the bundle.

Then walk around the bush three times clockwise, while saying:

“Mi Dovvel opral, dik tule opre mande” (“My God is above, look down at me”). You should have money before the next full moon.

Gypsies also turn to various spirits that can help in enrichment. Such rituals can be performed independently, but only very carefully. For magical ritual will be needed large bill(it’s better if it is donated by someone). To read on it: “Damn, take away my poverty, scarcity and evil inferiority.”

Light a fire and throw the charmed bill into it. At the same time, say the following words: “Demon of fire, demon of fire, accept this sacrifice in exchange for wealth. Send me money and prosperity. Demon, take away the failure, I won’t pay for poverty. Amen!"

When the fire burns out completely, you need to collect all the ashes in a black bag. Next, go to the grave of the murdered person. Bury the package there. This ritual is very powerful, so you should not abuse it and carry it out more than once a month.

Love magic

With the help of gypsy magic, you can return love, make it even stronger, restore lost relationships, and bewitch your lover. Eat strong ritual to attract the attention of the person you like. To carry it out you will need 13 white pebbles. It's better to find them on the road. Wait until the first Friday of the new moon and make a heart out of the found pebbles. Lie on top of him. Imagine your lover, feel how his heart overflows with love for you, how he longs to meet you.

Next, stand up and put out the name of your loved one from the pebbles. Lie down on the ground again next to the stones. Think about your merits, about what might be attractive to members of the opposite sex. After the visualization has occurred, stand up and collect the pebbles. Hide them in a bundle in a secret place so that no one can see.

Over the years, for many couples, feelings disappear, life turns into a routine. To prevent this from happening, you need to use this ritual. It will not only keep the love alive, but will also make the relationship more passionate than before.

It can only be held from July 7 to July 12. You can't tell anyone about him. You need to take two blades of grass and tie them in a knot in the middle. It is better to take grass that grows far from noisy streets.

Then you need to take these blades of grass with your lips, turn to where the sun rises, kneel down and say:

“When the sun rises, then the Earth itself gives the power of love.”

Then turn to the west, again kneel down, touch the blades of grass right hand and say:

“When the sun sets, then the Earth itself holds the power of love.”

After this, the blades of grass should be chopped and added to food for your husband and yourself. Love will return to your family. It is necessary to perform such rituals or fortune telling no more than once a month, since they are very powerful. You should also be careful about the information that comes from dreams. If you dream of a quarrel with your lover, gypsy dream book suggests that this may be a prophetic dream. It is this information that suggests that a strong ritual is needed.

If you want to bewitch a man you like, then you can use a ritual that uses the following attributes, namely:

  • seven new pins;
  • red candle;
  • photo of a loved one.

After sunset, you need to retire to a separate room and do the following:

  1. Stick pins into the candle.
  2. Place and light a candle.
  3. Place a photograph behind the candle.

After this, you need to sit in front of such an installation and concentrate on the purpose of the ritual, peering into the flame of the candle. You need to watch how the wax melts and remember your loved one, you need to visualize your love and imagine how good you are together.

The wax will gradually melt, and therefore the pins will fall out of the candle.

The last dropped pin should be taken in your hand and said:

“My vardo is carried by three obstinate and beautiful horses: white, gray, red. They will gallop along the sandy sea coast, rush through the razdolnoe field, walk at a pace through the dense coniferous forest. On the way they will meet a dark river stream, which they will wade through the loose sand and head straight to the rich mansion. 33 sisters live peacefully in it, but they are unhappy, they endlessly grieve and yearn, bitter tears constantly flow from their eyes and they suffer in soul and body. Likewise, my chosen one (name of a loved one) will not find a place in life without me and will always yearn and grieve without me. I seal my word with the power of magic, I close what was said with the keys, I give those keys to Gaena forever.”

Attach the enchanted pin, unnoticed by your lover, into his clothes. So that he won't see. He must wear these clothes either constantly or as often as possible.

Rituals for maintaining health and healing from illnesses

The Roma people do not trust representatives of official medicine, turning to doctors very rarely. Instead, they prefer to use only strong rituals to maintain your health.

In rituals, gypsies find salvation from headaches, toothaches and other types of unpleasant symptoms. overcome headache possible with the help of this ritual. Need to take some apple cider vinegar, dilute it warm water and rub into the scalp repeating:

“Oh, pain in my head, Father of all evil, Look at me! You hurt me a lot. Don't stay inside me! Go, fly, run, crawl, get home quickly, go to the devil. Go away! Whoever crosses my shadow may have pain."

You can overcome toothache with the help of the following ritual. To make the pain go away, you need to say:

“Peter was sitting on a marble stone, and Jesus was passing by. Peter said: “My Lord, my God, how my teeth hurt!” Jesus said: “Peter, be healed!” And whoever repeats these words for My sake will never have toothache.”

How to protect yourself from negative influences

Protection from negative influences from the outside is carried out with the help of a large beautiful pin and a candle. Light a candle in the evening, being completely alone. Gradually heat the pin over the flame of a burning candle, while reading:

“My angel, my protector, cover me with your hand. Take away all damage and evil eyes from me, and bring love into my life.”

Attach the pin to a visible place on your clothing. Wear instead of jewelry. But at the same time, you will know that this is your personal talisman, which will become protection from enemies, slander, the evil eye, damage, envy and hatred, from any bad messages in your direction.

This story happened to me earlier this year, but Negative consequences still take place. It all started when my sister and I opened a small book pavilion in a shopping center in our area, here we grew up, every dog ​​knew us, the customers were mostly our friends or acquaintances, so they supported us in a business that was going very poorly , but certainly someone was jealous, although there was absolutely nothing to envy! And then one fine day, a gypsy woman came to see me with her gypsy company and began to offer to tell fortunes, I refused, knowing that they could use hypnosis, but I still had goods, some money in stock. She really didn’t like my answer, and then she began to beg me for jewelry and magnets for children, which were sold in the pavilion. I refused again, because I sat in the pavilion from 10 to 10 for free and I didn’t have any extra money at that time, just debts. She told me that I was very proud and that I would suffer very much from this in the future. I didn’t pay any attention to these words at all, and then a series of failures began, terrible failures, I don’t know whether this is connected or a pure coincidence. Literally two weeks later we were forced to close our newly started business, two months later our grandfather became very ill and soon died, and a month later my grandmother on my father’s side died. Everything seemed to have calmed down, they were already aged, but of course there was a sadness, but at that moment I didn’t even remember the incident with the gypsy. Soon I got a job, in a very decent place for a good position, I worked there for only a week, at 6 pm I returned home, it’s June, it’s still light, children are playing in the yard, life is in full swing, I feel some tense steps they follow me, I sped up and so did he, I jumped into the entrance door and so did he. After that I don’t remember anything, I remember the light, the neighbor’s face, my bloody raincoat, then the police, I give testimony, tears, pain, a psychotherapist, the hospital... You know, I got off easy - head injury, concussion, PTSD. But when I was in the hospital, I thought where all this came from, why me, and just remembered the gypsy woman, maybe it’s her evil eye? Or this human envy of our friends? What is this? Help? How can you remove this negative program? I would be grateful for your advice!


Greetings Anna!

Gypsies were indeed often charlatans, but we must also admit that certain magical abilities they still have it. It would have been impossible to carry on with deception, fraud and deception alone for so many centuries. “There is no smoke without fire,” says the proverb. For many centuries, Gypsies remained the keepers of ancient secrets and disseminators of this knowledge throughout the world.

To find out what really happened to you, send me your photo to this address - [email protected] I'll see what i can do.

The power of this magic is sometimes compared to the power of voodoo magic. Endless stories and legends tell about curses that have taken place, about how offenders were punished, or how seemingly hopelessly ill people were healed in a strange way. But every fairy tale, as we know, contains grains of truth.

Gypsy magic is really quite powerful. Roaming around the world, the gypsies absorbed esoteric secrets different cultures. Perhaps, gypsy magic is the only one of its kind, since it was able to generalize these secrets, weave them together, connect them with a subtle intuitive feeling (not just knowledge, but a feeling) of psychology and add hypnosis to this knowledge. Someone jokingly said the phrase: “Gypsies absorb this knowledge with the milk of the mother who feeds them.”

By most esotericists, gypsy magic is considered dark, since it consists of curses. And everyone knows that gypsies use their secrets in order to earn a “piece of bread.” Someone is just guessing, someone agrees to do another gypsy love spell, someone is doing damage for a handsome payment.
And the main “weapon” of the gypsies on the street is hypnosis. If they have managed to “grasp” the victim, they will not let go until the victim gives up everything she has. Although there is nothing particularly to be afraid of. You just need to know how to resist the attack. And believe me, this is not difficult.

Let's say a gypsy woman comes to you asking for alms. If you can’t pass by silently, politely refuse and speed up your pace. Even if the gypsy follows, showering him with compliments or, on the contrary, threatening her. Don’t turn around, don’t look into your eyes, don’t let them touch your hand (many nuances of hypnosis are related to touching). Your task is to hide from the “hunter’s” field of view.

There is no need to be rude, insult, and even more so, use physical advantage. It is common for everyone to be offended, and even more so for impulsive gypsies. The consequences of resentment (especially gypsy) are unpredictable. A curse thrown by chance a simple person, can have enormous power, but gypsy - even more so.

Understand: for most gypsies, begging is the most common and familiar job. Showing emotions is unacceptable here. Both negativity and positivity make the gypsy’s work easier. Firstly, it is quite easy to put pressure on an emotional person. Secondly, emerging emotions (I repeat: any emotions) are a loophole into the subconscious for an experienced psychologist and hypnotist. Even the way you looked during a conversation, where you bowed your head, or how you moved your hand, means a lot to him. The scope of the article will not allow you to delve into the intricacies of hypnosis and explain all the nuances, so just take this advice: do not contact gypsies under any circumstances. can follow in two cases: if they were ordered (paid for), or if they were offended.

If you couldn’t avoid a meeting, there is only one way out - to defend yourself. Cross your arms over your chest (this is called an energy block). “Go inside yourself”: concentrate on any thoughts, not allowing them to “reach” your consciousness. You can mentally read poetry, multiplication tables, sing (mentally, of course). Some advise using amulets and wearing bright jewelry. In my opinion, this is not always acceptable, and the effect does not last long. The purpose of a bright spot on your clothes is to distract attention from the intruder, but this does not work for long.

If the gypsy begins to whisper something, take out the mirror and turn it, placing it in front of the fortune teller. This is a kind of reflection of the curse. Surely the whispering will stop - the gypsy will be forced to interrupt the spell, and you will have time to quickly retreat. Leave immediately, clenching your fists. Squeeze them as hard as you can. Your palms are energy channels. Close them tightly.

Gypsy conspiracies are usually canceled by the Gypsies themselves. But sometimes you can remove the force yourself. If you are already sure that the gypsy was able to cause harm, use the classic removal of the imposed damage.

The elder of the house (it could be a grandfather or father) needs to pull out 3 hairs from you, whispering on each hair: “Where there is a hair, an ear grows.” Then the elder should put the unfolded banknote on the table, and in the meantime you should burn the plucked hairs on the church candle, telling the elder: “It was yours, it became mine.” This is a kind of ransom. Get rid of money. Burn it or spend it.

Gypsy magic has no moral prohibitions, since it is identified with representatives of the lowest worlds. The forces involved in rituals are the forces of the lower astral plane. They are crude, but very powerful. Disbelief in gypsy magic (as well as in magic in general) does not protect against its influence.