Look at the model's perfect legs. Parameters of ideal female legs. How to hide very thin legs with clothes

Beautiful legs are the basis of female beauty. They attract the attention of men and make women jealous. What should ideal female legs be like?

There are a number of parameters by which you can determine whether you have ideal legs.

Correct leg length

The ideal leg length depends on:

  • wide bone – legs are 2–4 centimeters longer than half the height (51–53% of height);
  • normal bone - the length of the legs is equal to half the height and another 4–6 centimeters on top (52–54% of the height);
  • thin bone - legs should be equal to half the height and another 6–9 centimeters (53–55% of height).

Remember that leg length is measured from the protrusion of the thigh bone to the floor.

Rule of four gaps

Ideal straight legs should have a certain beautiful curve. To understand how your legs correspond to ideal parameters, stand straight in front of the mirror and bring your legs together.

Regularly shaped legs form 4 “windows” - between the feet and ankles, under the knees, between the knees and hips, between the groin and thighs. The last window (above the knee at the bottom of the thigh) should be the narrowest.

Leg shapes (from left to right):
1 - “ideal” leg shape;
2 - true O-shaped curvature (non-closing knees);
3 - true X-shaped curvature (non-closure of the ankles);
4 - false curvature (non-closure of the soft tissues of the upper third of the legs);
5 - a combination of true O-shaped curvature with a lack of soft tissues of the upper third of the legs.

Correct hip width

Hip circumference is also an important parameter for ideal legs. So,

  • with a height of 161–165 centimeters, the correct hip circumference is 53–54 centimeters;
  • with a height of 166–170, the thigh circumference is 55–57 centimeters;
  • with a height of 171–175, the thigh circumference should be 57–58 centimeters.

I would like to clarify that the girth width of one hip is indicated, and 55 cm is not so small, so thin legs do not equal beautiful, ideal legs.

Beautiful calves

The calves should be round and firm and fit harmoniously into the silhouette of the leg. No pumping or flabbyness. Be careful with heels. Constantly wearing high-heeled shoes over time causes the calf muscles to become shorter and appear more masculine.

Attractive knees

Knees can be both a decoration of the legs and their main problem. Good knees are small, rounded, neat, without strange protrusions on the sides or fat pads above them. In addition, the knee should be the same distance from the top and bottom of the leg, that is, midway between the upper thigh and foot.

Pay attention to the circumference of the leg under the knee: it should be equal to the circumference of the ankle or be slightly larger.

Unfortunately, knees are what reveal a woman’s age. It is not for nothing that Hollywood stars are beginning to undergo plastic surgery on their knees in order to restore them to an elegant and correct shape.

Thin ankles

A beautiful ankle should be thin (but not skinny), graceful and sculpted. By the way, the shape of the Achilles tendon is also important (located where the heel meets the shin): ideally it has a small thickness and regular indentations on both sides.

Beautiful thigh

It is believed that the ideal hip is like a spindle: slightly narrowed at the top and bottom, and slightly widened in the middle. In addition, if you mentally divide the thigh into three equal parts, then the widest part should be in the upper third.

Smooth feet, neat heels and toes

The ideal leg has a concave, elongated and thin foot. The toes are not crooked by low-quality shoes and lie freely, one next to the other. The heel is rounded and slightly protruding from under the Achilles tendon.

Healthy feet

Beautiful legs are, first of all, healthy legs. Spider veins and blue-violet mesh will ruin the appearance of even the most slender and harmonious legs. Therefore, ideal legs should have smooth and healthy skin without aesthetic or medical defects.

Do you have perfect legs?

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


The dream of every woman, regardless of age, is to have thin, more defined and sexy legs. However, this definition does not include the concept of “thin legs,” which often become not a reason for pride, but a complex. But regardless of the initial parameters, every woman has the opportunity to get her legs into excellent shape if she is ready to put some effort into it.

First you need to make sure that your legs, whether they are thin or thick, really require adjustment. After all, it is difficult to determine the line when a problem is far-fetched or when it really exists. For example, models with anorexia do not consider themselves thin at all. It also happens that thick legs are just a personal perception or the opinion of a “good” friend. But if your legs really need to lose weight or build muscle, then first it is advisable to take a few tips:

  1. It is impossible to make your legs look thin by eating fewer high-calorie foods - your whole body will lose weight.
  2. Physical exercise should not be limited only to the load on the legs or areas that need to lose weight - warming up for all muscles is also necessary.
  3. Muscles must transform, but for this they need a full supply of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats, micro- and macroelements.
  4. Forming any part of the body is a long process, so you need to get ready for painstaking work. You don’t think that after two swings you will have thin and beautiful sculpted legs?
  5. The shape of the body is genetically inherent in every person, so if you dream of achieving the shape of the legs that you saw on a thin girl in a magazine, then be prepared for the fact that the result will be completely different: the legs may become thin, but not very attractive.
  6. To create a set of necessary exercises, you should immediately decide which muscles need to be pumped: the calves, the back of the thigh, or all of them.
  7. Improper execution of exercises can lead not only to unexpected results, but also to leg injury. Therefore, you need to consult with a professional trainer, at least initially, about what kind of load and exercises are needed in your case.

Proper nutrition

Before you start training, the first thing you need to consider is your diet. To make your legs thin and attractive, and your stomach flat, you need to remove smoked, fatty, salty foods from your diet, and add baked or boiled fish, chicken or beef, fresh or stewed vegetables, fruits in any form, fermented and fresh dairy products as the basis of your diet. products, cereals, nuts and grains. Regular snacks with sandwiches should be replaced, for example, with one banana, baked tomato, toast with lightly salted fish or a glass of kefir.

To maintain and build muscles, you need protein, so lean on chicken, fish, and turkey, boiled or baked. Refrain from taking simple carbohydrates, which can also add cellulite to thin legs, and they are found in:

  • carbonated, sweet drinks;
  • syrups, ice cream;
  • sweets, cakes;
  • sugar, jam.

An excellent substitute for sugary drinks is sugar-free green tea, which contains antioxidants that fight the signs of skin aging. Complex carbohydrates should also be treated with caution and consumed no more than 60% of all calories. Complex carbohydrates are:

  • flakes;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • starchy vegetables;
  • legumes;
  • cereals, porridge.


To make your legs thin and beautiful, you first need to change your lifestyle:

  • Do not go up or down an elevator or escalator.

Walk wherever possible. Legs must work! When walking, especially down or up, all muscle groups work, and if you jump up stairs (when no one is watching), the effect will be achieved much earlier than you planned. Every extra step brings you closer to your cherished goal: thin, toned and sexy legs.

  • Squats at home or on your lunch break are a universal exercise for women's legs.

Just first you need to consult a fitness trainer to find out how to squat correctly: whether you should hold on to something or not, how many approaches you need to do and how many. General recommendation: 12 squats in one set.

  • At home, experts advise doing exercises such as leg swings.

To do this, lying on your back, you should raise your bent legs and alternately tilt them to the right, then to the left. Hands should be behind the head or extended along the body. If you do not have individual recommendations, then you should perform it 12 times in one approach.

How to make toned legs look thin

You tried, walked, went to the gym, played sports at home, and as a result you got not thin and slender legs, but sculpted and pumped up ones. If you are not satisfied with this result, what should you do? This problem needs to be solved with a modified training system. You should not reduce the load, but rather do the exercises multiple times: do not take long breaks between workouts, but keep the pace for 15 minutes. If you go to the gym and do exercises with weights, then you need to take small weights or abandon them, because we no longer need to build muscles.

Special diet

To build muscle on thin legs, you consumed more protein foods, but in order to reduce the volume of muscle mass, you should “dry out” a little. It is necessary to introduce foods high in potassium into the diet: kiwi, dried apricots, cabbage, bananas and strawberries. You should not eat them all together, but rather plan them out among your entire diet. To improve blood circulation and remove the possible manifestation of edema, you need to introduce ingredients such as ginger and garlic into the diet.

Immediately after training, allow yourself some simple carbohydrates to quickly recover, and after a few hours, eat grains, vegetables and fruits. Meat, grains, and dairy products should be minimized or removed from the diet during the period of decreased muscle mass. You shouldn’t resort to a strict diet either, unless you need to make your pumped up legs thin in a week by removing the accumulated muscles.

Why do we always want to have what we don't have? Millions of women dream of thin legs, and those with thin and slender legs consider them a disadvantage. In this case, girls with really thin legs should not gain extra pounds, but rather build muscle mass, which will give the thinness a beautiful relief. It’s just advisable to remember that daily exercise is not for you, because muscles grow during rest. Therefore, in order to achieve the goal, you need to choose the following training regimen: the first day - intense training with different types of exercises, then rest and so on.

Causes of severe thinness

Doctors believe that the main reason for thin female legs is a crooked spine, and to one degree or another, every second person has it, but not all of them suffer from thinness. It is caused by scoliosis, which develops in certain parts of the spine that are responsible for the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and thyroid gland. Genetics also plays an important role - if a woman has a genetic predisposition to thinness, then with scoliosis her likelihood of losing weight increases several times.

What to do to get better

Initially, you need to consult a specialist and get tested for scoliosis. If curvature of the spine occurs, then it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment. It won't hurt to do yoga either - some asanas are designed specifically to get rid of problems with the spine and eliminate the problem of a thin figure. If there are problems in housing and communal services, then because of this, food may be poorly digested and loss of appetite, you should also check with a gastroenterologist.

You should not immediately switch to a diet that is too high in calories, especially for those who have been constantly eating low-calorie foods. This will not solve the problem of thin legs, because gaining muscle mass does not depend on the amount of food eaten, the main thing is how many nutrients the body has absorbed. The diet must be thought out to the smallest detail, and the diet must contain proteins and carbohydrates in the right quantities. The diet is combined with intensive sports and exercises to increase the volume of muscle mass not only on the legs, but also on a thin body, so that the relief is harmonious.

How to pump up too thin legs

The problem of thin legs can be eliminated by increased physical activity. Exercises to build muscle are performed at a very slow pace, and all sorts of long-distance running in this case will make your thighs even thinner, but a regular bicycle will be very useful. Several effective exercises to give thin legs an attractive shape at home:

  • Exercise No. 1: straight, legs apart. A ball is clamped between your knees, which should be squeezed for 4 seconds and released for 1 second. Repeat at least 20 times.

  • Exercise No. 2: sitting on a chair, facing the wall, hands holding the back. Without lifting your feet from the floor, you need to get up from the chair and sit back down. Do at least 30 times.

  • Exercise No. 3: straight, feet shoulder-width apart. You need to rise on your toes, and then sit down and spread your knees to the sides. Repeat at least 20 times. For greater effect, do it with weights, as in the photo:

How to make your calves beautiful

To make the calves of thin legs look beautiful, various exercises on the steppe are best suited; before practicing it, remember a few rules:

  1. Do not make sudden movements during exercise.
  2. Constantly monitor your posture.
  3. Your feet should be fully planted on the platform.
  4. Exercises are performed for each leg alternately.
  5. Before each new exercise, you should drink water.

Step is a rhythmic exercise, so it is advisable to train to fast music. You need to choose loads based on your level of physical fitness. If you decide to exercise on your own, then you should start with the most minimal load, gradually increasing it. You should also avoid sharply lowering your foot to the floor during exercise so as not to damage the tendons and do not bend your knee too much, avoiding the possibility of injury.

How to hide very thin legs with clothes

If you have just started eating right and doing exercises that have not yet fully pumped up your muscles, and very thin legs make you feel complex, then there is an opportunity to hide them. Properly selected clothes will visually make overly thick legs thinner, and thin legs - fuller, if with its help you shift attention to other parts of the body.

  • Long sundresses and skirts.

If you want to hide thin or thick legs, then mini in any combination should be abandoned. Long sundresses or skirts of an indirect cut will emphasize an interesting image, and not on very thin legs.

  • Skirts with large patterns or asymmetrical patterns.

This model will become a distraction - bright sequins, multi-colored prints and unusual designs will quickly take your eyes off thin or crooked legs.

  • Classic pants.

A businesswoman with thin legs will look great in classic-fit trousers. She should also wear wide-leg trousers and avoid leggings and tight trousers.

  • Shoes.

Huge boots a la “grinders” will look at least funny on thin and thin women’s legs. You should also avoid high heels or platforms. Pumps and low heels look great.


A fitness trainer will tell you how a woman can make her legs not too thin, but attractive at home with the help of a set of special exercises, without spending money on exercise equipment or visiting expensive gyms:

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Every girl dreams of beautiful and slender legs, like those of the Victoria's Secret show models. the site will tell you what methods and methods will help you achieve the desired result.


If you want to lose weight in your legs and improve their shape and appearance, you need to approach the issue comprehensively. Mandatory items on your list should include: sports, a special diet and cosmetics that will help improve the appearance and condition of your skin.

Sports and stretching

Typically, “drying” lasts 7 days. Nutritionists do not recommend staying on such a diet for longer, since it very strictly limits the consumption of carbohydrates and fats, which in a certain amount are necessary for the health of the body.

Cosmetical tools

To ensure that your skin does not sag and remains taut during the process of losing weight, be sure to use cosmetic

Various drainage and anti-cellulite mud wraps are also very useful and effective in the process of losing weight. Such products will help you get rid of the orange peel, remove excess water, waste and toxins from the body, improve blood circulation and, due to all this, will help reduce volume.

Combine these three approaches to achieve the beautiful and slender legs of your dreams.

Slender beautiful legs cannot leave anyone indifferent. This is why many girls dream of losing weight. Working on this area is not so easy, and to change it for the better, you need a comprehensive approach that includes regular exercise and proper nutrition. How to achieve slender legs? This will be discussed below.

Exercises for slender legs at home will help you achieve the desired volume. It is important to start the complex with a light warm-up, no matter where you work out in the gym or at home. As a warm-up, you can use a treadmill, an exercise bike, dancing, or jumping rope. Take 5-6 minutes to warm up. Now let's look at what exercises a workout for slender legs can include.

1. Lunges

Lunges are unique in that they work all the muscles of the legs, helping to achieve slimness. Starting position - standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Lunge with your right foot first. It is important to pay attention to the position of the legs - the angle between the thigh and lower leg should be 90 degrees. The same goes for the left leg. After lunging, return to the starting position and lunge with your other leg. For each leg, repeat the exercise at least 15 times.

2. Squat on one leg

An excellent exercise for slender legs and buttocks. The fact that we perform it on one leg will help increase the strength load on the leg muscles. Starting position - standing with emphasis on your left leg, the right one needs to be slightly raised up, arms extended in front of you. Now squat down, bending your left leg at the knee. The right leg should remain straight. In this exercise, maintaining balance is very important, so it is important to squat smoothly. If you still find it difficult to squat in balance, place something nearby that can serve as your support. After doing a squat, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8 times for each leg. Complete in total two approaches, shake your legs between them, which will help relieve tension from them.

3. Rocking

Athletes like to do this exercise before competitions. It helps to warm up all the muscles at the same time and tone them. Starting position - place your legs as wide as possible, bend your arms and flex your hands, place them in front of you. First, lean to the right so that your left leg bends at the knee at a right angle. Keep your left straight and move your pelvis as far as possible. Hold in this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Do the same for your left leg. Repeat for each side 15 times.

4. Squats

Classic squats are great exercises for slender legs. They help to work out the basic framework of their muscles, which is responsible for slimness. Starting position - standing straight, legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet turned toes to the sides, bend your arms in front of you. Squat down slowly, while trying to keep your body as straight as possible. Try to sit down not too deep, but until the moment when the upper and lower legs make a right angle. Hold at the bottom for a few seconds, then rise up. Repeat the exercise at least 12 times.

5. Reverse plank

The exercise uses the core muscles of the legs, which explains its effectiveness. Starting position - lying on the floor, place your feet on a fitball (can be on a chair or sofa). The arms are straight at the sides. Lift the body so that it forms an elongated bar. Now begin to alternately bend one or the other leg at the knee. At the same time, press your supporting leg as hard as possible into the surface you are using. Repeat the exercise 15 times in each direction.

6. Exercise for legs and buttocks

This exercise effectively works the thighs, buttocks, and calves. Starting position - lying on your back, arms straight to the sides. You need to bend your right leg at the knee so that it is persistent, keep your left leg straight and lift it up, lift your pelvis off the floor. Push it up as hard as possible so that your chest, stomach and your raised left leg form a straight line. Stay in this position, tensing your buttock muscles as much as possible. Then return to the starting position. Perform 15 repetitions for each leg.

It is recommended to repeat this complex 3-4 times a week, and soon you will be able to make your legs slim and toned. Dancing, running, and jumping rope are also very useful for losing weight in your legs. Try to climb the stairs on foot more often instead of the elevator - this will also help you lose weight in your legs and gain their elasticity.

Diet for slim legs

Effective weight loss is impossible without diet correction. There is no special diet for slender legs and thighs; you just need to adhere to a correct and healthy diet, from which harmful high-calorie foods are excluded.

To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit, that is, consume less than you spend, so it is recommended to keep track of your caloric intake.

To lose weight, it is important to minimize the amount of simple carbohydrates and unhealthy sources of fat in your diet. It is important to drink a lot of fluid, at least two liters a day - it helps break down fat, improves metabolic processes and controls appetite.

Healthy foods for weight loss - porridge without oil, lean meat and fish, fermented milk products, fruits and vegetables, dark chocolate (in minimal quantities). But it is recommended to limit sugar and products containing it, all kinds of sausages, fatty meats, fast food and other harmful foods.

Eat small, frequent meals- this is exactly the diet plan that will help you lose weight effectively without experiencing a constant feeling of hunger.

Let's look at a sample menu for losing weight on your legs. For breakfast, have a bowl of oatmeal and a glass of natural juice, for a second breakfast a few hours later - a boiled egg and a couple of plums. For lunch you can eat 200 grams of boiled chicken, a vegetable salad and one apple, for dinner - 50 grams of hard cheese and one citrus fruit. And a few hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of low-fat kefir.

This is just a sample diet. You can build it as you wish. The main thing is that it includes healthy and low-calorie foods, saturates the body with all the necessary elements and promotes fat burning.

Cosmetic procedures

Various cosmetic procedures can also be useful in making your legs slender and thin. While strength exercises tighten and strengthen muscles, making them sculpted, procedures, both in the salon and at home, help to effectively tighten and smooth the skin, get rid of cellulite, and speed up fat burning processes.

The first remedy that will help you achieve slim legs is massage. It helps activate blood circulation, fights cellulite, gives the skin elasticity and firmness. It can be done either by a specialist or independently. You can use silicone jars sold in pharmacies, massage or vegetable oil, as well as 10 drops of orange or other citrus essential oil. On one leg, mix the essential oil with two tablespoons of preheated base oil. Carefully distribute the composition over the leg, covering the buttocks and the entire surface of the thigh, and begin to use the cups. Spend 10 minutes massaging one leg. Then move on to the second one.

After the massage, you can wrap it with cling film to consolidate the results. To prepare the mixture, you can use 3-4 tablespoons of any clay, warm water, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and citrus essential oil. Dilute the clay with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream, add oil and 10 drops of ether, mix everything and distribute evenly over the buttocks, thighs and knees. Wrap in cling film and leave the mixture for about an hour. Then wash it off with warm water and use anti-cellulite cream. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every other day for a month (15 sessions). There are many other effective recipes for wraps: with honey, with coffee, with seaweed and so on.

All these recommendations in combination will help you figure out how to make your legs slim at home. What is important is an integrated approach. Also remember that even if you manage to achieve the desired shape, it is important to maintain it. To do this, continue to lead a healthy and active lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, and exercise. Cosmetic procedures will help consolidate all the results of other measures.

Exercises for slender legs on video

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The main weapon of any model is their legs, so Victoria's Secret angels pay special attention to their training. Models' personal trainer Justin Gelband and the models themselves told how to train so that their legs remain slim and do not add extra volume to the muscles.

Having studied the advice of the instructor and models website tells you what exercises and with what intensity should be performed so that your legs are beautiful and not over-pumped.


It is impossible to burn fat in one place. Therefore, in order to get rid of fat and make your legs slimmer, it is important to add cardio exercise, which will help prepare the body for training and lose weight.

“Swimming, running, cycling - things that can easily become a habit and will quickly get anyone in shape. Good cardio is more important than the workout itself,” says instructor Justin Gelband.

That's why before any workout, Victoria's Secret models spend 15-30 minutes on a treadmill or jumping rope.

  • If you don’t have any exercise equipment at hand, you can use the “jumping legs together, legs apart” exercise for 40 seconds. Then run in place with knees raised for 30 seconds with breaks of 10 seconds.

Option 1: fitness band

Exercising with iron can increase the volume of your legs. Therefore, it is better to regularly perform simple exercises and not overload the muscles.

A fitness band is one of the most popular sports accessories in a model's inventory. The elastic band creates resistance, affects all leg muscles and does not overload them.

Put a fitness band on your feet at the ankles and place your feet shoulder-width apart or slightly wider. In this case, the elastic band should be well stretched. Next, start squatting and taking steps to the sides - with both legs in turn.

Then swing your legs to the side and forward 10-12 times on each leg. The elastic band can be replaced with weights. Or do it without them, but then the quantity needs to be increased by 2-3 times.

Option 2: mat

If you don’t have a fitness band on hand, you can do the exercises on a mat. Start by swinging your legs out to the sides while lying on your side. 10–15 times on each side with weights or 20–30 times without them on each leg.

Back swings are one of the most effective exercises to work your hips and buttocks. Get on all fours, rest your elbows on the floor and perform back swings - 15-20 swings with each leg.