What foods can and cannot be eaten while breastfeeding. What can a nursing mother eat after giving birth? What can she eat while breastfeeding?

Immediately after the birth of a child, any mother tries to provide her newborn baby with high-quality nutrition - breast milk. It is very important to understand what a nursing mother can eat, since not only the baby needs nutritious food, but also she herself. A woman’s need for healthy products increases to restore strength after childbirth. The calorie content of the daily diet increases by 400-500 kcal. The menu should contain all the main product groups.

Many women want to know exactly what they can eat while breastfeeding. They are of the opinion that a strict diet should be followed during this period. And it’s not at all about the desire to lose weight. There are certain types of foods that are not recommended for breastfeeding women to avoid harming the baby.

The period of pregnancy and breastfeeding is a serious test for the health of a young mother, whose body requires rehabilitation and replenishment of those elements that were used during pregnancy and birth of the child.

The baby, no longer directly connected to the mother’s body, still feeds on breast milk, which is produced by the woman’s mammary glands. Consequently, all the products that make up a nursing mother’s diet pass through the milk into the baby’s stomach. Therefore, in order for the baby to grow and develop normally, nutrition during breastfeeding must be of high quality and in sufficient quantity.

Nowadays, most nursing mothers experience various disorders - allergic reactions or problems with the gastrointestinal tract, often formed due to complications during pregnancy. Allergies may occur even to foods that did not give such a reaction at other times. If the mother has a weakened immune system, she will often get the flu, then the baby will also be susceptible to colds, he will have a high temperature, a sore throat, and a cough. But breast milk contains antibodies to viruses, and they can be instilled into the baby’s nose or throat, following traditional medicine recipes. Taking into account such reasoning, experts have compiled a list of foods that a nursing mother can eat.

Question about a special diet for a breastfeeding woman

Mother's milk should be safe for babies. Therefore, the issue of food choice must be taken seriously.

If mom has allergic reactions to any foods, and she knows about it, then she should avoid eating them. Modern breastfeeding experts believe that a reasonable woman herself feels and understands what her body requires in order to fully supply the baby with useful substances and not harm him. They advise trying a little of any healthy food and monitoring the baby’s condition. If a child’s reaction from the skin or intestines caused concern, you should analyze what was on the menu that was at risk. This product must be excluded from the diet. However, the reactions of a child’s body are not constant: the baby grows, his body improves, and after some time the grown and matured child may not react to what caused harm or simply anxiety in the first months of his life.

What determines the quality of breast milk?

It is impossible to give a definite conclusion about whether a sufficient amount of vitamins and valuable nutrients is contained in breast milk without chemical analysis. Experts have long studied what foods a nursing mother can eat. In their opinion, the amount of protein contained in mother's milk is not related to its volume in a woman's menu. But the mass of fats, vitamins, and microelements directly depends on the mother’s diet. Therefore, it is recommended to adhere to a sense of moderation and not overuse low-fat or too fatty foods.

The volume of milk produced depends on hereditary predisposition and is completely independent of diet. But if it is clearly not enough, then there are measures to correct the situation. It is necessary first of all to increase the amount of fluid consumed if it is not enough. It is effective to use special foods for nursing mothers that help increase lactation. If, on the contrary, there is too much milk, it is advised to reduce the amount of liquid. For any individual questions, please contact your doctor.

How to eat properly for a breastfeeding woman

Impeccable nutrition during breastfeeding guarantees postpartum rehabilitation of the mother, effective milk production and the safe development of the baby. A woman should not follow a strict diet during lactation. Food should be rational and complete. What should a nursing mother eat? We must try to ensure that all main food groups are present in the diet: meat, grains, vegetables, fruits and others.

A strict regime is followed only in the first weeks after the birth of the child. At first, the baby’s digestive system is still learning to assimilate new foods: often unfamiliar food can cause colic, flatulence, allergies, dyspepsia and other problems in the baby. This can be avoided by the correct diet of the mother, which also affects lactation. The fact is that some foods and drinks increase the amount of milk, while others decrease it.

If a woman has ever had allergic reactions or gastrointestinal diseases, she is recommended to keep a “food diary” in which she must record each new product. It is advisable to include them separately and in a minimal amount, carefully monitoring the child. If within three days the baby does not develop skin rashes, sleep or behavior disturbances, or changes in stool, then the baby normally accepts the changes in the mother’s menu. If something is causing you concern, you should avoid such foods for a while.

Recently, recommendations for completely abstaining from the consumption of meat products during pregnancy and lactation have become fashionable. This is harmful to the child’s health, as it leads to anemia in the baby, in which his organs will not have enough oxygen, he will grow more slowly and be delayed in development. Meat is the basis for the production of proteins, iron (supplier of hemoglobin) and B vitamins. Its deficiency negatively affects the health of mother and baby. Women who strictly adhere to the principles of vegetarianism need to ensure that these essential substances are present in the body. The doctor can recommend the necessary vitamins that will compensate for the lack of necessary elements.

The most useful products

It is advisable for a nursing mother to receive as many useful substances as possible in her diet. A strict diet for the purpose of losing weight can create health problems for both mother and baby. You should eat food at short intervals. It is important that the portions are not too large. Overeating leads to bloating and painful colic in the baby, upset stomach and diarrhea. Excessive volume of even a dietary dish can be harmful to health. The principles of a woman's nutrition when breastfeeding should be based on a sense of proportion and a reasonable approach.

It is advisable to steam food, as well as stew or bake it. Fresh fruits should be consumed only 2-3 months after the birth of the baby. During thermal processing, food retains its beneficial qualities and is easily digestible. At first, it is necessary to strictly follow the diet, excluding from the diet foods that contain possible irritants and cause disruption of intestinal function.

Specialists in pediatrics and nutrition have created a special registry of products, in which a diet for breastfeeding has been developed: what products, at what age and quantity are needed for nursing mothers.

Be sure to use:

  • low-fat meat products (rabbit, turkey) and low-fat fish products;
  • cereals (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal) cooked in water; dairy only after the 4th month;
  • bread products are limited to unleavened pita bread and bread containing bran;
  • plain pasta;
  • vegetables low in coarse fiber: zucchini, cauliflower, pumpkin, broccoli, tomatoes (carefully), eggplants, later cucumbers, beets, cabbage, radishes, bell peppers, onions, garlic;
  • fruits: green apples, pears, bananas, berries, persimmons (carefully), pomegranate;
  • fermented milk drinks: kefir, fermented baked milk, sour cream, yogurt;
  • soft or hard cheese;
  • sweets: dried fruits, unsweetened homemade cakes without sugar;
  • chicken eggs (limit the number per week), can be replaced with quail eggs;
  • biscuits.

Fermented milk drinks should be used with a low percentage of fat content and without artificial additives.

It is very important to know what a nursing mother can drink.

  • weak green and black long tea;
  • herbal teas and decoctions (especially chamomile);
  • natural juice (apple, pear, carrot) should initially be added halfway with water, later the addition is reduced;
  • compotes of fresh and dried fruits (apple, pear, plum, cherry, dried apricots and prunes);
  • weak coffee is allowed from 6 months of age.

Ban on certain products

All young mothers are concerned about the question of what not to eat while breastfeeding? It is recommended to limit or completely remove fried, salty, spicy and fatty foods, as well as flour and sweets from the menu. You cannot use semi-finished products, fast food, canned food, sweet carbonated drinks, or any chemicals in the mother’s diet. You should not overuse exotic, tropical vegetables and fruits that are processed with a large number of chemicals for long-term storage. They are likely to cause negative reactions in the baby.

Alcohol is at the top of the list of prohibited foods. It is very harmful for the baby, it will slow down its physical and mental development, and provoke heart, vascular and nervous diseases.

You cannot eat mushrooms, sauerkraut, pickled dishes and pickles, lard, or smoked sausage. It is not allowed to use mayonnaise, ketchup, hot sauces, and do not overuse additives and spices.

The diet of a nursing mother does not have to consist of boring, bland dishes. She can prepare herself appetizing dishes from permitted foods. The main thing is to follow the principles of proper nutrition for a nursing mother.

Karina is a regular expert on the PupsFull portal. She writes articles about games, pregnancy, parenting and learning, child care and the health of mother and child.

Articles written

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Article last updated: 04/28/2019

Breastfeeding is a necessity for the baby and a huge burden on the mother’s body, weakened by pregnancy. Vitamins and nutrients are necessary for both, so you can eat them at an increased rate. Since the main source of all nutrients is food, it’s time for the mother of a baby to be more attentive to the food she consumes. If a young mother adheres to the following dietary rules, she will be able to maintain her health and provide the child’s body with everything important for development.

Does mom's food matter when breastfeeding?

In fact, the lactation process does not depend on food in any way. Milk is produced in the mother's body thanks to female hormones - prolactin and oxytocin. Even when the mother eats very little, she will still have milk, and the baby will have enough nutrients in it. All elements that are useful and important for the baby from food penetrate directly into breast milk, but the mother is left with everything that is unnecessary. Therefore, when a mother is malnourished during lactation, she herself will suffer from this. And nurses need to ensure a balanced diet so as not to harm their health in the first place, and the baby will take his own.

The correct diet for a T-shirt

During pregnancy and lactation, proper nutrition and the list of products are practically no different.

Nutrition during breastfeeding should include foods:

  1. cereals cooked in water (rice, buckwheat, barley porridge, pearl barley);
  2. lean meat and poultry;
  3. fermented milk products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, homemade yogurt, kefir);
  4. soups;
  5. durum wheat pasta;
  6. vegetables;
  7. fruits;
  8. teas, compotes;
  9. biscuits;
  10. whole grain bread;
  11. oil (do not get carried away);
  12. skim cheese.

  1. citrus fruits;
  2. strawberries;
  3. exotic products;
  4. sweets, chocolate;
  5. caviar with seafood;
  6. eggs;
  7. peanut.

Nursing mothers can eat 600 kcal more than they ate before. If you don't overeat, your figure won't suffer. On the contrary, you can return to prenatal shape. During lactation, metabolism accelerates, milk production consumes a lot of calories, and more energy is consumed, including from fat reserves.

There is no need to overeat; you can listen to the natural urges of hunger and satisfy them in due time. Always carry something with you to snack on and satisfy your hunger.

The diet of the mother of a baby should be based on the classic pyramid of proper nutrition. The list should include cereal products, meat dishes, fish, fruits and vegetables, all in combination. The more variety of products, the better for mother and baby.

There are no strict prohibitions for nursing mothers, but you should be careful with certain foods and eat them consciously.
Breastfeeding women need to establish a drinking regime. The volume of water you drink per day should be at least two liters. But! You shouldn't force yourself. If you don't want to drink so much, you don't need to. Find your acceptable standard for good health.

Basic nutrition rules for a nursing mother

Meal schedule

Regime comes first. During feeding, mommy needs to eat at least six times a day: among them, you can eat three main meals and three snacks between main meals. You can eat as you feel hungry. For example, most mothers feel a pang of hunger after or during breastfeeding - in this case it is better to have a snack. Small meals speed up metabolism, but you don’t need to get carried away with bite-sized meals to avoid overeating.

Food processing methods

Heat treatment destroys most vitamins, but there are processing methods that preserve the benefits of foods after cooking. It is preferable to bake or boil dishes instead of frying; you can steam them. Fried foods contain very few vitamins; in addition, they contain a lot of fat, which is harmful for nursing mothers.

Cereals as the basis of the diet

If you adhere to the pyramid of proper nutrition, you can include cereals in your daily diet list. This rule is incredibly relevant for breastfeeding women. The preferred side dish should be porridge: buckwheat, rice, oatmeal or other cereal. Eating bread is not prohibited, but preference should be given to whole grain bread.

Replace milk with fermented milk products

Milk and dairy products contain calcium and it is essential. But you should not eat whole cow’s milk from the diet, since the protein in cow’s milk can cause an upset stomach or allergies in the baby. Fermented milk products will also be healthier for the nursing mother’s digestion. You should consume enough kefir, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, and yogurt.

Fruits and vegetables

This is a great snack option. They contain complex carbohydrates, which are slowly broken down in the body and provide energy for longer. They also contain a lot of fiber, which improves intestinal function and supports a healthy immune system. It is better not to eat exotic foods; they can cause a harmful reaction in the baby.

Environmental friendliness of products

Some caution must be exercised in choosing products. Fruits and vegetables out of season can contain huge amounts of nitrates and other harmful substances. If you don’t have your own garden, it’s better to limit yourself to eating seasonal vegetables and fruits grown in your country.

Choosing to be environmentally friendly also applies to all other products. Take the time to study the composition of the product you are going to eat. If it contains natural ingredients - full speed ahead, but if it contains only chemicals - then what benefits do you think they will bring to you and your child?

Vitamins with minerals

The diet should be thought out in such a way that during lactation the mother receives from food all the necessary vitamins and minerals, which she will then pass on to the baby. Usually, nursing mothers have a lack of calcium and iron. This cannot be allowed. Dairy products, seaweed, dark meats, chicken eggs, and legumes are rich in calcium, iron and iodine. Mom and baby need vitamin D. It strengthens the immune system and takes part in calcium metabolism, therefore it is necessary to strengthen bone mass. It is found in chicken egg yolk or fatty sea fish.

Know when to stop eating meat

Eating protein is very important, as it is a building material for the body. But its excess can have a bad effect on the functioning of the body. Protein can put an excessive burden on the baby's kidneys, so mommy should not get carried away with meat. The type of meat also matters. Preference should be given to lean meats and poultry.

Not salt not sugar

Excess sugar and salt negatively affects metabolism and overall physical condition. Breastfeeding people should avoid foods high in sugar (and definitely those that contain a sweetener), and reduce the salt intake to one teaspoon per day.

No chemistry!

There is no place in a mother's diet for flavor enhancers, preservatives, various dyes, any flavorings and other chemicals when she is breastfeeding. They can worsen the condition of the child’s body as a whole.

What can't you eat?

Women who are not familiar with motherhood, and even more so men, will find it strange why such familiar foods as milk or cucumbers should be eaten with caution when breastfeeding. In fact, there is nothing special about this; proper nutrition in such a situation is very important, because the health of the baby depends on it. In this article we will try to debunk some myths about the harmfulness of certain foods and find out what you can and cannot eat during lactation.

Can a nursing mother have watermelon?

Reading articles and reviews on breastfeeding, most parents may get the impression that this striped berry is perhaps the main enemy of nursing mothers and their babies. The most common horror story, of course, is about the toxicity of watermelons. The fact is that it is watermelon that is distinguished by its ability to “suck” nitrogen compounds from the soil - nitrates, the excess of which leads to the formation of nitrites. Those, in turn, can cause poisoning. Naturally, once toxic substances enter the baby’s body, they cause severe vomiting, diarrhea, etc. It is worth noting that seasonal watermelons are often grown in open ground, in which the amount of nitrates is almost always normal.

But the benefits of moderate consumption of the giant berry are undeniable. Its composition is rich in pectin, which has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, microelements for the heart and blood vessels, and folic acid.

Can a nursing mother eat tomatoes?

Speaking about the consumption of tomatoes by a nursing mother, the main thing is to know in what form this vegetable will be useful. Pickled tomatoes, as well as other pickles, should be excluded during the feeding period, because they contain a large amount of salt and seasonings that are harmful to the baby.

Fresh tomatoes need to be selected with great care - in the winter season you risk purchasing vegetables with a large amount of “chemicals”. Therefore, the ideal option would be to stock up on them in the summer and place them in the freezer.

Tomato lovers should remember a few rules:

  1. Until 3 months after the birth of the child, it is still not worth the risk. Tomatoes are considered a product that causes. If you really want to, stew some vegetables and add to the main dish.
  2. The norm per day is no more than 2 vegetables.
  3. The presence of nitrates is indicated by pale color and veins when cut.

Can a nursing mother have milk?

Many pediatricians claim that the cause of the rash and red crusts is the protein contained in cow's milk, which enters the body during breastfeeding. But you need to take into account that this product, when digested, has a slightly different composition than in its original form. However, if you notice red spots or other allergic reactions on your baby's cheeks or body, try eliminating milk from your diet for a while. If you still can’t give up your favorite drink, replace cow’s milk with goat’s milk - its taste is somewhat different from the first, but it is famous for its hypoallergenic properties.

Can a nursing mother have melon?

Melon is one of the most favorite summer delicacies. Pregnant women not only can, but also need to add this product to their diet, because it contains folic acid, which is necessary for the growth and development of the circulatory and immune systems. What about breastfeeding moms?

Melon is a source of vitamins, proteins and minerals. Vitamin C is simply irreplaceable on the eve of the cold and cold season. Fiber promotes good functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. And potassium and magnesium remove kidney stones.

But at the same time, eating melon without measure can cause unpleasant consequences for the baby’s health. The sugars contained in it cause fermentation, bloating, diarrhea and even vomiting. Therefore, do not rush - first, try a small piece of melon and look at the baby’s condition.

The opinions of experts on this issue differ radically, so draw your own conclusions based on the pros and cons of eating melon by nursing mothers.

Can a nursing mother eat cucumbers?

What could be better than a brightening vegetable salad at the height of the hot summer season? Unfortunately, not all gastronomic pleasures are available to mothers who breastfeed their babies, because, first of all, it is important for them to take care of the health of the baby. But is it possible to introduce such a familiar and beloved cucumber into your diet?

Cucumbers are popular not only due to their wonderful taste, but also due to their beneficial properties:

  • improve intestinal motility;
  • enrich the body with vitamins and iodine, as well as microelements - potassium, magnesium, fluorine, calcium, zinc, iron, etc.;
  • They have low calorie content, which is very important for a young mother.

Of course, the benefits of this vegetable are undeniable for an adult, but for a week-old baby, excess fiber from milk can cause bloating, colic and diarrhea. Therefore, as with other products, you need to be extremely careful and monitor the child’s condition for some time.

Can a nursing mother eat corn?

Corn lovers should refrain from eating it for the first time after the birth of a child. Despite the undoubted benefits of this cereal (rich in vitamins, proteins and amino acids and gluten, which cannot cause allergies), some trace elements contained in corn, once ingested by the crumbs, can lead to bloating and the formation of gases in the intestines.

It is better to start trying corn boiled with a little salt. One cob most likely will not cause any significant harm. But you should avoid canned corn during feeding.

Can a nursing mother have ice cream?

Even such a harmless dessert as ice cream should be treated with caution, especially in the first three months of lactation. The protein contained in cow's milk is one of the strongest for immature breastfeeding. In addition, ice cream in the 21st century is no longer the natural product that our mothers and grandmothers could afford several decades ago.

Modern food technologies have changed significantly, and if previously ice cream contained only milk, sugar and animal fats, now preservatives, colorings, food additives and flavor enhancers have been added to this list. In addition, animal fats are often replaced with cheaper vegetable fats, which, in turn, tend to accumulate in the body. This can cause the development of atherosclerosis, obesity and other unpleasant ailments.

This begs the conclusion - do you want to enjoy a tasty and healthy illuminating dessert? , at home and exclusively from natural products.

Can a nursing mother have bananas?

After looking at the list of prohibited foods when breastfeeding, a nursing mother will decide that all she can have in this situation is oatmeal with water and unsweetened tea. In fact, if desired, your daily diet can be diversified with very tasty and healthy foods. One of them is a banana, a real storehouse of vitamins and microelements that help strengthen memory and normalize sleep, which is so important in the first months of a child’s life. And the valuable substance pectin has a positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and is a kind of “medicine” for diarrhea.

This fruit should be introduced into the diet gradually, like other products. And don’t forget about its high calorie content and large amounts of sugar - excess leads to colic and increased fermentation processes in the baby’s tummy.

Can a nursing mother have coffee?

With the arrival of a child in the house, the mother’s entire daily routine begins to obey his “wants”. And without a coffee recharge, it’s not so easy to force yourself to wake up at the first squeak of a little screamer. How much harm can caffeine cause to the fragile health of a baby?

One of the first “mother’s” horror stories about regular use of this invigorating drink is that the child will be restless and will not be able to sleep soundly. In fact, it is difficult to imagine in what quantities you need to drink coffee to achieve such an effect. For example, chocolate, some medicines and even regular tea also contain caffeine, however, this is not a reason to completely abandon them. Therefore, moderate doses of a weak drink (no more than 5 cups per day) are unlikely to harm the baby. In this case, it is imperative to observe any manifestation of red crusts.

Of course, the coffee must be natural and hand-brewed. The instant drink is made from lower quality raw materials and undergoes additional processing.

Can a nursing mother eat mushrooms?

In general, mushrooms are not recommended for children under at least 3 years old, the reason for this is their difficult digestibility by the child’s body. Mushrooms contain carbohydrates that take a long time and are difficult to digest. But if the mother consumes a certain amount of this product, all these substances will undergo a breakdown process and will not reach the baby through the milk. But, in any case, when it comes to mushrooms, it would be useful to follow a number of rules:

  1. Do not collect wild mushrooms - these plants tend to accumulate toxic substances. Therefore, it is better to purchase mushrooms grown on farms.
  2. Mushrooms contain allergens and can cause increased gas formation, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea. To avoid these problems, start with a “test” portion of the product.
  3. Champignons are considered less safe, but it is not advisable for a nursing mother to eat them in large quantities.
  4. Pickled and canned mushrooms should be excluded from the diet during the entire period of breastfeeding.

Can a nursing mother eat cabbage?

Some mothers, out of fear of harming their precious one, take extreme measures and completely give up most foods, including vegetables.

As for cabbage, it can indeed cause flatulence and discomfort in the intestinal area even in an adult. And here it all depends on the individual characteristics of the body - one baby will easily tolerate the appearance of new products in the mother’s diet, another will suffer from gases and allergic rashes.

The best way to consume this vegetable is in a light soup with the addition of a few cauliflower florets or a salad with Chinese cabbage.

Traditional white cabbage is least suitable for breastfeeding.

Can a nursing mother eat eggs?

In the first 2-3 weeks after the baby is born, its intestinal microflora is just beginning to form. During this period, the mother should adhere to a strict diet and exclude “heavy” allergenic foods from the diet. Gradually, it will be possible to introduce various types of vegetables and fruits, meats and light desserts. It’s hard to imagine a nutritious diet without such a familiar product as chicken eggs.

All vitamins and microelements (protein, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, selenium, choline, folic acid) contained in are simply necessary for a woman’s postpartum recovery. But there is one thing - protein can cause severe rashes in a baby. The likelihood of this increases significantly if the baby’s mother is allergic to it. An alternative is quail eggs, which are considered a hypoallergenic product; in addition, they are much easier to digest than chicken eggs.

Can a nursing mother have porridge?

Porridge from various cereals is just the dish that a nursing mother not only can, but also needs to eat regularly. But each cereal has a number of features, let’s consider them:

  1. Buckwheat porridge is a healthy product that contains vitamins and minerals necessary for the full growth and development of a child. Its main advantages are low calorie content and high iron content (prevention of anemia).
  2. Oatmeal porridge is the best start to the day. Oatmeal is rich in iodine, zinc, magnesium, vitamins and minerals. With regular use, metabolism and digestion improve. This is a tasty and healthy way to combat stress and fatigue, having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Millet porridge will help you forget about constipation and other troubles associated with intestinal dysfunction. Contains vitamin D, the lack of which leads to a deterioration in the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.
  4. Corn porridge is known, first of all, for the fact that it does not contain gluten, due to which this cereal can be one of the first to be introduced into complementary foods. It is necessary to eat corn porridge regularly while breastfeeding, as the microelements and vitamins contained in it help keep the nails, hair and skin of a nursing mother healthy and beautiful.

What can a nursing mother eat?

When studying various sources on diets during lactation, do not be surprised that the information can vary significantly. Sometimes you can find diametrically opposed points of view on this issue.

Foreign pediatricians are of the opinion that the nutrition of a nursing mother has a very indirect relationship to the well-being of the baby. Domestic experts are confident that the mother’s diet greatly affects the health and development of the baby. It is difficult to say who is closer to the truth, but still in such a situation it is worth observing the golden mean - not rushing to extremes and observing moderation in everything.

List of products that will be useful for both mother and baby:

  • porridges from various cereals;
  • The most preferable types of meat are chicken, turkey and lean beef;
  • fresh vegetables - at first it is better to bake or boil them;
  • vegetable broths;
  • fruits excluding citrus, tropical, grapes;
  • cheese, cottage cheese;
  • baked fish;
  • eggs;
  • bran bread;
  • biscuits;
  • from sweets - marshmallows, marmalade, marshmallows.

What to drink for a nursing mother

Proper drinking regime for a woman during breastfeeding is no less important than a healthy diet. On average, a mother should consume about 2.5 liters of fluid per day. Let's look at the features of each drink:

  1. Purified drinking water - ideally, this liquid should be preferred by a nursing mother.
  2. If you like freshly squeezed juices, fresh juices from green apple varieties will be the healthiest.
  3. Carbonated drinks cause fermentation processes in the intestines; in addition, they contain dyes and preservatives.
  4. If drinking milk causes your baby to be allergic, try drinking kefir, natural yogurt and fermented baked milk.
  5. Coffee and tea lovers need to limit the amount of their favorite drinks.
  6. Alcohol is strictly prohibited; even a small dose of “intoxicating” that reaches a child through mother’s breast milk can cause severe poisoning.

What a nursing mother should not eat

What foods should you avoid during lactation:

  • too sweet desserts;
  • seasonings and tart herbs;
  • peas, beans and other legumes;
  • citrus fruits and grapes;
  • mayonnaise;
  • smoked meats and sausages;
  • seafood;
  • carbonated and alcoholic drinks.

After the baby is born, his mother’s menu should be taken under close control. You should pay attention to each ingredient. Only in this case can the full growth and development of the child be guaranteed. A proper sleep and rest regime also plays an important role. It is important to first find out what nursing mothers can eat? It is allowed to include only safe foods in the diet that will not cause colic or gas. There is a list of permitted and prohibited products, which should be constantly visible to a young and inexperienced mother in this area.

The main criteria for forming a complete diet

Before including any product in your diet, you should first find out its composition in terms of vitamins and minerals. It is important for a woman to receive from her daily diet:

  • 20% protein components;
  • 60% carbohydrate component;
  • 15% fatty compounds.

It also requires replenishing your water balance every day. To do this, you need to consume it in a volume of at least one liter. For lunch, it is best to eat soup or borscht. Your choice should be chicken broth. All fermented milk products also contain benefits for the body. They contain bacteria beneficial to the intestines, which help digest all food entering the body. Thanks to them, the composition of breast milk improves and becomes more beneficial and nutritious for the baby.

Your daily diet should contain foods high in calcium. It is used by the child's body to form teeth and bones. Subsequently, the musculoskeletal system will need it in large quantities. If there is not enough of it, the woman risks worsening the condition of her teeth, nails and hair.

During breastfeeding, the menu should be perfectly balanced

What can you eat

The following foods should be eaten daily while breastfeeding:

  • meat or fish depending on individual preferences;
  • homemade cottage cheese or hard cheese;
  • high quality fermented milk products with a small percentage of fat content;
  • chicken and quail eggs.

You should only eat meat with a low fat content. It should be boiled or steamed. Remember that the first month is necessary for the child to adapt the digestive system to environmental changes. If an allergy or irritation occurs on the skin, it should be concluded that all the necessary bacteria for processing animal protein have not yet settled in the intestines. Indigestion, which manifests itself in the form of colic and bloating, negatively affects the baby’s well-being. Therefore, the product should be introduced into the daily diet in small portions. In some cases, doctors prescribe additional intake of probiotics and lactobacilli, which significantly speed up the process.

Lactation is a special period in the life of every woman. At this time, nutritionists advise to be careful about eating mushrooms. They can be included in the diet only if they are grown at home in a greenhouse garden. The mushroom has the ability to absorb all harmful and toxic elements from the environment. Therefore, in an ecologically unstable region, a woman can introduce poisons into the body along with them. Among them, herbicides and emissions from factories, factories, and cars are especially dangerous. They do not have a harmful effect on the body of an adult, but for babies they can even be fatal.

The seeds do not contain harmful additives

If there is a need to enrich the body with vegetable protein, then you should eat a nut. However, it is best to avoid this food product in the first month after the baby is born. They are incredibly nutritious, but the vegetable fat content in the product increases the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

Is it healthy to eat seeds? At its core, the product also contains a large amount of protein of plant origin. That is why in small quantities it has a positive effect. It is impossible to add dyes and flavor stabilizers to the seeds, so the likelihood of an allergy when consuming them is zero. By consuming such a food product, a sufficient amount of minerals enters the body, but the child will not suffer from diathesis or rash.

Can milk cause allergies? The product is beneficial to the body due to the bacteria it contains. However, breastfeeding experts recommend choosing fermented milk products and cottage cheese. Pure milk can be added to tea in limited quantities. You should not overuse condensed milk, since it contains excessive amounts of sugar and all kinds of preservatives. They can cause a negative reaction on the baby’s skin in the form of a rash.

The importance of carbohydrates in the diet

A proper diet should be balanced during breastfeeding. For this purpose, you should eat all kinds of cereals, soups and bread. A huge amount of vitamins is found in vegetables and fruits.

You can eat soup while breastfeeding only if the broth is not fatty. Immediately after giving birth, it is recommended to cook it with just water. Broth causes rashes and peeling of the skin in some babies, so it should be introduced into the diet in small portions and gradually. After chicken, you can switch to beef version. Meat should be added directly to the soup itself in small quantities.

In the first thirty days after childbirth, you must give up sweets and baked goods. Store-bought desserts are harmful due to the presence of leavening agents, flavorings and taste stabilizers. They always manifest themselves in the form of diathesis in the baby. Therefore, it is allowed to eat only ordinary bread and cereals with water.

Baked apples can be eaten even after childbirth

The meaning of fruits and vegetables

Mommy should receive enough vitamins and enzymes. They are passed on to the baby through breast milk and are involved in the proper formation of the gastrointestinal tract. For high-quality intestinal function, it is necessary to enrich the body with fiber. It also helps remove toxic and poisonous substances. However, some fruits and vegetables cause gas in the baby, which manifests itself in the form of colic. That is why a woman should be careful about their choice and correctly introduce them into the diet.

Eating raw foods while breastfeeding should be started gradually. You can try an apple for the first time a week after the baby is born. Some breastfeeding experts recommend eating a spoonful of coleslaw. To make the baby’s reaction noticeable, they should be consumed in the first half of the day. In the absence of rash and irritation, the portion is increased several times.

If parents notice that the child’s digestive system is not yet ready for these components, then they are excluded again.

During the first month of your baby's life, it is best to opt for baked vegetables and fruits. This treatment allows you to preserve all the positive properties of the product, but kills harmful enzymes. This reduces the likelihood of gas formation in the baby.

What to choose: apples or bananas?

On the one hand, apples and bananas can be eaten by a nursing mother. However, there is also an opinion that it is best to exclude these products. For example, some babies are negatively affected by their mother's regular consumption of bananas. An allergic reaction appears on their skin. Deterioration of the condition was also recorded after eating regular apples. In this case, fruits are refused for an indefinite period.

It is recommended to eat exactly those varieties of apples to which the body has already adapted during pregnancy. Their pectin and fiber help to naturally cleanse the body. With their help, fecal deposits are removed quickly and effectively.

Apples are a permitted product. However, attention should be paid to its variety and take into account the effect of the ingredient on the body during pregnancy. Pectin and fiber are used to naturally cleanse the intestinal walls. That is why, after the baby is born, vegetables and fruits must be included in the diet of a nursing mother.

At the same time, pectin is useful only for the mother’s body. It removes toxins and waste. If a baby gets the component through mother's milk, the likelihood of bloating and colic increases. You can minimize the likelihood of negative effects by removing the peel from the fruit.

Peas and cabbage are dangerous due to the appearance of gases in a woman’s intestines. The gastrointestinal tract also reacts to the penetration of the ingredient. Therefore, you need to be extremely careful when including them in your diet. Active components can be killed by heat treatment. All fruits and vegetables retain their positive properties when baked.

To combat flatulence, folk remedies should be used. To do this, use tincture of chamomile or dill. Their effect is mild, but helps remove excess gases from the intestines.

Replace sweets with dried fruits

Exotic products

What should a woman eat from fruits that are brought to our country from abroad? For example, oranges and persimmons have long become familiar dishes on the table of any average person. However, during breastfeeding they can often cause an allergic reaction. Particularly dangerous are substances that are used to treat products to increase shelf life and transportation. They can be eliminated by removing the peel. It accumulates all the negative substances that negatively affect the body not only of the child, but also of the mother.

If you really want sweets, then it is best to eat dried fruits. You should not choose a product that is too fragrant and beautiful. Because this indicates additional processing. This effect can be achieved by soaking fruits in a special composition or impregnating them with various solutions. A woman can eat dried apricots, raisins and dates without fear. At home, you can also prepare dried versions of apples, pears and plums.

All nutritionists unanimously confirm that during breastfeeding it is best to eat those vegetables and fruits that are typical for a given region. You should remember the basic rules for introducing them into the diet. At the first stage, a small piece is tasted, and then the portion is gradually increased to the maximum permissible norm:

  • Even immediately after giving birth, you can eat baked apples. Over time, the dish is replaced with a raw version only if there is no negative reaction in the baby’s digestive system.
  • If your child rarely suffers from colic, you can try introducing pears into the diet.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding you should avoid the following foods:

  • Grapes, as it greatly weakens intestinal tone. Plum has the same properties.
  • The only citrus fruit you are allowed to eat is lemon.
  • It is best to temporarily exclude all exotic foods from the diet.

If a child has a negative reaction to natural vitamins, they should be supplied to his body artificially.

Prescription of drugs is carried out only by a specialist in this field. Vitamins can cause allergies in the baby, so it is strictly not recommended to select the drug yourself.

Prohibited Products

As the baby grows, the mother's diet also changes. However, you should avoid eating certain foods for a long time:

  • Preservatives and dyes negatively affect the body of any person. They are especially dangerous for children. Mom should carefully study the composition of each product and exclude harmful ones from the diet. These include sausage, mayonnaise, ketchup and processed cheese. Chemicals will not have a positive effect on the development of all internal organs of the growing organism.
  • A woman must be required to completely renounce purchased sweets and confectionery. They contain fat, which is difficult for the digestive system of even an adult to digest. Dough leaveners and flavor stabilizers are often used in their preparation. They become a common cause of allergic reactions in babies.
  • Milk and dark chocolate are also completely excluded from the diet. Almost always, this product leads to the appearance of a rash and severe redness in the baby.

As the baby grows, the list of products expands. All the necessary enzymes and bacteria begin to work in his body, so the likelihood of allergies becomes less and less.

Drinking regime

Today, not all drinks that we drink every day are beneficial for our body. The most stylish stimulant is coffee. It negatively affects the psyche and can even cause severe weakness. Caffeine promotes the outflow of fat from tissue, which is the cause of various negative processes in the baby’s body.

Fermented milk products are good for intestinal function

For a nursing mother, it is mandatory to avoid the following drinks:

  • All caffeinated drinks. Additionally, you should for some period avoid powdered milk, which is often the cause of diathesis in children.
  • The natural product kvass contains a lot of yeast. Because of them, the intestinal flora in the baby’s body can be disrupted. This reaction is fraught with the appearance of gas and colic.
  • All carbonated drinks contain many preservatives.
  • The juice in the tetra pack contains a large number of harmful chemical compounds. They combine negatively with each other and will do much more harm than good.

Naturally, all alcoholic beverages should be completely excluded from the diet during breastfeeding.

Dried fruit compote, tea, and fermented milk drinks have beneficial properties for the body.

No one doubts that fermented milk products are allowed during breastfeeding. But how to choose the product on the counter that will benefit the nursing mother and baby. Today, the variety of such products is amazing and difficult to understand. Which fermented milk products can be consumed safely while breastfeeding, and which ones are best postponed until the end of breastfeeding?

The benefits of fermented milk products during breastfeeding

Lactic acid products play an important role in the nutrition of any person, including mothers and babies.

  • Helps saturate the body with a mineral such as calcium. For a growing organism, this substance is extremely important, as it is involved in the formation and strengthening of the musculoskeletal system. And for nursing mothers, a lack of calcium greatly affects the health of teeth, bones, and the beauty of hair, nails and skin.
  • Removes toxins from the body.
  • It has a positive effect on metabolism and helps get rid of extra pounds.
  • Improves stable functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, relieves constipation, and helps maintain beneficial microflora.
  • If you consume fermented milk products in moderation, it will help get rid of bloating, gas and reduce colic in your baby.
  • Such products help strengthen the immune system and increase the body's resistance to viral and infectious diseases.
  • For a nursing mother, a big plus is that “fermented milk” helps to increase and stabilize lactation.

These beneficial properties apply to all types of fermented milk products.

But with breastfeeding, you need to pay attention to other nuances, because even healthy food can be harmful if you consume it immoderately or choose the wrong type of product

Possible harm to the baby

The main harm is the occurrence of allergic reactions to cow's milk protein. This type of allergy in newborns is rare, but this possibility cannot be ruled out.

Yes, in terms of the occurrence of negative reactions, fermented milk products are much safer than whole milk, since the milk protein in its composition is in a slightly modified form, but if the body is prone to allergies, then even this can be dangerous.

You can protect your baby from allergic reactions using a competent approach to introducing dairy products into the diet. All new food is introduced into mom’s menu gradually, in small doses. With this approach, you can see the manifestations of allergies at a very early stage, confirm the diagnosis with tests and prevent serious consequences for the baby’s health.

Excessive consumption of dairy products can also cause problems with the baby’s well-being. If you overuse kefir or cottage cheese or choose a product with a high percentage of fat, then intestinal discomfort, constipation, diarrhea or increased colic will not keep you waiting. In general, we can conclude that there is not much harm from fermented milk products if you approach their use wisely and select the right type of product.

Which fermented milk products are good for nursing mothers?

All “fermented milk” can be divided into two groups:

  • The first group includes those products that are obtained by fermentation caused by lactic acid bacteria. This includes cottage cheese, sour cream, yogurt, fermented baked milk, and yogurt. It is these products that are most useful for mothers and babies, as they are easily digestible and have a reduced risk of allergic reactions.
  • The second group includes products obtained through the symbiosis of lactic acid and alcohol fermentation - kefir, kumiss, tan, ayran. These drinks contain a proportion of alcohol. When consumed in moderation, they are absolutely safe for mother and baby. But you should be more careful when using them.

When choosing fermented milk products, it is necessary to consider many factors (fat content, expiration date, grade). It must be remembered that not all products are suitable for nursing mothers and children under one year old. The main emphasis when purchasing should be on quality, and not chasing a low price.

Today on the shelves you can find the so-called “curd product”. This product is not worth buying, since it is made from vegetable fat and has practically nothing in common with traditional cottage cheese, being much inferior to it in both taste and health benefits.

Cottage cheese is a unique product that will enrich the body of a young mother and baby with calcium, easily digestible protein and many other useful substances. It is important to make sure that the product is fresh and of high quality.

  • You can start eating cottage cheese in the first week after giving birth.
  • For adequate nutrition, a nursing mother should eat 100-150 g of cottage cheese every other day.
  • It is allowed to add low-fat sour cream, permitted fruits or berries, a small amount of honey or sugar, provided that the baby does not have allergies.
  • It must be remembered that calcium is less absorbed from a low-fat product, so it is better to buy a product with moderate fat content (about 5%).
  • Calcium is better absorbed in the evening, so it is better to eat cottage cheese in the afternoon.
  • It’s good to make homemade cottage cheese - this will help you get a high-quality fresh product. But at the same time, it is important to monitor the fat content, avoiding too high values.
  • The ideal option for consuming cottage cheese is in its natural form. It is also allowed to prepare casseroles, cheesecakes, dumplings, etc. The main thing is to choose proven recipes with approved ingredients.

Sour cream is an excellent product for breastfeeding. It is an excellent dressing for salads, soups, the base of sauces and gravies, an ingredient in healthy baked goods, etc.

  • You can try sour cream for the first time 3-4 weeks after birth.
  • The fat content of the product should be no more than 10%.
  • A nursing mother can eat no more than 30-50 g of product per day.
  • It is very important to look at the expiration dates: they must be normal.
  • Opened packaging should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed within 2-3 days.
  • If mommy has diseases such as ulcers or gastritis, then sour cream is contraindicated for her.

It’s hard to imagine a nursing mother’s diet without sour cream.


The variety of different yogurts is simply huge. But for a woman breastfeeding, the choice is not so great. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the following aspects:

  • You can eat yogurt already in the first week of breastfeeding.
  • The fat content of the product should be up to 3.5%.
  • You can use both thick and drinking natural unsweetened yogurt without additives or preservatives.
  • It is better to choose a product with a minimum shelf life.
  • It would be good if the yogurt was additionally enriched with lactic acid bacteria and prebiotics.
  • The product can be an excellent alternative to sour cream as a sauce for salad dressing, for example.

Kefir is the most popular fermented milk product. This drink is certainly useful for a nursing mother, but it must be consumed with caution, as it contains a proportion of alcohol (approximately 0.6-0.8%), which can affect the baby.

  • Modern pediatrics recommends starting to consume kefir no earlier than 5-6 months after the child’s birth.
  • The daily norm should not exceed 0.5 liters of product 2-3 times a week.
  • The kefir must be fresh – no more than 1-2 days from the date of production. An older product may lead to constipation and intestinal discomfort in infants. You also need to remember that the alcohol concentration in old kefir is much higher.
  • The fat content of the product should not exceed 2.5-3.2%.
  • If the mother or baby suffers from an intestinal disorder, then drinking kefir is not recommended, as the situation with diarrhea will only worsen.
  • To absorb calcium, it is better to drink kefir between meals in the afternoon. The product is ideal for an evening snack.
  • The product should not be stored for a long time. Opened packaging should be consumed within 24 hours.
  • It is necessary to remember that if you abuse kefir, consequences such as diarrhea in mother and child, bloating, colic and gas in the baby will not be long in coming.
  • Children under one year old can drink kefir no earlier than 8-9 months of age. And it’s better to buy special baby kefir, which can be found in baby food departments or obtained from a dairy kitchen.

Today you can find special kefir for baby food on sale. It is made using a special technology that significantly reduces the proportion of alcohol in the finished product (approximately 0.1%). This kefir can be consumed during breastfeeding as early as 2-3 months of a baby’s life.

It’s good to drink kefir one day: it will relieve constipation and improve digestion. It is difficult to find such a product in the store, since they mostly contain 2-3 day drinks. But you can do it yourself. To do this, you will need 0.5 liters of milk and 2-3 tablespoons of a special starter (ordinary kefir from the store will do). The starter is added to the milk and infused for 24 hours at room temperature. The healthy drink is ready!

Ryazhenka and curdled milk

For those who do not like kefir, fermented milk drinks such as fermented baked milk or yogurt can be an excellent alternative. The advantage of these products is that they do not contain alcohol and are not as acidic as kefir. In addition, the low calorie content makes it possible to include such drinks in the diet of those mothers who are struggling with excess weight.

  • You can drink fermented baked milk and yogurt starting from the second month of a child’s life. If the baby is not prone to allergic reactions, then in the first month you can carefully try the first portion of these fermented milk drinks.
  • It is enough to drink up to 450-500 g of drink per day.
  • The weekly norm is up to 1.5 liters.
  • You should choose a product in a store based on its fat content and expiration date. Ryazhenka or curdled milk should be as fresh as possible and no more than 2.5% fat content.
  • You should not purchase a completely low-fat product, since calcium from such food is absorbed much worse.
  • You need to know that you should not drink such drinks on an empty stomach or if you have liver disease.

What fermented milk products should not be consumed by a nursing mother?

Some fermented milk drinks, such as tan, ayran, kumiss, should be consumed very carefully during breastfeeding. During fermentation, they release quite a large amount of gases. And the proportion of alcohol in such a drink is more significant than, for example, in kefir.

There is no strict ban on these drinks during breastfeeding, but you need to act wisely and not try such controversial products before the baby is 6-8 months old. And, of course, such products are not suitable for feeding children under one year old. Negative consequences may include gas, bloating, colic in infants, diarrhea, diarrhea, and heartburn in mothers.

Prohibited fermented milk products during breastfeeding include:

  • Homemade and store-bought cottage cheese with high fat content (18-20%).
  • Sweet curds with additives (fruits, berries, jam, etc.).
  • Glazed curd cheeses.
  • Fat sour cream (from 20% and above).
  • Kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt, more than 3 days have passed since their production.
  • Yogurts with additives in the form of exotic fruits, various berries, artificial flavors and dyes.

Recipes for nursing mothers using fermented milk products

The beauty of fermented milk products is that they can not only become an independent healthy dish, but also go well with many types of other products, which gives room for culinary imagination.

This healthy summer soup will be an excellent option for dietary okroshka. You can prepare it 5-6 months after birth, when the child’s body is stronger and ready to accept fresh vegetables with an abundance of fiber in combination with kefir.

  • Kefir 2.5% – 400 ml.
  • Radish – 100-200 g.
  • Greens (dill, parsley, green onions) - a small bunch.
  • Salt - to taste.

The radishes are cut into small pieces (you can grate them on the coarsest grater), the greens are finely crumbled. The finished dish is poured with kefir and mixed well. Add salt to taste.

You can add a little black pepper to the soup if the child tolerates this spice well

Homemade banana yogurt

This dessert can be an excellent alternative to store-bought products. Yogurt can be given to a child up to one year old as complementary food starting from 7-8 months.

  • Milk 2.5% – 1 l.
  • Sour cream 10% – 1 tablespoon.
  • Banana – 2 medium fruits.

Pour the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil, but do not boil! Remove from heat and cool to room temperature. Add sour cream to the cooled milk, mix lightly, pour into a glass container and put in the refrigerator for 24 hours. Take out the prepared yogurt, add finely chopped bananas, sugar and beat everything together with a blender until smooth. Yogurt is ready!

Cheese casserole

  • Cottage cheese (fat content up to 5%) – 800 g.
  • Sour cream 10% – 150 g.
  • Chicken egg – 3 pcs. If the baby does not tolerate chicken eggs well, then you can replace them with quail eggs, but doubling the quantity.
  • Butter – 50 g.
  • Granulated sugar - 2 tablespoons.
  • Vanilla - to taste.
  • Salt – one pinch.

Another variation on the theme of a popular dish for children's and diet food. You can eat such a casserole during breastfeeding as early as 2-3 months of a baby’s life.

All ingredients must be mixed and thoroughly beaten with a blender until an airy, homogeneous mass is obtained. Sugar may not be added if there is concern that the baby may develop diathesis. If there are no such concerns, then the amount of sugar can be varied based on personal preferences. You can add raisins, dried apricots, finely grated carrots, various berries and fruits, some nuts to the mixture - the amount and type of additives depends on the age of the baby on breastfeeding and his tendency to allergic reactions. When the curd mass is ready, it must be carefully placed in a greased form. If you use a silicone mold, it is not necessary to lubricate it with oil. Bake at 180° until golden brown.

Fermented milk products are an excellent healthy food for a young mother’s menu. But as in any other case, it is important to observe moderation and pay great attention to the quality and composition of the purchased goods.