These harmful conflicts11.doc - Class hour on the topic “These harmful conflicts.” These harmful conflicts are a presentation for a lesson on the topic. Presentation for class on these harmful conflicts.

Objectives: to familiarize children with the concept of “conflict”; encourage children to cooperate and understand each other; developing in students a respectful attitude towards parents and classmates; developing the ability to correctly resolve a conflict situation;

Complete the sentence “The reason for the conflict was that……”

Conflictology is a science that studies the causes, occurrence, development and resolution of conflicts. Knowledge of the basics of conflict management is necessary for every person, as it helps: avoid conflicts where possible; handle conflict correctly; manage conflict; effectively resolve conflict.

Strategies of behavior in conflicts Adaptation Avoidance Rivalry Cooperation Sacrificing one’s own interests for the sake of the interests of another Avoidance of decision-making Striving to achieve one’s own at the expense of another Search for a solution that suits both parties Peaceful, compliant people People who are insecure People , self-confident, aggressive, ambitious Strong, mature, self-confident people

What is the harm of such conflicts? Firstly, human dignity suffers from conflicts. Secondly, for every minute of conflict there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, when work does not go well, and in general, everything falls out of hand. Thirdly, physical health suffers - the nerves, heart, and blood vessels are affected. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to prevent such conflicts.

Cool hour on


Developed by: Kaptilova V.A. – 11th grade class teacher
 familiarize children with the concept of “conflict” and “conflict situation”, with
ways to prevent conflicts;
promote the formation of positive attitudes towards people,
desire to master communication and social interaction skills;

 encourage children to cooperate and understand each other.
Form: conversation hour.
“Those who cannot cook soup, make porridge”, signs with unfinished
sentence: “The reason for the conflict was that……..”, “Ways
conflict prevention: soft confrontation, constructive
Progress of the event
Class teacher: Guys, have you ever had to “stir up the mess”? IN
what was it?
Sample answers from children: - I messed up something, quarreled with everyone;
- got into a difficult situation, etc.
Class teacher: And there is another saying with the word porridge: “With you
You can’t cook porridge.” Who do they say that about?
Children: about stupid, lazy, intractable, about such a person with whom
impossible to agree.

Class teacher: Read the epigraph for the class hour. how would you
did you explain its meaning?
-Those who are incapable of communication and understanding end up in confusion.
-Whoever cannot get along with people constantly creates difficulties for himself and
others. If they can’t work together in a team, there’s any matter
turns to mush.
Class teacher: If the team cannot work together, then
relationships are constantly being sorted out in the team, grievances are accumulating,
How to avoid them?
How to stop "disentangling" the mess that was brewed during such
collisions? We will talk about this during class.
Raise your hands who has ever been involved in a conflict
Let's remember why your conflict situation arose. What happened
the cause of a particular conflict?
To do this, I suggest you complete the sentence written on the board:
"The reason for the conflict was that......"
Children's answers:
My friend and I both wanted to be leaders in the company.
We have completely different characters.
I didn't like his behavior.
We started rooting for different football teams
And so on.
Class teacher: As we see, conflicts arise according to the most
for different reasons, but the reasons are similar for everyone: mismatch of goals, desires,
grades, disrespect for others, inability to communicate.
What is conflict?
Conflict is a clash, a contradiction that gives rise to hostility,
fear, hatred between people. Scientists have identified several varieties
The most common is uncontrollable conflict.

Someone stepped on your foot on the bus, and you were indignant: “What an impudent
didn’t even apologize!” Now he is forced to attack: “You need a taxi
ride!" As a result, things can lead to a fight.
Another type of conflict is cold tension (internal conflict).
It can occur among people standing in line when someone using
in his own right, trying to get around everyone. For example, showing your ID
social worker, people are silent, but everything is boiling inside them. But here's who-
then he can’t stand it and protests, the queue supports him and flares up
There is a third type - avoidance, when a person clearly shows that
doesn't want to communicate.
What is the harm of such conflicts?
Firstly, human dignity suffers from conflicts.
Secondly, for every minute of conflict there are 20 minutes of subsequent
worries when work doesn’t go well, and in general, everything falls out of hand.
Thirdly, physical health suffers - nerves, heart,
vessels. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to prevent such
First of all, you should never use prohibited techniques -
These are phrases like: “Come on!”, “What do you understand!”, “You seem smart
man, but you’re talking such nonsense!”
On the contrary, the words “it seems to me” have a simply magical effect.
“maybe I’m wrong”, “maybe you’ll agree with me”, etc.
Correct behavior in conflict will preserve your health and make you
calmer and happier not only for you, but also for others.
Like diseases, conflicts are better prevented than cured. Now we will
learn to prevent conflict situations. For this there is
many ways. We will look at the two most common ones.
The first way to prevent conflicts is gentle confrontation.
Soft opposition is a strong objection expressed in a soft manner.
form. This way you can defend your position without offending the other person.
The second method is called "constructive proposal". This is an attempt
find a compromise, i.e. a solution that could suit everyone. Let's consider
specific situations.
Soft confrontation.

You don't like that your desk neighbor never brings textbooks to school
and uses yours. Give him a gentle confrontation. Try it softly
hint him about it.
Example phrases:
Dima, I don’t want to quarrel, but I don’t like it when my things
others use it.
Don't be offended, but these are my textbooks, and it's more convenient for me to use them alone.
Constructive proposal.
You are very good at soft confrontation. How is it possible in this
situation to avoid conflict with a constructive proposal?
Example phrases:
Lena, it seems unfair to me that I carry textbooks to school alone,
let's do it one by one.
I understand that it is difficult to carry a full bag of textbooks to school. Now
There are bags on wheels and with a retractable handle. Maybe you can ask
my parents have one.
Gentle confrontation and constructive proposal are two ways
behaviors that will help you prevent conflicts and maintain
own dignity.
If you don't stop the conflict, it flares up like a fire. And put it out
sometimes it is impossible. And if this is a conflict between peoples, it can
will end in irreconcilable war. Then they come to the conflict area
peacekeepers who are trying to extinguish the conflict and restore dialogue
between peoples. To resolve conflict, psychologists have come up with
special fire safety rule - “Six steps to peace”.
I suggest you act as peacekeepers. Let's try to resolve the conflict
using this rule.
The parties who have a conflict are invited.
We invite you to take six steps towards reconciliation.
To take these steps you need to answer my questions honestly and clearly.
So, take the first step!
Now give an honest and clear answer to the questions:
 “What desire of mine led to the conflict?”
 Now you need to take the second step. (Etc.)
What caused the conflict?

Ask yourself: "Can I come up with a solution where we both get
what do we want? What could be the solution?
How many such solutions can we come up with together?
What solutions can your classmates suggest to you?
Think about which of these solutions is the best? What will each of them lead to?
proposed solutions. Will I be happy with this decision? Will he be pleased?
my opponent?
What solutions will suit both? Will we implement these decisions?
One step left! We need to answer the last question:
Where to start our truce?
(need to shake hands)
So we have extinguished your conflict - a truce has taken place. But it won't always be
there is a teacher or adult next to you. In such cases, each of you can
act as a peacemaker and try to extinguish the conflict, or at least
keep the conflicting parties away from each other.
II. Discussion "Do we need peacemakers?"
Class teacher: What do you guys think, will these six help?
steps to reconcile opponents?
Is it necessary to establish a truce at all? Maybe you have some
other ways to resolve conflict situations?
Sample answers from children:
Even 10 steps will not reconcile those who despise each other.
What if someone acted meanly and ugly? Then they shouldn't
put up.
If they really want to make peace, they will do it.
There is a proverb: Two fight, the third stays out. If you begin to reconcile them, you will make money
two enemies for myself.
In a conflict, both sides are wrong. You just need to explain it to them, and not
Under no circumstances should you take the side of one.
Final word.
Classroom teacher:
It is impossible to live in a society without contradictions, people will always be different
views, tastes and preferences. But these contradictions cannot be brought to light
before conflicts. To preserve mental, mental and physical

Those who cannot cook soup make porridge.

Class hour devoted to ways of effective communication.

The cause of conflicts between teenagers is their nervousness, inability to withstand tension for a long time, and the habit of aggression. A class hour on ways to resolve conflicts for children aged 13-14 seems to us very relevant. Clarification of the concepts of “conflict”, “conflict situation”, awareness of the causes of conflicts, mastering the skills of constructive conflict resolution - this is the main content of the class hour. The event scenario is built in the form of an hour of communication, various techniques are used (conversation, unfinished sentence, problem situation, discussion).

Lesson objectives:

– familiarize children with the concepts of “conflict” and “conflict situation”, with ways to prevent conflicts; promote the formation of a positive attitude towards people, the desire to master communication skills and social interaction; Encourage children to cooperate and understand each other.

Form: conversation hour.

Preparatory work with children: a day or two before class time, the teacher will have to find out which of the kids in the class is in a quarrel, what caused the conflict, and very gently prepare the children for reconciliation, which should take place during class time.


- write a topic, an epigraph on the board;
- write an unfinished sentence on the board: “The reason for the conflict was that...”;
- write on the board:

Ways to prevent conflicts:

soft confrontation;
constructive proposal.

Class plan

I. Interactive conversation on the topic “Should I cook soup or make porridge?”
II. Unfinished sentences on the topic “Why do conflicts occur?”
III. Mini-lecture “These harmful conflicts.”
IV. Workshop. Ways to prevent conflicts:
1. Soft confrontation.
2. Constructive proposal.
V. Problem situation “Six steps to peace”.
VI. Discussion “Do we need peacekeepers?”
VII. Final word.
VIII. Summing up (reflection).

Class progress

I. Interactive conversation on the topic “Should I cook soup or make porridge?”

Classroom teacher. Guys, have you ever had to “stir the pot”? What was it?

Sample answers from children:

– I did such a thing that I could barely unravel it later.
“I did some nasty things, then my parents cleaned it up.”
“I messed up something and quarreled with everyone.”
– I found myself in a difficult situation from which I could not find a way out.
“I made one thing very complicated and confused, which had to be corrected by others.”

Classroom teacher. And there is another saying with the word “porridge”: “You can’t make porridge with you!” Who are they talking about? Sample answers from children:

- About stupid, lazy, stupid people.
- About stubborn, intractable people.
– About those who cannot cooperate.
- About a person with whom it is impossible to come to an agreement.

Classroom teacher. Read the epigraph for the class hour (is reading). How would you explain its meaning? Sample answers from children:

– Those who are unable to communicate and understand find themselves in confusing situations.
– Those who cannot get along with people constantly create difficulties for themselves and others.
– If a team can’t work together, any business turns into a mess.

Classroom teacher. If a team cannot work together, relationships in this team are constantly being sorted out, grievances accumulate, and clashes occur. How to avoid them? How to stop clearing up the mess that was brewed during such clashes? We will talk about this during class.

II. Unfinished sentences on the topic “Why do conflicts occur?”

Classroom teacher. Raise your hands, who has ever been involved in a conflict situation?

(Children raise their hands.)

Let's remember why your conflict situation arose. What was the cause of this particular conflict? To do this, I suggest you complete the sentence written on the board: “The reason for the conflict was that...”

(Children raise their hands and speak out.)

Sample answers from children:

– My friend and I had different opinions about the school disco.
“We treated the same boy differently.
– We both wanted to be leaders in the mass community.
– We have completely different characters.
– I didn’t like his behavior.
“He insulted my brother.”
– We started rooting for different football teams.
“He became a fan of a musical group that I can’t stand.” And so on.

Classroom teacher. As we see, conflicts arise for a variety of reasons, but the reasons are similar for everyone: mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate.

III. Mini-lecture “These harmful conflicts”

Classroom teacher. Conflict is a clash, a contradiction that gives rise to hostility, fear, and hatred between people. Scientists have identified several types of conflicts. The most common is unmanageable conflict. Someone stepped on your foot on the bus and you were indignant: “He’s so impudent, he didn’t even apologize!” Now he is forced to attack: “You need to take a taxi!” As a result, things may even lead to a fight.

Another type of conflict is cold tension (internal conflict). It can occur among people standing in line, when someone, using their right, tries to bypass everyone. For example, a veteran shows his ID, people are silent, but everything is boiling inside them. But someone could not stand it and protested, the line supported him and a scandal broke out. This type of conflict is called “extension from below.”

There is a third type - avoidance, when a person clearly shows that he does not want to maintain communication.

What is the harm of such conflicts? Firstly, human dignity suffers from conflicts. Secondly, for every minute of conflict there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, when work does not go well, and in general, everything falls out of hand. Thirdly, physical health suffers - nerves, heart, and blood vessels are affected. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to prevent such conflicts.

First of all, you should never use prohibited techniques - these are phrases like: “Come on!”, “What do you understand?”, “You seem to be a smart person, but you’re talking nonsense.” On the contrary, words simply have a magical effect: “it seems to me”, “maybe I’m wrong”, “maybe you will agree with me”, etc. Correct behavior in a conflict will preserve your health, make not only you calmer and happier , but also others.

IV. Workshop. Ways to prevent conflicts

Classroom teacher. Like diseases, conflicts are better prevented than cured. Now we will learn to prevent conflict situations. There are many ways to do this. We will look at the two most common ones. The first way to prevent conflict is gentle confrontation. Soft opposition is a strong objection expressed in a mild form. This way you can defend your position without offending the other person. The second method is called “constructive proposal”. This is an attempt to find a compromise, that is, a solution that could suit everyone. Let's look at specific situations. Soft confrontation

Classroom teacher. You don’t like that your desk neighbor never brings textbooks to school and uses yours. Give him a gentle confrontation. Try to gently hint him about this.

(The teacher gives the floor to the children who want to speak. If there are no volunteers, you can invite the children sitting in the first row to speak. Each student, without getting up from his seat, must address his neighbor by name and express his complaints (in the most friendly form). It's scary that all the children will say the same words. It is important that they find the right intonation - dignity and firmness in a soft form.)

Example phrases:

– Dima, I don’t want to quarrel, but I really don’t like it when others use my things.
– Sasha, don’t be offended, but these are my textbooks, and it’s more convenient for me to use them alone.

Constructive proposal.

Classroom teacher. You are very good at soft confrontation. How can you avoid conflicts in this situation with the help of a constructive proposal?

(Children speak out in the same way as in the previous case.)

Sample answers from children:

– Lena, it seems unfair to me that I’m the only one who carries textbooks to school, let’s do it one by one. Then no one will be offended.
– I understand, Anya, how difficult it is to carry a portfolio full of books to school. Now there are briefcases on wheels and with a retractable handle, like suitcases. Maybe you can ask your parents for one for New Year or for your birthday?

Classroom teacher. Gentle confrontation and constructive suggestions are two behaviors that can help you prevent conflict and maintain your dignity.

V. Problem situation “Six steps to peace”

Classroom teacher. If you don't stop the conflict, it flares up like a fire. And sometimes it is impossible to put it out. And if this is a conflict between peoples, it can end in an irreconcilable war. Then peacekeepers come to the conflict area and try to extinguish hostility and hatred and restore dialogue between peoples. To extinguish the conflict, psychologists have come up with a special fire-fighting rule - “Six steps to peace.” I suggest you act as peacekeepers. In our class, a conflict recently broke out between (names, surnames). Let's try to resolve this conflict with six steps. To begin, I invite the conflicting parties to the board.

(Children go to the board and stand on both sides of the teacher, and the teacher asks them to stand away from each other.)

Guys, it seems to us that you yourself are tired of this conflict, but no one wants to be the first to take steps towards reconciliation. We invite you to take as many as six steps.

To take these steps, you will need to answer my questions honestly and clearly. So, take the first step!

Now give an honest and accurate answer to the questions: “What desire of mine led to the conflict?” and “What does the person with whom I am in conflict want?”

(Children take turns answering.)

So, now we need to take step two...

(Children take one step towards each other.)

And answer the questions: “What caused the conflict? Do we both want the same thing? Or do we want different things happening at the same time?”

(Children answer.)

Let's take the third step.

(Children take one step towards each other.)

Ask yourself: “Can I come up with a solution where we both get what we want? What could be the solution?

(Children answer.)

Now ask yourself: “How many of these solutions can we come up with together with my opponent?”

(Children answer.)

What solutions can your classmates suggest to you?

(Children sitting at their desks raise their hands and answer.)

When possible compromises have been found, it's time to take the fourth step.

(Children take one step towards each other.)

Think about which of these solutions is the best? What will each of the proposed solutions lead to? Will I be happy with their results? Will my opponent be pleased?

(Children answer.)

We have almost extinguished the conflict - we are taking the fifth step.

(Children take one step towards each other.)

We answer, what solutions will suit both of us? Will we implement these decisions?

(Children answer.)

One step left!

(Children take one step towards each other.)

We need to answer the last question: “Where should we start our truce? What will show us that we were not mistaken?” (You need to shake hands.)

(Shake hands.)

So we extinguished this conflict - a truce took place. But a teacher or adult will not always be next to you. In such cases, each of you can act as a peacemaker and try to extinguish the conflict or at least separate the conflicting parties away from each other.

VI. Discussion “Do we need peacemakers?”

Classroom teacher. What do you guys think, will these steps help reconcile opponents? Is it necessary to establish a truce at all? Maybe you have some other ways to resolve conflict situations?

Sample answers from children:

– Even 10 steps will not reconcile those who despise each other.

– What if one of them acted meanly and ugly? I believe that then there is no need to put up with them.

- Yes, in 2 days they will already forget what they fought about, and there will be no need for any truce.

– You can clasp your little fingers: “Make up, make up, make up... etc.” - it will be much better, and most importantly - shorter.

- If they want to make peace, they will do it without taking any steps. And if one of them doesn’t want to, even a hundred steps won’t help.

- There is a proverb: “Two people fight, the third one doesn’t interfere!” If you try to reconcile them, you will make two enemies yourself.

– The ways to resolve a conflict are different in each situation. You can condemn both sides, you can punish (if, for example, the children got into a fight), you can explain to everyone what they are doing wrong.

– In a conflict, both are wrong, you just need to explain this to them, and in no case take the side of one.

VII. Final word

Classroom teacher. It is impossible to live in a society without contradictions; people will always have different views, tastes and preferences. But these contradictions cannot be led to conflicts. To maintain mental, mental and physical health, you need to learn how to prevent conflicts, and if a conflict has already flared up, you need to be able to get out of it.

VIII. Summing up (reflection)

Classroom teacher. What impression did the class hour leave? Have you gained more confidence in your abilities? Do you have a desire to use ways to prevent and resolve conflicts?

Sample answers from children:

– The impression is good, I have confidence that I can avoid conflicts.
“For now, everything is clear, but when you find yourself in a conflict situation, maybe everything will turn out to be more complicated.”
– It’s a very good impression, if everyone learned to talk like this, there would be no conflicts.
– I am confident that I can avoid conflicts.
– An intelligent person will never bring matters to a conflict.

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Internal conflict Interpersonal conflict Group conflict Political conflict The most difficult is the so-called uncontrollable conflict

Human dignity suffers from conflicts. For every minute of conflict, there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences. Physical health suffers - nerves, heart, blood vessels are affected.

Don't try to dominate at all costs. Be principled, but don't fight for the sake of principle. Remember that straightforwardness is good, but not always. Be fair and tolerant of people. Do not overestimate your abilities and capabilities and do not belittle the abilities and capabilities of others. Know how to stop in time!

Do not take initiative where it is not needed and do not be offended. Realize yourself in creativity, not in conflicts. Show restraint and master self-regulation skills.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

To familiarize parents with ways to prevent conflicts that their children may be drawn into....

Thematic lesson: “These harmful conflicts.”

If a team cannot work together, relationships in this team are constantly being sorted out, grievances accumulate, and clashes occur. How to avoid them? How to stop dissolving the porridge that was brewed in...

Class hour on the topic: “These harmful conflicts”

Class hour Dedicated to ways to communicate effectively. Many teenagers are simply not taught how to resolve conflicts peacefully. The causes of conflicts between teenagers are their nervousness, inability to withstand tension for a long time, and the habit of aggression.

Clarification of the concept of “conflict”, “conflict situation”, awareness of the causes of conflicts, mastering the skills of constructive conflict resolution - this is the content of the class hour.


    familiarize teenagers with the concept of “conflict” and “conflict situation”, with ways to prevent conflicts;

    promote the formation of a positive attitude towards people, the desire to master communication skills and social interaction;

    encourage teenagers to cooperate and understand each other.

Form: hour of communication.

Decor: The epigraph on the board is “Those who cannot cook soup, make porridge”, signs with an unfinished sentence: “The cause of the conflict was that ......”, “Ways to prevent conflicts: gentle confrontation, constructive proposal.”

Classroom teacher: Girls, have you ever had to “stir the pot”? What was it?

Sample answers:

I messed up something, quarreled with everyone; got into a difficult situation, etc.

Classroom teacher: And there is another saying with the word porridge: “You can’t make porridge with you.” Who are they talking about?

Students: about stupid, lazy, intractable, about such a person with whom it is impossible to agree.

Kl.ruk. Read the epigraph for the class hour. How would you explain its meaning?

Students: Those who are unable to communicate and understand find themselves in confusing situations.

Those who cannot get along with people constantly create difficulties for themselves and others.

If a team cannot work together, any business turns into a mess.

Classroom teacher: If a team cannot work together, relationships in this team are constantly being sorted out, grievances accumulate, and clashes occur.

How to avoid them?

How to stop “disentangling” the mess that was brewed during such clashes? We will talk about this during class.

Raise your hands, who has ever been involved in a conflict situation?

Let's remember why your conflict situation arose. What was the cause of this particular conflict?

To do this, I suggest you complete the sentence written on the board: “The cause of the conflict was that……”


My friend and I both wanted to be leaders in the company.

We have completely different characters.

I didn't like her behavior.

We started rooting for different teams

And so on.

Classroom teacher: As we see, conflicts arise for a variety of reasons, but the reasons are similar for everyone: mismatch of goals, desires, assessments, disrespect for others, inability to communicate.

What is conflict?

Conflict - this is a clash, a contradiction that gives rise to hostility, fear, hatred between people. Scientists have identified several types of conflicts.

The most common is uncontrollable conflict.

Someone stepped on your foot on the bus, and you were indignant: “That impudent guy didn’t even apologize!” Now he is forced to attack: “You need to take a taxi!” As a result, things may lead to a fight.

Another type of conflict is cold tension (internal conflict).

It can occur among people standing in line, when someone, using their right, tries to get ahead of everyone. For example, when showing a social worker’s ID, people remain silent, but everything is boiling inside them. But then someone can’t stand it and protests, the queue supports him and a scandal breaks out.

There is a third type - avoidance, when a person clearly shows that he does not want to maintain communication.

What is the harm of such conflicts?

    Firstly, Human dignity suffers from conflicts.

    Secondly, For every minute of conflict there are 20 minutes of subsequent experiences, when work does not go well, and in general, everything falls out of hand.

    Third, physical health suffers - nerves, heart, blood vessels are affected. Therefore, it is imperative to learn how to prevent such conflicts.

First of all, you should never use prohibited techniques - these are phrases like: “Come on!”, “What do you understand!”, “You seem to be a smart person, but you’re talking such nonsense!”

On the contrary, words simply have a magical effect: “it seems to me,” “maybe I’m wrong,” “maybe you’ll agree with me,” etc.

Correct behavior during conflict will preserve your health and make not only you, but also others, calmer and happier.

Like diseases, conflicts are better prevented than cured. Now we will learn to prevent conflict situations. There are many ways to do this. We will look at the two most common ones.

The first way to prevent conflicts is gentle confrontation.

Soft confrontation- this is a strong objection expressed in a mild form. This way you can defend your position without offending the other person.

The second method is called "constructive proposal" This is an attempt to find a compromise, i.e. a solution that could suit everyone. Let's look at specific situations.

Soft confrontation.

You don’t like that your desk neighbor never brings textbooks to class and uses yours. Give him a gentle confrontation. Try to gently hint him about this.

Example phrases:

Valya, I don’t want to quarrel, but I don’t like it when others use my things.

Don't be offended, but these are my textbooks, and it's more convenient for me to use them alone.

Constructive proposal.

You are very good at soft confrontation. How can you avoid conflict in this situation with the help of a constructive proposal?

Example phrases:

Lena, it seems unfair to me that I’m the only one who carries textbooks to class, let’s do it in turns.

I understand that it is difficult to carry all the textbooks to class. Let's sort it out by items - which ones you bring, which ones I bring.

Gentle confrontation and constructive suggestions are two behaviors that will help you prevent conflict and maintain your dignity.

If you don't stop the conflict, it flares up like a fire. And sometimes it is impossible to put it out. And if this is a conflict between peoples, it may end in an irreconcilable war. Then peacekeepers come to the conflict area and try to extinguish the conflict and restore dialogue between peoples. To extinguish the conflict, psychologists have come up with a special fire rule - "Six steps to peace."

I suggest you act as peacekeepers. Let's try to resolve the conflict using this rule.

The parties who have a conflict are invited.

We invite you to take six steps towards reconciliation.

To take these steps you need to answer my questions honestly and clearly. So, take the first step!

Now give an honest and clear answer to the questions:

“What desire of mine led to the conflict?”

Now you need to take the second step. (Etc.)

What caused the conflict?

Ask yourself: “Can I come up with a solution where we both get what we want? What kind of solution could that be?

How many such solutions can we come up with together?

What solutions can your classmates suggest to you?

Think about which of these solutions is the best? What will each of the proposed solutions lead to? Will I be happy with this decision? Will my opponent be pleased?

What solutions will suit both? Will we implement these decisions?

One step left! We need to answer the last question:

Where to start our truce?

(need to shake hands)

So we have extinguished your conflict - a truce has taken place. But a teacher or an adult will not always be next to you. In such cases, each of you can act as a peacemaker and try to extinguish the conflict or at least separate the conflicting parties away from each other.

Discussion "Do we need peacemakers?"

Do you think these six steps will help reconcile opponents?

Is it necessary to establish a truce at all? Maybe you have some other ways to resolve conflict situations?

Sample answers:

Even 10 steps will not reconcile those who despise each other.

What if someone acted meanly and ugly? Then they shouldn't put up with it at all.

If they really want to make peace, they will do it.

There is a proverb: Two fight, the third stays out. If you try to reconcile them, you will make two enemies for yourself.

In a conflict, both sides are wrong. You just need to explain this to them, and under no circumstances take the side of one.

Final word.

Classroom teacher: It is impossible to live in a society without contradictions; people will always have different views, tastes and preferences. But these contradictions cannot be led to conflicts. In order to maintain mental, mental and physical health, you need to learn how to prevent conflicts, and if a conflict has already flared up, you need to be able to get out of it.


What impression did the class hour leave on you?

Have you gained more confidence in your abilities?

Do you have a desire to use ways to prevent and resolve conflicts?