There was a smell of garlic on my breath. How to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth - restoring freshness to your breath. How to easily restore freshness to your breath

Garlic is beneficial for the human body - it tones blood vessels, stimulates the body’s fight against colds, disorders of the genitourinary and nervous systems in adults and children. It is also the reason for the appearance of a characteristic aroma from the mouth, which is difficult to overcome. This causes some discomfort in communication.

How long does the aroma of garlic, which many people like to season various dishes with, last? An extremely persistent odor can accompany a person for hours and even days after consumption. In addition, bad breath with the aroma of a popular culinary plant can be associated with serious illnesses.

Is the smell of garlic an innocent symptom or a disease?

Sulfurous substances give the plant a specific odor. The cause of bad breath is the digestion process: the stomach enzymes involved in it contribute to the formation of compounds that are absorbed by the body and subsequently excreted through urine, sweat and breathing. The molecules are sent to the lungs with the blood, which is why an unpleasant odor occurs when breathing. Why is it difficult to get rid of it quickly? The symptom is caused not by food debris in the mouth, but by chemical processes occurring inside the body.

What disease can cause your breath to smell like garlic? It is believed that heavy metal poisoning may cause symptoms of malodor. An excess of phosphorus, tellurium, and arsenic causes serious illness, so it is important to get tested. Bad breath can be caused by:

  • bacterial diseases of the oral cavity;
  • renal pathologies;
  • abuse of tea or coffee;
  • sinusitis or foreign body in the nose (common in children).

A child often notices a garlic taste when eating this product or when using medicinal preparations and ointments containing garlic. If the baby has not eaten garlic, but the aroma is present, this may be due to the appearance of allyl mercaptan compounds in the body. They are the result of poor hygiene and dental disease.

Methods for determining bad breath

Bad breath causes discomfort and puts a person in an awkward position in society. Determine what smell others smell during a conversation using simple, proven methods. These tests can be carried out using available tools:

To detect bad breath, dentists use a halimeter device. It calculates the amount of sulfides in your exhalation - if the reading is above 75 parts per billion, the unpleasant odor may be heard by the person you are talking to.

How to quickly and effectively remove the smell of garlic?

The aroma of garlic can remain even the next day after eating. If you are in a group, this can create discomfort and tightness. So how to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth (we recommend reading: how and how to remove the smell of fumes from your mouth?)?

Immediately after eating, consume spices in small quantities, rinse your mouth, and brush your teeth. If it turns out to be persistent, then the aroma can be repelled by means that everyone has at hand: flavored tablets, lollipops, dragees, chewing gum, spray.

Oral hygiene will help get rid of odor

High-quality oral care will help you avoid attracting the attention of your interlocutors with a pungent odor. What to do if the aroma of garlic begins to appear?

  1. Immediately brush your teeth thoroughly using toothpaste or powder. If necessary, repeat the procedure - this will completely kill the smell.
  2. Don’t forget about the tongue: many microparticles accumulate on it, contributing to the appearance of bad breath. The tongue is cleaned with a special scraper, a toothbrush or the back of it if the hygiene item has a rubber ribbed surface.
  3. Remember to floss. It helps remove food debris near the gums and between the teeth, which will reduce the likelihood of the active development of bacteria that cause a strong odor. These hygiene methods are also mandatory for the child.

Rinse aids

To eliminate the smell of garlic from your mouth, you should have a mouth rinse in your arsenal of care products. Use antibacterial products that kill germs and fight gum disease.

The liquid is much better at killing microorganisms and removing food particles that contribute to the formation of an unpleasant odor than a mint candy or chewing gum.

You can reduce the aroma by rinsing your mouth for at least 30 seconds. It is recommended not to smoke, eat or drink for the next 30 minutes.

Fragrant herbs

To remove the smell of garlic, you can eat various herbs and spices. This is an easy way to fix the problem at home. Basil, spinach and parsley do an excellent job when added to salads or chewed in small quantities after a meal. Mint or lemon balm freshens your breath - this is a good seasoning for a dish and a natural substitute for chewing gum if you don’t have it on hand.

Reduces the persistent smell of spices:

The pleasant aroma of popular herbs and spices will overcome the smell of garlic. If the plant was present in large quantities in the dish, then additional measures will be needed so that your breath does not reveal your culinary preferences.

Nuts and citrus fruits

Nuts will help eliminate the smell in a few minutes. Chew almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts or pine nuts, and no longer feel embarrassed when talking to people. This is not only a good way to quickly get rid of bad breath, but also a useful nutritional supplement.

What else can you do to prevent bad breath from your mouth? Consume citrus fruits after meals. Citric acid is found in abundance in tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, and lemon. It is an “antidote” and knocks down the garlic aroma, converting the essential oils of the product into substances that no longer become a source of bad breath.

Other ways to remove odor at home

You can eliminate unpleasant odors with the help of products. Cranberry juice, green tea and tinctures of medicinal herbs will help in the situation. Try rinsing your mouth with a small amount of water with a teaspoon of mustard diluted in it - the procedure is not the most pleasant, but effective.

Activated carbon helps neutralize odor. Taking it will reduce the release of garlic odor from the skin and lungs. Taken at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of body weight.

They help drown out the unpleasant aroma:

  • chewing gum with mint;
  • coffee beans;
  • salt solution with soda for rinsing;
  • apple;
  • sunflower or pumpkin seeds;
  • Anti-police capsules.

Is it possible to prevent the appearance of bad breath in advance?

To minimize the unpleasant odor after eating garlic, remove the sprouts (core) from the garlic before cutting into a dish. This is the epicenter of the pungent odor, after removing which the plant can be taken in moderation: you will notice a weak aroma or no aroma at all.

You should not completely give up eating garlic, which is often the main cause of the specific aroma. The product not only makes dishes taste bright, but also helps to improve the health of the body.

It is good in fresh salads and stews, in soups and sauces. Complementing and revealing many dishes, garlic poses a real threat to fresh breath. It is impossible to exclude it from the diet, because many dishes will lose their “charm”. If you just had lunch and your menu included garlic dishes, you need to know how to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth. There is still a whole day ahead, and you will definitely have to contact people.

The pungent taste and pungent odor are due to the organic sulfides (thioesters) contained in the plant. In other words, garlic contains garlic essential oil - allicin. The pungent, burning smell of allicin appears in the breath of a person who has eaten garlic. It is difficult to remove the smell from your hands after peeling garlic. It eats firmly into the skin. It is this aromatic oil that has a bactericidal effect, which makes garlic very beneficial for human health.

How to easily restore freshness to your breath

Advertisers guarantee that chewing gum will help quickly eliminate any bad breath, giving you fresh breath. But chewing gum does not always help to “drown out” the sharp, burning aroma. Just 20-30 years ago, chewing gum was a luxury, but people learned to deal with bad breath. There are many products that you can find at home to help get rid of it.

4 methods will help remove unpleasant odors:

  • food products (fruits, vegetables, herbs, bread);
  • drinks (milk, tea, fermented milk products);
  • chewing gum and other products (coffee beans, cardamom, lemon zest);
  • hygiene procedures (brushing teeth, tongue, using dental floss, rinsing with a special solution, using an irrigator).

1. Fruit

The pungent garlic aroma can be “seized” with fruit. But not all of them will be effective. If you choose the “fruit” method of dealing with garlic, eat those fruits that oxidize and darken when cut. The oxidizing enzyme, entering the body, enters into a series of chemical reactions. They lead to an acceleration of the breakdown of sulfur compounds that enter the stomach with garlic. Peaches, pears, apricots, apples, prunes and plums will help remove the smell of garlic.

2. Vegetables and herbs

The second group of products is vegetables. It's not so simple with them either. Potatoes will help drown out the garlic. If you eat a potato dish with garlic, the pungent smell will be almost unnoticeable. Another vegetable that can neutralize the telltale pungent aroma is spinach. It contains polyphenols that neutralize sulfur compounds, freshening breath after eating.

The most reliable fighter against bad breath is parsley. If you have eaten a lot of garlic, but you urgently need to meet with a person, you can resort to the emergency method. An emergency measure is to eat half a bunch of parsley (about 10 branches). Don't forget to brush your teeth afterwards. Parsley is a natural dye. If you are preparing a fresh salad with chopped garlic, add parsley generously to the vegetables. This will immediately neutralize the unwanted odor.

3. Bread

Some scientists claim that the garlic aroma is especially pronounced when there is a lack of carbohydrates in the body. If you eat a garlic dish with a piece of white or gray bread, you won’t have to blush afterwards and cover your mouth with your hand. If you already smell bad, eating bread won't do any good. Bread will only help if you eat it together with a fragrant vegetable.

4. Dairy products

A glass of milk is another way to save a date or an important meeting. Milk helps remove volatile compounds formed from eating garlic from the nasopharynx and mouth. The higher the fat content, the more effective the milk drink. The best results can be achieved if you immediately wash down spicy dishes with milk. Milk can be replaced with fermented milk products. Any sour drinks will help freshen your breath. Drinks with a pH level below 3.6 (cranberry, lemon or Sicilian orange juice) are considered sour.

5. Black and green tea

Green tea saves not only from garlic. It is able to neutralize many sources of bad breath: onions, hot and spicy foods. All thanks to the large number of polyphenols included in its composition. Antioxidants prevent dental disease, gum disease and oral cancer. Black tea contains fewer polyphenols due to different processing of the leaves. But it also demonstrates good results in neutralizing strong odors. The effectiveness increases if you add mint and a slice of lemon to the tea.

Mint activates the effect of green tea

6. Chewing gum or chewing grains

The most popular are coffee beans. Everyone has coffee at home, and almost everyone likes this drink. It's enough to chew 5 coffee beans; you don't need to swallow them. After this, you need to rinse your mouth with warm water. The best results are shown by chewing cardamom grains, anise or clove buds. Spices have a specific taste and smell, so not everyone will tolerate this procedure. However, cardamom will help get rid of bad breath faster.

If after preparing dinner a bad smell remains on your hands, coffee, anise or cardamom will come to the rescue. It is enough to crush a couple of grains and mash them in your palms. After this, wash off the remaining fat with warm water without soap. Your hands will have a pleasant, delicate aroma.

Choose chewing gum that contains natural oils. The most refreshing is the cinnamon-flavored gum. If you use regular gum, choose a mint or citrus flavor. In addition, during the process of chewing gum, a huge amount of saliva is produced in the mouth, which helps to quickly cleanse the oral cavity.

Citrus fruits have the ability to absorb unpleasant odors. Lemon zest can be replaced with orange zest. Grate 2 teaspoons lemon zest and chew it for 1 minute. Lemon zest oil neutralizes the smell of garlic oil. For the best effect, eat a couple of slices of lemon (you can dip them in sugar). If you can't grate the zest, just chew pieces of lemon peel.

Lemon will help get rid of unpleasant hand odor. Squeeze the lemon peel in your palms to release the essential oil. After this, wash your hands with warm water without using soap. With the help of lemon you can save not only your breath and hands, but also dishes.

8. Hygiene procedures

Brushing your teeth with peppermint toothpaste or rinsing your mouth with an antibacterial peppermint solution will not kill the odor coming from the esophagus. However, 70% of fresh breath depends on the cleanliness of your teeth and oral cavity. If you have the opportunity, be sure to brush your tongue and teeth after using garlic, and even better, use dental floss. The tongue has a porous structure, and small pieces of food remain in its fibers, which can cause bad breath.

You can get rid of the strong, intrusive smell of garlic using many methods. Chewing gum, which seems to be the only salvation, often turns out to be a weak and unreliable method. It is better to resort to folk wisdom. Many methods help fight the problem not from the outside, but from the inside. This is the only way to quickly and permanently freshen your breath.

Garlic is an extremely beneficial remedy for human health. However, the smell in the mouth after consuming it causes trouble for others. Moreover, a persistent, pungent aroma appears only when the slice is crushed or mechanically damaged. Since this spicy vegetable is extremely beneficial for the human immune system, especially in winter, I want to combine what seems incompatible at first glance - to maintain health and not scare away family members, friends, work colleagues or fellow travelers with the garlic spirit.

Determining how others feel

First you need to determine whether there is an aroma and how strong it is. People cannot hear most odors, especially their own, or cannot determine the degree of their pungency. However, there are several manipulations that help solve this problem:

  1. Cover your nose and mouth with the inside of your hand and exhale sharply. If you have bad breath, you will definitely notice it.
  2. Lick your wrist and smell it after 10 seconds. This will help you determine the smell that your interlocutors smell.
  3. If you want to understand whether the stench comes from the root of the tongue, scrape it with a special scraper and smell it. The method is unpleasant, but accurate.

Scientific background

The smell of garlic is very unpleasant, but the reason for it is simple and reasonable.

The culprit is allicin, which is formed when cutting slices from the combination of allinase and alliin, enzymes contained in the cells of the vegetable.

Quite quickly, allicin breaks down into organic compounds with the presence of sulfur, which emit a stench. The garlic trail will definitely stick to your hands, other parts of the body, or even objects for more than one hour.

If we consider the human body, the source of stench is not only the oral cavity and digestive tract, but also the excretory systems: lungs, skin, kidneys. Since the enzymes in the human body's digestive system are not able to quickly process allicin, the amber of garlic can be felt for up to 24 hours.

We save ourselves and others from discomfort

It is important for lovers and connoisseurs of the spicy vegetable to know how to get rid of the smell of garlic from the mouth.

There are many ways and ways to eliminate the taste of garlic in your mouth.

The most important thing is to remove or neutralize sulfur compounds from the body.

Cleaning the oral cavity

To quickly eliminate the garlic aroma, first of all you need to thoroughly clean the oral cavity using a special and. After mechanical cleaning, it is necessary to rinse the oral cavity with a special product containing cetylpyridinium chloride. As a last resort, you can kill the smell with a mixture of salt and baking soda. This solution can also be used to treat hands and utensils.

We oxidize the body

Coffee, nuts or fruits can cope perfectly with the consequences of eating garlic. The most pronounced effect will be from the following products:

  • fruits and berries: apricot, pear, cherries, plums, prunes, peach or apple;
  • vegetables: potatoes, eggplant, parsley root, salad;
  • greens: spinach, rosemary, dill, basil and bay leaf;
  • seasonings: cardamom, nutmeg, cinnamon sticks.

These foods and seasonings have rapid oxidation properties. This is why allicin products, which have the same properties, are neutralized faster and the aroma disappears.

The first positions are occupied by nutmeg, bay leaf and coffee beans. It is very easy to seize the smell of them: put a few grams in your mouth, chew thoroughly and the amber will disappear without a trace.

Wash it down with the right drinks

Special drinks also help kill the smell. Since allicin derivatives are also fat-soluble chemical compounds, drinking a glass of milk the day before taking garlic will help bind allicin and limit its absorption. This is an excellent preventative way to prevent your breath from smelling of garlic.

The following have the same properties:

  • fruit juices, sour;
  • infusions of herbs, primarily fenugreek;
  • green tea.

In this case, the level of acidity of the drink is very important: it is the acid that determines sufficient bile formation, the absorption of food and the breakdown of digestive waste, and increased salivation accelerates the neutralization of odor from the mouth.

We fight with herbs

Leaves of dill, mint, parsley, and coriander perfectly help neutralize the smell of garlic. It's all about the aromatic essential oils that overpower the fragrance of the spicy vegetable. Perhaps this is one of the most effective ways to remove unpleasant odors and refresh the oral cavity for a long time. Just take a few sprigs and chew for a couple of minutes.

In addition to the stench, the leaves will destroy harmful bacteria and strengthen the gums.

Just chew them slowly and thoroughly, and then you should refrain from drinking liquids for a couple of hours.

By the way, in addition to green leaves, parsley and calamus roots, which you can simply chew, will help get rid of the garlicky fragrance.

If you have dry herbs at your disposal, then heat treatment is necessary. Brew the herb in a teapot and use it instead of tea leaves.

Emergency and simple help

If you urgently need to go out somewhere, you need to know how and how to quickly remove the smell of garlic from your mouth. There are simple known methods:

  • chewing gum;
  • activated carbon or any other absorbent;
  • lemon zest or mint.

Lemon and mint will give a rather temporary, refreshing effect, and charcoal tablets will speed up the removal of allicin from the body. The intake of tablets must be calculated based on body weight, but not less than three.

All of the above methods will help not only eliminate the existing odor, but also prevent its appearance by simply adding fresh vegetables, fruits or herbs to meals with garlic. And most importantly, only fresh foods without heat treatment will help remove the stench.

Just a smell or a sign of pathology

If garlic is not included in the food, and the smell comes from your mouth, you should think about whether this is a disease:

  1. Most likely in the body digestive processes are disrupted. Garlic spirit can be not only the cause of disorders in the digestive tract, but also a consequence disruptions in the endocrine system.
  2. A garlic odor from the body may indicate the presence of a fungus or disorders of the pancreas.
  3. Female discharge with an unpleasant odor is a sign sexually transmitted infections, pathologies of the reproductive system.
  4. The smell of garlic can come from urine, respectively, in the case of pathologies of the urinary system.

In addition, a garlicky odor, which is based on sulfur formation, may be a sign of:

  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • oral diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • consequence of antibiotic treatment.

Consultation with a doctor is essential.

If your sweat smells like garlic, you should think very seriously - this can be a signal of a large number of diseases, from pathologies of the nervous system to the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Which garlic smells stronger?

You can prevent the problem if you know how to eat garlic without the smell. It will help to understand in what form the vegetable is least “dangerous” as a source of unpleasant amber:

  1. If we consider the level of threat in increasing order, then the least harmless stewed vegetable. This is raw garlic, added to various dishes and during the cooking process it has lost its negative qualities in the form of a special aroma, but there are not very many useful ones left, this fact also needs to be kept in mind.
  2. Pickled and canned. This type practically loses its pungent aroma, but retains its beneficial properties. Pickled garlic is the first enemy of viral and colds, atherosclerosis and scurvy. In addition, it lowers blood cholesterol and is an excellent remedy for the prevention of colds. In addition to slices of an adult plant, pickled shoots of garlic are known. This dish has a very pungent aroma, which is quite difficult to get rid of. It is preferable to use it if you do not plan to go out to public places.
  3. Dried garlic used as a seasoning and has virtually no residual odor in the body.
  4. Fresh vegetable - is the king of all varieties of this root vegetable in terms of beneficial properties, however, in terms of aroma it is ahead of all. All you have to do is cut a clove or pass it through a garlic press, and the aroma will be heard for several meters around. Consuming it raw will bring tangible benefits to the body, and the remaining aroma will force you to resort to the means described above if going out in public is still necessary.

First, let's figure out what this phenomenon is, why after a person has eaten garlic or onions, his breath smells, and for what reason the smell spreads even in the apartment. The unpleasant odor appears due to sulfur-containing compounds in the product. Once in the oral cavity, these substances cause reactions that lead to the appearance of an unwanted “aroma.”

This smell can last for a very long time: according to scientific research on the question of how long the specific smell from the mouth lasts after eating garlic, it can last up to 48 hours, unless, of course, no measures are taken to eliminate it. By the way, brushing your teeth does not always help to completely get rid of the smell of garlic: after all, it is caused not by particles of the product stuck between the teeth and in the oral cavity, but by a chemical reaction, as a result of which the smell appears along with the breath.

Raw garlic produces the most persistent “aroma”. When boiled, garlic causes much less damage to the freshness of your breath.

What can you eat to prevent bad breath?

Fortunately, there are a number of products and substances that effectively eliminate the result of the chemical reaction and, as a result, bad breath. Many of them are often referred to as “folk remedies” for combating bad breath. Let's start by listing foods that can be useful for getting rid of unpleasant odor, and tell you how to eat them so that after eating garlic you don't get the characteristic odor from your mouth.

Important: Speaking about fruits, herbs and mint, scientists note that it is fresh products that help fight the unpleasant odor after eating garlic. That is, if you feasted on chicken with garlic sauce and then decided to eat it with baked apples, you may not achieve the desired effect.

What kind of drinks and how to beat the amber after a meal?

  1. Milk. Of all the things that help neutralize bad breath after dishes with garlic, the very first and surest remedy is to drink a glass of milk. This also applies to fermented milk products - yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt and kefir. Substances contained in dairy products quickly reduce the concentration of hydrogen sulfide gases.
  2. Apple vinegar. A spoonful of apple cider vinegar dissolved in a glass of warm water can get rid of the unpleasant odor. You can drink a glass of water with vinegar both before and after eating a meal containing garlic. However, this method is not suitable for everyone: in case of problems with acidity, drinking water with vinegar will, of course, get rid of the smell, but in return it will ensure a visit to a gastroenterologist. Therefore, before using this method, it is better to consult a doctor.
  3. Green tea. A cup of green tea after dinner with garlic helps completely neutralize bad breath. The most effective remedy is green tea with mint.
  4. Water. Drinking one or two glasses of water with your meal will help remove any remaining garlic from your mouth. In addition, water stimulates the production of saliva, which will cleanse the mouth of the smallest particles of garlic that provoke chemical reactions and the appearance of an unpleasant odor. But it’s still better to combine this method with some other method.

How to neutralize with chemicals?

Now let’s talk about which modern chemicals can kill bad garlic breath, and how to use them for this.

Step-by-step instructions on how to effectively suppress or eliminate garlic spirit

Let's look at step by step how to prevent the unpleasant smell of garlic from your mouth before and after eating.

  1. Before taking garlic. Eat a green apple; it will reduce the chemical reaction that causes the smell. If you have a choice of how to cook garlic, boil it or stew it along with the dish; the most “fragrant” is raw garlic. Garlic cut into pieces causes a stronger unpleasant odor, so if you eat garlic for preventive purposes, eat the whole clove.
  2. During meals. Drink 1-2 glasses of water with dishes containing garlic. Eat more vegetables and fruits that contain a lot of water (tomatoes, cucumbers), salad, citrus fruits.
  3. After eating garlic. Thoroughly brush your teeth and tongue to remove food particles, rinse your mouth with a special balm, warm water with mint or soda paste (recipe described above). Drink a cup of green tea with mint or eat a few mint leaves; if green tea and mint are not available, coffee beans will do.

What if you need to remove it urgently?

How to get rid of garlic breath in an emergency? In this case, it is better to carry a mouth cleaning spray or mouth rinse balm. In any case, you must first cleanse your mouth of any remaining food (brushing your teeth, mouth rinse, water and a sprig of parsley), and then eat something that can eliminate any remaining odor - mint, coffee bean.

Advice: Peppermint gum can also eliminate garlic odor, but only while you chew it.

How to get it out of hand?

The smell of garlic on your hands after cooking can be a problem for the housewife.. There are ways to remove unpleasant odors.


Thus, the problem with odor after consumption disappears if you know at least a couple of ways to eliminate the “aroma” described above. So you can continue to pamper yourself with dishes with hot garlic sauce and strengthen your immune system!

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Fragrant garlic makes food very tasty. In addition, the fragrant vegetable is useful, especially during flu season. However, the garlic smell can nullify all arguments in favor of using this product. How to remove the smell of garlic is a question that needs to be answered correctly.

How to remove the smell of garlic

How to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth

There are mechanical ways to get rid of the consequences of eating garlic dishes. You can thoroughly brush your teeth, use dental floss to remove pieces of garlic from between teeth, rinse your mouth with a special product, and chew gum.

However, the source of the smell will not go away. Until the garlic is digested in the stomach, odorous substances will make themselves known through specific breathing. The problem can be partly solved by neutralizing the amber with other foods.

How to remove the smell of garlic? The following will help in the fight for fresh breath:

Garden parsley;

A piece of fresh ginger;

Fresh mint leaf;

A slice of lemon or a piece of lemon peel;

A handful of pine nuts or walnuts;


Cardamom seed.

Due to the high content of polyphenols in these products, gas formation is reduced, putrefactive processes are stopped, and the specific odor is neutralized. After eating a garlic dish, you can simply chew any of the listed foods or drink a cup of coffee, green or mint tea. A hot drink will wash away any remaining garlic oil and freshen your breath.

In addition, you can try folk remedies. How to remove the smell of garlic from your mouth? You can hold a stainless steel spoon in your mouth. A simple but effective technique will help make your breathing cleaner. Another option is to mix 1 tsp. soda and salt with ½ tbsp. water and rinse your mouth.

How to remove the smell of garlic from the room and from dishes

After preparing dishes with garlic, the aroma of a delicious vegetable can be felt in the kitchen for a long time. The air in the room, kitchen surfaces, and dishes will smell. If nothing is done, your hair and clothes can absorb the strong odor.

How to quickly remove the smell of garlic? Here's what you can do:

Boil 1 liter of water over low heat with the addition of 1 tbsp. l. vinegar (9%), 15 minutes is enough;