Irada Zeynalova: biography, personal life, family, husband, children - photo. Biography of Svetlana Zeynalova Svetlana Zeynalova, who is your nationality?

Svetlana Zynalova, actress, television and radio journalist, a special woman. Being a natural night owl, she wakes up every day at 5 am to wish everyone “Good morning” on Channel One. Always radiant, filled with joy and happiness, she has been creating the mood for many millions of television viewers for several years now.

It’s hard to imagine Svetlana without a smile - a woman who is absolutely happy - that’s the impression she makes on others. It is difficult to imagine what a complex and dramatic family life the TV presenter actually has.

The one she fought for

Svetlana Zeynalova’s first husband was Alexey Glazatov, a media manager. It was a classic office romance. Svetlana was then working on the radio, and Alexey came to work for the same company. He headed another department, but Svetlana was very afraid of him: “He seemed harmful, he swore at everyone,” Svetlana admitted to the Telesem newspaper.

Alexey says that he immediately noticed this incredibly energetic woman. After six months of working at the station, at one of the parties, he approached the company with whom Sveta was communicating, as Zeynalova herself says, “drunk,” and they all went to visit Glazatov. From that time on, they began to meet and have breakfast together.

A confirmed bachelor, Glazatov was in no hurry to propose to Zeynalova. At that time, 30-year-old Svetlana already wanted a child, and simply stated: “Keep in mind, he will have my last name. And you will have to officially adopt him through the registry office.”

Having lived together for 3 years, the couple legalized their relationship. Alexey “matured” after one incident in Barcelona. The lovers entered the church and saw the newlyweds there. An old man and an old woman, about 90-100 years old, walked to the altar, holding hands.

The next day, Glazatov proposed to Zeynalova. The sentence sounded like this: “I agree.”

The role of the capricious bride at this wedding was also played by Alexey. “I want everything to be like in American films: green lawn, guests, and the pastor painting us.” Zeynalova was at a loss. “Do you want to get married? You will!”

And she did. The role of the pastor was played by an actor, and after all the theatrical action everyone went to the restaurant.

Svetlana and Alexey’s marriage gave birth to the long-awaited daughter Alexandra. Glazatov was present at the birth and was the first to hold his daughter in his arms. But family life did not work out. When Sasha was born, Alexey was 42 years old. An adult, an accomplished man, he was accustomed to a certain way of life, and the appearance of a child required a change in the entire way of life, worldview, and special responsibility.

A serious test for the family was the news that their daughter Sasha has autism. A disease in which a person is unable to communicate with the outside world. Incomprehensible behavior, screaming, hysterics, constant doctors, hospitals, examinations, medications, rehabilitation. Alexey could not stand it and left the family.

In public statements, Svetlana never accused the father of her child of weakness
. In an interview with Yulia Menshova in the program “Alone with Everyone,” Svetlana said: “I never blame our wonderful dad for anything.

He is truly a wonderful person. I understand perfectly how difficult it was for him at that moment. A man decides whether he moves on with you, or lives a different, fulfilling, interesting life. A woman doesn’t have that choice.”

The couple's divorce was painful, with courts, division of property, and misunderstandings. At the same time, Svetlana openly says that she loved her husband very much: “I fought so hard for him, I loved him so much, they once said a bad word about him, so I almost got into a fight. I was ready to do anything, lose my job, lose my loved ones.”

Svetlana did not keep her beloved husband in the family. She explains this by saying that she simply did not have the strength to fight on two fronts. When the choice arose about whom to fight for, she chose her daughter.
Today Alexey Glazatov has his own life, but he does not forget about his daughter, he often sees her and helps the family.

Interesting notes:

Not alone and not alone

After her husband left the family, Svetlana went through very difficult times. Lack of money, bills, struggle for my daughter’s health. She worked a lot, took any orders, for any events, projects. She faced rejection from society - she was not allowed into cafes or public places with Alexandra, they hinted that it would be a good idea to transfer her from a regular kindergarten to a specialized one, some acquaintances turned their backs on her. Svetlana could not find a nanny for a long time - women simply refused to work with a difficult child. Personal life faded into the background.

The moment came when Svetlana accepted her life as it is. Yes, she will never have a man or a full-fledged family again. Yes, she will never have enough money for anything, she will not be able, like her friends, to fly to Nice for the weekend.

But she has Sasha, her child, whom only she can help. And they feel good together like this, the two of them. And she suddenly felt at ease. As good as it's ever been. She felt happy and free.

It was at this moment that men began to court her. She did not react to these claims, because she understood that in her situation there was no point in counting on a serious relationship. Her indifference to the male sex only inflamed the gentlemen.

“He was alone, on his knees, kissing the TV. I didn't need it. People around me said - well, you’re so selfish! Give the man a chance. I invited him home, here, meet him! This is my daughter Sasha. She has autism." The gentleman suddenly referred to urgent matters, said that he would call back, left, and did not call back. Svetlana tells this story while visiting Yulia Menshova with a laugh. Although, he admits, it was a shame.

And yet, a worthy man appeared in Svetlana’s life. He was able to accept the daughter of the woman he loved, and even helped solve one of the girl’s problems. Autistic people are terrified of new places, spaces, and routes.

Dmitry (this is all that is known about Zeynalova’s common-law husband) took Sasha for walks in parks, supermarkets, and cafes, and was able to ensure that she freely comes to any unfamiliar place and feels very confident. Svetlana openly confesses her love to her man, but leaves him the right to take a step back. She’s ready to let him go at any moment, but he doesn’t seem to be going anywhere.

The TV presenter shared details of her professional and personal life, admitting that she doesn’t want to fall in love yet.

Svetlana Zeynalova.

Gennady Avramenko

Who saw Svetlana in a bad mood? Nobody. Who heard? The answer is the same. Your “good morning!” - whether from television screens or on the radio - she invariably pronounces with a great charge of cheerfulness and optimism. On the one hand, the host of morning live broadcasts is supposed to do so “by mandate”, on the other hand, she is truly a holiday person. I was born this way. But even people with a similar attitude in life sometimes have hard times. It is all the more interesting to find out: how does a representative of this, frankly speaking, small tribe of diehard optimists cope with a crisis in her personal life?

Svetlana, you are such a “lighter”, and your older sister Irada, a former reporter who traveled to “hot spots”, and today the host of the Sunday edition of the “Time” program, is a person of a different type. How does she perceive your “light genre”?
Svetlana Zeynalova:
"Fine. Twice a week Irada travels in the morning on various women’s affairs and listens to me on the “Morning Show”. And in all seriousness he joins in our games: he sends text messages with his opinion, offers possible answers... Or he calls: “I guessed right!” I want to take part in the draw!” I told her: “Irada, why are you like a child? You are not our target audience. Calm down".
Is she really getting excited or is she joking?
“It starts up! Then he says to me: “How smart you are! She told me so many interesting things. You work so hard. You only have a break for three minutes.” I answer: “That’s normal. And it’s the same on television. Sleep: four hours. It takes an hour or two to prepare.” She: “Yes?!” But you spoke with such confidence! It seemed like you knew it all by heart.” Me: “Thank you, of course, but... Surely there are educated people who know so much, but that’s not me. I can often say something stupid, and then I’m surprised along with the listeners.” She: “Are you actually spending the night in Ostankino?”...
By the way, an interesting question!
“I sleep when it’s on air. Sometimes with Timur Solovyov, my co-host and faithful comrade. We sleep in the same dressing room, separated by a screen.”

Are men an important part of your life?
“Important. And it has always been very important to me. I love working with men and hanging out. It's more fun with them. Girls - at least the ones I grew up with - what were their hobbies? They should go shopping and sharpen their yarns. And I don't like it. For me, choosing boots is a chore! I'm so... not a girl in this regard. It's interesting with guys. You can talk about serious things with them, drink, and have great fun. That's why I have more friends than girlfriends. As a child, I generally behaved like a boy.”
Does your three-year-old Sanya look like little you? The nature?
"Certainly. Your children are you times three. It’s strange to hear: oh, my child is hysterical, oh, my child is behaving terribly! This is you as a child. And your parents struggled with the same thing. Sometimes I look at my daughter: was I really like that? I called my sister: “Irada, is it really me?” She: “You were even worse!” - “Me?!” I was a wonderful child." - “Sveta, you did this when you were a child!” And what do I want? Of course, my daughter is just like me. She lives by the laws that you set. I realized this a little late. Sanya has already gone wild enough - now she has to be forced into a certain framework, explain what is possible, what is not, and who should be treated differently.”
What did you allow yourself to do as a child?
“I was sobbing, hysterical, demanding. I sometimes ask my sister about that time, but she: I don’t remember the details! He doesn’t want to remember.”

The image you painted of a man “with whom you can talk about serious things, drink, have great fun” - is this a portrait of just a friend or a husband too?
"Don't even know. After all, I divorced quite recently (from the former program director of Radio Maximum Alexei Glazatov. - Author's note). I am now undergoing a reassessment of values, my view of what a husband should be is changing. But this process is not over yet, so I can’t answer.”
What should a husband not be like?
“What I don’t like most is when a man, in any uncomfortable situation for him, falls into hysterics, both internal and external. When you, a woman, have to replace him in the most important things: take everything into your own hands, make endless decisions, and so on. It’s even worse when he chooses the position: take care of me, because I can’t do anything myself! But, you know, I already have a child, thank you very much... I am the kind of person with whom, probably, even the “fifty-fifty” option is possible. That is, on equal terms. Democracy. When neither the husband nor the wife is in charge. But if it’s a man’s decision that needs to be made, he would take it upon himself. And if I needed to prove myself in something feminine, I wouldn’t shy away either. Do you understand?
Is it really difficult for you to express yourself as feminine?
“I already said that I’m not a real girl. For example, I’m embarrassed to buy lacy bras, as my girlfriends love. Or I can’t go out all like that in a peignoir. For me, everything like that is some kind of “extra.” And the man whom I want to call husband, first of all, must accept me and my daughter for who we are. And we are not simple, we are eccentric. And we will accept him as he is. We are ready to fight for it and accomplish the feat. The main thing is that it’s worth it.”

Feat? For a man?
“This has happened before in my life. I had to sacrifice a lot for the man and strain my friends. They told me: “Do you need this? If yes, we will do it for him.” I begged: “Please, I won’t ask for myself, it’s important to me that he feels good.” As a result, it turned out that a person is not able to appreciate anything... I don’t expect admiration, I can even do without a “thank you.” But it is important for me that he simply remembers: this woman did something for him. And he did not respond to kindness with rudeness. People often do bad things, and then after a while they begin to repent. This is what kills me the most - to sin and repent. There is no need to sin. There is this in the character of my ex-husband and many of my friends. I told my husband: “You are forty years old! There are things that I already knew at twenty-five: you can’t do this and say this. And not because someone will be offended - it’s simply impossible!”
Many women imagine an ideal man as their father was. And you?
“My dad is an interesting man, he could be a sex model. Definitely. He is easy-going, caring, he looked after his mother so beautifully, he is always the life of the party! And in this sense I followed it. But he’s a little bit... a buffoon. La-la-la - and I already forgot everything. But for me it is important that a person remembers his promises and fulfills them. I myself keep my word. If in doubt, I won't promise. But dad is still great. He did not lose optimism even in the most difficult moments. No matter what, my father always got up and moved on. I have this in me too. No matter what happened, I cried in the evening, but in the morning everything was fine. Now there is no person in my circle who would be just like this... There are men who I like for one or another quality, but I have not yet met the ideal one in my understanding. Recently, I actually had a period when either alcoholics or gigolos stuck to me. No, guys, I have no desire to deal with you, goodbye..."

And if you take it not from the environment: maybe a film character, a book hero?
“For me, actor Oleg Menshikov has always been the most incredible erotic model. I still blush when I see him and my heart sinks. When I did an interview with him, I giggled like a fool, you know, like an delighted lapdog, and I couldn’t even pull myself together, because I liked everything - the way he moved, the way he spoke.”
I think he was pleased to see it.
"Yes Yes. We had a great conversation with him. He is absolutely beautiful... Now I thought: maybe it seems to me that there is no man in my environment with whom I could fall in love? Is it just my period? To be honest, I don’t even want to fall in love. There are already so many things to do with the child and other things! We recently spoke with the guys on the radio - with Vakhtang Makharadze and Pavel Kartavin, my partners. They told me: “Just don’t turn into an old maid. Let us introduce you to someone." I answer: “I don’t want to.” - “Well, what are you doing?!” - “Seriously, I don’t want to. Bye. Apparently the time has not come yet.”
How do you fall in love - at first sight?
“Such things have happened. Everything is usually written in the eyes. I am sure that fate is leading this parade. Not yours - leaves. Yours remains. There is no other way. And if it’s not yours, no matter how hard you fight, nothing will work out. And yours, you can’t avoid it, that’s all. If it’s written by God, let’s say it’s like this: “Act three, scene one: a man appears in Svetlana Zeynalova’s life who loves her, her daughter, becomes her husband, friend, lover, everything in her life.” Cool! But if it is written: “Svetlana Avtandilovna will live happily ever after, raise a child alone, adopt a second one,” and that’s all. So it will be like this."

Doesn't loneliness scare you?
“Nothing scares me. I am generally a self-sufficient person in this regard. And brave."
By the way, about courage. You were a participant in Cruel Intentions. Did anything seriously scare you?
“I drowned there, and it was scary. I was hit by the structure. Moreover, it seemed to me that I had been under water for an infinitely long time. I had to jump, swim against the wave, climb the rope, and at some point the strength was not enough. The wave washes away, and I’m still all beaten, bruised, with a bandaged leg, a bandaged hand. The wave was made quieter so that I could climb in, and when I started to climb in, it was released again at full force. And just like in the movies, it blows me out with a blast from a fire hose. I fell, choked and realized that I was going to be hysterical. In this state, I surfaced and screamed that I was giving up. When they showed the filming: everything lasted a few seconds - I dived and emerged. And at that moment half my life flew by before my eyes! I even imagined myself becoming the first person to drown on the project.”
Will you embark on such an adventure again?
“I’ll probably be afraid. Because these games are really violent. There you need good physical training, but I don’t have it, and I’m too old. But I liked “Fort Boyard”. I was a participant in these competitions. Everything is calculated there, everything is clear and very cool. You come: party, new acquaintances! Hooray! I would happily take part in “Boyard” again.”
And in ice dancing, if they call you?
“No, I'm afraid. Yulia Zimina danced with us in the last season. She moves well, but I don’t move very well. And Yulia is physically prepared, so everything worked out great for her.”
How about singing songs? Are you a singing actress?
“I can sing songs, read poetry - I can do that. No question... But adrenaline is great. It's like you're getting older. There is you - before you tested yourself, and there is - after. And a terrible desire awakens to return to this state again, because this is a real overcoming of fear and oneself.”
I wouldn’t risk it anyway - I’m a coward...
“I’m also a coward. But I included the magical actor’s “if only.” In order to go out and compete, I directly convinced myself. I had panic attacks. I was already imagining my corpse lying somewhere..."
Yana Churikova told me how she stopped jumping with a parachute when the child was born: she realized that now she had no right to take risks.
“And we had one girl on the team who said: “I have a child, I’m afraid and I won’t,” and she turned around and left. But participation in such tests, believe me, educates you a lot. Not only self-respect appears, but also a sense of personal strength. Hard to explain. It's like you're walking up the stairs and climbing to the next step. It helps a lot - it clears the mind when there is a difficult period or crisis in life.”

My friends invite me to jump with a parachute, fly in a hot air balloon - I’m afraid!
“You don’t need a parachute, it’s scary. To land correctly, you need physical training, otherwise you can break everything. But fly in a balloon. At some point you just have to tell yourself: relax! And you relax. I do like this. And the feeling of height is cool. Also fly on a small airplane. It's creepy, but cool. Go sailing on a yacht. I really recommend it!”
As I understand it, the list of “extreme” sports you have tried is quite long. What else do you want to check next to, what test are you planning for yourself in the near future?
“A tick? Don't know. Opposite yourself, perhaps. Now it’s important for me to sort myself out, sort a lot of things out, and make the right decisions. Every day I have a struggle with myself. And this, believe me, is no less exciting..."

Marina Boykova

For several years now, Svetlana Zeynalova has appeared on television screens in the morning program “Good Morning” to tell interesting stories and wish viewers a good day.

Her abilities are not limited to this: the presenter also tried her hand at the theater stage and played in several films. In her biography there were not only bright periods, but also a streak of failures in her personal life, however, Zeynalova did not lose optimism, always remaining a cheerful and strong person.

Choosing an acting profession

Svetlana was born in 1977 in Moscow. Her father, Avtandil Isabalievich, an Azerbaijani by nationality, held a high position in the Ministry. Mom, Galina Alekseevna, has Russian roots. The girl’s parents also raised her older sister Irada, who in the future became a famous journalist and TV presenter. In her childhood, Svetlana dreamed of acting on stage and acting in films, so she actively participated in amateur performances and played in productions in a theater studio.

The photo shows Svetlana Zeynalova in her childhood.

After graduating from school, the girl applied to one of the theater universities, but the first time she could not pass the competition. She did not waste time and entered the Lenin Pedagogical University, choosing the department of psychology. After studying there for several years, Zeynalova was still able to fulfill her dream by successfully passing the exams at the Shchepkin Theater School.

Television career and other projects

After graduating from high school, the girl got a job at the Nikitsky Gate Theater, where she received small roles. To make a living, she worked part-time as a waitress and as a mass entertainer. Soon Svetlana left the theater and got a job at Radio MAXIMUM. After some time, she was able to get on television, where she worked as a correspondent on the TV Center channel. In 2010, her voice was already heard in the morning program on the radio station “NASHE Radio”, however, the presenter dreamed of a career on the central channel. Thanks to the support of her older sister, who at that time was a special correspondent for Channel One, she was able to get into the casting of “Good Morning”, and then start working as the host of the program. By that time, Zeynalova was already accustomed to morning broadcasts, so getting up early was not a burden for her.

She realized her creative abilities in another way, by creating her own agency that organizes festive events. In 2017, Svetlana was invited to the project “Voice. Children”, where she kept company with Dmitry Nagiyev. There are few roles in her filmography, but despite this, these works brought her a lot of joy and satisfaction. She starred in such films as “Moscow Saga”, “Heavy Sand”, “Love and Other Nonsense”, Kitchen. Last fight.

Finding female happiness

Fate did not immediately endow Zeynalova with real female happiness and for several years she had to shoulder everything on herself. She became close to her first husband, the head of the radio station Alexei Glazatov, while working on the radio. First, the lovers lived in a civil marriage for several years, and then got married. In 2009, the couple became parents: their daughter Alexandra was born. However, the joy soon gave way to concern for the health of the baby, whom doctors gave a disappointing diagnosis - autism. The presenter's husband could not stand the difficulties and left the family, leaving her with a sick child in her arms. However, she was able to cope with this, and now her daughter Sasha attends the lyceum, where she studies in an inclusive class. She is growing up as an active and inquisitive girl, she can read and write well, and also shows creative abilities, having managed to take part in many events.

In the photo, Svetlana Zeynalova with her family: husband Dmitry, daughters and parents. Instagram svetlanazey.

Svetlana’s personal life soon improved: she had a new lover named Dmitry, who is several years younger than her. He immediately became friends with the presenter’s daughter, and after a while he moved into their home. Zeynalova did not immediately reveal it to the public, trying not to frighten off her happiness. In 2018, it became known that Svetlana was preparing to become a mother for the second time, and already in May of this year she gave birth to a girl, whom she and her husband decided to name Veronica. The presenter manages not only to build a career, raise children, but also to maintain her normal figure (with a height of 170 cm, her weight is 62 kg).

Svetlana Zeynalova has become one of the popular presenters who help make the world a better and more fun place. The woman played in several films. She opened her own company that organizes and conducts holiday events. Often the scripts are written by the woman herself.

It was impossible to say anything about Zeynalova’s personal life. She found herself abandoned by her husband with a sick child in her arms. In 2015, the woman’s fate changed for the better. She started dating a man. He helped Svetlana treat her sick daughter. It was thanks to Dmitry that the girl’s condition improved significantly. Recently, a woman became a mother for the second time. This time a boy was born who brought tears of joy and pride to his dad, the common-law husband of our heroine. As soon as the baby grows up, Svetlana expects to go to work.

Height, weight, age. How old is Svetlana Zeynalova

Since the beginning of the new millennium, our heroine began hosting television programs. From that time on, viewers began to wonder what her height, weight, and age were. How old is Svetlana Zeynalova you can find out by contacting official sources. The woman was born on a fine May day in 1977. She recently quietly celebrated her 41st birthday. Soon after this, the TV presenter became a mother for the second time. She gave birth to a son. Thus, the woman gave herself a kind of gift.

Svetlana Zeynalova, whose photos in her youth and now exist in sufficient quantities, weighs 62 kg with a height of 170 cm. The woman has recently gained a lot of weight, but this is due to pregnancy. But after giving birth to a baby, she quickly returned to shape.

The popular TV presenter leads an active lifestyle. She plays sports and eats right. From her diet, the woman excluded a large number of foods that were, in her opinion, incorrect. She does not consume sweets, smoked meats, marinades, or alcohol.

Biography and personal life of Svetlana Zeynalova

The biography and personal life of Svetlana Zeynalova is of incredible interest to television viewers. They are trying to find out the most detailed information about the woman.

The baby became the second daughter in the international Zeynalov family. Father - Zeynalov Avtandil Isabalievich was from Azerbaijan. Mother - Zeynalova Galina Alekseevna was a native Muscovite. Another daughter, Irada, was growing up in the family, and she named the newborn Svetlana.

From childhood, the girl was incredibly active. She loved to sing, dance, and act in various productions. Today Svetlana recalls that she started playing very early. At first, Irada and other girls took the baby and played mother-daughter with her. Moreover, she was a daughter, Irada was a mother, and other girls played the roles of guests.

Zeynalova recalls that she really wanted to go to school. On the night of September 1, she could not sleep, afraid that she would oversleep. The girl got ready at 6 o’clock in the morning, woke up her mother and asked her to braid her hair. Sveta believed that this would bring the time to go to school closer.

During her school years, the girl studied well. She enjoyed reading and writing. Mathematics became her favorite subject. The TV presenter loved solving logic problems. The more complex they were, the better. The teachers noted the student’s determination, which they incredibly liked.

The girl also took part in various events. She acted in school plays. The talented schoolgirl was entrusted with the most difficult roles, which she coped with excellently, causing the delight of the public.

In high school, Svetlana thought about her future profession. She liked psychology, therefore, having received a school certificate, the girl entered the capital’s pedagogical institute on her first try, where she studied the intricacies of psychological science. In her 5th year, Zeynalova began to think that she had made a mistake in choosing a profession. She liked playing on stage much more. The graduate becomes a student at the Shchepkinsky Theater Institute. Since the beginning of the new millennium, our heroine has enjoyed playing in productions of the modern theater at Nikitsky Gate.

In 2004, Svetlana began working on radio. She hosted night programs. The girl was so tired that sometimes she fell asleep while walking. During the day she was involved in the theater, and at night she continued to work on the radio. But after a few months, such a busy life began to affect Zeynalova’s health. On the advice of her older sister, our heroine chooses what is closest to her. She leaves the theater and devotes herself entirely to radio. Soon she was noticed and offered to host one of the programs on the main Russian channel.

The woman played in several films. Viewers could see her in “Love and Other Nonsense”, “Boatswain Seagull”, “Kitchen” and others. But the artist likes being a presenter much more. She says that she can be herself in the programs.

Since 2009, Svetlana has owned her own company, which organizes festive events. Zeynalova herself develops holiday scenarios, and for a fee she can be the host.

The popular TV presenter, according to official information, was married only once. She is raising her daughter Alexandra. Currently, little is known about the presenter’s personal life. At the end of 2017, information appeared about Svetlana Zeynalova’s pregnancy. Then she disappeared for a while. The reasons for this were unknown. In May 2018, the television star became a mother for the second time. She gave birth to a boy, whom the woman gave birth to from her common-law husband Dmitry Lensky.

Family and children of Svetlana Zeynalova

The family and children of Svetlana Zeynalova are carefully protected by the presenter herself from the excessive curiosity of others.

The presenter was married only once. She became the mother of a charming baby, whom the woman named Sasha. The girl, unfortunately, was born sick. Svetlana herself does not hide her daughter’s diagnosis from those around her.

Recently it became known that the woman became a mother for the second time. She had a son. The boy’s father was Svetlana’s common-law husband, Dmitry Lensky.

Since childhood, our heroine has been friends with her older sister, whose name is Irada. The sisters often meet and share their most intimate information with each other. Irada worked on Channel One for a long time. After some misunderstanding with management, the woman decided to switch to the NTV channel, where she hosts an analytical program that talks about the events of the week. The TV presenter recently got married.

Their father had a great influence on the development of his daughters. He was an Azerbaijani and tried to honor national foundations. The man worked at the Ministry.

Son of Svetlana Zeynalova

In the fall of 2017, many people began to suspect that Svetlana was pregnant. She tried not to reveal her delicate condition. At the beginning of 2018, the woman disappeared from television screens. The management of Channel One released information that the popular TV presenter had taken a vacation. The reasons for this were not reported.

In May of the same year, on her Instagram page, many fans began to congratulate the woman on the birth of her baby. The TV presenter herself initially remained silent. And then she said that she had a boy. And he tries not to talk about the boy’s name. The child's weight was more than 4 kilograms and his height was 57 cm.

Svetlana Zeynalova’s son is still small. He was 5 months old. The boy spends a lot of time with his mother and sister. It is still unknown what the baby will become. But the presenter herself believes that she can raise her son to be a real man.

Daughter of Svetlana Zeynalova - Alexandra

The popular TV presenter has a daughter, whom she named Sasha. When the baby was several months old, doctors diagnosed her with autism. At first, the woman avoided the topic of sick children in every possible way. She tried not to answer anyone's questions about her daughter. But after some time, Svetlana stopped hiding her daughter’s diagnosis. She openly said in an interview that she was fighting for the rights of her child, but everywhere she ran into people’s misunderstanding.

Today, Svetlana Zeynalova’s daughter, Alexandra, studies in a special school. The woman herself takes her daughter to school and brings her back. Svetlana tries not to lose her presence of mind. She hopes to cure her daughter.

It recently became known that Svetlana Zeynalova became a mother for the second time. The daughter, whose autism, according to the Channel One star, is not a death sentence, was not abandoned. She helps her mother with raising her brother. On her Instagram page, the woman stated that the birth of the baby was able to liberate the girl and make her more active.

Svetlana Zeynalova's ex-husband - Alexey Glazatov

In 2004, our heroine worked on the Maximum radio wave. It was there that she met a guy with whom she fell in love at first sight. The girl herself began to show him signs of attention. A few weeks later they began dating, and then living together. In 2008, the couple legalized their relationship. The ceremony was modest. It was attended only by a few close friends and the parents of both newlyweds. A year later, the family added a daughter.

Svetlana Zeynalova’s ex-husband, Alexey Glazatov, was afraid of difficulties. As soon as it became known that Sashenka’s daughter was sick, he withdrew. The man disappeared from the sight of his beloved wife. He did not pay child support, did not even communicate with his daughter.

Currently, Alexey works on one of the central Russian channels. He tries to avoid his ex-wife and daughter. Svetlana herself believes that fate will judge everything and reward everyone according to their deserts.

Svetlana Zeynalova's common-law husband - Dmitry Lensky

In 2015, the popular TV presenter met a young guy named Dmitry. At first he was just a friend for the woman. She did not believe all representatives of the stronger half of humanity, since the resentment towards her ex-husband was great. Dmitry began to look after Svetlana. Little by little she thawed. The lovers began to live in a civil marriage. They did not hide their relationship from others.

Svetlana Zeynalova’s common-law husband, Dmitry Lensky, was able to replace the woman’s father’s daughter. The man walked a lot with the girl. In the evenings, when the TV presenter was working, the man stayed with Sasha. He read her fairy tales and helped her do puzzles.

According to Svetlana Zeynalova, her loved one was very happy about the birth of her son. He held him in his arms and cried. Currently, a man helps a woman raise children. He insists on registering the relationship. The Channel One star herself is afraid that this will negatively affect their family.

Instagram and Wikipedia Svetlana Zeynalova

Many fans of show programs are interested in whether Svetlana Zeynalova has Instagram and Wikipedia. Our heroine has pages on many social networks, and the Wikipedia page is full of information about the woman. Here you can find out information about your parents and older sister, participation in films. Little attention is paid to the personal life of the Channel One star. The page tells about a woman's daughter and first husband. The recent addition to the family of our heroine and her common-law husband was ignored by the site’s authors.

The Instagram page of Svetlana Zeynalova is updated most often. Here you can view numerous photographs taken both at home and at work. In many photographs you can see daughter Sasha, sister Irada and mother Galina. There are photographs in which a woman poses with her beloved common-law husband Dmitry. But a newborn baby cannot be seen. The TV presenter herself believes that until the age of five, the child experiences the negative influence of strangers, which leads to the absence of photographs of the boy.

Svetlana Zeynalova is a famous Russian TV presenter who, before starting her television career, managed to successfully establish herself in a variety of industries. For some time she played in the theater, and also worked as an organizer and host of festive events. In addition, there were some other less significant professions in the career of our today’s heroine. However, we will leave them out of the picture for now.

Instead, we note the fact that the life and career path of the popular TV presenter seems very interesting. Therefore, our biographical article dedicated to Svetlana Zeynalova will probably appeal to many readers.

Early years, childhood and family of Svetlana Zeynalova

Svetlana Avtandilovna Zeynalova was born in the spring of 1977 in the Russian capital. Her family was not much different from countless other families in the USSR and Soviet Russia, and therefore we will not dwell on this point in detail today. Instead, we draw the attention of our readers to the fact that the future TV presenter began dreaming of a creative career as a child. At school, she attended various amateur clubs, participated in plays, matinees and dreamed of one day becoming a famous and popular actress.

This dream several years later brought our today’s heroine to the Shchepkin Theater School, where she subsequently studied for several years. After receiving her diploma, Svetlana Zeynalova went to work at the Moscow theater “At the Nikitsky Gates”. Regularly appearing on this stage, the young actress played mainly small roles. This state of affairs suited our today’s heroine quite well. The only problem was the constant lack of money.

The meager theatrical fees were not enough for anything, and therefore some time later Svetlana decided to get a job as a waitress in one of the Moscow restaurants. She worked in this capacity for several years, and then found herself another job - that of a professional host and organizer of festive events. Thus, during that period, her entire day was practically scheduled minute by minute. During the day - the work of a host, in the evening - a theater stage, and at night - the simple work of a waitress.

Such a frantic schedule constantly took all her strength, and at some point Svetlana Zeynalova came to the idea that she needed to change something in her life. For help, she turned to her sister, Irada Zeynalova, who at that time was already quite famous in the world of journalism. After rummaging through the phone book, the older sister arranged a meeting for Svetlana with several famous television producers, but noted that she would have to make her way in the world of journalism on her own. This situation suited our today’s heroine quite well, and therefore she, without hesitation, agreed to the proposed conditions.

Our morning: Pushnoy vs. Zeynalova!

Star Trek by Svetlana Zeynalova on radio and television

Similarly, some time later, Svetlana Zeynalova got a job at Radio Maximum, where she began working as a co-host of one of the morning programs. Her career began in 2004, but her first successes came soon enough. The voice of the talented presenter, which sounded as part of the morning “Bachinsky and Stillavin Show,” very soon fell in love with listeners, and Svetlana Zeynalova became a real star at her radio station. Some time later, she also began working on the creation of this program as a producer, and then moved to Business FM radio, where she regularly hosted the “Secular News” section. In September 2010, Svetlana Zeynalova received an offer to start working on her own radio show as part of the morning broadcast of Nashe Radio. Our heroine today works on this show to this day, acting as a presenter and producer.

As for morning shows, the radio host’s attitude towards them has always been very interesting. “I always dreamed of an evening show,” Svetlana Zeynalova once admitted in an interview with one of the Russian newspapers.

According to the celebrity, at one time she fundamentally did not want to agree to lead morning projects. However, for some reason all the producers offered her only them. As our today's heroine admits, due to the need to get up early, she manages to sleep no more than 4-5 hours a day. Oddly enough, it was with the morning show that Svetlana Zeynalova began her television career. The young journalist’s debut project was the “Mood” program, which aired on the TVC channel. This experience of working on television turned out to be very successful, and therefore literally a year and a half later, our today’s heroine received a tempting offer from the management of the Russian Channel One. On this TV channel she began hosting the show “Good Morning”, which, in fact, brought her all-Russian popularity.

The celebrity still works as a presenter on Channel One. Currently, Svetlana Zeynalova hosts not only the “Good Morning” show, but also the “Good Day” program, which airs on the channel’s daytime airwaves. In addition, as mentioned above, the Russian celebrity still works on Nashe Radio.

Svetlana Zeynalova now

In addition to everything else, Svetlana Zeynalova also successfully works as an organizer and host of festive events. In recent years, in this capacity, she often collaborates with residents of the Comedy Club project and, in particular, with Pavel Volya.

In addition, Svetlana Zeynalova can be seen in episodic roles in some Russian films.

Personal life of Svetlana Zeynalova

Back in the mid-2000s, Svetlana Zeynalova began an affair with the director of Radio Maximum, Alexei Glazatov. It was he who greatly helped our today’s heroine in the first years of her radio career. The lovers lived together for three years and then got married. According to the girl, the decision to get married came while visiting one of the Catalan churches in Barcelona.

The wedding took place in 2008. Nine months later, daughter Alexandra (born 2009) was born. In October 2012, reports appeared in the press that Svetlana and her husband had separated. Some time later, this information was officially confirmed.