Basil: how to grow spicy herbs in a greenhouse in winter? Basil: growing and caring for a herb. How to grow basil in a garden plot in a greenhouse and open ground How to grow basil in a greenhouse in winter

And on your personal plot you can harvest other spicy crops, for example, basil. Although this plant loves warm weather and is mainly grown in Transcaucasia and Asian countries, you can get a normal basil harvest in the central zone of our country.

Undemanding basil, grown in open ground or greenhouses. It can be grown in a garden bed in any region using seedlings.

Choosing a place for basil

Basil came to us from the southern latitudes, and a well-lit bed is chosen for it. The plant does not tolerate drafts or cold winds, for this reason it is advisable to plant this crop under the protection of bushes, fences or near buildings.

Basil requires nutritious, light and loose soil; basil grows well in beds where tomatoes or cucumbers were previously planted. Before planting basil seedlings in open ground, the area must be fertilized with manure. It also grows well after legumes, since they supply the soil with nitrogen with the help of nodule bacteria.

The site for planting basil is prepared in the fall, it is dug up on the bayonet of a shovel and fed with the following fertilizers:

Good compost or humus - add 3.5-5 kg ​​per 1 m2, depending on the nutritional value of the soil;
Granulated superphosphate – 22 g;
Potassium sulfate – 12 g.

If the area where basil will grow is in a lowland, then it would be a good idea to plant seedlings in high beds, fencing them with boards. In damp, poorly aerated soil, spices will not develop well.

Growing seedlings

Basil is a spicy annual plant that forms a branched and beautiful bush that can grow up to 20-60 cm, depending on the variety grown. In addition, the color of the leaves depends on the variety - from bright green to dark green, they will even turn out green-violet. In different varieties of basil, the leaves also differ in shape - they can be even and flat, with a carved edge, or even corrugated leaves can grow. There are leaf blades of different sizes and widths, but any variety has their divine aroma.
Basil blooms in the last ten days of July - the first ten days of August. By this time, a lot of essential oil accumulates in it, and the plants begin to emit a pleasant aroma. At this time you need to collect spicy herbs.

Although basil is mainly loved for its fragrant foliage, its white microscopic flowers attract many pollinating insects to your garden.

From the outside, at this time, it seems that the basil sprigs begin to move. In mid-September, the fruits also ripen - black-purple nuts.

Sowing seeds for seedlings

To do this, use a wide box and a nutritious soil mixture; it can be bought in a special store.

In the room where the box is located, the air temperature is maintained at 25-27 degrees; in such conditions, the first shoots can be noticed after 10 days.

When the seedlings sprout, they need to be provided with suitable conditions. Sowing is done to a depth of 10 mm, seeds are placed frequently after the emergence of seedlings, strong plants are planted in separate cups, and weak ones are discarded.

You can grow basil seedlings in an apartment, and after the weather warms up, gradually take the seedlings out onto the balcony (harden off), first for 2 hours, then gradually increase the hardening time.

Once every 15 days, seedlings need to be fed with fertilizers that contain the main nutrients - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus (in a ratio of 2: 3: 5).

A week before transplanting seedlings into open ground, you need to water less frequently, and the time for hardening should be increased even more so that the seedlings get used to the new conditions.

Seedlings do not require special care - you just need to monitor the soil moisture; the soil in the pots should not be allowed to dry out. You also shouldn’t water it too often; because of this, a black leg may appear on the seedlings, which can destroy it.

In the southern regions, you can sow basil directly into the garden bed. This is done in early June, watering the furrows in advance. After sowing, the bed is covered with film and kept there until the seedlings sprout.

Planting seedlings in the garden

Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place is carried out in early June, after the return frosts have passed. For those who live in the middle zone or in the north, spicy greens need to be grown through seedlings in a greenhouse or greenhouse.

The seedlings are planted on the bed in pre-made holes, with row spacing of 30 cm, a distance of 25 cm is maintained in the row. The holes are dug so that an earthen clump of seedlings can be placed in them, most often 9 cm is enough. Right before transplanting the seedlings, 1 liter of water is poured into the holes . Seedlings are removed from the pots along with the soil. After this, it is advisable to make a temporary greenhouse, covering the plantings with polyethylene. This is important in case of possible night cold snaps; after the seedlings take root and the shoots begin to grow, the shelter is completely removed.

Caring for Basil

Caring for this crop is complicated by the fact that it requires a lot of heat.

When it gets cold (especially with light frosts), it is advisable to cover the beds with film at night and remove them in time in the morning.

For people who only need a few fragrant sprigs for the table, there is no need to try too hard; growing a small amount of basil is not difficult.

Watering and fertilizing

Water the plants moderately; do not flood the beds. Warm water is used, previously settled in a barrel, the bushes are watered from a watering can, the best time for watering is when the heat of the day subsides, after 17.00 hours. Once every 2 weeks you need to loosen the soil and remove weeds.

The first feeding of basil is carried out from June 10 to 20, another one 3-4 weeks after the first. For feeding, mineral or organic fertilizers are used, in proportions intended for green vegetables or herbs. This crop blooms in early August, during which time the branches become slightly tart and fragrant.

Collection of greens

Basil, if necessary, can be harvested 2 times per season. The first time the greens are cut is in early July, before flowering. To do this, carefully cut off the upper shoots; you cannot cut at the root, otherwise the plant will die; you need to leave a few leaves at the beginning of the branch. Basil is harvested again in August, by which time new branches should appear on the bushes. If you need some greenery for the table, you can trim a few branches at any time. In order for the bush to live longer, in the first ten days of September, 2-3 bushes are transplanted into large flower pots. This way the basil can live a long time and supply you with fresh herbs almost all winter.

Basil is prepared by pickling it or drying the herbs.

To get dry basil, scatter the cut sprigs in a thin layer on baking sheets and cover them with a clean cloth.

After this, the baking sheets are transferred to a well-ventilated, dry place where the sun's rays do not penetrate. For example, a barn or attic would be suitable.

It is not difficult to determine whether the greens have dried enough. Its leaves should be easily crushed and its stems should break.

Dry herbs are stored in porcelain or glass hermetically sealed jars. This way the basil will not spoil for more than 3 years.

Features of culture

At the first stage, basil seedlings are grown. The seeds are sown in the greenhouse, and the seedlings are thinned out if necessary.

Growing basil in a greenhouse and on a window

In a greenhouse, basil requires moderate watering. Greenhouses should be regularly ventilated, otherwise, with increased soil moisture and high temperatures, the seedlings will dry out. Growing basil in a greenhouse is quite a responsible process.

Growing Basil

Basil is a healthy plant and an essential spice. This spicy crop is used in different countries, so it is useful for everyone to know how to grow basil at home. This plant has a strong and pleasant fragrant odor. Basil leaves are rich in essential oils. Basil is a valuable source of rutin and carotene. To use this useful plant all year round, it is recommended to grow it at home.

Features of culture

Common basil is an annual plant with a highly branched tetrahedral stem 30-50 cm high. Basil leaves are petiolate, elongated oval in shape with a jagged edge, varied in color: green, purple and green-violet. The flowers are white, pink or purple, the fruits are small black or dull brown. Basil is heat-loving, the slightest frost is destructive for it. The plant thrives in fertile, light soils that are well warmed by the sun.

In addition to cooking, basil is used in natural home cosmetics. The plant not only readily grows in gardens and greenhouses, it is also possible to grow basil at home - in a box on the balcony, in pots, on a sunny windowsill.

Growing basil in your summer cottage will not cause much trouble. The main thing is to choose the right soil, grow seedlings, and provide the plant with proper care. You should not plant seedlings in open ground if the frost has passed. It is better to wait a little while planting, but overgrowing seedlings is also unacceptable.

How to grow basil on a windowsill?

It is better to prepare the soil in the summer by disinfecting it thoroughly (roasting it in the oven for 40-60 minutes). In addition, you can purchase soil at a specialty store.

To speed up the germination of seeds, they should be placed in a damp cloth for a couple of days. Dry or soaked seeds are planted in soil located in a suitable container, for example, in a cardboard or wooden box. The soil should be at room temperature. When seedlings appear, it is necessary to provide the greenery with maximum illumination. Basil should be watered as needed, but not too much. There is no need to thin out the greens.

The main conditions for successfully growing basil are plenty of sunlight, warmth, regular watering and excellent soil permeability. Basil growing in a container needs fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer perfectly stimulates the growth of green mass. In winter, basil needs additional lighting. High-quality spice can only be obtained with sufficient lighting.

Growing basil in a greenhouse

The plant must have at least 16 hours of daylight.

So, by spending very little time and space growing basil on the windowsill, you can pamper your loved ones with healthy spicy herbs even in winter.

How to grow basil in a greenhouse?

The spicy crop is most often planted in open ground in May-June, when the soil is already well warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. The plants should be located at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Caring for the crop consists of loosening and weeding. Basil stems 10-15 cm long are cut before flowering and tied in bunches, dried if necessary. During the growing season, plants are cut 2-3 times.

Growing Basil

Basil is a healthy plant and an essential spice. This spicy crop is used in different countries, so it is useful for everyone to know how to grow basil at home.

Basil in a greenhouse: how to sow seedlings and properly care for them

This plant has a strong and pleasant fragrant odor. Basil leaves are rich in essential oils. Basil is a valuable source of rutin and carotene. To use this useful plant all year round, it is recommended to grow it at home.

Features of culture

Common basil is an annual plant with a highly branched tetrahedral stem 30-50 cm high. Basil leaves are petiolate, elongated oval in shape with a jagged edge, varied in color: green, purple and green-violet. The flowers are white, pink or purple, the fruits are small black or dull brown. Basil is heat-loving, the slightest frost is destructive for it. The plant thrives in fertile, light soils that are well warmed by the sun.

In addition to cooking, basil is used in natural home cosmetics. The plant not only readily grows in gardens and greenhouses, it is also possible to grow basil at home - in a box on the balcony, in pots, on a sunny windowsill.

Growing basil in your summer cottage will not cause much trouble. The main thing is to choose the right soil, grow seedlings, and provide the plant with proper care. You should not plant seedlings in open ground if the frost has passed. It is better to wait a little while planting, but overgrowing seedlings is also unacceptable.

How to grow basil on a windowsill?

It is better to prepare the soil in the summer by disinfecting it thoroughly (roasting it in the oven for 40-60 minutes). In addition, you can purchase soil at a specialty store.

To speed up the germination of seeds, they should be placed in a damp cloth for a couple of days. Dry or soaked seeds are planted in soil located in a suitable container, for example, in a cardboard or wooden box. The soil should be at room temperature. When seedlings appear, it is necessary to provide the greenery with maximum illumination. Basil should be watered as needed, but not too much. There is no need to thin out the greens.

The main conditions for successfully growing basil are plenty of sunlight, warmth, regular watering and excellent soil permeability. Basil growing in a container needs fertilizer. Nitrogen fertilizer perfectly stimulates the growth of green mass. In winter, basil needs additional lighting. High-quality spice can only be obtained with sufficient lighting. The plant must have at least 16 hours of daylight.

So, by spending very little time and space growing basil on the windowsill, you can pamper your loved ones with healthy spicy herbs even in winter.

How to grow basil in a greenhouse?

At the first stage, basil seedlings are grown. The seeds are sown in the greenhouse, and the seedlings are thinned out if necessary. In a greenhouse, basil requires moderate watering. Greenhouses should be regularly ventilated, otherwise, with increased soil moisture and high temperatures, the seedlings will dry out. Growing basil in a greenhouse is quite a responsible process.

The spicy crop is most often planted in open ground in May-June, when the soil is already well warmed up and the threat of frost has passed. The plants should be located at a distance of 25-30 cm from each other. Caring for the crop consists of loosening and weeding. Basil stems 10-15 cm long are cut before flowering and tied in bunches, dried if necessary. During the growing season, plants are cut 2-3 times.

Basil growing and care in a greenhouse The magic of plants

For normal growth, seedlings need enough sunlight, timely watering and breathable soil. It is important that water does not stagnate in the soil, so when growing basil it is necessary to create a drainage system.

At the end of March, basil seeds are sown in the greenhouse in the ground or in seedling boxes. If containers are used, their height should be approximately 10 cm. A layer of pebbles or broken bricks must be poured onto the bottom (it serves as drainage).

Growing Basil

If sowing is carried out in the soil of a heated greenhouse, coarse sand is added to the soil.

Before sowing, basil seeds must be prepared. The seed shell of this plant, like most other herbs, is covered with a layer of essential oil, which makes germination difficult. You can simply remove the oil by soaking the basil seeds under running water for 2-3 hours. For ease of sowing, the seeds need to be slightly dried to a crumbly state.

In prepared boxes filled with soil, grooves are made up to 1 cm deep. A gap of 4 cm is left between the rows. Basil is sown in each groove, trying to place the seeds sparingly, about 1.5-2 cm from each other. The grooves with seeds are covered with soil, moistened with water from a spray bottle, and then the seedling boxes are covered with a piece of glass. The soil should be warm, about +24°C, then the first basil shoots will appear in 5 days.

When growing basil seedlings in a greenhouse, it is important to moderately water the seedlings and regularly ventilate the structure. If there is high humidity, high temperature and poor ventilation in the greenhouse, the basil seedlings will simply dry out. Ventilation is carried out daily for 10 minutes, removing condensation that forms on the glass or film. When most of the basil seeds have sprouted, the glass or other covering is removed.

Basil seedlings need to be watered for the first month, after which the amount of watering is reduced. Excess moisture leads to the development of a disease such as blackleg. This disease can destroy all basil seedlings.

If the soil in which the basil is sown is not fertile enough, the plants in the first leaf phase can be fed with mineral fertilizer. Dissolve 3 grams of ammonium nitrate or nitrogen fertilizer in a liter of water. This volume of nutrient solution is enough to feed 3 square meters. m. basil planting.

In the phase of one fully formed leaf, basil seedlings are planted, leaving a minimum distance of 5 cm between plants. When the fifth leaf is formed on the seedlings, it is necessary to pinch the top, which will prevent the bush from stretching and stimulate the active growth of lateral shoots.

Basil seedlings are transplanted into open ground in May, and the seedlings must have at least 5 leaves. Before planting, about a week before planting, the seedlings begin to harden, for which they are taken out of the greenhouse into the open air, gradually increasing the residence time.

Diseases of basil when grown in a greenhouse

If the soil is dense, it needs to be loosened after each watering to avoid stagnation of water. When there is excess moisture in the soil, basil is affected by rot. This disease can also appear if cool, damp weather sets in. If foci of disease are detected, damaged leaves are removed from the plant, after which they are treated with a fungicide, for example, foundationazole. 1-2 such treatments will stop the spread of the disease. In case of severe damage, the entire plant is dug up and destroyed.

Of the pests, basil suffers most from slugs and snails, which are attracted by the spicy smell of the plant. A good barrier for pests on the way to planting basil will be scattered ash, tobacco dust or mulching the soil with sawdust.

  • Basil grown in the country (video)

    Find out how to cheaply and quickly make a roof for a country house

    Growing basil from seedlings is a fairly popular way to quickly and efficiently grow a crop and get a harvest. Sowing of seedlings occurs at the end of March or at the very beginning of April, sowing depth is up to 1 cm. In order for the seedlings to germinate quickly, within about 10 days, temperature adjustment is required, which must be kept at +25+27°C throughout this period. Next, they are planted into small pots. The pots with young seedlings are kept in a greenhouse, where they are fertilized and hardened. It will be necessary to apply mineral fertilizers in the first leaf phase (if, of course, the seedlings do not develop well). It’s easy to prepare them - dilute 3 g of potassium, 2 g of nitrogen and 5 g of phosphorus fertilizers per liter of clean water, and water them. Already before planting in open ground, about a week in advance, it is necessary to harden the plants - limit watering, arrange ventilation in the greenhouse with a decrease in temperature. Around the beginning of June, when the danger of night frosts has completely passed, basil is planted in open ground. Arrangement on the garden bed in rows, 30 cm apart, and a distance between plants of 25 cm. Planting takes place in small holes, 7-8 cm deep, into which about a liter of water is poured before placing the young plant. Basil is planted in pots, but only so that the central bud and young leaves remain on the surface. While the plant is taking root, the basil is watered constantly, after this period - watering only as needed. How to grow basil from seedlings: detailed instructions starting from planting seeds, and ending with transferring the basil to open ground

    This process is called differently by everyone, for example, growing basil on a windowsill or growing basil in a pot, but the essence remains the same. You will need to grow the crop from seeds in a pot, or replant an already mature basil with cuttings. As in open ground, you will need a fertile bud and warm, windless conditions. Basil is planted several plants in one pot, the pots are placed in sunny, well-warmed places, watering occurs as the soil dries, approximately once every 5-6 days. Also, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will be necessary, according to the scheme described earlier. Fertilizing basil at home is carried out approximately once a month. Growing basil from seeds at home is a little slower than growing basil in a greenhouse and open ground, but you can always achieve excellent results by providing the crop with the necessary conditions. Growing basil at home: the right soil , fertilizer, watering and sunny place

    Growing basil: agricultural technology and features Growing basil in the country will require increased attention from the owner of the plot, if, of course, he is interested in a rich and stable harvest, and not in limp greens that can grow without special care.

  • Basil grown in the country (video)
  • Indeed, every garden crop requires attention, and especially basil, which, although it can easily cope with many pests and diseases, is very demanding of soil and heat. How can we grow basil without a huge loss of time and effort, and get a decent harvest that will delight our table with spicy seasoning by the end of the season? Secrets of growing basil now.

    Agricultural technology for growing basil requires fertile and well-maintained soil, which means that we will have to work hard to create the best option for growing the crop. Basil is best planted in well-warmed areas that are protected from wind and drafts. The plant prefers light sandstones, well seasoned with organic matter. Legumes, potatoes, tomatoes and cucumbers are considered the best predecessors of plants in the garden, since organic fertilizers are consistently applied to them. Preparing the soil for growing basil in open ground begins in the autumn, when the bed is well dug up and fertilized. The digging depth is about 20-25 cm, about the size of a shovel, soil fertilizers (per 1 m2) are 3-5 kg ​​of humus or compost, 22-25 g of superphosphate and about 15 g of potassium salt. If growing basil is planned on heavy soils, clay and loam soils, then in the fall it is necessary to form regular ridges, which in the spring should be well hoeed (depth up to 15 cm). Soil for growing basil: preparation and fertilization

    Growing basil from seedlings is a fairly popular way to quickly and efficiently grow a crop and get a harvest. Sowing of seedlings occurs at the end of March or at the very beginning of April, sowing depth is up to 1 cm.

    In order for the seedlings to germinate quickly, within about 10 days, temperature adjustment is required, which must be kept at +25+27°C throughout this period. Next, they are planted into small pots. The pots with young seedlings are kept in a greenhouse, where they are fertilized and hardened.

    It will be necessary to apply mineral fertilizers in the first leaf phase (if, of course, the seedlings do not develop well). It’s easy to prepare them - dilute 3 g of potassium, 2 g of nitrogen and 5 g of phosphorus fertilizers per liter of clean water, and water them.

    Already before planting in open ground, about a week in advance, it is necessary to harden the plants - limit watering, arrange ventilation in the greenhouse with a decrease in temperature. Around the beginning of June, when the danger of night frosts has completely passed, basil is planted in open ground. Arrangement on the garden bed in rows, 30 cm apart, and a distance between plants of 25 cm. Planting takes place in small holes, 7-8 cm deep, into which about a liter of water is poured before placing the young plant. Basil is planted in pots, but only so that the central bud and young leaves remain on the surface. While the plant is taking root, the basil is watered constantly, after this period - watering only as needed. How to grow basil from seedlings: detailed instructions starting from planting seeds, and ending with transferring the basil to open ground

    In fact, growing and caring for basil is not particularly difficult; you just need to study the technology of growing basil and adhere to a certain scheme. Basil should be dug up for planting density, tearing off the top shoots, remove flowering from young plants, weed the weeds in the garden bed in a timely manner, and water the basil and loosen the soil. Also, you should not allow the basil planting to become too dense and the soil to be too moist, otherwise the basil will suffer from gray mold.

    When the basil reaches 10-12 cm, it can be removed little by little. The leaves are tied into bunches and dried, then finely ground and used as a seasoning for a variety of dishes.

    This process is called differently by everyone, for example, growing basil on a windowsill or growing basil in a pot, but the essence remains the same. You will need to grow the crop from seeds in a pot, or replant an already mature basil with cuttings.

    As in open ground, you will need a fertile bud and warm, windless conditions. Basil is planted several plants in one pot, the pots are placed in sunny, well-warmed places, watering occurs as the soil dries, approximately once every 5-6 days. Also, fertilizing with mineral fertilizers will be necessary, according to the scheme described earlier. Fertilizing basil at home is carried out approximately once a month. Growing basil from seeds at home is a little slower than growing basil in a greenhouse and open ground, but you can always achieve excellent results by providing the crop with the necessary conditions. Growing basil at home: the right soil , fertilizer, watering and sunny place

    Now that growing basil at home or in the open ground has become clear to you, you can choose the most suitable variety.

    A plant with leaves of a deep bluish color and a persistent aroma of tea and allspice.

    A crop with light green leaves, the aroma of which resembles a mixture of cloves and bay leaves.

    A plant with purple-brown leaves, which, when harvested, can add a clove and mint aroma to any dish.

    In addition, it is always possible to grow purple basil or grow lemon basil, which do well in pots on a windowsill or in open ground if you initially grow basil through seedlings in a greenhouse. We recommend reading the article about anise.

    Today, basil is the most favorite among herbs, which is very common in the Caucasus. If you are interested in the question of how to grow basil in the country, then you are well aware of this aromatic crop. In nature, there are many different types of this herb, which differ only in shape, size and color.

    These can be large or small leaves, round or pointed, green or purple. The qualities of basil are used as a spice and medicine, it can be used as a herb, a dry seasoning and for infusions.

    This spice is grown in several ways - by seedlings and sowing seeds in the ground. In cooler areas, where summers are not so hot, it is better to use grown seedlings. Basil responds very well to fertile soils that are well heated by the sun. You can grow the plant in pots or in a greenhouse.

    In order to grow basil seedlings, you need to fill the pots or boxes with fertile soil and sow the seeds to a depth of no more than half a centimeter, sprinkling the same nutrient mixture on top through a sieve. After this, the containers are covered with film or glass and placed in sunny and warm place indoors. From time to time, the covering should be opened and the soil ventilated.

    At a favorable temperature, seedlings will appear within a week, after which it is advisable to lower the temperature, but leave enough sun for the seedlings so that the stems do not stretch too much. When 2-3 true leaves appear, the seedlings need to be planted so that they have more space. You can grow some plants from cuttings.

    When the plant has already developed up to 6 leaves, you can cut off the tops and place it in a container with water; quite quickly the stems acquire a good root system, after which it is planted in pots, a greenhouse or open ground under a film. Growing basil in open ground. When The ground outside has already warmed up enough, you can plant seedlings. Basil prefers slightly acidic soils fertilized with compost.

    Before planting, you need to prepare trenches up to 10 cm deep and water them with water at room temperature. After planting the seedlings, it is advisable to cover the soil on the surface with mulch. When the plants become stronger, they no longer need special care.

    It is enough to regularly remove weeds and water the soil. When you start cutting the first greens, the plant will need to be nourished with an infusion of mullein or nettle.

    Basil foliage can be cut throughout the summer, the main thing is that the plant is spacious and has enough air. When planting basil seeds, they need to be kept in rain or settled water for several hours. Plant the seeds in the beds to a depth of 1 cm.

    The seeds are sprinkled with soil, watered with warm water and the beds are covered with film or glass. After the first shoots appear, the plants will need to be ventilated for 10 minutes a day and watered as the soil dries. When the first true leaves appear, the glass is removed and the seedlings are planted.

    At the same time, maintain a distance of at least 5 cm between basil seedlings. After some time, the plant will get stronger and grow.

    It will be necessary to pinch the tops so that it produces good lateral shoots. Video about Basil - the king of herbs. Now you already know how to grow basil in the country using seedlings prepared in advance or planting seeds directly into the ground. If you properly care for the plant, then you can enjoy aromatic salads and other dishes almost all year round, just as basil retains its qualities even in dried form.

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    Conditions for growing basil at home in the garden and in the greenhouse, photo description. Clove aroma, caramel, growing in the country. Garden basil is a herb. In basil, everything you see has a completely delicious, pleasant, spicy smell.

    The value of the leaves lies in the full range of useful vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, as well as a small composition of essential oils. Basil is often planted in strategic places to repel various annoying insects, for example, flies or mosquitoes. And what is also important is that the insecticidal properties of this plant are used to protect other useful plants from pests such as aphids or spider mites.

    To do this, simply plant the basil in a convenient pot and place it near the affected plant. People from different countries have known for a very long time about the beneficial and tasty properties of basil leaves. As a medicinal plant, it is immediately used to stop headaches or as a gargle for a sore throat. Basil belongs to a number of annual, spicy, garden plants.

    The maximum height of basil is 80 centimeters. Always with a huge number of leaves, which densely covers the plant. You can see basil blooming from mid-July to early September.

    Ripe seeds look small and can be stored for up to 5 years.

    To grow basil you need to choose only the most fertile soil, otherwise the plant will develop poorly or will not grow at all. Cold weather negatively affects the plant. Low temperatures can completely kill him.

    The best place will always be a well-lit area. Basil seeds for seedlings are usually sown only in early April, no later. For seedlings, a small box or pot with well-watered soil mixture is suitable.

    The seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm, sometimes half a centimeter, and the distance between the rows is kept about 5 cm. Next, we place the box in a warm, well-lit place in which the air temperature is at least 20 degrees.

    At this temperature, you will observe germination in 5 days. The next step is to start planting basil seedlings in pots and then to a permanent place in the garden. We are used to soaking the seeds before planting them.

    With these seeds you don’t have to carry out this procedure, but you should always keep the soil in the box moist and not allow it to dry out. Under no circumstances should you use cold water for watering, only warm water!

    Cold water contributes to the appearance of the disease - black leg. If you have not spared cold water and the total amount of water in general, the blackleg will need additional measures taken.

    To combat blackleg, water the entire soil in the box with a solution of copper sulfate (mix half a teaspoon of sulfate per liter of water). The permanent place of basil in the garden must be chosen correctly, taking into account the fact that basil cannot grow in the same place every time once. The best option is to return the plant to its old place only for the 10th year of cultivation. We begin planting plants in open ground at the end of May.

    At the same time, we try to choose a cloudy day for planting or when the sun is not very hot. After this, water all the plants thoroughly.

    All care for basil throughout the season will consist only of clearing the soil around from weeds, as well as occasionally loosening the soil. And of course - water about 10 times during the growing season.

    You must understand that frequent watering has a beneficial effect on the appearance of new leaves. The first month of the plant goes very poorly, as it slowly develops and gains strength.

    The best option for the first month of growing is if you cover all the plants with film to maintain a warm temperature and retain moisture. You need to cut the greens before flowering begins, and cut off leaves and branches up to 10 cm. We proceed to complete pruning only during the flowering period , at this time the greens acquire maximum taste and smell. Both fresh and dried leaves and basil branches are used in cooking. It adds a unique flavor to whatever you throw it on.

    Native to the tropical regions of Asia, basil has made its way around the world to become a favorite in many national dishes. In the Mediterranean it grows wild and forms the basis of pasta sauces and salads. Indian and Thai recipes use it to create an unrivaled depth of flavor. Meanwhile, British gardeners have learned that basil is one of the most suitable herbs, growing quickly and producing masses of fragrant leaves. Anyone can grow basil, even without a garden. All that is required is a warm, sheltered place and enough sun. Growing basil seedlings in a greenhouse is a perfect example of this.

    Today, basil is used in all cuisines of the world. During the Middle Ages, this plant was considered a royal spice. Basil became widespread in Europe, where it was used as a culinary additive to various dishes. Initially, in the CIS countries, basil was used only for medicinal and cosmetic purposes. Basil was used to make face masks and used it as a remedy for headaches and low blood pressure. And only almost a century later in our areas they began to use it in cooking.

    Basil leaves contain a huge amount of essential oil, which is used in perfumery and aromatherapy.

    In total, there are 69 types of basil in the world, which are widely used in various fields.

    Basil was originally used in Iran, India and other tropical regions of Asia, where it has been cultivated for over 5,000 years. There are many folklore traditions that are associated with this plant.

    For example, if you want to grow fragrant, strong basil, then you must shout and curse when sowing its seeds. In Haiti, merchants sprinkled basil around their shops to ward off evil. Europeans claimed that basil would wither if someone with an unclean heart touched it.

    Benefit for health

    In various cultures, basil is used to help the body be resistant to stress and also to strengthen the immune system. Infusions are used to relieve pain during childbirth, stomach upsets, bad breath, joint pain, and fatigue. You can also rinse your hair; this is an excellent tonic for the scalp.

    If you have a cold or flu, try drinking strong tea with basil and lemon juice, adding a little honey, a pinch of cinnamon and cloves. Fresh basil, which contains large amounts of vitamins A and C, can be considered an assistant in the fight against cancer.

    Advice. If you have a headache, take some basil and rub it into your temples.

    Use in cooking

    This widely used herb enhances the flavor of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants. Pairs perfectly with spaghetti, pizza, fish or meat dishes. Try adding it to stir-fries or vegetable dishes. Tomatoes, garlic, olive oil, oregano, pasta, onions, chicken, eggs, pizza, green leaf salads, bell peppers, zucchini, apricots, berries, figs, peaches, and plums will perfectly complement basil.

    Culinary advice. Add basil at the end of cooking to enhance the flavor of the dish.

    Fresh basil leaves are delicious in salads. Lemon-aromatic varieties will be indispensable in fresh fruit salads and compotes. Basil is also a main ingredient in Thai and Vietnamese cuisine, adding real flavor to these dishes.

    Important! Fresh basil should not be refrigerated, as this may cause the leaves to develop brown spots.

    The soil for basil should be light but full of nutrients. This can be achieved quite easily by adding compost a few months before planting. For clay soils, gravel may need to be added to improve drainage. Basil will also be grateful to you for perlite, vermiculite, mineral wool, and coco peat. It can grow in a very wide pH range from 5.1 (strongly acidic) to 8.5 (alkaline), with a preferred range of 5.5 (strongly acidic) to 6.5 (slightly acidic). There should be enough sun to produce a bountiful harvest of leaves during the summer months. If your region has late summer and early fall, your basil will need an additional greenhouse to create a mild microclimate. Plant seeds outdoors when frost ends and the ground has warmed.

    Basil also needs a lot of water. If the leaves have wilted from lack of water, they will usually recover if they are thoroughly watered and placed in the sun. Mulch plants to retain moisture.

    Basil usually reaches 30-60 cm in height, and plants should be located 22-30 cm from each other. This must be taken into account when planning your garden.

    Basil essential oil is toxic to mosquito larvae. Plant it around water sources such as a pond to control mosquito egg laying.

    Growing basil seedlings in a greenhouse

    Basil is native to Asia; the plant has several varieties that have found their use in different countries. This annual plant can grow up to 60 centimeters in height. Depending on the variety, basil comes with different leaf colors (from light green to purple), shape and size. In addition to its culinary purposes, the spicy plant is used in medicine, cosmetology, and in everyday life.

    Interesting to know! Thanks to its specific smell, basil repels insects, so it can serve as an ornamental bush near the resting areas of your site.

    Basil is a heat-loving crop; it needs all the necessary conditions to obtain a good harvest. If you decide to grow basil, you need to take into account the temperature conditions and the timing of planting the seeds. As a rule, seeds are planted 9-12 weeks before the seedlings are planted in open ground. Such timing is due to the fact that it takes almost only two weeks for the first shoots to appear. Then it takes time to germinate to the desired size. Therefore, it is best to plant basil seeds in prepared boxes with soil in late March - early April.

    Preparing the soil for seedlings

    To see the result, the soil for growing basil seedlings must be carefully prepared. Of course, you can buy ready-made soil in specialized stores, but you can also do it at home.

    It is necessary to mix such a soil mixture in the indicated proportions 4:2:1:

    • peat;
    • humus;
    • sand.

    Or combine a mixture of soil, peat and humus in equal proportions.

    To make the soil loose and light, it must be sifted. Then heat in the oven for at least an hour, or steam in a water bath to remove fungi and weeds.

    Before planting seeds, the soil must be fertilized with minerals. To do this, fertilize with superphosphate, potassium chloride, potassium sulfate and urea. Dilute half a teaspoon of each fertilizer component in 5 liters of water.

    Important! Fertilize the soil by spraying; do not water it under any circumstances.

    In order for the seeds to germinate to the maximum, it is necessary to carry out special preparation in several stages. If this is not done, the seeds will sprout partially, which will not make the gardener very happy. You need to prepare the seeds as follows:

    1. Warm up. This process is done for 3 hours in the oven at temperatures up to 40 degrees.
    2. Soak in water. Place the heated seeds on cotton pads, tie with a thread, and cover with warm water (up to 40 degrees) for 2 days. In this case, the water needs to be changed every 12 hours. This process will dissolve the essential oils that basil seeds are rich in.
    3. Dry.

    Additionally, the seeds are disinfected in potassium permanganate for a couple of hours. Gardeners often use growth stimulating agents for seeds.

    Planting seeds in the ground

    Fill the box in which the seedlings will be planted with 5-6 centimeters of earthen mixture and compact it.

    Advice. The soil should be at room temperature before planting.

    Make small holes in which to place the seeds no more than 1 cm deep. Lightly sprinkle with soil. Water from the sprayer very carefully, without washing out the seeds.

    Important! Do not under any circumstances allow the soil to become waterlogged!

    Cover the container with glass or film and place in a lighted and warm place.

    Picking seedlings

    The first sprouts of basil appear 7-10 days after planting the seeds, provided all conditions are met. After the plant has 2-3 leaves, you can pick. To the same mixture as when sowing, add 2 tablespoons of wood ash and one spoon of fertilizer (per 5 liters of soil). Then fill the container with the mixture, make small indentations and place the seedling. Sprinkle with soil and compact gently. The final stage of picking is watering.

    How to plant basil seedlings from a snail into open ground/greenhouse is shown in this video:


    Approximately 2 weeks before planting, it is necessary to change the temperature and place the seedlings on the balcony or in fresh air. Thanks to this, seedlings harden. As soon as the ground warms up to 15 degrees Celsius, the seedlings are planted in open soil; this stage occurs at the end of May - beginning of June.

    Choose a sunny place, protected from the wind. And already in mid-summer, with proper care, you can harvest the first harvest.

    Before the first night frosts appear, you can harvest the crop, after which it is advisable to move it to a warm place. Basil also grows well as a houseplant.

    Fixing problems

    The basil will grow upward quickly and will try to bloom. While this is certainly a beautiful sight, it does mean fewer leaves for you. Leaf growth slows or stops on the stem that flowers, so you should pinch off any flower stems.

    Some stems can be left flowering for decoration or seed. The plant will easily produce seed pods containing small black seeds, which you can save and plant next year.

    When the basil has its first 6 leaves, it is cut back above the second pair to encourage branching. The result is to stimulate more shoots to grow laterally.

    Basil can be susceptible to various fungal diseases. You can avoid these problems by delaying planting outside until the soil has warmed and other plants have emerged.

    Sometimes basil is attacked by aphids, slugs or beetles. Insects can damage leaves. All pests should be controlled by hand picking.

    However, the biggest threat is poor drainage, so to avoid root rot, the plant must be in well-drained soil. Besides, don't let it dry out.

    Further care

    Basil seedlings do not need special care; the only requirement is not to overdry or over-moisten the soil. Fertilize the soil periodically, once every two weeks is enough.

    Important! You need to pinch basil seedlings regularly to prevent them from stretching. Do this procedure for the first time when the first 5-6 leaves appear.

    Advice. It is better to dry the harvested crop, without losing its aromatic properties.

    Basil is tasty and easy to grow, but it will only stay fresh in the garden for a short time and there is usually an oversupply at some point. If you want to avoid your efforts going in vain, here are simple storage methods:

    1. Drying. Avoid tying up basil stems and hanging them to dry, as you might do with other herbs. Instead, pull the leaves off the stems and place them on a baking sheet or paper towel. Stir daily until completely dry. Store in an airtight container.
    2. Freezing. Remove leaves from stems and wash. Then dry them for 30 minutes. Place in a loose layer in a freezer container.
    3. You can puree the basil for sauces and store it that way. Then you also need to wash the leaves, dry them, process them in a blender for a few seconds to roughly chop them. Add enough water and process again. Pour this thick liquid into ice trays and freeze. Once frozen, remove the cubes from the trays and store them in a container for later use.
    4. You can also keep the cut stems fresh for a few days, placing the ends in water just like a cut flower. They will give a fresh aroma to the room. Leaves should be removed as needed.

    Here are some useful tips for growing basil seedlings:

    1. Being a tender herb, basil does not tolerate frost, so seedlings are often started in pots indoors and in greenhouses before being planted outside after the last frost. It is best to place it on a windowsill that faces south, keeping it away from any drafts. In warmer climates, basil can grow in the winter and can become a biennial plant.
    2. Plant basil from early April to late June in 7cm pots with multi-purpose compost. Fill the container to 1cm from the rim and then cool the pots. The compost will sag a little, which is completely normal. Now sow the tiny seeds; about ten seeds per pot is ideal as almost all of them will germinate.
    3. After sowing, use a fine mesh screen to sift a thin layer of compost over the seeds until they are hidden. Cover the tops of the pots with bags or cling film. This creates a warm and humid microclimate for rapid germination.
    4. Basil seeds germinate in soil in about 5-10 days, but can sprout in as little as 2 or 3 days in special propagation media. Once they do this, open the film slightly to let some fresh air in, and after a few days, remove it completely. The plant should grow in well-drained soil enriched with compost, old manure or other organic materials. Make sure the location you choose provides 6-8 hours of sun per day.
    5. Basil planted near tomatoes, peppers, oregano, asparagus and petunias can help these plants repel mosquitoes, thrips and flies, and is said to improve the taste of tomatoes.

    Thus, with a little effort, you can grow this fragrant and healthy plant on your site. By adding it to dishes, you can get amazing flavors.

    Useful video

    How to sow basil in a cassette, what conditions need to be created for the friendly germination of basil seeds, you will learn from this video:

    Recently, growing basil in a greenhouse or hothouse has become very popular. The likely reason for this is the desire to use a natural homemade product. This spice contains many vitamins. Using a greenhouse allows you to grow vegetables not only in summer, but also in cold winter. To get a good harvest, you need to familiarize yourself with all the intricacies of caring for this plant.

    Advantages of using greenhouses:

    • when basil is placed in closed soil, it grows at an accelerated pace because it does not experience temperature changes;
    • if the greenhouse is equipped with heating, then the crop can be harvested all year round;
    • basil gets along without any problems with other herbs or vegetables in the neighborhood;
    • If you sell the spice in winter, when it has the highest price, you can make good money on it.

    Greenhouse and soil requirements

    Before planting, the greenhouse should be properly equipped. In case of early planting of crops, it is better to use glass as a covering for the greenhouse. Its use allows you to protect greens from frost and maintain a stable microclimate in which there will be no temperature changes.

    A cushion of soil will protect the seedlings from freezing. Such care allows you to reduce water consumption for irrigation. The greenhouse will need to be equipped with vents.

    It is better to build a greenhouse on a piece of land that receives good sunlight. The soil should be loose and moderately acidic. You can improve soil properties with the help of fertilizers. The use of peat, soil and sand is considered an inexpensive and practical option. It needs to be used to fill the beds after first removing 20-25 centimeters of soil.

    You can also simply dig up a piece of land to a level of 30 centimeters. Then everything is distributed throughout the site.

    Variety selection

    There are a huge number of varieties of basil on Earth. Each of them has its own characteristics and taste. Inexperienced gardeners are better off choosing popular plant varieties.


    This variety is an annual plant. Yerevan basil has a pleasant taste and also contains a large amount of carotene. The full ripening cycle is 45 days. This herb can be used as a seasoning for various dishes, or added as a herb.


    This variety received its name because of the unusual shape of the leaves, which are concave inward. The leaves of the plant are oblong and light green in color. There are no teeth on them. This spice tastes like a mixture of cloves and bay leaves. Spoon-shaped basil is often used for cooking meat, as well as dishes that contain tomato.


    The Baku variety was originally grown in Azerbaijan. The shape of the leaves is similar to Yerevan, but has a different color. Because of this, people call it “black”. The aroma of the greens is similar to a mixture of mint and cloves. Oriental dishes are usually seasoned with Baku basil.

    Growing from seeds and seedlings

    If this spice is grown using seedlings, then in warm regions planting in containers should be done in early spring. In places with colder climates - a month later.

    It is preferable to plant basil seeds in mid-spring, since the greenhouse must be sufficiently warm. Before planting, the soil must be well moistened, and only then the grain should be placed to a depth of 1 centimeter.

    A distance of 15 centimeters should be maintained between seeds, and the width between rows should be 30 centimeters. An important condition is the temperature, it should be around 20-25 degrees. Further care of the greens is carried out as usual. If necessary, seedlings will need to be thinned.

    If you grow basil from seedlings, you will first need to germinate them. To do this, you need to plant the seeds to a depth of 5 millimeters in special containers. After sowing, they are covered with glass. In order for the seedlings to develop correctly, during the period when the leaves appear, they need to be watered with a solution of phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen fertilizers. After seedlings have germinated, they can be planted in a greenhouse. This should be done according to the 20x35 centimeter pattern.

    Care, watering and fertilizing

    The first few weeks of a plant like basil, brass knuckles slowly grow. The most suitable temperature is considered to be between 22-28 degrees. If the temperature drops to 15 degrees, the growth of basil greens may slow down significantly.

    Temperatures below 3 degrees are considered detrimental to the plant. Also, when planting, you should take into account that basil does not grow well in climates that are too hot. In the summer, the greenhouse must be ventilated.

    1. The plant needs regular watering. It is advisable to do this once a week. If possible, water for irrigation should be infused throughout the day and slightly above room temperature (25 degrees). Drip watering of greenery has long established itself as the most effective method. Organizing automatic watering will facilitate the process of caring for the plant. If desired, the system can be adjusted and set to spray.
    2. When growing basil, it is necessary to feed the plant two weeks after transplanting into greenhouse conditions. Nitrogen fertilizers will help speed up growth. Their preparation will require mixing 10 liters of water and 10 grams of urea. This volume is enough to water 3 square meters of soil. Repeated feeding is also required. It is performed 20 days after the previous one. For repeated feeding, it is recommended to use complex fertilizers. They are diluted at the rate of 25 grams per 10 liters of water. Diluted manure or bird droppings are also considered top dressing. The process of re-feeding the soil is carried out after the next cutting of the shoots.


    As soon as the shoots reach 12 centimeters, they are cut off. This should be done over the 3rd pair of leaves. Their oriented height is 7-8 centimeters from the soil level. The soil between the rows will need to be loosened. Fertilizers are also added to it. After 20 days, the greens will grow to the desired size, after which they will need to be cut again. Each basil bush allows you to harvest up to 4 times.

    You need to harvest before the leaves become rough. To dry greens, they should be picked in warm, dry weather.

    Diseases and pests

    Despite the fact that basil shows resistance to most diseases, improper care of the plant weakens it and makes it vulnerable to pests. The most common mistakes are: watering extremely frequently and in large quantities. Hypothermia of basil also leads to weakening of the plant and even its death.

    Features of growing in winter

    Growing vegetables in winter is possible thanks to greenhouses. This method is considered profitable, but not every beginning gardener has the opportunity to build and equip a full-fledged greenhouse. Much more often, people grow basil in pots and store them in their own home on the windowsill. Caring for basil at home is almost the same as caring for other plants.