How to find water for a well: a review of effective methods for finding an aquifer. How to look for water using a wire Determine where the water is in the area

Each owner of the site, if there is a need to drill a well to the water or digging a well, the first question is: Where to drill or where to dig, how find water?

Of course, you can dig blindly, hoping that water can be found everywhere, even very deep.

Well, maybe you will actually find an aquifer someday.

Proponents of the principle that water is everywhere recommend choosing a place for a well or borehole according to the following criteria:

  1. Distance from home (the closer the better)
  2. The location should be the highest point on the site (do not forget about the spring flood)
  3. As far as possible from cesspools, toilets, baths, etc.

But those who reason in this way act blindly. The upper layers of our Earth's interior are penetrated by a network of large and small rivers and streams, which sometimes come to the surface in the form of springs or springs. These streams are called water veins.

If we correctly determine the location of this vein and drill to it, we will get a not very deep well with a good flow rate. In order not to search for water in the area blindly, you can resort to searching for water using the dowsing method using wire frames.

How to find water flowing in aquifers?

Our ancestors also searched for water using iron framework. How it's done?

The frame is a wire bent in the shape of the letter L.

Wire side length water search frames- approximately 25 cm x 15 cm. To allow the frame to rotate freely in your hand, you can insert the short ends into wooden tubes.

Holding the wire frames for searching for water by the short side in your hands (so that they rotate freely), we walk around the area.

At the beginning of the search, the frames are rotated 180 degrees. At the location of the water, the segments will close in the direction of the water flow. The crossing of frames means that we are standing on the shore of a water vein. And vice versa, if the frames straighten, it means we have already passed the aquifer. Thus framework allow not only to determine the location, but also the width of the core.

Of course, walking around with frames in your hands makes some people laugh, but this is how our ancestors, who knew nothing about geology, found water and determined places for wells which are still used today.

Not everyone can find water this way.

One 80-year-old grandfather, who knows everything about searching for water, said that, for example, he prepares in a special way for the procedure of searching for water. He looks for water only in the evening at a certain time, at which time he should be a little hungry, i.e. there must be a clear head and heightened sensitivity.
As he explained, it is not the frame that finds the water, but the person himself.

The frame, in this case, is simply a signaling device.

Nature itself will help you find water on your site.

Plants, as indicators, show us its location. Where there is close water, the vegetation is brighter and lush. For a long time, the willow has served as a landmark for the proximity of groundwater. It has been noticed that sorrel also grows in excellent places for digging wells. By the way, mosquitoes and midges, when the sun sets, hover in columns in those places where there is water underground.

You should also pay attention to the surrounding landscape. Typically, water veins flow parallel to the nearest above-ground streams and, accordingly, the veins themselves are located parallel to each other. And the distance between them is approximately equal to the depth of the aquifer itself.

Owners of private houses and summer cottages have a valuable opportunity to take water from a natural source, a well or a well, and not from a water supply. We have all been aware of the benefits of clean natural water since childhood. In addition, water intake is simply necessary for watering crops and ornamental plants in the garden. The article will discuss how to find water on your site for a well or well.

Types of groundwater

First, it’s worth understanding what kind of water is in the layers of the earth and how it differs. Types of groundwater are distinguished primarily by the depth of their occurrence.

  • Surface waters (upper water). The depth of occurrence is on average from 1 to 5 meters. Due to its shallow depth, such water is not sufficiently purified and is therefore unsuitable for drinking. Verkhodka is used for technical needs or for watering crops on the site. The main source of this water is precipitation, so the amount of moisture and water in the surface layers is very dependent on weather conditions. During prolonged drought, the surface water layer can be significantly depleted.
  • Groundwater. They lie below the surface, at a depth of 5 to 40 meters. This water layer is located mainly between sedimentary rocks, and therefore is much less dependent on the amount of precipitation and temperature changes. Due to this, during the hot season there is no significant depletion of water reserves.

  • Artesian water. This type has a great depth. Often artesian water can be found at a depth of 100 meters. However, in some cases it becomes necessary to significantly deepen the well, up to 1 thousand meters. These waters are well purified because they undergo natural filtration through many layers of soil before accumulating at depth. Numerous analyzes and examinations have shown the presence of large amounts of minerals in such water. Artesian wells have pressure.
  • Interstratal waters. They lie between two waterproof layers, for example, between layers of clay. Are suitable for drinking. Interstratal waters are cleaner than groundwater, but the well or well must be quite deep.

Types of water intakes

Depending on the required volumes of use or consumption, various types of water sources can be built on the site. But the choice will also depend on the depth at which water was found.


The simplest and most accessible source for construction is an ordinary dig. It is like a natural container for collecting surface water. A hole is dug in the ground, the walls of which are not protected by anything, and the bottom, if necessary, is lined with polyethylene or other waterproof material.

If there is a layer of clay at the bottom of the recess, you can do without lining.

The operating principle of this “water collector” is very simple. Surface water (if present on the territory) naturally seeps through the walls of the dug hole and accumulates at the bottom. In this way you can easily obtain water for irrigation. In addition, any summer resident can make such a source with his own hands, using only one shovel.

The only drawback is that the degree of filling with water will greatly depend on weather conditions. And in the event of a prolonged drought, surface waters dry up completely.


A well is much more complex in terms of construction. Under the most favorable conditions, the depth of such structures can be from 3 to 5 meters. But even excavating a shallow well requires the use of technology. In some cases, groundwater lies quite deep; it is necessary to dig to a depth of over 30 meters.

The walls of the well are reinforced with concrete rings to avoid soil shedding.

If water is collected manually, a wooden box with a crane or a round bobbin for winding a chain is installed on the surface of the well. A more convenient option is to install a stationary pump and extract water by pumping.


Wells are drilled to extract water at great depths. This is advisable if highly purified water with mineral properties is needed. Drilling a well on a site also has to be resorted to in the absence of water in the upper layers of the soil.

To carry out the process, a special drilling rig is required. Before drilling begins, hydrological exploration is carried out to accurately determine the location. Well drilling work is very expensive.

Search for water locations

There are several basic techniques and methods for finding the location of water supplies.


Take a close look at the vegetation that is on the territory. The presence of a fairly abundant amount of surface and shallow groundwater can most likely be indicated by the following types of plants and shrubs: lingonberries, blackberries, bird cherry, buckthorn, bearberry, wild rosemary.

But birch trees are also very moisture-loving. A powerful, healthy and well-developed birch tree on the site indicates sufficient moisture in the soil layers within a radius of 5-7 meters from the tree.


Do not hesitate to consult with the owners of neighboring properties. Ask them about how and in what quantities they obtain water, how clean it is and whether it is suitable for drinking. You can also find out about the depth of wells and boreholes.

Empty can method

Several cans are dug into the ground, neck down. The burial depth is about 5 cm. The more cans are dug in, the more territory can be checked for the presence of groundwater. It is recommended to dig in the jars at a distance of about 50 cm from each other.

Upside down containers should be left overnight. During this time, some moisture will precipitate on the inner walls of the vessels. The place where the jar with the largest amount of liquid and moisture on the walls was found is richest in underground water.

Dowsing method

Despite the fact that it was used by our ancestors, it is considered non-traditional. Although its reliability is quite high.

In the old days, a branch of a vine was used for this method of searching for water. The branch, bent at an angle close to a straight line, was held in the hand parallel to the surface of the earth. In this position, the searcher walked through the area. In those places where underground waters lay, the vine began to spontaneously turn in the hand.

Later it was noticed that aluminum also has similar sensitivity properties. By analogy with a vine branch, a thin aluminum rod is bent at a right angle and lightly clamped in the fist with the short end. In the place where the device begins to turn from side to side, there are water reserves.

Fog watching

The thickest and lowest fog forms over areas with abundant groundwater.

Measuring the difference in atmospheric pressure using a barometer

It is necessary to measure the atmospheric pressure above the surface of any nearby body of water and remember the result. Then the pressure level at the site of digging a well or drilling a well is measured. The difference between the atmospheric pressure above the surface of the reservoir and the pressure indicators on the site will indicate the depth of the water in a particular place.

For example, above the water the pressure indicator was 750 mm, and in the area it was 749.5 mm. Subtract from the larger figure and get 0.5 mm. Next, we calculate the depth at the rate of 1 mm equals 10-12 m. Therefore, in our case, 0.5 mm will equal 5-6 meters.

Moisture-absorbing materials

You can use various materials that absorb water: salt, silica gel or broken bricks are suitable. The selected substance is well dried in the sun or in a preheated oven to remove moisture from it. Then it must be placed in a fabric bag and weighed.

Bags of moisture-absorbing material should be buried about a meter deep in the expected water locations. After a day, the bags need to be dug up and weighed. Adsorbents will actively absorb moisture from the soil within a few hours, thereby adding weight. The bag that has gained the most weight will indicate the place where water reserves are found in large quantities.


But pets can also provide some assistance in finding water resources on the site. On very hot summer days, dogs sometimes try to dig up the ground with their paws in those places where they feel the closest contact with moisture.

Chickens, on the other hand, prefer to lay eggs in dry places. If the chicken coop or nest is built on soil with a high groundwater content, the chickens can persistently lay eggs anywhere but there. Not knowing this feature, some farmers are perplexed for a long time and cannot find the reason for this behavior.

Small flies in the evening hours before sunset accumulate over places with high humidity.

If the soil is pitted with mouse holes, it means that the place is very dry. Mice avoid areas with water deposits and high humidity.

Red ants, although a nuisance on the site, can provide clues regarding groundwater. They never build their anthills on wet soils.

Exploration drilling

This method is quite expensive, but 100% accurate. For exploratory drilling, a small diameter well is made. With its help, the composition of the soil and the depth of the first layer of water are studied. It is also possible to take water samples for analysis.

This method shows the feasibility of expensive drilling of a permanent production well, as well as digging a well in a specific location.

All the described methods are designed for use in the warm season and are unsuitable for searching for water deposits in winter under snow.

A well at your dacha is sometimes the only source of drinking water and you want the quality of the water in it to be good. Therefore, already at the stage of searching for water, it is necessary to know at what depths the best aquifers are located. To get to them, you need to explore the entire area and choose the best place. Let's look at how to find water for a well in various ways.

Location of aquifers in the ground

Water is retained in the ground thanks to water-resistant layers that prevent it from flowing either to the surface or deeper. The main component of the layers is clay, which is very resistant to moisture. Sometimes there are also stones. Between the clay layers there is a sand layer that retains clean water. This is the aquifer that must be reached in the process of digging a well.

In some places the sand vein can be thin, in others it can be huge. The largest volumes of water are obtained in places where the waterproof layer breaks, which is not located strictly horizontally, but with height differences and bends. And where the clay makes a curvature, changes the direction of height, peculiar breaks are obtained that are filled with wet sand. These places are so saturated with water that they are called “underground lakes.”

How does water quality depend on depth?

When digging a well, you can stumble upon an aquifer very quickly - already 2-2.5 meters from ground level. It is not advisable to take drinking water from such aquifers. Due to its proximity to the soil surface, rainwater, melting snow, and sewage runoff penetrate into the vein from above, polluting the water and significantly deteriorating its quality. Experts call such surface veins a special term – perched veins. In addition, these layers are quite unstable. If it is hot in the summer and there is no rain, the water from the high-water lakes disappears, which means that it will disappear in the well. So, during the “peak” summer season, summer residents may be left without water, until the fall.

The optimal depth at which to search for water for a well is 15 meters. At this depth there is a line of continental sands that hold very large volumes of water. And the significant thickness of the sand layer contributes to maximum cleaning of the aquifer from all kinds of debris and “chemicals”.

Search for an aquifer using observation methods

To find water, it is not necessary to invite specialists. For many centuries, people in villages managed on their own, using observations of nature and animals.

Fog observations

During the warm season, inspect the area early in the morning or late afternoon. Where groundwater is close, fog forms near the ground. And by its consistency you can determine how deep the aquifer is located. The thicker the fog, the closer the water. Fogs caused by moisture rising from the ground do not stand still, but come out in clouds or spread close to the soil.

Animal behavior in the heat

Field mice will not make nests on the ground if water is close. They will move their homes to tall plants and tree branches.

If the owner has a dog or a horse, then in the summer, when the speck is on, you need to observe their behavior. Thirsty horses begin to look for water in the soil and kick in the place where the humidity level is highest. Dogs try to “bring down” their body temperature a little, so they dig holes in damp places and take refuge in them. Moisture, evaporating, cools the ground, which is why animals tend to lie down at these points.

Dogs sense nearby water and dig holes in these places to escape the heat.

Poultry is also a good indicator. The chicken does not lay eggs where it senses the proximity of water, but the goose specifically chooses places where water-bearing veins intersect.

In the evening, when the heat subsides, you can also watch the midges. They begin to cluster in groups and form “columns” over the wettest parts of the site.

Exploration drilling method

Assortment of indicator plants on the site

Since ancient times, plants have informed humans about the depth of the aquifer. Moisture-loving people will never live in places where the groundwater is very deep. But if coltsfoot, hemlock, sorrel, and nettle are in full swing at the dacha, it means there is enough moisture in the soil.

By looking at the plants growing at the dacha, you can determine at what depth the aquifer runs

Alders, willows and birches grow well in moist soils. If their crown is inclined in one direction, then that is where the aquifer should be looked for. Apple and cherry trees will never grow well in places with close groundwater levels. The fruits will constantly rot and the tree will become sick.

Practical methods for finding water for a well

In addition to observations, you can use various devices for searching. Let's look at how to look for water for a well using objects.

Arranging glass jars

In the morning, place glass jars of equal volume throughout the area, turning them upside down to the ground. The next morning, check which areas have condensation. The larger it is, the closer the aquifer.

Lay out salt or brick

We wait until there is no rain for a couple of days and the soil becomes dry. Take dry salt or red brick crushed into small pieces and pour it into a clay pot (unglazed). We weigh it, record the readings, wrap everything in gauze or spandex and bury it half a meter into the ground. A day later, we take out the pot, remove the material and weigh it again. The greater the difference in mass, the closer the aquifer. By the way, among modern moisture accumulators, silica gel is also suitable.

Indication by aluminum or wicker frames

1 way:

  • We take two pieces of aluminum wire 40 cm each and bend them 15 cm at a right angle.
  • We insert them into a hollow tube (preferably cut from an elderberry and remove the core).
  • We check that the wire rotates freely in the tube.
  • We take the tube in both hands and walk around the area. The ends of the wire should be turned left and right. If there is a water-bearing vein under your feet, the wires will converge towards the middle. If water is found to the right or left of a person, the ends of the wires will turn in this direction. As soon as the aquifer has passed, the wire will again turn in different directions.
  • Having found the place where the aluminum meets, go again, but perpendicular to the direction in which you moved first. If the place of closure is repeated, dig a well there.

Method 2:

  • We cut out a branch from the vine, in which there are two forks on one trunk, going at an angle of 150 degrees to each other.
  • We bring it home and dry it.
  • We arrive at the dacha, take the ends of the branches in both hands so that the trunk is in the middle and pointed upward.
  • We walk around the site. As soon as the trunk leans toward the ground, that’s where you should look for water.

The raised vine trunk will bend towards the ground as soon as it senses nearby water

The vine and aluminum give a signal that there is water in the ground, but it may also be perched water, which is not suitable for a well. Therefore, after identifying places with high humidity, carry out preliminary drilling to understand at what depth the aquifer is located.

Correctly determining the location for building a well is a paramount task. This is especially important if the site has not yet been developed, because it is much more rational to first choose the most favorable place for the well and, taking this into account, develop the rest of the territory.

Why choosing a location is so important

A well-built well will provide water for irrigation, domestic needs, and also for drinking. The main thing is that the water in it is suitable for this. Therefore, the work begins with finding the right place. First of all, you need to talk to your neighbors and, if they have a well, find out from them the depth of the aquifer, as well as the quality of the water in it. Knowing this information will give you an idea of ​​the approximate depth of your well. It is not necessary that if your neighbors have a mirror depth in their well of 5 meters, the water in your well will be at the same depth. The fact is that the aquifer also has its own relief, like the earth's surface.

When choosing a place to dig a well, you should avoid places located near sources of pollution: toilet, aeration field of a septic tank, burial sites, etc. The quality of water depends entirely on the location of the well, so the choice of place should be taken responsibly.

Location of aquifers

The earth contains layers of varying thickness and heterogeneous composition. Some of them allow water to pass through, others are completely impenetrable. Water in the soil is retained by waterproof layers. They do not allow it to penetrate to the surface or to the depths. These layers mainly consist of clay and stones. Between these layers are sand layers. They hold water. This is the layer that you need to get to during the digging process. The difficulty is that in some places the sand layers can be thin. The largest volumes of water occur in layers that are not located strictly horizontally, but with bends - in places of fractures. Such places are called underground lakes. They are often located under several layers of clay and the water in them is well filtered.

Water search methods

There are many methods for finding water. For a more accurate result, it is better to use several methods at once.

Observation methods

People have used these methods for centuries. To do this, just watch nature and animals. For example, behind the fog. In summer or late spring, inspect the area early in the morning. In places where groundwater is close, there will be fog. The thicker the fog, the closer the water. You can also follow the animals: field mice do not build their nests in places where water is close; horses or dogs, in extreme heat, dig holes in the ground where the humidity level is highest. A chicken will not lay eggs where water is close, but a goose loves moisture. In the summer, midges gather in groups just above wet places. Plants can also help in the search. Coltsfoot, nettle and sorrel grow in places where the soil is well moistened. Cherry and apple trees planted in dry soil will never grow well. Often such trees become sick and their fruits rot.

Practical methods

Place glass jars of the same volume (upside down) throughout the site. This should be done early in the morning. Exactly one day later, check the condensation on the walls of the jar. The more condensation, the closer the water is. You can also use salt or silica gel. Take dry salt, heated in the oven, pour it into an unglazed clay pot, weigh it, wrap it in gauze and bury it in the ground to a depth of half a meter. After a day, remove the pot and weigh again. The greater the difference, the closer the water. For this method, you can also use brick, for which you need to prepare it - break it into small pieces and dry it well.

Professional methods

A long-known method is dowsing or dowsing. This method is considered more effective than the methods described above. To use it correctly, you need to be careful. Find two vine branches that come out of the same trunk and are located at an angle to each other. Cut them off with part of the trunk and dry thoroughly. Next, bring these branches to the site and spread their angle by 150°. It is important that the trunk faces upward. Walk slowly around the entire area. In places with an aquifer, the trunk will tilt towards the ground. This should be done early in the morning or in the evening.

Many people use electrodes. You need to take two rods from the electrodes and bend them at a right angle (letter G). Next, carry the device so that the free part is in a horizontal position. Where there is water, the electrodes will spin and cross. The disadvantage of this method is that the electrodes will react not only to aquifers, but also to underground communications. Before testing the soil using this method, study the location of the pipes underground.


Drilling is considered the most accurate method. To check the water situation, drill a hole in the ground with an ordinary garden drill with extensions. The well must be made to a depth of 6 meters or more. When you come across water, be sure to have it tested to find out about its quality.

Dependence of water quality on well depth

Water is located at several levels in the thickness of the earth. At shallow depths (up to 5 m) there are high waters. These waters are formed by rainwater that has seeped deep into the area. This layer is the most easily accessible, but the water in it does not have time to be purified, since it is not subject to natural filtration. This water is not suitable for drinking at all. In addition, in such a shallow well, depending on the season and rainfall, you may experience insufficient water. In dry weather, the well may simply dry up.

A good well requires water from a depth of at least 15 meters. It is there that layers of sand lie, which serve as a wonderful filter from impurities and pollution, and also accumulate large amounts of water.

The cleanest water is located even deeper. To reach it, you need to go through several waterproof layers of earth, and for this you need to drill wells.

Where you can't dig a well

Firstly, under no circumstances should you dig a well in lowlands. Of course, the probability of quickly reaching the aquifer level is higher, but you cannot build a well here. Sediment will accumulate in this place, thereby becoming swampy and polluting it. Water from such a well will only be suitable for irrigation. The most favorable terrain is a plain.

Secondly, there is no need to build a well if there are buildings or structures nearby. There is a possibility that while digging you may end up on quicksand. This is fraught with soil displacement. Shifting soil near a structure can shift the foundation, affecting the integrity and strength of both the foundation and walls. This will not lead to destruction, but the appearance of cracks on the walls is quite likely.

Also, you cannot build wells next to compost pits and septic tanks. Toxic substances will certainly enter your well through the soil. Try to place the well and compost pit as far apart as possible.

Tip: the most favorable time for digging a well is the end of summer or winter. During these periods, water is at its minimum level. Accordingly, the work will be much easier to do, and there will be more water over time.

Centralized water supply is the prerogative of apartments, townhouses and comfortable houses within the city. Happy owners of suburban housing have to take care of the water themselves. And there are only two options: a well or a borehole. Having settled on the latter, they first determine where exactly to drill.

Water is the basis of life. Every day, people use tons of this invaluable mineral for their own purposes, so it is constantly in short supply. Owners of country real estate in all its forms strive to provide themselves with life-giving moisture and are engaged in the construction of wells or boreholes. Many people are interested in how to find water for a well in their area. It turns out that you can try to do this yourself, using one of the many existing methods.

The ancient method of determining the presence of water involved the use of a clay pot. It was dried in the sun, then turned over and placed on the ground above the supposed location of the water vein. After some time, the dishes began to fog up from the inside if there was actually water underneath them. Today this method has been somewhat improved.

You need to take a liter or two of silica gel, which is an excellent desiccant. It is thoroughly dried in the oven and poured into a clay pot. After which the dishes with the gel are weighed on precise scales, preferably pharmaceutical scales. Then they are wrapped in cloth and buried to a depth of about half a meter in the place where the well is supposed to be drilled. Leave it there for a day, then dig it up and carefully weigh it again.

Not one or two aquifers have already been found using silica gel

The more moisture absorbed into the gel, the closer the water. At the initial stage, you can bury several pots and choose a place with the most intense water flow. Instead of silica gel, ordinary brick can be used, which is also dried and weighed.

Some plants are excellent indicators of underground water.

Plants will tell you if there is water in the area

For example, a birch tree growing above a watercourse will be short in height with a knotty, twisted trunk. The branches of the tree located above it will form the so-called “witch's panicles”. The water close to the surface will be revealed by thickets of woodlice, a low herbaceous plant. River gravel directly points to the watercourse located beneath it. But the pine, with its long tap root, says the opposite - in this place the water is located quite deep.

This method can only be used if there is any pond or well nearby. You will need a regular aneroid barometer, with which the pressure will be measured. Based on the fact that for every 13 m of height difference the pressure will drop by approximately 1 mm of mercury, you can try to determine the depth of groundwater.

Soil saturated with underground moisture will certainly evaporate it. In the early morning or evening at the end of a very hot summer day, it is worth paying attention to the area where the well is supposed to be built.

If fog forms above it, there is water there. It is best if the fog rises in a column or swirls, which means there is a lot of moisture and it is close enough. You should also know that waterproof layers usually follow the terrain. Thus, in basins and natural depressions surrounded by hills, there will definitely be water. But on the slopes and plains it may not exist.

Owners of suburban areas solve the problem of lack of drinking water by constructing wells or wells. But this can only be done if the source is underground. We will look at how to find water for a well using modern professional methods and time-tested folk methods in this article.

It is possible to carry out exploration on your own in search of an aquifer for drilling a shallow excavation or a needle well, even if there are no landmarks in the adjacent areas.

Signs of the presence of an aquifer in the soil can be:

  • Observing the behavior of animals and insects. Columns of midges hover in the place where there is a source of water, and red ants, on the contrary, try to settle away from it.
  • There is a wide distribution of moisture-loving plants in the area.

Indicators of the proximity of groundwater from herbaceous plants are nettle, horsetail, sedge, sorrel, and reed. Tree-like plants with a tap root such as bird cherry, willow, birch, black poplar, sarsazan will indicate that the water lies at a depth of up to 7 meters.

On a hot afternoon, animals dig the ground in search of coolness in places where groundwater is close to the surface

The soil under which the spring passes is characterized by high humidity. It will certainly evaporate, forming clouds of fog in the morning; you just need to observe the area.

Pay attention also to the relief. It was noticed that the water carriers lie almost horizontally. Therefore, in the area of ​​depressions the probability of water occurrence is always higher.

The ancient method, based on the dowsing effect, in which a person reacts to the presence of water and other bodies in the ground that create heterogeneities of various configurations and sizes in its thickness, does not lose popularity.

When searching for water in an area using the dowsing method, the pointer is a wire frame or a tree branch with a fork, which is in the hands of a human operator. It is able to determine the presence of an aquifer, despite even the layer of soil separating it from the water.

Dowsing - the ability of frames to move under the influence of external factors, for example, to vibrate and move closer to each other over places where springs flow

Dowsing frames can be made of calibrated aluminum, steel or copper wire with a diameter of 2-5 mm. To do this, the ends of pieces of wire 40-50 cm long are bent at right angles, giving them an L-shape. The length of the sensitive shoulder will be 30-35 cm, and the length of the handle 10-15 cm.

The operator’s task is to ensure free rotation of the “tool”. To make the task easier, wooden handles are placed on the bent ends of the wire.

Having bent your arms at a right angle and taking the tool by the wooden handles, you need to slightly tilt them away from you so that the wire rods become like an extension of your arms.

To achieve a goal, you need to consciously tune in and clearly formulate the task for yourself. After this, you just need to slowly move around the area and watch the rotation of the frames.

In the area where underground water is hidden, the frame rods will cross each other. The operator must mark this point and continue research, but moving in a perpendicular direction relative to the original line of movement. The desired source will be located at the intersection point of the found marks.

The dowsing frames will react by connecting their ends to each other in the place where the aquifers pass through the area

It is believed that the best time to search for water by dowsing is summer or early autumn. The most favorable periods:

  • from 5 to 6 am;
  • from 16 to 17 days;
  • from 20 to 21 pm;
  • from 24 to 1 am.

L-shaped frames are convenient to use in field conditions, but in the absence of wind. To work with the tool you need experience and dexterity. After all, frame deviation can even depend on the emotional state of the operator.

For the same reason, it is better to refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages before working with frames. Before you start searching, you need to learn how to work with a biolocator and “hear” it. Thanks to this, in the process of searching for water for a well, the operator will not be distracted even by the presence of closed water pipelines in the area.

But it is worth noting that traditional methods cannot provide a 100% guarantee of obtaining the expected result. After all, even with a successful outcome, there is always a risk of obtaining a well with low productivity.

There are several of them in the ground. They are separated from each other by waterproof layers. Their depth varies, sometimes reaching tens and hundreds of meters. In the immediate vicinity of the soil surface there is the so-called “overwater”. This water can only be used for technical needs, but not for consumption.

Groundwater diagram

Subsequent layers of water begin from 8-10 m. Their water, in terms of its characteristics, is quite suitable for internal human consumption. Water raised from a depth of 30-50 meters is especially valued. Artesian water lies at a depth of more than 100 meters. But it is not rational to drill such deep wells on your site. In addition, this must have special permission from the authorities, since this water is the property of the state.

There are quite a few ways to find an aquifer. Conventionally, they can be combined into the following groups:

  • analysis of natural phenomena;
  • use of available technical means;
  • dowsing;
  • test drilling.

Even individually, these methods sometimes help to correctly determine the location of water, and taken together they increase this probability significantly.

Nature's hint

Often nature itself indicates the location of groundwater quite accurately. You just need to observe a little and summarize what you see. Vegetation will tell you a lot. The proximity of water is primarily indicated by the color of the vegetation. The brighter and softer it is, the closer the water. Thickets of willow and alder, wild currants also indicate this.

But if an apple or cherry tree does not take root and gets sick, the water is nearby. The same indicator is the plum. You need to pay attention to the herbs. Nettle, sorrel, licorice, and sedge grow only in close proximity to groundwater. Moreover, the plants will even tell you the depth of the aquifers.

Test drilling

Before you begin work on creating a source of life-giving moisture, you need to understand exactly where the water is. Today, many methods are known that allow the owner, without the help of a specialist, to find a place where there is a significant supply of this invaluable mineral.

Even in ancient times, our ancestors, in order to understand whether there was water in a particular place, used such a simple device as a clay pot. After allowing it to dry well enough in the sun, it was turned over and placed on the ground in an area where an aquifer might be located. After some time, it was necessary to look at the inside of the dish: if condensation was found there, then this served as a hint about the presence of water in the selected place. Nowadays, this method has undergone some changes.

  • To do this, we need several liters of silica gel, which perfectly absorbs moisture. This substance needs to be placed in the oven to dry, and then remind them of the clay pot.
  • Next, you need to determine the weight of the container with the gel. It is advisable to use a pharmacy scale for this.
  • We take a cloth, wrap our dishes in it, and then dig a hole about 0.5 meters deep in the place chosen for the future well, where we place a pot of silica gel. It must remain in the ground for 24 hours, after which it must be dug up and re-weighed.

However, the most accurate information can be obtained without investing effort and money in companies that have carried out geotechnical research in the area

Information from drilling organizations

Information about the occurrence of groundwater, the physical and mechanical properties of rocks above the roof and under the base of the aquifer can be obtained from construction organizations that carried out surveys before developing a construction project

Information about groundwater from builders

Purposefully conducting geological exploration before drilling a water well is irrational. Usually, a water intake well is drilled right away so as not to overpay twice or more for the development of one water source

Small-sized drilling rig

To identify promising areas for water, the method of electrical probing is most often used. It is carried out by vertical probing of the soil. The electrical resistivity of rocks and underground aquifers varies. Thus, water-saturated soils have a lower electrical resistance than the mineral skeleton of low-moisture rocks.

Using current recorders, you can determine the resistance at each horizon, identifying for yourself those areas where there is a layer of groundwater

The only drawback of this method is that there is always a possibility of calculation errors if there are iron ore deposits in the ground or the proximity of metal fences and railway networks.

The seismic exploration technique is based on measuring wave kinematics. Using instruments, places are determined where there is an increased seismic background, the peak values ​​of which reach frequencies from 4 to 15 Hz.

The essence of seismic exploration is that the measurements are first carried out in an area located in close proximity to the groundwater search site, which has a similar geological section.

The downward generated waves, having reached the rock, which differs from the overlying layers, are reflected upward, like an echo. Then, within an hour, the same measurements are carried out in the area where groundwater is being searched.

The depth of the reflecting boundary is calculated based on the obtained values ​​of the sensitive devices of geophones. The presence of artesian waters is judged by a 5-10 times increase in the level of seismic background in the area of ​​the study areas.

Frequency values ​​in the range of 4-15 Hz, which exceed the level of the natural background of the Earth, arise due to the fact that water-filled reservoirs are a denser environment for the passage of the acoustic environment

When acoustic waves pass through liquids that have a high density, a change occurs towards higher frequencies.

This method allows you to most accurately determine the geological rocks forming the site. But since it involves large financial costs, it is used only in situations where it is planned to equip a large water intake designed for several houses.

To increase the reliability of research, two or three exploration wells are drilled at the designated groundwater search site.

Experts distinguish three methods of exploration drilling:

  • Core - used when drilling to great depths. The principle of operation is based on the fact that a rotating core pipe, the end of which is equipped with a drill bit, cuts through the rock. And then the destroyed rock, under the pressure of the washing solution or compressed air supplied through the pipe column, is pushed to the surface.
  • Rotary – based on the transmission of rotational motion to the drill string through a surface rotor. This type of drilling is accompanied by flushing the rock face with a special solution or ordinary water.
  • Impact-rope - works due to the destruction of rocks under the action of a falling drill projectile, the end of which is fixed to a rope. The tool simply breaks off the rock and crushes the soil, and then uses a bailer to extract it to the surface.

The choice of drilling method depends on the type of rock, the depth of the formation or lens and the financial capabilities of the customer. But in terms of drilling speed and productivity, rotational methods win in this regard.

The price of an exploration well is determined by multiplying the cost of one linear meter by the depth of the wellbore. The total amount is calculated based on the complexity of the excavation, the diameter of the trunk and the need to use casing pipes.

Hydrogeological data obtained from drilled wells is taken into account when preparing a forecast assessment of the prospective area. They help to study changes in the properties of water-bearing rocks in a vertical section.

How to find water for a well - a review of 5 ways to find the dowsing method in detail

The first layer that you can find in your area is called the “peripheral layer” or “subcutaneous layer”. This layer is usually located at a depth of about 4-5 meters. “Verkhovodka” is a small reservoir, the main source of water in which is melt water and precipitation. Water from the top layer is mainly used for technical purposes. Although water from Verkhovodka is easy to obtain, it is not only unsuitable for drinking, but can also dry out in the summer and during dry times.

The second aquifer is located at a depth of more than 10 meters. This water, unlike Verkhovodka, is well filtered and is already suitable for human consumption.

The highest quality water, containing the entire range of useful substances, is found at a depth of 30 meters or more. It is enriched with natural minerals and has good taste. But its search and extraction is quite labor-intensive.

Even before you start looking for a suitable place to create a well or well, it is advisable to obtain more information about groundwater. Aquifers are a kind of underground storage of moisture, in which it accumulates as a result of filtration of atmospheric precipitation. Such waterproof layers of soil, the basis of which is stone or clay, reliably lock liquid between themselves, thereby forming reservoirs of various sizes.

These storage facilities do not always have a strict horizontal arrangement. Their shape can be quite curved, as a result of which they take on the appearance of lenses filled with water. They may also differ in the volume of water they contain, which can range from several cubic meters to tens of cubic kilometers.

The least distant aquifer from the surface is the perched water, which is located at a depth of 2-5 meters. They are small-sized reservoirs, the source of which is meltwater precipitation. Most often, during periods of drought, the water in them evaporates; as a result, at such moments they are no longer able to provide the owner with water. In addition to this, the water they contain is more suitable for technical purposes.

To get to drinking water, you need to look for deep aquifers that have significant reserves of perfectly filtered water. Most often, such reservoirs are located at a depth of 8-10 meters and below. Aquifers located at a depth of 30-50 m contain the most valuable water, which contains minerals and salts. However, to find such sources, you will have to make a lot of effort.

In many cases, when searching for water for a future well or well, they resort to the dowsing method, which was used in ancient times and allows one to determine the location of the aquifer with high accuracy. However, even before you use this method, you will need to prepare for it.


You should have frames that look like pieces of aluminum wire, reaching a length of about 40 cm. Their ends must be bent at a distance of about 10 cm at a right angle.

To effectively find a place to build a well, frames should be inserted into elderberry tubes, having previously cleared them of the core. For this method to work, the wire in the tubes must turn easily. In some cases, frames can be made from forks of viburnum, willow and hazel branches.

Finding water

When the frames are ready, you must adhere to the following procedure:

  • We take a compass and determine where exactly the cardinal points are. After this, they must be applied to the area by installing pegs in the appropriate places.
  • Next, you need to take two frames, placing one in each hand. Your elbows should be tucked to your sides and your forearms should be extended so that they are parallel to the ground. If you did everything correctly, then the frames will act as a kind of extension of your hands.
  • We begin to slowly walk along the site, moving first from north to south, and then from east to west. When moving, you need to pay attention to the frames: if there is an aquifer somewhere, then the frames will indicate this in the form of movement and an attempt to cross. It is necessary to immediately mark the discovered places with a peg.
  • Remember that in most cases the water passes in the form of a kind of vein. Therefore, when one point is discovered, it is then necessary to find out the location of the entire watercourse. This is done by repeating the basic steps: having noticed the movement of the frames, you need to mark the place with a peg.
  • We then need to find out how thick the discovered aquifer is and at what depth it is located. Imagine that you begin to dive to a depth equal to one of your height, and then to double the depth, triple, etc. The first time a signal will be given when the upper boundary of a water vein is detected, and the second time, if the lower one is found.

Before you start searching for water for a well, you should record the presence of such underground resources and determine the depth of the aquifer in the selected area.

Depending on the location and depth of occurrence, groundwater is divided into three types:

  • Verkhovodka – lies within 2-5 meters from the surface. It is formed as a result of the filtration of atmospheric precipitation. Due to its shallow occurrence, this type of water can fluctuate: it sometimes rises after precipitation, then decreases during the dry period.
  • Groundwater is aquifers in sedimentary rocks located approximately 8-40 meters from the surface. They are protected from above by several layers of rock, so they do not depend on the changing seasons. Sometimes, in depressions of the relief, they independently make their way into springs that supply tasty, clean water.
  • Artesian waters– most often occur at a depth of over 40 meters. They are distributed along cracks in rocky limestone. The water is characterized by the presence of mineral salts and the absence of clay suspension. The flow rate of artesian wells is quite stable.

The qualitative and quantitative parameters of the aquifer are of key importance.

The thickness of the earth is formed from rocks, some of which prevent the penetration of moisture - aquifers, while others, on the contrary, form aquifers

When searching for water for a well, you can use different methods, both using improvised means and using modern technology. But most often, hydrogeologists use the preliminary exploration method to search for an aquifer and determine its depth.

To get to a source that will provide high-quality and clean water, you will need to penetrate to a decent depth

Technical and folk methods will most likely help determine the location of the source, its nature and depth.

The aquifers on which the water intake is placed are represented by three main types:

  1. Verkhodka and soil waters.
  2. Groundwater.
  3. Interstratal sandy horizons.
  4. Interlayer artesian waterproof layers made of limestone or other waterproof rocks (basalt, granite).

Verkhodka is located at depths of 2 to 5 meters and accumulates as a result of the penetration of melt and rainwater into the soil. The volume of moisture and chemical composition depend on seasonal fluctuations in precipitation.

The aquifer is subject to pollution by agricultural products and industrial emissions, which are washed out from the soil surface. To extract such water, a shaft-type well is sufficient.

This water is not suitable for drinking purposes.

Groundwater, located in a sandy layer at a depth of 7 to 30 meters, is cleaner and less dependent on seasonal fluctuations in precipitation. The deeper the formation, the purer the water in it. Mine or Abyssinian wells are used as a source.

Interstratal sandy and artesian horizons can be found at depths of 30 meters or more. Passing a long filtration path through various types of soil, the water is purified and becomes suitable not only for domestic and technical purposes, but also for drinking. The volume and chemical composition of such resources is practically constant. Wells are used to extract them.

Frames, vines and other alternative methods may be useful only for searching for perched water. They can be used as an indirect guide to the location of interstratal waters. The surest way to search for water in the area for a future well is exploratory drilling. Thanks to it, the depth of the water carrier, the quality of moisture and the approximate debit of the source are determined.

At the stage of test drilling when searching for an aquifer, water samples are taken for laboratory testing. The primary analysis gives a complete picture of the microbiological and chemical composition.

  1. For a sandy horizon, quality can be assessed only after daily pumping of the well.
  2. For the artesian layer, samples are taken after 20 days of water intake operation.

This is due to the fact that the drilling process uses imported volumes of water and a clear picture will appear only after long-term pumping.

The following methods are used to determine the location of suitable aquifers:

  • Parametric well drilling method.
  • Seismic exploration method.
  • Method of electrical sounding of the earth's thickness.

The work is carried out for research purposes. The task of a trial search is to find a thick aquifer that lies deep in the earth’s crust and determine its main characteristics.

Using parametric wells, hydrological indicators are collected to determine the location of the optimal water intake point.

Drilling a well into sand, provided it hits well, is easier and cheaper.

Before searching for water using exploratory drilling, you need to familiarize yourself with the general hydrological data of the area, which will tell you the optimal type of well. Studying special documentation will help assess the nature of geological sections in the region and suggest the expected depth of the aquifer. Such data is easy to find when it comes to densely populated areas.

On the plain, the depth of the water carrier is approximately the same. You can estimate the approximate depth based on how deep the wells are in neighboring areas.

After appropriate preliminary measurements and work with hydrological data, the proposed area for parametric drilling is determined. With a successful combination of circumstances and the experience of the drillers, a parametric well may well turn into a stationary water intake point.

Video reviews of exploration options

  • study of hydrogeological conditions of the territory;
  • conducting qualitative and quantitative assessment of the source;
  • determination of the total amount of water reserves in a given area.

At the exploration stage, it is recommended to carry out a hydrogeological survey of the site. The map records all aquifers, as well as the composition and reserves of groundwater. Special organizations are drilling test wells. They will be used to determine the sanitary condition of groundwater.

If the dacha plot has been inhabited for a long time, it will be problematic to bring bulky equipment to it. Drilling rigs conduct surveys at several points at once, and this has a bad effect on the appearance of the dacha. You can minimize all difficulties and try to find the source yourself.

Do-it-yourself parametric well drilling

Homemade hand drill

But the well will have to be drilled, as they say, for a fee. In our case, exploration drilling is, as it were, the result of all previously carried out work. Real proof of the presence of water.

In practice it looks like this. Take an ordinary garden or homemade drill. By screwing it into the hole at the point where there should be water, a well is slowly made. Every 10-15 cm the drill must be removed and cleaned. This work continues until the aquifer is reached.

Now the problem of finding water for a well on your site does not exist. Using many years of experience in solving this issue, all work can be done independently with minimal financial investment. Clean, cold water will be a worthy reward for the efforts invested.